Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 82 - Reuniting with the Gang
After seras woke up, she got ready and phased to the top of the palace. She looks toward the wall in order to see if they've arrived like she thought.
As soon as she got up there, she saw the wall opened and Appa swimming out of it with a few boats surrounding him. She smiled, as for the first time in a while, she was actually feeling happy.
Seras was about to phase back to her room when she saw someone in the corner of her sight, lurking behind a wall.
'Is that Hahn?'
After confirming the lurkers identity, seras was intrigued. So, she phases by the wall Hahn is hiding behind to find out what he is doing.
"That bitch...hehe....She will regret hurting my reputation..hehe.." he mumbles to himself.
This was enough for seras to actually stay behind and watch. A few seconds later, two men come out of the building with tired looks and Hahn darts in very quickly. She phases out of the wall and hangs by the window to listen in.
Soon she hears loud crashes and stuff being broken. About ten minutes later, Hahn comes out looking ragged but his smile is even wider like his plan succeeded. He hurried to leave so his absence isn't suspicious.
Seras' curiosity got the better of her so she phases inside and finally figures out what happened. The building is an armory of sorts with armor and weapons. At least it used to be.
Hahn destroyed almost every single piece of weaponry and armor inside and scratched out 'For The Glory of the Fire Nation!!' On it's biggest wall.
"He really just reduced the chances of his tribe winning, for this? Definitely one of the worst kind of people I've had the pŀėȧsurė of meeting." She speaks to herself as she phases away.
'This means I have to change up my plans.' she left.
Seras got back to her room and about ten minutes later she hears a knock at the door. When she was about to let them in, the door was kicked in as many soldiers arrive with a very angry Kahn. She allows them to handcuff her.
"You really thought we were stupid enough to not figure out your plan?" Kahn's tone was accusatory.
"Don't even bother, Father. She wouldn't admit to it even with proof." Hahn walks in with a smug grin.
"You're right son. But how many times must I tell you to call me General when we're not at home?"
"I'm sorry, Sir."
"It's fine. We have a meeting with the chief anyway."
"Apparently the avatar is here."
"The Avatar? Are you sure he's the real one? Didn't he die over a hundred years ago?"
"Doesn't seem to be dead. As for the veracity of his claim, he air bended right in front of the soldiers who escorted him."
"I see. Are you sure we should bring this up to the Chief now?"
"Of course. Capturing a Fire Nation spy would fix your reputation."
"It's nice that you're having this father and son talk, but I would like for this to go faster." Seras spoke up for the first time making everyone turn to her.
'She doesn't seem worried? Am I missing something?' Kahn asks himself.
"Shut up!" Hahn smacks her face.
"...hehehe, oh...you're going to regret that later." She licks the blood that flows down her chin.
After Hahn says this, two soldiers grab seras by her shoulders and force her to walk in front of them.
As seras was being escorted to the Throne Room, in another part of the world, Zhao was inside a large tent looking at a world map. His face was in a constant smirk since his promotion to Admiral.
The tent had multiple other high ranking military men all talking at once about their own ideas.
"The Northern Water Tribe." Zhao's voice stops their constant bickering as all eyes turn toward him.
"The avatar is heading north to find a water bending master."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get him!" A man yells.
"Calm down, Captain. This isn't some small earth kingdom village we can just waltz in. The North is an Icy fortress that has withstood many attacks."
"Those attacks happened more than 80 years ago. We have improved both technologically and Militarily."
"You're right about that, however it is still a natural fortress where even the very ground they walk on could be weapons used against us. It doesn't help that our fire bending is also hampered in the cold." Zhao replies calmly but his points make them silent.
"I didn't say that. I'm merely saying we need to do this with caution. Storming in without any plan is foolhardy at best and treasonous at worst."
"Then what are you suggesting, Admiral?"
"Before I get to that, we need to go over the stages to succeed in this invasion."
"Goals? Isn't it to defeat every northern water bender?"
"No. That's the result we want. The stages are threefold." Zhao walks back to the front of the room before turning to them.
"First, we need to penetrate the outer wall of the city. This will be a a battle of attrition because even if we damage it, their water benders will be able to mend it. Thankfully it will only be a patch fix, so our work won't be wasted."
"Second, after the wall is gone, we will send in our soldiers with the tanks. From past invasions, we know that the area right behind the wall is flat so there will not be any obstacles. When we land, that is when we will begin the true attack."
