Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 84 - 84 - Katara VS Pakku
A few hours later, a servant informs them that the feast is ready and that they should follow her to the location. When they arrive, the gang marvels at the construction of the area, with seras also being impressed.
'I've been to many luxurious hotels all across the world, many opulent mansions, even to giant castles of small countries which still have Kings. However, none of them looked like nature itself carved it, like this place.'
The area where the feast is being held was similar to the ancient Roman amphitheaters that were used thousands of years ago. They entered from the back at the highest point, so they saw everything happening at once.
The many men in soldier attire laughing happily while drinking alcohol. The normal civilians with their families all with big smiles. Even the high-society folks who were at the lowest point with the Chief had good-natured grins while speaking quietly to each other. What was most surprising to seras though was the fact that even the servants who were handing out more plates of food seemed o be having a blast.
When they entered, it took Arnook a few seconds to notice them and when he did, he stood up. His action was noticed by everyone which instantly silenced the room as all eyes looked at him. Only two types of leaders would garner such a reaction. A horrendous dictator or a greatly respected leader., it was obvious which Arnook was.
"My friends! My family! We are here to welcome a very special guest who only arrived a few hours ago. The Avatar, Aang!" He features to the gang and Aang blushes.
Many are surprised that the avatar who disappeared a hundred years ago is actually so young. They have questions but don't dare to interrupt the Chief.
"Not only that, but his friends with him are from our Sister Tribe! Let's give each one of them a true Northern Water Tribe Welcome!" He raises his glass which the rest so as well.
He whole tribe cheers as they walk down to the empty seats at the Chiefs table. The table was the only one made of wood and Seras noticed that it looked like it was cut from a single tree, which had to be extremely old to reach such a size.
After they sit down, it takes a few minutes for the atmosphere to return to how it was making an relax a little. Arnook noticed this and he smirks at the boy.
"Not used to the attention, Avatar?"
"Not really...and you can call me Aang."
"Very well, Aang." He nods in understanding.
'Don't tell me...' She thinks of a possibility that made her groan.
It was true, Sokka chose the seat with the most food without even noticing that his crush was there observing his horrible eating habits. A minute passes and he starts to choke on some fish that he washes downwkth the water. After smacking his ċhėst and breathing a sigh of relief he hears a giggle coming from his left.
He turnsto See Yue covering her mouth like she's trying not to laugh too much. This causes the boy to blush a dark shade of red before turning away in a hurry. He turned to seras who was giving him clues on how to interact.
'Hurry up and say something!' She signs and he gives her an ok back.
"So...you're a princess huh?" He grabs his neck awkwardly while asking.
Seras And katara Both groan in annoyance when they overheard that. However to Katar's surprise Yue actually giggled at that and replied yes.
"That must be nice. Living in a fancy palace. Eating this awesome food all the time?"
"Yeah...I guess." She gives a sad look.
"What's wrong?" He asks genuinely concerned.
"I'm not complaining, but it gets lonely sometimes. Before Seras came I didn't have any friends."
"Oh...then I'll be your first boy friend." He points to himself and smirks but then realizes what he said soon after.
"I-I mean I'll be your friend who just so happens to be a boy! I mean a guy!" He stammers our Which makes Yue laugh again.
Her laughter calms him down and they begin to speak to each other like they're having fun. Seras and Katara gave each other a big five because their advice worked.
"See? He just need ms to be himself and everything will work out. Yue likes to hear stories of outside the tribe."
"I guess so. It's just, he can be really dumb sometimes, you know?"
"I do." Seras nods.
After they were done eating, music started to play and this causes most of the attendees to start dancing. Many men asked Seras to dance with them and she did so with a few. The night ended with a demonstration by Pakku along with two of his oldest students.
All in all it was a great night for everyone except the poor soul who was arrested hours earlier and his father. Kahn was by himself acting like nothing was wrong, but every time a soldier asked where Hahn was his expression saddened for an instant before lying.
The night went on for hours and when it was around midnight, people started to trickle back to their homes. Seras and Katara also left, but Sokka was still just talking with Yue. She grinned because it looked like they were in their own world.
'That's What love looks like. And not just any kind of love, it's movie love.'
Seras slept with a smile knowing nothing would get in their way this time.
The next morning, Seras heard Katara's excited voice as she was talking with someone about how she is finally going to learn water bending. Seras ȧssumed it was Aang so she quickly used her shadows to clean herself before opening her door.
