Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 83 - 83 - The True Culprit
The room is silent because of the unexpected question posed by their leader.
"Chief, I don't-"
"I've heard enough General. From the first day she arrived, you and your son didn't like the fact that I've let her stay in the Palace. I understood, so I let it be." Arnook stood up from his cushion and began walking to the General.
"However, never in a hundred years did I think you would act so stupid. Give me the key, Kahn." He holds out his hand.
When Arnook said his name and not his title in the formal setting, Kahn knew he fuċkėd up.
"Chief, I..." Kahn begins to speak but stops when he saw Arnook's glare.
He sighs in disappointment before handing over the key. Seras let the chief unlock her cuffs even though she could get out of them in an instant.
"I'm terribly sorry about this Ms. Victoria. We've been a horrible host to you this past week."
"It has been a eventful five days, however you don't have to apologize Chief Arnook. No, in fact I should be grateful for this."
"Why is that?"
"Because, its given me the chance to meet my friends again."
After seras says this, she walks over to the gang who all have confused looks to varying degrees. Katara is worried, Sokka is wary, and Aang is suspicious.
'Well now, it looks like Roku said something to Aang, but why does Sokka look like he's about to fight me if needed?'
"Hey guys, I'm sorry our reunion has been ruined."
"What's happening, seras? Why did they handcuff you?" Katara asks.
"Yeah! It's like they think you're a criminal or something!" Sokka shouts.
"You didn't do anything wrong, did you?" Aang questions with a distrustful fine.
"No Aang. I didn't do anything wrong. As for what is happening it's a little much to explain so I'll summarize. After I was captured by the fire nation, I was brought to the fire lord who asked me some questions. I escaped and in the middle of doing so I learned of a plan to invade the northern water tribe." At this she winks which makes Katara understand that it's knowledge of the future.
"I then spent a week traveling to a port, stole a small vessel, traveled here and informed them of what I heard. Spent the last five days ŀȧpping it up with the Northern Water Tribe."
As Seras answered more questions from the gang, the Chief And Pakku were whispering to each other about the situation. At the exclusion, The father son duo looked like they're about to explode from anger.
"What should we do, Master Pakku?"
"Well chief, it's a matter of trust. Do you trust the mystery woman over your own General? In all honesty, I would like to hear more before making a decision."
"....I agree. There are many things off about Hahn's story, but I just can't ignore it. She might know what really happened."
"Then you already know what to do." Pakku smirks.
Seras notices the finishing conversation so she does the same for her own.
"I'm sorry guys, but it seems I must inform them of what happened. We'll talk more later, ok?" She received Three nods back.
"Ms. Victoria, I know that you would never sabotage our chances at winning against the Fire Nation. However, this is a big problem and we need to find the real saboteur."
"Of course, Chief. In fact, I already know who did it."
"Really!? Who!?"
"All in good time. Before I say, I would like you to clear the room except for you, Master Pakku, Kahn, Hahn, Aang, Sokka, Katara, And get the two guards along with Yue."
"....Fine. But if all of this turns out to be wrong, then don't expect anymore hospitality from me." He does as she wants and two minutes later everyone is in the audience chamber.
"Now that were all here, let's go through the sequence of events. About an hour after dawn, somebody ransacked the armory and destroyed all the items within. They also carved a statement on the wall." She receives positive affirmation.
"The two guards were absent during this because of a shift change, Correct?" She looks at the two men who nod.
"How did you know that?" Hahn asks with a happy tone.
"It's simple you idiot. How else would someone be able to do this? Back to my summary, it took approximately ten minutes to do this because the next rotation arrived at this point but they didn't see anything." Hahn became livid but didn't say anything.
"The General and his son thought I did it so they immediately captured me and brought me here. Are these series of events correct?"
"Yes." Kahn replies.
"Great, then let's give the reasons why I can't be the culprit. One, I didn't know the location of the armory. Two, I don't know when the rotations occur. And three, I have no reason to do it."
"All of that can't be proven. You've been here for days, you could have seen the armory and studied the rotation of guards!" Hahn rapidly states which makes the Chief think of an idea that shows on his face for a split second.