After he says this, a man who is standing in the back puts his hand up.
"Yes, Captain...?" He trails off because he doesn't know the man's name because he was only promoted a day ago.
"That's a good point captain. To answer your worries is simple. The last invasion we sent was only comprised of 10 ships. However we now have over a hundred. With that much fire power, even Ba Sing Se would fall."
"I see." Captain Li sits down.
If seras were here, she would recognize the man as the same person she let go when she arrived at the port city.
"The third and final phase is the round up. After sending in our troops we will divide into multiple groups and attack the warriors and citizens still fighting. If everything goes well we should be done within a couple days. Any questions?"
When nobody says anything, Zhao dismisses them and turns back to look at the map. He hears the flapping of the tent and smiles once again when someone speaks up.
"Admiral Zhao."
"I have a message from the Princess."
Zhao was surprised and turns around to find the same Captain Li handing him a piece of paper.
- To Admiral Zhao. In regards to the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe, my father and I have discovered that the woman who escaped from the palace headed north on a stolen vessel and we believe she has knowledge of our invasion. My father has given you permission to use any resources available to make this invasion a success. Remember that both your promotion and life in the Fire Nation is dependent on the success of this mission. But, I suppose for the person who supposedly captured her before, it will only be a minor issue. Remember, failure is not an option. -
After reading that his smirk faltered a little before he burned the letter. The elation he felt for the past couple days when he arrived at the port where the invasion is being put together, has been shattered. Now all he feels is anger and annoyance.
Zhao has always been an ambitious man, willing to do anything to get ahead. However it was the result of filling his own ego, not for the country or lord he is supposed to serve.
'That damn girl thinks She is so superior.' He puts away those thoughts as he turns back to the person in front of him.
"Captain Li, Correct?"
"Yes!" He does a salute.
"Do you have anything else to report from her highness?"
"No. However I would like to request that you take caution when confronting the woman."
"Caution?" Zhao asks back with a scoff which makes the Captain pause for a split second.
'No....this isn't the statement of someone who has fought against her. And if everything's heard from the Princess is true, then she is far more dangerous than the avatar will ever be.' Li thinks to himself as he remembers the day he was supposed to be demoted, if not imprisoned.
Li was reprimanded by his superiors after his failure to capture Seras. Thankfully, since he was the first to find her, he wasn't imprisoned. The situation, however, wasn't much better as he was shunned by all who were in the military. He was seen as someone who ran away.
A few days after the port was destroyed, Li had an unusual visitor. In fact he didn't even know someone was meeting him until he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find the Princess of the fire nation and he immediately blanked out as his mind short circuited.
"You Are Officer Li, Correct?" The cloaked Princess asks as she walks inside without his invite.
"...uh y-yes! Your highness!" He stutters.
Azula sits down in the main armchair and gestures for him to sit as well.
"You must be wondering why I'm here."
"Yes, I am."
"It's in regards to the person who killed your entire squad."
"....."at the mention, Li practically sagged in disappointment.
"Hahaha, I'm not here to reprimand you, Officer Li."
"You're not?"
"No. I, Of all people know that she isn't something a handful of people could handle. I have come to offer you a certain mission only someone who has actually met her could do."
"Anything, Your highness." He practically begs.
Azula smiles wider as she tells him the mission she wants him to do. Li stops his remembrance as Zhao is looking at him.
"I have caught her before, Captain I will do so again."
"Very well, Sir. I will take my leave." He salutes before leaving.
As he was walking, he was already mentally writing his letter to the princess.
'He obviously lied about the capture, but I need to speak to someone who was actually there to get the real story.'
When Li left the tent, The Northern Water Tribe Chief was Meeting the gang when the doors were thrown open and soldiers marched in behind Kahn. Everyone noticed that the new guest was in the middle handcuffed once again.
"Kahn! What is the meaning of this!?" Arnook yells in anger.
"Chief, I was notified not ten minutes ago that our armory was ransacked and all of the weapons and armor inside were destroyed."
"Not only that. But all evidence points to her as the person responsible." Kahn points at seras while saying this.
What nobody noticed was that when Kahn stepped away to point at seras, Aang, Sokka, And Katara we're shocked beyond belief. Before the Chief could even say his reply, Katara ran through the guards and tackled seras in a tight hug.
"Seras! You're ok! I-I'm So Ha-happy..." She begins to cry towards the end as she hugs tighter.