"Seras? Do you want to come with us to the water bending class?" Shes allsmiles.
"Of course." She walks with them and notices that Aang already knows where to go. She can only ȧssume the chief told him when they were chatting together.
As they were walking, seras decided to ask Katara about her problem with not being able to turn ice into water.
"Hey latara?"
"When you're water bending, how do you turn water into ice?"
The question stumps the poor girl as she doesn't answer immediately.
"Hmm....that is a good question...I don't know really. Since I was young and I learned that I could control water, it jut sort of came naturally to me."
"Can you show me then?"
"Sure." When Katara started to water bendtbe water flowing throughout the city, Aang decided to satiate his curiosity.
"Why do you want to know about water bending so much?"
"Oh that's right, you guys don't know. When I was in the fire nation, there was an old woman who was actually from the southern water tribe."
"Really!?" Katara became excited and stopped her bending.
However she didn't realize what it means when Seras is able to use an element. She knows about how she has to drink from them, but it didn't click yet.
"Yes. It was in a very small village and she was the owner of an inn."
"Was?" The young water bender finally understood the implications.
"You mean...you killed her?"
"...yes, I did."
"Why?" She covers her mouth with a gasp.
"She wasn't a nice woman Katara. She told me that she escaped from the fire nation prison she was in, but stayed in the nation itself. Do you want to know why?" Seras received a quick nod.
"It was so she could get revenge. Not revenge on those who actually hurt her, but on any citizen that stayed in her hotel. It was a gruesome sight even by my standards."
"What did she do?" Aang asks.
"She figured out a way to use the blood in humans as a way to control them. She would put them in cages and then torture them every night. She had many people in her dungeon and even more corpses."
"...no...why? Why would she do such a thing?" Katara starts to tear up.
"I don't know the specifics, but I do know that anyone can become such a monster. She found a way to get revenge against her oppressors but took it way too far. I had to stop her, you see?" After saying that, the group is silent for a few minutes when Katara looks at her.
"...I understand...I don't like it but she was hurting innocent people. Thank you for stopping her.." she smiles sadly.
At this point they were close to the area that the class was being held so they decided to stop thinking about the horrible topic. Katara found her normal smile as the excitement of finally learning water bending from an actual master caught up with her once more.
"Let's go Aang! This will be great, I just know it!" She grabs his hand and drags him with her.
Seras just smirks because it's funny to watch. She follows them up the stairs and reaches the plateau where Pakku can be seen teaching a group of males. Katara was too excited to realize that there were no females among them.
"Master Pakku!"
"Oh, avatar. It seems your late." He was about to say that he wouldn't teach him when he spots Seras behind them.
'The Chief ordered me to be nice to her, so I guess it's ok for today.' He sighs as his expression becomes a frown.
"I'm sorry, sir."
"Don't let it happen again or I will stop teaching you. Where's your young friend who wanted to learn?" He comments on the absence of Sokka.
"Oh, this is my friend Katara." He gestures to the girls
"Nice to meet you, Master Pakku. I can't wait to get started."
"Oh....you didn't tell me your friend was a girl." The statement came off as very derisive.
"Does that matter?" Aang is confused.
"In the northern water tribe, women aren't allowed to learn water bending."
"What!?" Katara yells.
"Don't raise that tone with me, girl!"
"Then what do the females learn!?"
"They learnt he healing arts."
"I don't want to learn about that! I want to learn how to water bend!"
"I don't care about what you want! If you continue to exasperate me further I won't teach the avatar!" This stops the growing anger in Katara.
"Then I-" Aang was about to refuse teaching when Katara places her hand on his shoulder.
Aang looks at her and she shakes her head.
"It's fine Aang. I'll figure something else out. You need this to save the world."
"Ok, then I can just teach you at night." He whispers but Pakku heard it.
"Did I hear correctly that you would teach her?"
"Yeah? It shouldn't be a problem, right?"
"How dare you...it's a lack of respect!" Pakku is finally angry now.
"A lack of respect!? Ha! Then what about my respect? I can fight any water bender here and come out victorious." Katara comments which tips the breaking point of Pakku.
"Oh really? Then how about you fight me?" He gets into a stance which makes Aang and Katara shocked.
A few seconds pass and Pakku stands up again with a derisive smiles Seras glared at him which made him flinch and calm down.