'Ah, So he figures it out.'
"The motive of the crime here is obvious, whoever did it wishes for you to lose the war that's coming.....or so you'd think." She smirks.
"What do you mean?" Pakku questions in confusion.
"I mean that the motive of this crime, is not to sabotage your chances of winning. It's to frame me." Seras notes sweat forming on Hahn's forehead and the Chief frowning even more.
"What!?" Sokka screams at this revelation.
"Right? Someone in the tribe, an imbecile really, decreased their already small chances of winning. All to frame me." She gestures around the room with her hand before placing it on her ċhėst at the end of the statement.
"Enough of the theatrics! Who did it!?" Kahn yells in annoyance.
"My dear General, you of all people should know who has the knowledge capable of this and reason enough to go to such lengths to frame me."
Kahn thinks for a second before looking at his side to his son who is shaking from nervousness. His anger turns to surprise then confusion.
"Hahn....don't tell me..."
"N-no! She's lying! She did it! She was there! I saw her! She carved the statement with a knife before leaving!"
"How did you know it was a knife?" Katara speaks up.
"W-What?" Hahn is shocked.
"She means, It could have been a sword or a spear's head. How did you know it was a knife?" Yue asks this time.
"I don't! I mean- I was guessing! She did it, that's all anyone needs to know." Since Hahn was having a breakdown of sorts, he didn't notice seras who appeared behind him.
"No. You know it was a knife because you're the one who did it. In fact, I bet in your excitement you used your own knife." She takes the knife out of its holster on his back.
At this point nobody was shocked to find bits of ice shavings still on its edge. Hahn is wide eyed and muttering while looking in all directions. Almost like he is trying to find a lifeline.
"I-I...I didn't....She was ruining everything....it's only right that you believe me. Right, Father?" He grasps the mans arm only for Kahn to shrug it off in disgust.
"F-Father?" Hahn mutters in shock.
"You're no son of mine....My son would not resort to petty actions like framing someone. MY SON, would not destroy his own country's armory! MY SON WOULD NOT BETRAY HIS TRIBE! HIS FAMILY!"
"...Family? Yeah right." His son scoffs in derision.
This causes his father's anger to turn to extreme disappointment as he looks at the Chief with sad eyes. Arnook sighs in understanding at what he is about to do.
"Chief....His crimes warrant death. However, he is still my blood....Can you be lenient with him?"
"....it's not up to me. Ms. Victoria is the one who will decide Hahn's future."
Hahn didn't look up as his face is expressionless. Almost like all life has left him. Kahn looks at her and she sees the man's fragile state and couldn't bring herself to deny his request.
'If I was still just Michael, I wouldn't be making this decision.' She sighs.
"His punishment shall be twofold. One, his engagement with Yue is cancelled. And two, he will be imprisoned for life."
"The first is obvious, my daughter will not marry a criminal. The second shall be accepted. Also, nobody outside of this room shall know of Hahn's crimes. He shall be tallied among the dead after the war."
"Thank you chief." Kahn bows in gratitude as a tear falls down.
Hahn is dragged away by the two guards and Seras notes some happiness in Yue's expression but it's overshadowed by her guilt of Kahn's feelings. Everyone leaves except seras, the gang, Pakku, And Arnook.
"Now avatar, I'm sorry you had to see such a thing."
"It's fine." Aang says uncertainly because he doesn't know what else to say.
"Good. Then to get back to our earlier discussion. Master Pakku is our tribes greatest water bending master. He will teach you during the class he teaches every morning. Is that ok?"
"Yes. But I would like to have my friend attend as well, is that ok?"
"That's fine." Pakku says as he looks at sokka who is still swooning over Yue.
"However, if you are late to a single lesson I will kick you out. Avatar or not. Is that understood?" He glares which makes Aang gulp in fear.
When he nods, Pakku leaves.
"Then the only matter left is your accommodations. We have enough rooms in the palace if you'd like. Ms. Victoria is currently staying here."
