Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 165 - Villain Without FL (4)

The Choi Mansion's large gates loomed ahead, glittering under the street lights. Guards were standing on every corner, keeping an eye on any intruder who might dare to enter. They were given instructions that a van was arriving to take the hostage to the auction's venue. 

A black van was approaching the mansion. It had the logo of Choi's security company on it. One guard stepped forward to stop the van.

He peered at the masked men who were inside the car. "ID?" he demanded. 

One of the guards took off his mask and handed in his ID. The guard checked his face against the picture on the company ID.

"Hong Jinxing?" the guard frowned. 

"Leader of the Choi Task Force," the dark haired youth replied. "And these are my men. If you don't believe me, you can check with the HR records."

The guard took out his phone and clicked a picture of the man. He sent it to the head of his security team and received a reply.

"And the ID of your men-"

"These are my men and we're short on time!" Jinxing snapped. "We've been told to take the prisoner with us and that's what we're gonna do. Unless you wanna get screwed over by the big boss himself? Remember what he did to Mikhael?"

The guard cleared his throat and looked scared. SD, who was in disguise as one of the guards in the van, smirked. He knew very well that a confrontation with the Choi's was inevitable so he had planted one of his own men with the Choi's security forces. In fact, many of the guards working with the Choi's were his own men. They had been alerted about Sunye and gave him secret updates on her state. With Jaejun taking care of Choi Taek and his men infiltrating the mansion, all he needed to do was make sure Sunye was rescued.

But what was she planning? Why did she put herself in danger?

"You may enter," the entrance guard said and stepped aside. The gates opened and the van glided into the mansion. Jonghyun sat next to him, pale and furious that Sunye was in danger. What if they do something to her?

"Sir, let's go," SD nudged him. "I received information from my men that Ms. Han is on the second floor of the mansion."

"Yes," Jonghyun said. He led the men out of the van and they were allowed to enter the mansion. Every one of them had memorized the route and their mission was to take out all the remaining guards. The guards close to Choi Taek were on the second floor while SD's guards were scattered all around the mansion in strategically advantageous places. They were placed in pairs with the authentic guards outside, waiting for SD's signal to take the Choi's men out.

All they had to do was find Sunye first.

The guards spread throughout the vast mansion in search of her. The mansion was stylized like a maze with several corridors which gave off illusions. There were walls made of glass which would confuse any passerby who did not know the place well. Jonghyun was slightly nervous by the sheer amount of mirrors he was being forced to pass through but there was no choice.

SD, however, was unfazed. He knew the place by heart and he was sure that Sunye did as well. He made his way to a staircase situated near the basement which led to a secret passage on the third floor. He deliberately hid this information from Jonghyun so that Sunye could complete her own plan. 

The basement was located at a corner at the end of the mansion. SD passed by the guards, pretending to be casual. They did not move from their areas, patrolling the mansion well. There were several CCTV cameras which were recording his moves but he got hold of Orea who was on her way back to the city at that very moment. She was already working on disabling the cameras using her phone and he waited for her signal. 

"Hey you!" 

SD froze and turned around to find a guard approaching him. The guard was glaring at SD and pointed a gun at him. SD remained cool as the guard reached him, looking suspicious.

"You're not supposed to be here!" he snarled. "The new guards are supposed to be on the second floor!"

"I was told to guard this area," SD said in a cool tone. "It was according to the orders-"

"Only inner guards can be posted here!" the guard snapped at him. "Go back to your post-"


The sound of a gunshot echoed through the mansion and the guards were on alert. SD was alarmed. The gunshot came from the secret passage and Sunye was in there!

The guard who cornered him was distracted so SD reached for a remote in his pocket and pressed the button to signal his men to attack. There was no other choice.

"The prisoner is trying to escape!" the guard was saying into his walkie talkie. "The prisoner-"


SD knocked out the guard. He could hear footsteps approaching his way so he discarded the guard's body there and ran into the secret passage which was behind a wall next to the basement. He pushed a button on the wall and entered it while guards ran to the area he was at.

"Get him!" One of the guards yelled but his group was suddenly ambushed by a shower of bullets from all sides. Smoke and blood flew everywhere but SD did not stop to watch. He sprinted deep into the passage, looking for Sunye.

He did not know why but he was dreading the worst. Despite all the heavy training, Sunye was still a novice and he was not sure if she could handle several guards on her own. 

Ominous images were flashing in front of him and he ran to save her, praying she was safe.

There was a door ahead and he barged through it. 

"Sunye-" he yelled but froze in shock. His eyes widened at the scene in front of him before he slowly looked up to see…

"Take off your mask!" Sunye ordered, pointing a gun at him. Her face was smeared with blood and she was sweating. She was wearing a bulletproof vest, standing over a couple of unconscious men who were beaten to a pulp. One of them was even fatally shot.

Her dark eyes were full of determination which made SD grin. He slowly took off his mask and revealed himself. Sunye was relieved and lowered her gun.

"I knew you'd come," she smirked.. SD did not reply but stepped forward and swooped her into his arms for a kiss.

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