"If you don't even have the courage to fight, then there is no point in me teaching you. what else can you expect from a woman?" He walks away when Katara forms a whip of water and hits the back of his head.
It didn't hurt, but the feeling of humiliation was too great to ignore. He looks back to find Katara giving him an angry glare and he smirks.
"Very well, but realize this, Little Girl. You asked for it!" He forms a large wave from the pool behind him and rushes it at her.
Aang jumps back with his air bending and Seras does the same. Katara put her hands together and then separated them which separated the water to her sides. Pakku smirks as he uses the separated water to form a ring around them.
Katara was surprised at that and the master used this chance to toss her away with the water. Katara was thrown into another body of water which softened the landing. Pakku thought he was done but Katara stood up and formed a small block of ice in front of her.
She then swipes the top of the structure and a thin ice disk is thrown to the man. He dodges the first, then the second, But the third actually cut off a small part of his beard which made him a little frightened.
Katara stopped using the ice discs because every time he dodged, he stepped closer. So she started to water bend a large amount of water and plunges it to the man. Pakku brings both hinds to his side and raises them upward like he's imitating a crane and the water turns into ice which makes him rise higher.
'It seems every time the close their hands, the water turns to ice. Are they compressing the water?' Seras comments to herself as she is watching.
When Pakku formed a giant pillar of ice, Katara jumped out of the water because she knows that he would just use it against her. The master turned the ice pillar back into water and floated down to the ground along with it.
"You are very skillful for your age. However, you are still too young!" He yells as he makes the water turn into many large rods with points and tosses them at Katara with great speed.
Katara went wide eyed but formed two large angled shields in front of her. She made them as thick as she could with the time available but after the first few rods, it started to weaken.
"What's wrong? Is that all you have, Girlie?" Pakku asks as he keeps tossing more spears.
"Not! Even! Close!" With every word Katara did an action.
First she reformed the shield that was breaking. Second, she detached the second shield from the ground. And with the last she threw it at Pakku. The older man had to dodge to the side which stopped the onslaught.
Unfortunately for him, whether it was on accident or designed, when the shield got near him, it exploded into many chunks. One of those, hit his head which resulted in a cut.
"Hmph." Katara smirked.
Pakku looks at her and his ace no longer shows that complacent smile or any kind of derision. He finally looked like the best Water Bender in the Northern Water Tribe.
'I've been to many luxurious hotels all across the world, many opulent mansions, even to giant castles of small countries which still have Kings. However, none of them looked like nature itself carved it, like this place.'
The area where the feast is being held was similar to the ancient Roman amphitheaters that were used thousands of years ago. They entered from the back at the highest point, so they saw everything happening at once.
The many men in soldier attire laughing happily while drinking alcohol. The normal civilians with their families all with big smiles. Even the high-society folks who were at the lowest point with the Chief had good-natured grins while speaking quietly to each other. What was most surprising to seras though was the fact that even the servants who were handing out more plates of food seemed o be having a blast.
When they entered, it took Arnook a few seconds to notice them and when he did, he stood up. His action was noticed by everyone which instantly silenced the room as all eyes looked at him. Only two types of leaders would garner such a reaction. A horrendous dictator or a greatly respected leader., it was obvious which Arnook was.
"My friends! My family! We are here to welcome a very special guest who only arrived a few hours ago. The Avatar, Aang!" He features to the gang and Aang blushes.
Many are surprised that the avatar who disappeared a hundred years ago is actually so young. They have questions but don't dare to interrupt the Chief.
"Not only that, but his friends with him are from our Sister Tribe! Let's give each one of them a true Northern Water Tribe Welcome!" He raises his glass which the rest so as well.
He whole tribe cheers as they walk down to the empty seats at the Chiefs table. The table was the only one made of wood and Seras noticed that it looked like it was cut from a single tree, which had to be extremely old to reach such a size.
After they sit down, it takes a few minutes for the atmosphere to return to how it was making an relax a little. Arnook noticed this and he smirks at the boy.
"Not used to the attention, Avatar?"
"Not really...and you can call me Aang."
"Very well, Aang." He nods in understanding.
'Don't tell me...' She thinks of a possibility that made her groan.
It was true, Sokka chose the seat with the most food without even noticing that his crush was there observing his horrible eating habits. A minute passes and he starts to choke on some fish that he washes downwkth the water. After smacking his ċhėst and breathing a sigh of relief he hears a giggle coming from his left.
