Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 34 - Tale Of Two Lovers (1)

The cold corridor smelt like old cigarettes and sewage. A series of cells were lined against the stony walls while the light was so minimal that it was almost impossible to see. The prisoners inside the cells were uncharacteristically quiet, doing their own thing. Some were lying on their back, sleeping while others were mindlessly walking around their cells. A few of them had multiple inmates who were either silent or busy catering to their cell leader.

Each cell had a leader or rather a person who was able to bully others into submission. They were the most dangerous ones, involved in illegal activities even within the prison walls. It was not uncommon for them to procure drugs and money from outside. Many of the guards were also involved with their businesses, turning a blind eye to the illegal activities within the confinements of prison. 

The silence was shattered by the sound of loud footsteps which were echoing through the prison.

SD made his way through the dark corridor, passing by the cells. They were looking sourly at the well dressed, bespectacled man who was haughtily walking by. Some of them were curious while others did not look his way. 

"Look at the pretty boy walking away!" one of the inmates said loudly. "Too bad pretty things like him don't last long in this place. One day here and they'll bend over with their pants off, ready to be effed in the behind."

Some of the inmates snickered at the comment and hissed at SD as he passed but he did not spare a glance at them, his eyes locked on the target. He could have literally made them bend over to him instead but talking to people bored him. It was a waste of time. His mind was more focused on his prize anyway..

Up ahead was a small door which led to an interrogation room. Slowly opening the door, he entered the dual chamber. It was separated by a large glass window with a small door next to it. There were armed guards outside the small door, ready to attack if the prisoner inside the interrogation room caused any ruckus.

The guards were alarmed when the stranger walked in.

"ID?" one of the guards demanded. SD took out his ID and showed it to him along with the prison pass.

"I'm here to take meeting minutes of the interrogation being held inside," he stated. "I am Kim Haein and I work for LN Partners."

"LN Partners?" the guard frowned. "You mean you're the companion of the lawyer who is about to come and question him?"

He pointed at the glass window. Hyun was sitting there, his hands and feet shackled while he was dressed in grey prison clothes. He seemed to have aged within two days, looking thinner and bitter. There was a stubble on his face which used to be once clean cut. His eyes were hollow as he stared into space, shocked by his current state.

Sunye had not arrived yet so he was kept inside the interrogation cell. As per the procedure, the prosecutor must question the prisoner alone before the trial. The prisoner could remain silent in case if he or she ended up giving away crucial clues. 

The door opened again and the clanking of heels indicated that Sunye had arrived. She briefly glanced at SD before turning to the guards. She flashed them her ID.

"I am Han Sunye," she stated. "The prosecutor. I believe the jailor had informed you about my arrival."

"Of course madam," the guard said. "We will be standing outside the door in case if anything happens. And he is said to be accompanying you to the questioning. Is it true?"

He pointed at SD who curtly nodded at Sunye but his eyes were twinkling with mischief. What is he up to now? She wondered.

"He is," she reluctantly replied. Jonghyun had assigned him to take the notes citing that Haein could find information from even the most stubborn clients. Sunye wanted to tell him that this was precisely the ability which made SD even more dangerous than Hyun but she kept mum.

"Shall we enter, madam?" SD asked in his professional tone which only made Sunye barf.

"Yes," she replied. He let her enter first and followed her in. Sunye gave a hard look at Hyun before taking her seat opposite to him. SD stood at a corner, taking out his phone to record the statements.

Sunye took out a pendrive and shoved it in front of Hyun.

"This video is evidence of your personal relationship with Dr. Lim Byungsoo," she said. "You were lovers?"

Hyun remained silent, refusing to talk. "This video showed the two of you engaged in sex," Sunye stated bluntly. "Your wife saw the video and had quite a few...colorful words for you. I will not be repeating them but she will send the divorce notice to you soon."

"But we are not interested in your sexual preference," she continued to say. "We are interested in what you told your partner during numerous intimate sessions."

Hyun was still silent, refusing to talk. Sunye took out a few papers and lay them in front of him, one by one.

"These are the total properties received by Byungsoo from his patients whom he had supposedly killed. I have noticed that a lot of the money used in your upcoming election campaign was sourced through the accounts of Brungsoo's deceased victims. The transactions were done through several banks in Country S before finally being transferred into your campaign account. It was a long and complicated process. Any visible signs of the money transfer were removed but our IT team had tracked it to their accounts Is this how Byungsoo made sure that your campaign wouldn't lose money?"

She glared at him but Hyun did not look at her. He was still staring at the wall, lost in thought.

"Admit it," she demanded. "Admit that you had your lover killed because he knew your dirty secrets and was about to double cross you!"

"I didn't do it!" Hyun said sharply, finally speaking up. "I did not kill him! I wanted him dead but I didn't kill him!"

Sunye studied him for a while before pushing the second paper in front of him.

"You did," she insisted quietly. "But not only because of the fact that he knew of your secrets but was also betraying you."

"What do you mean?" Hyun spat.

She pointed at the paper. "He was siphoning money from those accounts for himself as well," she revealed. "Reducing your campaign fund and taking the remaining money for himself."

Leaning forward, she whispered, "You told your lover to steal money from his dead patients but in turn, he was also keeping secret commissions for himself. And when you found out, in your rage, you ordered him to be killed."

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