"I think you guys will like it. The furniture is amazing."
"Then well stay here. Thank you for your hospitality."
"Great. Then please follow the attendant and he'll show you to your rooms." Arnook claps his hands and a man appears in servant clothes.
The attendant shows them each of their rooms but they all congregate to Seras'. After getting situated, she finally addressed the elephant in the room.
"What did I do?"
"What do you mean, seras?" Katara asks after Sokka flinched.
I have obviously done something when I passed out in the Temple. What did I do?"
"Then.....you don't remember?" Sokka asks in trepidation.
"No. The last thing I remember is puking up blood and Katara yelling over me. Next thing I know I was in a cell facing the Princess of the Fire nation."
"I'll tell you after you tell me. I wish to clear things up because it seems like you're scared of me and Aang is wary."
"I'm....not." The avatar states unconvincingly.
"Aang, What did Roku tell you?" He flinches.
"....he told you I'm not human, right?" He does the same action.
"I understand. Then we have even more things to discuss than I thought. So what did I do?" She looks at Sokka.
He explains what she did and how he felt like he was at death's door. His body even started shaking as he remembered it. After that Aang told her what Roku said in the chamber.
"I see. I'm sorry you had to witness me in that state, Sokka." She pauses before looking at Aang.
"Aang, Roku is Correct. I'm not human. In fact, I'm not even from this universe..." she goes on explaining what happened to her and why she is here.
Aang understands most of it, except the specifics of how she traveled. He sighs in relief and the feeling of confusion and angst disappeared.
"I understand that you're not human, but how can the normal you be so nice and the you we saw at the temple be so...terrifying?" Sokka asks eventually after a few minutes in silence.
"Sokka.....I am a monster. I drink blood and enjoy slaughter. My 'normal self' is a container that holds my even more monstrous side. When I'm in danger of dying, it comes out. I'm just happy that I didn't hurt any of you." She smiles sadly while saying this.
Katara stands up and hugs her with tears forming in her eyes.
"You're not a monster seras. You may not be a human being, but you're just as human as the rest of us. My mother used to say that all humans can become monsters if they use violence to solve everything. The fact that you can kill anyone and don't, makes you more human than most."
"Thank you, Katara." Seras hugs back.
A knocking disturbed the moment and Seras knew it was Yue. She lets her in and Sokka was practically drooling when he saw her.
"Hello everyone, I'm Princess Yue. It's a pŀėȧsurė to make your acquaintance." She formally bows alongside the introduction.
""Hello."" Aang And Katara reply at the same time.
"H-Hi...." Sokka's was drawn out like he was dreaming.
"So what are you doing here Yue? I would think your father would want to talk to you about today's events."
"He does but I wanted to thank you first."
"Me? How come?"
"I know that Hahn would never do something like this unless he was pushed into a corner. I wanted to thank you for providing it."
"Whoa Whoa. What's going on?" Aang interrupts.
"Oh right, Hahn was Yue's fiancé. He's a pig and I wanted to help her out by getting rid of him."
"Oh....so you're no longer engaged?" Sokka asks suggestively.
"Oh brother." Katara sighs in annoyance.
"Anyway, Thank you again. I'll see everyone later at tonight's feast."
"Yes. My father is throwing it because the avatar arrived. You're all special guests." Yue leaves after saying that.
When she is fully gone, all eyes turn to Sokka who is still in a dreamy state. When seras flicks his forehead he yells in pain and grabs the area.
"What was that for!?"
"For being a creep. I did not just save Yue from one creep so another could show up in his place."
"I'm not a creep!"
"I don't know Sokka. You were kind of creepy." Aang says.
"...really?" He looks at Katara who nods back.
"Aw man! I didn't mean to be! She's just so....perfect."
"She is amazing, but you're going to have to fix your game. You can't be all star eyed every time you meet her and say something stupid."
"I don't...." he trails off because he knows he would.
"So what should I do? I don't know how to speak to a princess!"
"Do you really want to know?" Seras' tone is practically evil.
"Y-Yeah?" His reply is uncertain.
