Help! I've Become too OP!

4 In a Bit of a Pickle!

Liu Kai was annoyed. No, these words weren't enough to describe what she was feeling right now. She was bursting with grievances and a hot feeling rose up in her abdomen. First the train, then getting lost, then the map. This was no good. She was being a pushover this way, like those cannon fodder characters in the web novels she read. She couldn't let herself become a pushover, especially not by a piece of paper.

Channelling all her fiery emotions into her actions, she experienced an adrenaline boost, just as the map flew out of the bounds of reaching. Bracing her knees and arms, she leapt into the air, stretching her palm outwards. Then, she neatly landed in a squat position, with her hands clasping the map in a tight hold. 'That's right. That's what you get for messing with me. I'm no push over!' Liu Kai self-approvingly thought to herself. There was nothing wrong with a little pride in achieving victory. The only problem was that… she was competing against a piece of paper.. which she seemed to not mind at all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

From the side, Wu Yi, Zhang Wei and the underlings' eyes widened and stayed positioned on Liu Kai's figure. They could not tear them away. Why? Were they awe-struck because of her good looks? No. Did they think she was a mental asylum escapee? Well… that may have been part of the reason. The real reason was that she had jumped over 2 metres vertically into the air, while attempting to grab the map. Even professional athletes were not all able to perform the feat she had just performed so effortlessly. Just who was she… or who was 'he', in their eyes.

He couldn't be an ordinary person. How could an ordinary person do something so.. extraordinary? Immediately, all attention was given to Liu Kai, who was completely oblivious of what was happening around her.

In Zhang Wei and Wu Yi's minds, each had created a scenario with her being a threat. Both believed that the other had sent her as backup or reinforcement. Zhang Wei, however, had a much stronger will compared to Wu Yi.

Wu Yi was completely petrified when he saw Liu Kai's high jump. This person was no joke. If Zhang Wei had more people like this on his side.. how would they stand a chance? He decided on a swift retreat, using Liu Kai's distraction to his advantage. By the time Zhang Wei realised, he was a step too late. Wu Yi had already turned tail and run.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Wei cursed Wu Yi's cowardice. He would personally make him pay later. He shifted his attention back to Liu Kai. Just how much did Wu Yi trust this boy's strength, leaving him here to completely fend for himself? Or was Wu Yi just abandoning him? It shouldn't be that, as the boy seemed to be rather experienced from what he had just seen. For now, he had to assess the limits of his full strength. He was only one, and Zhang Wei had at least a hundred on his side. There was no way the boy would be able to take on all of them. Raising his voice, he yelled out to his men,"Don't worry, he's only one against all of us, what can he do? All of you, charge together! We'll go teach Wu Yi what it means to go against us!"

With that, loud cheers and shouts sounded, as they all banded together, charging in Liu Kai's direction. Meanwhile… Liu Kai was in a bit of a pickle. She had somehow misplaced her backpack during her goose chase. Had she dropped it? Or was it at the station still? She started looking around in different places. In a bush, under the tree, behind a boulder, you name it. But to no avail, Liu Kai returned empty handed, stomping the ground in frustration. Just why was this happening to her? What dog sh*t luck! However, without even realising, these simple actions of hers had, yet again, completely overturned the other side's fate.

As Zhang Wei's men neared, they began aiming weapons and knives at Liu Kai's figure. However, the boy began dodging all of the weapons without even properly looking at their trajectory. Zhang Wei's brows furrowed. Just how much of a master was he? He had managed to foresee the direction of the weapon's trajectory without actually physically looking, but using pure, innate sense. Not only that, multiple weapons were thrown in succession, and all were successfully avoided. This person was trouble.

They said that only one master was needed to overturn the fate of a thousand inexperienced men. Zhang Wei's men were definitely not inexperienced, but they were far from the level of a master. Just how and where did Wu Yi find such a person? He should stay away for now. Zhang Wei ordered his men to halt and begin retreating. He glanced back at the person's awe-inspiring form. This person… he would remember him. In reality, what Liu Kai was actually doing was worriedly looking around for her backpack. Each time she moved, she was 'dodging' flying weapons. Raking her hands through her hair, Liu Kai heaved a large sigh. Could this day get any worse?

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