These statements surprised everyone especially since one of the avatars friends knew seras. Nobody spoke for a few seconds when seras phases out of the handcuffs and hugged back.
"Silly girl. Did you really think that I wouldn't be able to escape?" Her tone was playful.
"I...i....I was just so worried..."
"Are you another fire nation spy!? Sent to retrieve her?" Kahn yells as he silently orders his men to surround them with their weapons out.
The tension in the room increases as both Aang and Sokka draw their own weapons and stand next to the girls. Kahn was surprised by the weird dress of the bald person but didn't care enough to think that the 'traitors' would be protected by the avatar.
"ENOUGH!!" Arnook yells which makes everyone turn to him.
"Lay down your weapons!"
"But-" Hahn speaks this time.
"Did you not hear me!?" His expression now shows some traces of anger which makes them shiver and do as he says.
"....I'm sorry you had to see this avatar."
"...it's ok. However I would like to know why these people are trying to hurt my friend." When Aang says this, seras placated Katara as she let her go and phased her hands back through the handcuffs.
"Now, that is a very good question. Kahn, what evidence did you say you had that Ms. Victoria was responsible?"
"That would be better asked to my son. He witnessed the whole thing." Kahn gestures to Hahn who proudly walks forward and kneels.
"Chief, when I was on my way to get a new weapon form the armory, I heard a loud noise and saw through the window this woman. She was standing over the broken weapons and carving a statement in the wall."
"Oh? What was the statement?"
"For the glory of the fire nation." When Hahn said this, the room erupted into noise.
"And what happened after that?" Arnook asks.
"I hid behind the wall and she left to go back to her room. After she was gone, I immediately told my father and we captured her."
"So, you're telling me that she walked through the palace and reached the armory without anyone seeing her? Then she destroyed all of the weapons and carved a statement in the ice. And Finally, she went back to her room without anyone but you noticing?"
"Not only that, but you let her go?" His tone makes both Kahn and Hahn pause because it's not what they expected.
"Uh...that's correct. I wanted to be completely sure that she wouldn't escape. So, I got the General and then we caught her."
After Hahn said this, everyone expected the chief to order for seras to be killed or at the very least detained in a cell. However, they never expected the chief to do what he did next.
"....General, do you honestly expect me to believe a single thing he just said?" Arnook places his thumb and forefinger across his forehead and sighs in annoyance before asking.
As soon as she got up there, she saw the wall opened and Appa swimming out of it with a few boats surrounding him. She smiled, as for the first time in a while, she was actually feeling happy.
Seras was about to phase back to her room when she saw someone in the corner of her sight, lurking behind a wall.
'Is that Hahn?'
After confirming the lurkers identity, seras was intrigued. So, she phases by the wall Hahn is hiding behind to find out what he is doing.
"That bitch...hehe....She will regret hurting my reputation..hehe.." he mumbles to himself.
This was enough for seras to actually stay behind and watch. A few seconds later, two men come out of the building with tired looks and Hahn darts in very quickly. She phases out of the wall and hangs by the window to listen in.
Soon she hears loud crashes and stuff being broken. About ten minutes later, Hahn comes out looking ragged but his smile is even wider like his plan succeeded. He hurried to leave so his absence isn't suspicious.
Seras' curiosity got the better of her so she phases inside and finally figures out what happened. The building is an armory of sorts with armor and weapons. At least it used to be.
Hahn destroyed almost every single piece of weaponry and armor inside and scratched out 'For The Glory of the Fire Nation!!' On it's biggest wall.
"He really just reduced the chances of his tribe winning, for this? Definitely one of the worst kind of people I've had the pŀėȧsurė of meeting." She speaks to herself as she phases away.
'This means I have to change up my plans.' she left.
Seras got back to her room and about ten minutes later she hears a knock at the door. When she was about to let them in, the door was kicked in as many soldiers arrive with a very angry Kahn. She allows them to handcuff her.
"You really thought we were stupid enough to not figure out your plan?" Kahn's tone was accusatory.
"Don't even bother, Father. She wouldn't admit to it even with proof." Hahn walks in with a smug grin.
"You're right son. But how many times must I tell you to call me General when we're not at home?"
"I'm sorry, Sir."
"It's fine. We have a meeting with the chief anyway."
"Apparently the avatar is here."
"The Avatar? Are you sure he's the real one? Didn't he die over a hundred years ago?"
"Doesn't seem to be dead. As for the veracity of his claim, he air bended right in front of the soldiers who escorted him."
