Help! I've Become too OP!

3 Pineapples? Marshmallows?

The train jerked, as it filled with a few dozen or more people. Liu Kai noticed an old lady being pushed around by the crowd and immediately stood up, offering her seat. It was a good deed, however the worrying part was that Liu Kai had never travelled much on public transport. So, she was forced to find her bearings with the help of grabbing onto a metal hand rail. Unfortunately for her, this was a very bad decision. Without fully controlling her strength, the pole began to bend under the pressure of her grip.

At first, Liu Kai didn't pay any mind, concentrating solely on her balance. But after some time, she started to notice a strange feeling within her hands. When opening them, she gasped. Sh*t! This was definitely not good. Looking around her, no-one had seemed to notice, all preoccupied with their own thoughts, but someone was bound to notice after she moved. The part of the pole she held was no longer a straight cylinder, but an S-shaped, distorted piece of metal! Something had to be done and fast. Her stop was nearing! Taking care not to draw attention, Liu Kai wrapped both hands around the pole, untwisting it back into a straight shape. Phew, at least that's sorted! She had reached her stop, and Liu Kai quickly rushed out as if her life depended on it. What she didn't realise, however, was that instead of a cylinder shape, the part she untwisted was now a crushed, flat piece of metal with engraved palm prints. Yes, the train inspector was definitely going to pay a visit to his psychologist after seeing those hand prints.

Liu Kai stared at her map, as if to burn holes in it. She was currently here, by the white marshmallow, and now she had to get to.. there, by the pineapple with the sunglasses… What kind of map was this?!! No, more like what kind of place was City A, to have these weird things as attractions? Pineapples? Marshmallows? Unknowingly, when grabbing a map of city A, Liu Kai had mistakenly taken a children's map, made for fun, not for actual direction. It was obviously a colouring-in page, yet Liu Kai seemed to not know any better. She seriously tried to make sense of it, following a route that she thought may lead to her school dorms. Ah, it turns out that City A was a place where someone could easily become lost in. After all, even the maps were so difficult to understand. Liu Kai sighed to herself. Where on earth was she right now?

A large gust of wind blew, and Liu Kai, lost in her own thoughts, didn't realise that the breeze had blown the map right out of her hands. Damn it! Her brain woke up to reality, but by then, it was too late. The map started flying farther and farther, as Liu Kai began a wild goose chase. Wait for me! Ahhh! Stop! My life line!

Not too far away, two men faced each other, with around 100 men each behind them. "Tsk. It seems the information was flawed. 'He' hasn't shown up at the time we expected. Someone must have been behind this. Perhaps they informed him earlier?" Zhang Wei paced around, extremely annoyed. Wu Yi's crumpled brow relaxed after hearing this. 'So it was false after all.' Thinking about the matter, Wu Yi gazed at Zhang Wei warily. Did he purposely do this? Was this all a trap to lure his men? He'd better make use of this advantage now, in case Zhang Wei turned on him later.

Signalling to his men, Wu Yi drew a knife, indicating their change in plans. Zhang Wei turned at the sound of a knife being unsheathed and glared ice cold daggers at him. If looks could kill, he would have been dead already. "Wu Yi? You actually dare to betray me ? Just wait and see if you are able handle the consequences!" Both groups immediately changed their stances, cautiously pacing around each other, waiting for the first move or signal to attack. Finally, just when the tension had risen to a climax, and the first move was about to be made, a loud noise could be heard. "Ahhh! You stupid thing! Stop flying around or I'll shred you! Ah seriously! I can't believe I am being taken advantage of by a piece of paper!" A young boy ran right in the middle of the scene, pausing everyone's actions, causing them to stare at this person. Wu Yi and Zhang Wei's eyes twitched. Who the heck was he?

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