He turnsto See Yue covering her mouth like she's trying not to laugh too much. This causes the boy to blush a dark shade of red before turning away in a hurry. He turned to seras who was giving him clues on how to interact.
'Hurry up and say something!' She signs and he gives her an ok back.
"So...you're a princess huh?" He grabs his neck awkwardly while asking.
Seras And katara Both groan in annoyance when they overheard that. However to Katar's surprise Yue actually giggled at that and replied yes.
"That must be nice. Living in a fancy palace. Eating this awesome food all the time?"
"Yeah...I guess." She gives a sad look.
"What's wrong?" He asks genuinely concerned.
"I'm not complaining, but it gets lonely sometimes. Before Seras came I didn't have any friends."
"Oh...then I'll be your first boy friend." He points to himself and smirks but then realizes what he said soon after.
"I-I mean I'll be your friend who just so happens to be a boy! I mean a guy!" He stammers our Which makes Yue laugh again.
Her laughter calms him down and they begin to speak to each other like they're having fun. Seras and Katara gave each other a big five because their advice worked.
"See? He just need ms to be himself and everything will work out. Yue likes to hear stories of outside the tribe."
"I guess so. It's just, he can be really dumb sometimes, you know?"
"I do." Seras nods.
After they were done eating, music started to play and this causes most of the attendees to start dancing. Many men asked Seras to dance with them and she did so with a few. The night ended with a demonstration by Pakku along with two of his oldest students.
All in all it was a great night for everyone except the poor soul who was arrested hours earlier and his father. Kahn was by himself acting like nothing was wrong, but every time a soldier asked where Hahn was his expression saddened for an instant before lying.
The night went on for hours and when it was around midnight, people started to trickle back to their homes. Seras and Katara also left, but Sokka was still just talking with Yue. She grinned because it looked like they were in their own world.
'That's What love looks like. And not just any kind of love, it's movie love.'
Seras slept with a smile knowing nothing would get in their way this time.
The next morning, Seras heard Katara's excited voice as she was talking with someone about how she is finally going to learn water bending. Seras ȧssumed it was Aang so she quickly used her shadows to clean herself before opening her door.
"Seras? Do you want to come with us to the water bending class?" Shes allsmiles.
"Of course." She walks with them and notices that Aang already knows where to go. She can only ȧssume the chief told him when they were chatting together.
As they were walking, seras decided to ask Katara about her problem with not being able to turn ice into water.
"Hey latara?"
"When you're water bending, how do you turn water into ice?"
The question stumps the poor girl as she doesn't answer immediately.
"Hmm....that is a good question...I don't know really. Since I was young and I learned that I could control water, it jut sort of came naturally to me."
"Can you show me then?"
"Sure." When Katara started to water bendtbe water flowing throughout the city, Aang decided to satiate his curiosity.
"Why do you want to know about water bending so much?"
"Oh that's right, you guys don't know. When I was in the fire nation, there was an old woman who was actually from the southern water tribe."
"Really!?" Katara became excited and stopped her bending.
However she didn't realize what it means when Seras is able to use an element. She knows about how she has to drink from them, but it didn't click yet.
"Yes. It was in a very small village and she was the owner of an inn."
"Was?" The young water bender finally understood the implications.
"You mean...you killed her?"
"...yes, I did."
"Why?" She covers her mouth with a gasp.
"She wasn't a nice woman Katara. She told me that she escaped from the fire nation prison she was in, but stayed in the nation itself. Do you want to know why?" Seras received a quick nod.
"It was so she could get revenge. Not revenge on those who actually hurt her, but on any citizen that stayed in her hotel. It was a gruesome sight even by my standards."
"What did she do?" Aang asks.
"She figured out a way to use the blood in humans as a way to control them. She would put them in cages and then torture them every night. She had many people in her dungeon and even more corpses."
"...no...why? Why would she do such a thing?" Katara starts to tear up.
"I don't know the specifics, but I do know that anyone can become such a monster. She found a way to get revenge against her oppressors but took it way too far. I had to stop her, you see?" After saying that, the group is silent for a few minutes when Katara looks at her.
"...I understand...I don't like it but she was hurting innocent people. Thank you for stopping her.." she smiles sadly.
At this point they were close to the area that the class was being held so they decided to stop thinking about the horrible topic. Katara found her normal smile as the excitement of finally learning water bending from an actual master caught up with her once more.
