Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 35 - Tale Of Two Lovers (II)

SD was watching the whole interrogation while recording it with his phone. He was fiddling with his pen, pretending to scribble but it was actually a tapping device which was wirelessly connected to Orea's laptop while a mini bluetooth speaker was attached to SD's ear. Orea was listening in on the conversation over the phone while cooped up in the girl's washroom at her school. 

"Your lawyer is smart," Orea complimented. "She really knows how to pounce on the jugular vein."

"If only she'd pounce on me," he muttered.

"That's a far fetched dream," Orea scoffed. "Imagine her shock when she finds out that you killed Byungsoo to frame Shin Hyun! She's gonna whoops your ass for sure."

SD grinned, thinking about the different positions he would be in while Sunye whooped his ass. Preferably with a large whip.

"Stop fantasizing you creep!" Orea's angry voice came from the other end, reading his mind. "Rein in your desires, you sadomasochist!"

SD kept his poker face intact while Sunye kept on grilling the Finance Minister.

"You hired a hitman to kill him and make it look like a suicide," she went on.

"It was a suicide and you can't prove otherwise!" Hyun taunted her. He leaned forward, his face lit with joy. "You see, there is no evidence of his death being a murder. None. There's no CCTV footage, no trace of how Byunsoo got that knife. You. Have. Nothing."

He sat back, triumphant. Sunye did not react nor give in to his taunts. She knew very well that he was not going to confess to his crimes and the case would go to court. As the prosecutor, her first job was to coax the accused into confessing his sins. If they confessed, they would be sent straight to jail after a judge approves their sign confession. But if they wanted to contest the accusations, the case would go to the court and the jury would decide.

Sunye had hoped that it would not go to the court because this case would turn into a media circus. But Hyun's smug smile made her want to beat him at his own game. If there was one thing Sunye could not back away from was an open challenge. She was competitive by nature and at that moment, she wanted to defeat that man.

"Alright then," she said coolly. "Since, you did not confess, you will be tried by the jury for murder. If convicted, you'll be sent to the central prison. And may I remind you that there, you will be faced with-"

"All the political prisoners who had supported the monarchy," he said in a wary tone. "How cliche. Trying to provoke me into signing by making an indirect threat. You really think that the Finance Minister of this country will go to jail? Me?"

He let out a sardonic laughter. At most, the Prime Minister would sack him but not abandon him. He had too many secrets to spill and the Company could not risk that. Even if they tried to kill him, he still had a way to expose their crimes. There was no way he would go down without a fight.

"FIne by me," Sunye shrugged, clasping her bag shut. "We'll meet in court next week. Till then, you better hope your luck doesn't run out."

With that, she turned away to leave. SD shut off the recorder and followed her out.

"That was strangely sexy and arousing," he remarked as they walked down the long corridor. "I wouldn't mind if I was the one shackled up like that if you're the prosecutor. Imagine the scenario. Sexy prosecutor whipping the accused inmate-"

Sunye turned around, glaring at him. "Let me make it clear," she gritted. "You and me. Never gonna happen."

"Are you still hung up on that one instance when I used you to get information about your first case?" he asked, rolling his eyes. "That was eight years ago!"

"I nearly lost the case," she pointed out.

"And I backed out at the last minute from helping that criminal," he shrugged.

"That's coz he didn't pay you!"

SD frowned, trying to remember if that was true. "Oh yeah," he realized. "That moron didn't wire me my ten million dollars in return for the information. Ah...yes. That's why I didn't give it to him. Cheap miser!"

Sunye shook her head and began to walk away but the annoying pest kept on following her.

"So, when are you gonna punish me for that instance?" he asked in a mischievous tone. "Just so you know, I won't say no to being handcuffed to the bed with nothing on."

"Over my dead body!"

But the blue eyed demon kept on pestering her until they reached her car at the building's parking. 

"Leave me alone!" she snapped as she opened the car door but he blocked her way and snapped it shut.

"I wish but I can't," he smiled. "You owe me a date tonight!"

"Date?" she echoed. "What date? I thought I was to merely accompany you somewhere!"

"Well...where I'm going, I'll need a date," he revealed. "And I need you to wear this."

He took out his phone and showed her a picture of a crop top shirt and micromini skirt. Sunye was enraged upon seeing the skimpy clothes he had chosen for her and wanted to strike him across the cheek.

"Are you crazy?" she yelled. "I can't wear something like that!"

"I wish I could wear it for you hun and let you spank me in it but unfortunately, you're the girl here," SD said in a singsong voice. "And the client tonight likes it when women are in these sorts of clothes. Becomes easier to get information from him when a pretty lady such as yourself is around."

"So you'll let me become the fantasy of some pervert?" she demanded angrily.

"You're already my fantasy so might as well add another weirdo to that list," SD smirked. 

"You-" she began but words could never express her dislike for him.

"A selfish asshole," he finished for her. "I'd have given you more curses to throw at me but time is short. We need to prepare for tonight. I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock."

Sunye wanted to scream at him more but he smiled and waved her goodbye, prancing off like a school kid who had just been asked out by his crush. 

"UGH!" She yelled, cursing herself for the rotten luck. A night out with SD. What could go wrong? 


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