Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria

Chapter 81 - The Gang Arrives

The next day, seras wakes up and does her normal routine when a knock is heard.


"May I come in Miss Victoria?" Yue's voice is heard from the other side of the door.

"Of course, Princess." Seras' tone became instantly more formal in her reply.

'Damn my sleepiness, couldn't even hear the other two people with her.'

The door opens and in walks Yue with her two maids. Seras notices that they Are twins and they both give her dangerous looks that were almost instantly hidden.

'Did they think I was going to attack her? That could be fun to play with. However, that shall be put off for later.'

"I've come like you asked, what will you be showing me?"

"Thank you. Unfortunately what I will show you can't be seen by others, so I would like for you to dismiss them."

"....." the other nods to agree.

"It's-" Yue was about to say it's fine but seras interrupts her.

"All times? So she is never alone? Talk about stifling." She smirks.


"Me what? I don't know what warped view you're looking through but humans need to be alone at least sometimes during the day. Especially teenagers and double so for teenagers in powerful positions." Her tone was confident and neither maids could refute her.

"It's ok. I made a promise with her yesterday so I have to keep It. Please leave and don't come in until I tell you to."

"But Princess-!" The first maid who spoke was about to refute the request when the other stopped her.

The silent maid shook her head before dragging her away. Seras and Yue smile to one another as the doors close signifying they were alone.

"They're only doing as my father has asked. Plus it's nice to have people my own age around."

Yue was about to deny it when seras continues.

"Don't answer that. You were probably going to say something like 'it's not true' or 'you're used to it'. Instead lets start my demonstration." Seras jumps up slightly and lands on her feet surprising the girl.

She smirks before extending her hand to the princess. Yue is confused but takes it anyway.

"Now take a deep breath and hold on tight."

"What do you-!?" Yue notices the shadows beneath them begin to wriggle before they fall inside almost instantly.

She goes to scream when the shadows cover her which silenced it. Of course inside Seras' shadow the scream occurred which seras was prepared for. Yue huffs as she looks around and all she sees is blackness.

'Nononono....' she almost has a mental breakdown when a hand touches her shoulder.

"Hiii!!" She screams again when she hears laughter.

"Hahaha, that was a pretty interesting reaction."

"relax. Breathe." Seras grabs her shoulders and calmly says this.

Yue does so after a few seconds and finally seems calm enough.

"This....is how I escaped from the fire nation. I'm able to move as a shadow. Now as you can tell, I can bring others with me."

"Then you're not human?"

"That's right. Although it seems like you're not that surprised."

"Well after a few of my visions, I had a feeling that you weren't. Your eyes send a shiver down my spine just by looking at them. Also your bending was way too powerful for a human to perform."

"Even though you've never seen a firebender before?"

"Even if I hadn't, it was painfully obvious. If we equate the size of the flame to the size of water a water bender is able to control, then its way too massive."

"That's What I like about you Yue, you don't let preconceived notions tie you down. Even though it was only a suspicion, you believed it and still talked to me like normal."

"Enough of the embarrassing comments. Where would you like to go? In this form, nobody will be able to see or hear us but we can see and hear them normally."

"That's the perfect spying ability. Have you ever used it like that?"

"Hmm....not really. I think it's way more fun when I'm surprised."

"...I don't think I can understand that."

"And you shouldn't. So where shall we go, Mademoiselle?" She asks with a French accent but Yue doesn't understand it.

"Let's head to my maids. You were right in that I've never been able to talk to them as anything other than a princess."

"So you wish to know why they really think about you?"


"Then we shall go." The shadows begin to move in a single direction and Yue feels them moving rapidly.

Soon they stop and a small hole opens up revealing the two maids standing by the doors. The loud one has an annoyed look while the other has an indifferent one.

"Why did the princess dismiss us over that bitch!?" The loud one yells quietly.


"I mean, we've been together for years and yet she prefers her over us!"


"Well? Say something Kasa!"

"...I can understand."


"Although we hate it, the woman is right. Princess Yue is a young teenager who shoulders the future of the tribe. She doesn't have any friends and bȧrėly leaves the palace to interact with the people. So, when a stranger comes along who seems to want to be her friend, I can understand the appeal."

"I've never heard you speak so much. Frankly, it feels unsettling."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Hasa, but you

wanted an answer."

"I know. I just wish we could help her more." She says this with a whisper but her sister could hear her.

"...me too."

Yue heard the whole thing and had some tears in her eyes from happiness. Seras gets her attention and asks where else she would like to go.

The two girls travel the tribe for an hour visiting different areas and seras stole a couple kabob looking things and they ate them together. After that, they both went back to the room and phases out of the floor.

"Whoa. It feels weird to walk normally now." Yue comments as she almost tripped over her own feet.

"You get used to it. Did you have fun?"

"I did. I never got to see the tribe like that. It was nice."

"Good. Then we should do it while I'm here."


"Yep. Just keep it a secret." She puts a finger over her mouth as she smiles.

"I will. Thank you for showing me this. Also for trusting me with this knowledge as well."

"You're trustworthy. I just want you to take a one thing from this." Seras got serious which made Yue serious too.

"And that is?"

"That anything can happen and you shouldn't give up on something just because it may seem hopeless."

"....I'll think about it."

"That's all I want. If you ever face an obstacle, just come to me and I'll help. See you tomorrow."

"Thank you and goodbye Seras." Yue bows politely before leaving the room.