"Really really? Even if you have to do something you really don't want to?"
"Chief, I don't-"
"I've heard enough General. From the first day she arrived, you and your son didn't like the fact that I've let her stay in the Palace. I understood, so I let it be." Arnook stood up from his cushion and began walking to the General.
"However, never in a hundred years did I think you would act so stupid. Give me the key, Kahn." He holds out his hand.
When Arnook said his name and not his title in the formal setting, Kahn knew he fuċkėd up.
"Chief, I..." Kahn begins to speak but stops when he saw Arnook's glare.
He sighs in disappointment before handing over the key. Seras let the chief unlock her cuffs even though she could get out of them in an instant.
"I'm terribly sorry about this Ms. Victoria. We've been a horrible host to you this past week."
"It has been a eventful five days, however you don't have to apologize Chief Arnook. No, in fact I should be grateful for this."
"Why is that?"
"Because, its given me the chance to meet my friends again."
After seras says this, she walks over to the gang who all have confused looks to varying degrees. Katara is worried, Sokka is wary, and Aang is suspicious.
'Well now, it looks like Roku said something to Aang, but why does Sokka look like he's about to fight me if needed?'
"Hey guys, I'm sorry our reunion has been ruined."
"What's happening, seras? Why did they handcuff you?" Katara asks.
"Yeah! It's like they think you're a criminal or something!" Sokka shouts.
"You didn't do anything wrong, did you?" Aang questions with a distrustful fine.
"No Aang. I didn't do anything wrong. As for what is happening it's a little much to explain so I'll summarize. After I was captured by the fire nation, I was brought to the fire lord who asked me some questions. I escaped and in the middle of doing so I learned of a plan to invade the northern water tribe." At this she winks which makes Katara understand that it's knowledge of the future.
"I then spent a week traveling to a port, stole a small vessel, traveled here and informed them of what I heard. Spent the last five days ŀȧpping it up with the Northern Water Tribe."
As Seras answered more questions from the gang, the Chief And Pakku were whispering to each other about the situation. At the exclusion, The father son duo looked like they're about to explode from anger.
"What should we do, Master Pakku?"
"Well chief, it's a matter of trust. Do you trust the mystery woman over your own General? In all honesty, I would like to hear more before making a decision."
"....I agree. There are many things off about Hahn's story, but I just can't ignore it. She might know what really happened."
"Then you already know what to do." Pakku smirks.
Seras notices the finishing conversation so she does the same for her own.
"I'm sorry guys, but it seems I must inform them of what happened. We'll talk more later, ok?" She received Three nods back.
"Ms. Victoria, I know that you would never sabotage our chances at winning against the Fire Nation. However, this is a big problem and we need to find the real saboteur."
"Of course, Chief. In fact, I already know who did it."
"Really!? Who!?"
"All in good time. Before I say, I would like you to clear the room except for you, Master Pakku, Kahn, Hahn, Aang, Sokka, Katara, And get the two guards along with Yue."
"....Fine. But if all of this turns out to be wrong, then don't expect anymore hospitality from me." He does as she wants and two minutes later everyone is in the audience chamber.
"Now that were all here, let's go through the sequence of events. About an hour after dawn, somebody ransacked the armory and destroyed all the items within. They also carved a statement on the wall." She receives positive affirmation.
"The two guards were absent during this because of a shift change, Correct?" She looks at the two men who nod.
"How did you know that?" Hahn asks with a happy tone.
"It's simple you idiot. How else would someone be able to do this? Back to my summary, it took approximately ten minutes to do this because the next rotation arrived at this point but they didn't see anything." Hahn became livid but didn't say anything.
"The General and his son thought I did it so they immediately captured me and brought me here. Are these series of events correct?"
"Yes." Kahn replies.
"Great, then let's give the reasons why I can't be the culprit. One, I didn't know the location of the armory. Two, I don't know when the rotations occur. And three, I have no reason to do it."
"All of that can't be proven. You've been here for days, you could have seen the armory and studied the rotation of guards!" Hahn rapidly states which makes the Chief think of an idea that shows on his face for a split second.