"I see. Are you sure we should bring this up to the Chief now?"
"Of course. Capturing a Fire Nation spy would fix your reputation."
"It's nice that you're having this father and son talk, but I would like for this to go faster." Seras spoke up for the first time making everyone turn to her.
'She doesn't seem worried? Am I missing something?' Kahn asks himself.
"Shut up!" Hahn smacks her face.
"...hehehe, oh...you're going to regret that later." She licks the blood that flows down her chin.
After Hahn says this, two soldiers grab seras by her shoulders and force her to walk in front of them.
As seras was being escorted to the Throne Room, in another part of the world, Zhao was inside a large tent looking at a world map. His face was in a constant smirk since his promotion to Admiral.
The tent had multiple other high ranking military men all talking at once about their own ideas.
"The Northern Water Tribe." Zhao's voice stops their constant bickering as all eyes turn toward him.
"The avatar is heading north to find a water bending master."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get him!" A man yells.
"Calm down, Captain. This isn't some small earth kingdom village we can just waltz in. The North is an Icy fortress that has withstood many attacks."
"Those attacks happened more than 80 years ago. We have improved both technologically and Militarily."
"You're right about that, however it is still a natural fortress where even the very ground they walk on could be weapons used against us. It doesn't help that our fire bending is also hampered in the cold." Zhao replies calmly but his points make them silent.
"I didn't say that. I'm merely saying we need to do this with caution. Storming in without any plan is foolhardy at best and treasonous at worst."
"Then what are you suggesting, Admiral?"
"Before I get to that, we need to go over the stages to succeed in this invasion."
"Goals? Isn't it to defeat every northern water bender?"
"No. That's the result we want. The stages are threefold." Zhao walks back to the front of the room before turning to them.
"First, we need to penetrate the outer wall of the city. This will be a a battle of attrition because even if we damage it, their water benders will be able to mend it. Thankfully it will only be a patch fix, so our work won't be wasted."
"Second, after the wall is gone, we will send in our soldiers with the tanks. From past invasions, we know that the area right behind the wall is flat so there will not be any obstacles. When we land, that is when we will begin the true attack."
After he says this, a man who is standing in the back puts his hand up.
"Yes, Captain...?" He trails off because he doesn't know the man's name because he was only promoted a day ago.
"That's a good point captain. To answer your worries is simple. The last invasion we sent was only comprised of 10 ships. However we now have over a hundred. With that much fire power, even Ba Sing Se would fall."
"I see." Captain Li sits down.
If seras were here, she would recognize the man as the same person she let go when she arrived at the port city.
"The third and final phase is the round up. After sending in our troops we will divide into multiple groups and attack the warriors and citizens still fighting. If everything goes well we should be done within a couple days. Any questions?"
When nobody says anything, Zhao dismisses them and turns back to look at the map. He hears the flapping of the tent and smiles once again when someone speaks up.
"Admiral Zhao."
"I have a message from the Princess."
Zhao was surprised and turns around to find the same Captain Li handing him a piece of paper.
- To Admiral Zhao. In regards to the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe, my father and I have discovered that the woman who escaped from the palace headed north on a stolen vessel and we believe she has knowledge of our invasion. My father has given you permission to use any resources available to make this invasion a success. Remember that both your promotion and life in the Fire Nation is dependent on the success of this mission. But, I suppose for the person who supposedly captured her before, it will only be a minor issue. Remember, failure is not an option. -
After reading that his smirk faltered a little before he burned the letter. The elation he felt for the past couple days when he arrived at the port where the invasion is being put together, has been shattered. Now all he feels is anger and annoyance.
Zhao has always been an ambitious man, willing to do anything to get ahead. However it was the result of filling his own ego, not for the country or lord he is supposed to serve.
'That damn girl thinks She is so superior.' He puts away those thoughts as he turns back to the person in front of him.
"Captain Li, Correct?"
"Yes!" He does a salute.
"Do you have anything else to report from her highness?"
"No. However I would like to request that you take caution when confronting the woman."
"Caution?" Zhao asks back with a scoff which makes the Captain pause for a split second.
'No....this isn't the statement of someone who has fought against her. And if everything's heard from the Princess is true, then she is far more dangerous than the avatar will ever be.' Li thinks to himself as he remembers the day he was supposed to be demoted, if not imprisoned.
Li was reprimanded by his superiors after his failure to capture Seras. Thankfully, since he was the first to find her, he wasn't imprisoned. The situation, however, wasn't much better as he was shunned by all who were in the military. He was seen as someone who ran away.
