Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me

Chapter 305: Kiss the lips that think day and night

  Chapter 305 Kiss the lips that you think about day and night

  Si Yan originally asked casually, but Si Zhong's appearance of disregarding his relationship with Li Qingyan really caught people's attention.

  He couldn't help turning his head to look at him twice more before leaving.

  There is a reason why Si Yan is staring at his boss, after all, his identity is uniquely trusted by the Queen Mother, and he wants to know many secrets that others do not know.

   Moreover, Si Zhong is a thoughtful person, no matter if he did it himself or saw it accidentally, he will definitely pay attention to it.

  The most important thing is that Si Yan knows that Si Zhong is not willing to do things for the Queen Mother, he is rebellious, as long as he breaks his inner defense line, it is not impossible to be used by the Holy Majesty.


  After coming out of the dungeon, Si Yan still has one very important thing to do. Now that the situation in the capital is stable, and almost all those who have rebellious intentions have been arrested, it is time for Si Yan to bring them back.

  He led a group of soldiers and hurried to Danyang Town.

  At this time, Shen Li and his party had already learned about the earth-shaking changes in the capital. Although they knew that Si Yan and the Holy One must have made sufficient preparations, they still couldn't help but feel worried.

  Shen Li was even more worried that if she didn't sleep all night, when she woke up the next morning, she would be visibly haggard.

  Looking at her appearance, Zhong Ning couldn't help but say.

   "Li'er, go to sleep for a while, the capital is in such a mess, Si Yan must be busy, it's useless if you wait any longer."

   Shen Li didn't understand this truth, she couldn't hold back Zhong Ning, so she had to be crammed into the room and forced to sleep.

  Maybe she was too sleepy, just lying there, Shen Li actually fell asleep.

   Coincidentally, when she just fell asleep, as the sound of horseshoes outside the yard got closer, Si Yan actually came. Guan Fu was very excited when he saw Si Yan.

   "General, you are finally here."

  Others were somewhat surprised. After all, there were many things going on in the capital, and they all thought that Si Yan would have to wait a few days before coming.

  Si Yan hurriedly greeted everyone, his eyes began to search around the yard, his urgency was beyond words.

   "Where is Shen Li?"

  Zhong Ning pointed to Shen Li's room, and said slowly.

   "She didn't sleep all night last night, I let her rest, and I don't know if she fell asleep."

  As soon as Zhong Ning finished speaking, Si Yan had already reached the door of the house, and opened the door impatiently.

  After pushing open the door, Si Yan looked at Shen Li who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and his pace suddenly slowed down.

  He closed the door quietly, then tiptoed towards the bed.

After many days of hard work, and before coming here today, Si Yan went to the prison for a walk, his current condition is not much better than Shen Li, not only his cheeks are sunken, but also there are traces of blue under his eyes .

  Si Yan sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped Shen Li's little hand in his, and rubbed the back of Shen Li's hand with his thumb.

  Almost at the same time, Shen Li opened his eyes and looked at the figure in front of him, feeling a little unsure of what was going on.

  She opened her soft lips and murmured.

   "Si Yan? You're back."

  Si Yan didn't move, only holding Shen Li's hand with more strength, and said in a hoarse voice.

"it's me."

  Shen Li propped up her upper body subconsciously, looked at Si Yan's face in disbelief, couldn't help touching it with her free hand, her eyes were covered with mist, and stared at Si Yan without blinking.

"Am I dreaming."

  Shen Li's hand caressed Si Yan's cheek... the stubble, all the way to the rolling Adam's apple.

  Having not seen him for many days, how could Si Yan bear Shen Li's touch like this, he finally no longer restrained himself, aimed at the lips that he thought about day and night, and kissed him.

  (end of this chapter)

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