'Ah, So he figures it out.'
"The motive of the crime here is obvious, whoever did it wishes for you to lose the war that's coming.....or so you'd think." She smirks.
"What do you mean?" Pakku questions in confusion.
"I mean that the motive of this crime, is not to sabotage your chances of winning. It's to frame me." Seras notes sweat forming on Hahn's forehead and the Chief frowning even more.
"What!?" Sokka screams at this revelation.
"Right? Someone in the tribe, an imbecile really, decreased their already small chances of winning. All to frame me." She gestures around the room with her hand before placing it on her ċhėst at the end of the statement.
"Enough of the theatrics! Who did it!?" Kahn yells in annoyance.
"My dear General, you of all people should know who has the knowledge capable of this and reason enough to go to such lengths to frame me."
Kahn thinks for a second before looking at his side to his son who is shaking from nervousness. His anger turns to surprise then confusion.
"Hahn....don't tell me..."
"N-no! She's lying! She did it! She was there! I saw her! She carved the statement with a knife before leaving!"
"How did you know it was a knife?" Katara speaks up.
"W-What?" Hahn is shocked.
"She means, It could have been a sword or a spear's head. How did you know it was a knife?" Yue asks this time.
"I don't! I mean- I was guessing! She did it, that's all anyone needs to know." Since Hahn was having a breakdown of sorts, he didn't notice seras who appeared behind him.
"No. You know it was a knife because you're the one who did it. In fact, I bet in your excitement you used your own knife." She takes the knife out of its holster on his back.
At this point nobody was shocked to find bits of ice shavings still on its edge. Hahn is wide eyed and muttering while looking in all directions. Almost like he is trying to find a lifeline.
"I-I...I didn't....She was ruining everything....it's only right that you believe me. Right, Father?" He grasps the mans arm only for Kahn to shrug it off in disgust.
"F-Father?" Hahn mutters in shock.
"You're no son of mine....My son would not resort to petty actions like framing someone. MY SON, would not destroy his own country's armory! MY SON WOULD NOT BETRAY HIS TRIBE! HIS FAMILY!"
"...Family? Yeah right." His son scoffs in derision.
This causes his father's anger to turn to extreme disappointment as he looks at the Chief with sad eyes. Arnook sighs in understanding at what he is about to do.
"Chief....His crimes warrant death. However, he is still my blood....Can you be lenient with him?"
"....it's not up to me. Ms. Victoria is the one who will decide Hahn's future."
Hahn didn't look up as his face is expressionless. Almost like all life has left him. Kahn looks at her and she sees the man's fragile state and couldn't bring herself to deny his request.
'If I was still just Michael, I wouldn't be making this decision.' She sighs.
"His punishment shall be twofold. One, his engagement with Yue is cancelled. And two, he will be imprisoned for life."
"The first is obvious, my daughter will not marry a criminal. The second shall be accepted. Also, nobody outside of this room shall know of Hahn's crimes. He shall be tallied among the dead after the war."
"Thank you chief." Kahn bows in gratitude as a tear falls down.
Hahn is dragged away by the two guards and Seras notes some happiness in Yue's expression but it's overshadowed by her guilt of Kahn's feelings. Everyone leaves except seras, the gang, Pakku, And Arnook.
"Now avatar, I'm sorry you had to see such a thing."
"It's fine." Aang says uncertainly because he doesn't know what else to say.
"Good. Then to get back to our earlier discussion. Master Pakku is our tribes greatest water bending master. He will teach you during the class he teaches every morning. Is that ok?"
"Yes. But I would like to have my friend attend as well, is that ok?"
"That's fine." Pakku says as he looks at sokka who is still swooning over Yue.
"However, if you are late to a single lesson I will kick you out. Avatar or not. Is that understood?" He glares which makes Aang gulp in fear.
When he nods, Pakku leaves.
"Then the only matter left is your accommodations. We have enough rooms in the palace if you'd like. Ms. Victoria is currently staying here."
"I think you guys will like it. The furniture is amazing."