"Let's go Aang! This will be great, I just know it!" She grabs his hand and drags him with her.
Seras just smirks because it's funny to watch. She follows them up the stairs and reaches the plateau where Pakku can be seen teaching a group of males. Katara was too excited to realize that there were no females among them.
"Master Pakku!"
"Oh, avatar. It seems your late." He was about to say that he wouldn't teach him when he spots Seras behind them.
'The Chief ordered me to be nice to her, so I guess it's ok for today.' He sighs as his expression becomes a frown.
"I'm sorry, sir."
"Don't let it happen again or I will stop teaching you. Where's your young friend who wanted to learn?" He comments on the absence of Sokka.
"Oh, this is my friend Katara." He gestures to the girls
"Nice to meet you, Master Pakku. I can't wait to get started."
"Oh....you didn't tell me your friend was a girl." The statement came off as very derisive.
"Does that matter?" Aang is confused.
"In the northern water tribe, women aren't allowed to learn water bending."
"What!?" Katara yells.
"Don't raise that tone with me, girl!"
"Then what do the females learn!?"
"They learnt he healing arts."
"I don't want to learn about that! I want to learn how to water bend!"
"I don't care about what you want! If you continue to exasperate me further I won't teach the avatar!" This stops the growing anger in Katara.
"Then I-" Aang was about to refuse teaching when Katara places her hand on his shoulder.
Aang looks at her and she shakes her head.
"It's fine Aang. I'll figure something else out. You need this to save the world."
"Ok, then I can just teach you at night." He whispers but Pakku heard it.
"Did I hear correctly that you would teach her?"
"Yeah? It shouldn't be a problem, right?"
"How dare you...it's a lack of respect!" Pakku is finally angry now.
"A lack of respect!? Ha! Then what about my respect? I can fight any water bender here and come out victorious." Katara comments which tips the breaking point of Pakku.
"Oh really? Then how about you fight me?" He gets into a stance which makes Aang and Katara shocked.
A few seconds pass and Pakku stands up again with a derisive smiles Seras glared at him which made him flinch and calm down.
"If you don't even have the courage to fight, then there is no point in me teaching you. what else can you expect from a woman?" He walks away when Katara forms a whip of water and hits the back of his head.
It didn't hurt, but the feeling of humiliation was too great to ignore. He looks back to find Katara giving him an angry glare and he smirks.
"Very well, but realize this, Little Girl. You asked for it!" He forms a large wave from the pool behind him and rushes it at her.
Aang jumps back with his air bending and Seras does the same. Katara put her hands together and then separated them which separated the water to her sides. Pakku smirks as he uses the separated water to form a ring around them.
Katara was surprised at that and the master used this chance to toss her away with the water. Katara was thrown into another body of water which softened the landing. Pakku thought he was done but Katara stood up and formed a small block of ice in front of her.
She then swipes the top of the structure and a thin ice disk is thrown to the man. He dodges the first, then the second, But the third actually cut off a small part of his beard which made him a little frightened.
Katara stopped using the ice discs because every time he dodged, he stepped closer. So she started to water bend a large amount of water and plunges it to the man. Pakku brings both hinds to his side and raises them upward like he's imitating a crane and the water turns into ice which makes him rise higher.
'It seems every time the close their hands, the water turns to ice. Are they compressing the water?' Seras comments to herself as she is watching.
When Pakku formed a giant pillar of ice, Katara jumped out of the water because she knows that he would just use it against her. The master turned the ice pillar back into water and floated down to the ground along with it.
"You are very skillful for your age. However, you are still too young!" He yells as he makes the water turn into many large rods with points and tosses them at Katara with great speed.
Katara went wide eyed but formed two large angled shields in front of her. She made them as thick as she could with the time available but after the first few rods, it started to weaken.
"What's wrong? Is that all you have, Girlie?" Pakku asks as he keeps tossing more spears.
"Not! Even! Close!" With every word Katara did an action.
First she reformed the shield that was breaking. Second, she detached the second shield from the ground. And with the last she threw it at Pakku. The older man had to dodge to the side which stopped the onslaught.
Unfortunately for him, whether it was on accident or designed, when the shield got near him, it exploded into many chunks. One of those, hit his head which resulted in a cut.
"Hmph." Katara smirked.
Pakku looks at her and his ace no longer shows that complacent smile or any kind of derision. He finally looked like the best Water Bender in the Northern Water Tribe.
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