Soon after, Karlok and a new guard come by and they bring her to the Healing Arts tent. After the class, seras went back to the lake and trained her water bending before returning to the palace.

When she arrived, seras sat on the couch and was thinking of the plot during the first season and what she could change at the end.

'Hmm, should I help Yue out? If I do, Sokka's future would be uncertain. Then again, he never married in the Korra books.' She ruminates for a few minutes when she decides on an action.

She phases away and reappears in the secret area with the moon and ocean spirits. She walks to the pond and looks down at the fish with a small smirk.

"Let me think....should I make you guys into my dinner? if I do that, I would need a fire." At the last word a small flame dances on her palm.

As soon as the fire appears both fish stop swimming and stare at her. This is exactly what she wanted so she stops fire bending.

"Shall we make a deal?"

When seras asked this, both fish begin to glow and two Transparent humanoid figures appear in the pond. They both look like twin old men wearing opposite color robes. Obviously the Ocean Spirit is wearing black and the Moon Spirit is wearing white.

"What would a being from another world want from us?" They both ask simultaneously.

"It's not what you have, it's what I can give."

"We require nothing from you."

"Oh? Not even protection?" This makes them flinch.


"It was a good idea. Using the girl as a back up for when you die. However, I don't like it when a Human's entire existence is decided for them. Especially when they're being used as a tool." Her eyes glow brighter in her anger.

"What do you want?" This time the Ocean spirit spoke by itself.

"Two things. First, when the fire nation leaves, I want you to take away the life force you've given to Princess Yue. Second, I want some of your blood."


"As you both know I'm not human. I'm a vampire and I drink blood for sustenance. I believe the blood from spirits, especially ones as ancient as you, will be delicious."

After Seras said this, the two look at each other and she can see that they're communicating. A few minutes pass when they both look back at her.

"We will agree to the second condition, however I cannot take away the life force I've given to the girl. If I do so she will die." The Moon Spirit spoke by itself.

"You don't have to worry about that. I can heal her when you do so. Also to clarify I will require at least 2 of these bottles to be filled with each of your blood, for a grand total of 4." Seras brought out a very beautiful glass container.

"...one bottle."

"No. I will require two. However I will give you something else in return."

"What will that be?"

"I won't tell them that you used the princess as a back up moon spirit. Can you imagine their reaction if the spirits they're guarding were such....fickle creatures?" She grins wider at them.

"So what? The water tribe has been guarding us for centuries. They will not blame us for using a single girl."

"Hehehe. You really don't know anything about humans, do you?"


"A parent will do anything for their child."

"You mean the same parents that will force her to marry that buffoon?"

"I'm surprised you knew about that." She raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"We're connected. I've felt her pain and loneliness for these past years."

"I see. If you do know anything then you'll know that this would be a tipping point. The chief will believe me, especially when I save his daughter without any condition."

"Very well. If you protect us and limit the amount of damage done to the tribe, then we shall take back the life force given to the one known as Yue and give you two full bottles of blood, each. In addition you will not tell anyone our plans for the girl. Are you satisfied?"

"Very. However I wish to say the part about limiting the damage done is too vague. You could say that if anything did happen I failed, so let's say that there will be no more than 100 deaths and none of the invasion force will not enter the palace."

"Done." Both spirits nod before returning to their fish forms.

Seras left them to their constant swimming as she returned to her bedroom. She is glad that she could do something for Yue as she didn't deserve such an end in the show.

Seras woke up the next day and left with Yue to observe other areas of the city. During this outing, a person walked to her room which was being guarded by Yue's two maids.

"Hello ladies." Hahn whips his hair to the side before grinning at them.

The louder twin giggles before replying in a fond way as the colder one merely nodded.

"I was looking for Princess Yue to speak with her about our engagement."

"Unfortunately the princess is inside the room and doesn't want to be disturbed. Please come back later."

"I'm Sure the princess wouldn't mind if we interrupted for her Fiancé." Hasa goes to knock on the door when her twin stops her.

"We were given a direct order by the princess to not disturb her for any reason. Even if the Chief were to come, we should not let him in."

"If others heard that, they would think you're being Treasonous." Hahn speaks up with a frown.

"My sister and I will never betray the tribe." Hasa spoke with a cold tone much to his surprise.

"I know that. I just haven't seen her for a few days and merely wanted catch up with her."

"You can do so later. However, right now she is busy."

"Very well. I will see you later then, ladies." Hahn gives another grin before walking away.

As he was walking his face morphed into one of extreme malice as a plan forms in his mind. He heads to the training area to find his father, the General.

Seras spent the next few days in a routine of waking up, meeting with Yue, going to the Healing Tent, and finally training alone by the lake before heading back to sleep.

On the fifth day of her arrival seras woke up and grinned before phasing to the floor. Ever since she learned how to do this, seras hasn't really moved like a normal human when she's alone. She doesn't even have normal clothes anymore as she can just change with her shadows.

'If I'm right with the timeline, Aang, Sokka, And Katara should be here today. Can't wait to see them again.'

As seras thought this, outside of the Northern Water Tribe wall, a large bison was swimming toward it surrounded by multiple water tribe vessels. they all stop at the entrance to the tribe when it begins opening.

On its saddle sit three figures who were speaking to each other in excitement.

"It's beautiful." Katara says so with shining eyes.

"Are all those water benders?" Sokka asks.

"We're finally here." The final member, Aang says with determination.

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