"Then well stay here. Thank you for your hospitality."
"Great. Then please follow the attendant and he'll show you to your rooms." Arnook claps his hands and a man appears in servant clothes.
The attendant shows them each of their rooms but they all congregate to Seras'. After getting situated, she finally addressed the elephant in the room.
"What did I do?"
"What do you mean, seras?" Katara asks after Sokka flinched.
I have obviously done something when I passed out in the Temple. What did I do?"
"Then.....you don't remember?" Sokka asks in trepidation.
"No. The last thing I remember is puking up blood and Katara yelling over me. Next thing I know I was in a cell facing the Princess of the Fire nation."
"I'll tell you after you tell me. I wish to clear things up because it seems like you're scared of me and Aang is wary."
"I'm....not." The avatar states unconvincingly.
"Aang, What did Roku tell you?" He flinches.
"....he told you I'm not human, right?" He does the same action.
"I understand. Then we have even more things to discuss than I thought. So what did I do?" She looks at Sokka.
He explains what she did and how he felt like he was at death's door. His body even started shaking as he remembered it. After that Aang told her what Roku said in the chamber.
"I see. I'm sorry you had to witness me in that state, Sokka." She pauses before looking at Aang.
"Aang, Roku is Correct. I'm not human. In fact, I'm not even from this universe..." she goes on explaining what happened to her and why she is here.
Aang understands most of it, except the specifics of how she traveled. He sighs in relief and the feeling of confusion and angst disappeared.
"I understand that you're not human, but how can the normal you be so nice and the you we saw at the temple be so...terrifying?" Sokka asks eventually after a few minutes in silence.
"Sokka.....I am a monster. I drink blood and enjoy slaughter. My 'normal self' is a container that holds my even more monstrous side. When I'm in danger of dying, it comes out. I'm just happy that I didn't hurt any of you." She smiles sadly while saying this.
Katara stands up and hugs her with tears forming in her eyes.
"You're not a monster seras. You may not be a human being, but you're just as human as the rest of us. My mother used to say that all humans can become monsters if they use violence to solve everything. The fact that you can kill anyone and don't, makes you more human than most."
"Thank you, Katara." Seras hugs back.
A knocking disturbed the moment and Seras knew it was Yue. She lets her in and Sokka was practically drooling when he saw her.
"Hello everyone, I'm Princess Yue. It's a pŀėȧsurė to make your acquaintance." She formally bows alongside the introduction.
""Hello."" Aang And Katara reply at the same time.
"H-Hi...." Sokka's was drawn out like he was dreaming.
"So what are you doing here Yue? I would think your father would want to talk to you about today's events."
"He does but I wanted to thank you first."
"Me? How come?"
"I know that Hahn would never do something like this unless he was pushed into a corner. I wanted to thank you for providing it."
"Whoa Whoa. What's going on?" Aang interrupts.
"Oh right, Hahn was Yue's fiancé. He's a pig and I wanted to help her out by getting rid of him."
"Oh....so you're no longer engaged?" Sokka asks suggestively.
"Oh brother." Katara sighs in annoyance.
"Anyway, Thank you again. I'll see everyone later at tonight's feast."
"Yes. My father is throwing it because the avatar arrived. You're all special guests." Yue leaves after saying that.
When she is fully gone, all eyes turn to Sokka who is still in a dreamy state. When seras flicks his forehead he yells in pain and grabs the area.
"What was that for!?"
"For being a creep. I did not just save Yue from one creep so another could show up in his place."
"I'm not a creep!"
"I don't know Sokka. You were kind of creepy." Aang says.
"...really?" He looks at Katara who nods back.
"Aw man! I didn't mean to be! She's just so....perfect."
"She is amazing, but you're going to have to fix your game. You can't be all star eyed every time you meet her and say something stupid."
"I don't...." he trails off because he knows he would.
"So what should I do? I don't know how to speak to a princess!"
"Do you really want to know?" Seras' tone is practically evil.
"Y-Yeah?" His reply is uncertain.
"Really really? Even if you have to do something you really don't want to?"
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