Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 164 - Villain Without FL (3)

Sunye's eyes were covered tightly by a black cloth but her senses were alert. She was pretending to be unconscious as they rolled her on a wheelchair, taking her deeper into the mansion. Thanks to the intense training, her instincts were working fast and she was counting the guards around her.

There were two men who kidnapped her but other than them, she counted that there were at least thirty guards on the route she was being taken to. No doubt there are more, she concluded. A hundred? Or more?

"Yan, did you call the boss?" Cheng asked.

"He's not picking up!" Yan snarled. "He's in some important meeting with a bigshot."

"With whom?" Cheng demanded. 

"Some guy called Jaejun," Yan revealed. "He's a bigshot in the Company."

Jaejun? Why did that name sound so familiar to Sunye?

Jaejun...Then it hit her. That was the PM's secretary! He was involved in the Company too?

"Where are we taking this one?" Yan asked.

"To the basement downstairs. She'll be guarded by my men. The boss had told us that if we catch her, we shouldn't touch her. I heard that he's got...special plans for her."

"What plans?" Yan asked excitedly. "Is he gonna sell her at the auction?"


Sunye was now sickened but she kept up her ruse. The Company and Choi were still selling sex slaves? Where? How?

"I heard that the next auction will take place in two days," Cheng stated. "At the Victorian Hotel. You know how it is. Rich old men looking for their young prey. I'm guessing this one will be sold there to the highest bidder. I also heard that the General will be there himself."

"The General?" Yan gasped. "You mean…"

"Yep. The Company's leader. He'll be there himself."

Sunye froze. The Company's leader will be at the auction? Why?

I have to escape by tonight, she decided. Keeping very still, she waited for the men to take her to the basement. She did not have to do much. Her hands were tied behind her back with metal chains but that did not bother her. All she needed was SD to come with a bang like she expected him to. That was all he had to do.

Just hurry up, SD! She prayed.

Choi Taek was staring at Jaejun with disdain and a little fear. Jaejun's dark eyes were scrutinizing the man in front of him, treating the great mafia lord as if he was nothing more than trash in his eyes. Taek did not want to admit it but Jaejun was one of the most trusted men within the Company. For years, he had kept the Light at bay and defeated all their movements on behalf of the Company. Even Taek did not have the audacity to go against Jaejun.

They were in Thailand where Taek had arrived to smuggle out fresh slaves for the auction. This time, Jaejun was sent to keep an eye on the deal. He was to make sure that everything was to go according to the General's plan.

As soon as Taek entered Jaejun's building, the guards took away his phone. He protested but they said that it was the protocol for everyone. He was then led to Jaejun's office. The PM's secretary was sitting behind a desk, waiting for him.

"Your recent failure has displeased the General," Jaejun said. "How are you going to compensate for this?"

"You know very well that it was that girl's fault!" Taek snarled. "She was given information-"

"No one else knew," Jaejun pointed out. "Other than Mikhael, you and I. The information was leaked from Mikhael's server. And Mikhael was your man. He was loyal to you. Does that mean you don't know what your men are up to?"

Taek's nostrils flared but he kept his cool.

"How do I know that it wasn't someone within the Company who sold us out?" he hissed. 

"Are you blaming me for the leak, Taek?"

Jaejun stared at him hard but Taek did not look away. He glared back at Jaejun. Their intense standoff was interrupted by a ping on Jaejun's phone. 

"You get to use your phone but I don't?" Taek shot at him.

"That's because you are not such an important person," Jaejun said offhandedly. He glanced at the message on his phone and put it away.

"If that's all, then I'd like to take a flight back to Country K tonight-" Taek was saying but Jaejun stopped him.

"You will leave only after the slaves have been sent to the venue," Jaejun said sharply. 

"That wasn't in the deal!" Taek argued. "The slaves will be deported tonight by ship-"

"You will go with them by ship," Jaejun said. Taek was fuming so much that he did not notice Jaejun's fingers on a small sliding block under his table. Hidden behind it was a number keypad. Jaejun pressed on the keys as he addressed Taek.

"I won't go by ship!" Taek declared.

"You have no choice, Choi Taek," Jaejun said coolly. "If you don't listen, then it'll be a direct violation of orders."

Outside at the guard's station, a red light lit up on their desk. One of the guards saw the light and nodded. He signaled another guard who swiftly walked towards the spot where the guests kept their cell phones. Without another word, he inserted a tiny mole shaped device into the phone's charging point.

Instantly, the phone stopped receiving all signals. For the next twenty four hours, the phone will not receive any calls nor will Taek be able to call anyone. The signals were blocked, preventing him from getting any news from his men.

Inside the office, Taek was fuming in anger but he had little power against the Company.

"I put a snake in power!" he gritted.

Jaejun raised an eyebrow but did not say anything.

"My men will escort you to the ship," he said. "Until I give you the signal, you cannot leave the country. Got it?"

Taek glared at him and stormed off. Jaejun pressed the intercom and gave instructions to the guards to follow Taek. He then waited until Taek had completely left the premises before taking out his phone to check the message.

"Stop Taek from contacting his men today," SD had written. Jaejun slightly frowned. Why did he write such a message? Was something wrong?

"What is the kid up to now?" he groaned.. Just don't die, moron, he winced inwardly.

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