Chapter 306 Strange

  Si Yan put his arms around Shen Li's waist with one hand, and pressed the back of her head with the other hand, making it impossible for her to hide.

  He demanded recklessly, as if he wanted to swallow Shen Li in one gulp.

  Amidst the stormy kiss, Shen Li's palm slowly hugged Si Yan's neck, and his whole body stuck to his chest, turning into a puddle of water.

   Si Yan didn't let her go until Shen Li sobbed aloud when she was kissed.

  Shen Li was panting heavily, her forehead resting weakly on Si Yan's shoulder, and her voice was still panting.

   "When did you come?"

  Si Yan slipped his hand into her waist, and said in a calm tone.

   "Just now."

   Shen Li twisted her body uncomfortably, and asked again.

   "Is it all over?"

  Si Yan stared down at her bright red lips, a syllable overflowed from his throat.


  Shen Li couldn't bear it anymore, pushed his arm, and said with a look at him.

   "Stop making trouble, everyone is outside."

   As soon as the words fell, Si Yan pressed Shen Li and lay down without any hesitation. His voice was a little deep, as if he was very tired.

   "Let me hug you, I didn't sleep last night."

  After hearing Si Yan's words, Shen Li really didn't dare to move, and just let Si Yan pull her into his arms.

  For a while, no one in the room spoke, only the sound of gradually steady breathing.

  Shen Li wrapped her arms around Si Yan's waist, rubbed her forehead against the stubble on his chin, and closed her eyes reassuringly in the familiar embrace.


  Guan Fu has been thinking about not doing anything for Si Yan, and has been waiting for Si Yan outside the door, wanting to hear how he counterattacked.

  After all, it was hard for him to imagine that he followed Si Yan all day and didn't know anything.

  But after waiting for a while, the room was quiet, and there was no sign of anyone coming out. In the end, Zhong Ning couldn't stand it anymore, and walked to him and said.

   "General Si may not be coming out for a while, so you should go and rest for a while."

  Guan Fu was taken aback when he heard this, and his ears turned red when he realized it.


  It was already an hour later when Si Yan woke up again, he opened his eyes, looked outside in a daze, and remembered that there were still many things to go, so he woke up Shen Li and prepared to take her away.

  After hearing this, Shen Li seemed to have not calmed down, with a surprised expression on her face.

   "Leave now?"

  Si Yan smoothed the creases on his clothes, nodded and said.

   "Yes, I also took the time to come out. Now there is still a lack of strong evidence to convict the Queen Mother. I have to go to the prison to interrogate the prisoner."

  Speaking of the prisoner, a flash of inspiration flashed in Shen Li's mind, as if he suddenly thought of something.

   "By the way, have all the members of the Si family been arrested, including your, Si Zhong?"

  Si Yan didn't expect Shen Li to ask about Si Zhong, so he raised his head and glanced at her.

   "Yes, what's up?"

  A trace of unnaturalness flashed in Shen Li's eyes, and he asked afterward.

   "I remember he is not the Queen Mother's confidant, he must have a lot of Queen Mother's secrets."

  When this matter was brought up, Si Yan frowned unconsciously.

   "I've looked for him, and he doesn't seem to be surprised by his fate. He has no desires or desires, and nothing can hold him back."

   Having said this, Si Yan's voice changed.

   "However, there is one thing that I find a bit strange. The day before the palace change, Si Zhong suddenly divorced her wife and sent her away.

  I have already sent someone to look for it, but the capital was too chaotic in those few days, and there has been no news. "

  After hearing this, Shen Li suddenly felt as if she knew some shocking secret, so she said it immediately.

   "That's right."

  (end of this chapter)

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