A few days after the port was destroyed, Li had an unusual visitor. In fact he didn't even know someone was meeting him until he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find the Princess of the fire nation and he immediately blanked out as his mind short circuited.
"You Are Officer Li, Correct?" The cloaked Princess asks as she walks inside without his invite.
"...uh y-yes! Your highness!" He stutters.
Azula sits down in the main armchair and gestures for him to sit as well.
"You must be wondering why I'm here."
"Yes, I am."
"It's in regards to the person who killed your entire squad."
"....."at the mention, Li practically sagged in disappointment.
"Hahaha, I'm not here to reprimand you, Officer Li."
"You're not?"
"No. I, Of all people know that she isn't something a handful of people could handle. I have come to offer you a certain mission only someone who has actually met her could do."
"Anything, Your highness." He practically begs.
Azula smiles wider as she tells him the mission she wants him to do. Li stops his remembrance as Zhao is looking at him.
"I have caught her before, Captain I will do so again."
"Very well, Sir. I will take my leave." He salutes before leaving.
As he was walking, he was already mentally writing his letter to the princess.
'He obviously lied about the capture, but I need to speak to someone who was actually there to get the real story.'
When Li left the tent, The Northern Water Tribe Chief was Meeting the gang when the doors were thrown open and soldiers marched in behind Kahn. Everyone noticed that the new guest was in the middle handcuffed once again.
"Kahn! What is the meaning of this!?" Arnook yells in anger.
"Chief, I was notified not ten minutes ago that our armory was ransacked and all of the weapons and armor inside were destroyed."
"Not only that. But all evidence points to her as the person responsible." Kahn points at seras while saying this.
What nobody noticed was that when Kahn stepped away to point at seras, Aang, Sokka, And Katara we're shocked beyond belief. Before the Chief could even say his reply, Katara ran through the guards and tackled seras in a tight hug.
"Seras! You're ok! I-I'm So Ha-happy..." She begins to cry towards the end as she hugs tighter.
These statements surprised everyone especially since one of the avatars friends knew seras. Nobody spoke for a few seconds when seras phases out of the handcuffs and hugged back.
"Silly girl. Did you really think that I wouldn't be able to escape?" Her tone was playful.
"I...i....I was just so worried..."
"Are you another fire nation spy!? Sent to retrieve her?" Kahn yells as he silently orders his men to surround them with their weapons out.
The tension in the room increases as both Aang and Sokka draw their own weapons and stand next to the girls. Kahn was surprised by the weird dress of the bald person but didn't care enough to think that the 'traitors' would be protected by the avatar.
"ENOUGH!!" Arnook yells which makes everyone turn to him.
"Lay down your weapons!"
"But-" Hahn speaks this time.
"Did you not hear me!?" His expression now shows some traces of anger which makes them shiver and do as he says.
"....I'm sorry you had to see this avatar."
"...it's ok. However I would like to know why these people are trying to hurt my friend." When Aang says this, seras placated Katara as she let her go and phased her hands back through the handcuffs.
"Now, that is a very good question. Kahn, what evidence did you say you had that Ms. Victoria was responsible?"
"That would be better asked to my son. He witnessed the whole thing." Kahn gestures to Hahn who proudly walks forward and kneels.
"Chief, when I was on my way to get a new weapon form the armory, I heard a loud noise and saw through the window this woman. She was standing over the broken weapons and carving a statement in the wall."
"Oh? What was the statement?"
"For the glory of the fire nation." When Hahn said this, the room erupted into noise.
"And what happened after that?" Arnook asks.
"I hid behind the wall and she left to go back to her room. After she was gone, I immediately told my father and we captured her."
"So, you're telling me that she walked through the palace and reached the armory without anyone seeing her? Then she destroyed all of the weapons and carved a statement in the ice. And Finally, she went back to her room without anyone but you noticing?"
"Not only that, but you let her go?" His tone makes both Kahn and Hahn pause because it's not what they expected.
"Uh...that's correct. I wanted to be completely sure that she wouldn't escape. So, I got the General and then we caught her."
After Hahn said this, everyone expected the chief to order for seras to be killed or at the very least detained in a cell. However, they never expected the chief to do what he did next.
"....General, do you honestly expect me to believe a single thing he just said?" Arnook places his thumb and forefinger across his forehead and sighs in annoyance before asking.
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