Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 52 - Meeting The Villain (1)

Sunye entered the posh building through the automated doors. She was jittery and nervous about her first day at work, unsure of what to do. People walked past her, busy in their own worlds. She did not dare to stop someone and ask for directions because everyone was occupied. They were walking too quickly, talking at a rapid pace with their hands on their cellphones or eyes on documents they were reading on their way to important meetings.

It was all too new to her. The four years in college taught her about theoretical studies with some practical courses which included overseeing some of the court cases or replicating a courtroom with two sides arguing their issues. She knew the basics of law and how to fight a case. The procedure was familiar to her.

But she was still overwhelmed. Four years of law school did not prepare her for working in an office with her peers. She was not sure how to interact with people and it was a big disadvantage for her as a lawyer. Her awkward and mild demeanor was posing a threat as she stared at the fast paced world around her which seemed to be leaving her behind.

Can I even catch up? She wondered. The well suited employees around her did not spare her a glance and simply walked away, doing their own business. Sunye slowly made her way towards the elevator, keeping her head down. She pressed the button to the fifth floor and it began to ascend.

The lift stopped at the fifth floor. Sunye stepped out of it to find an exclusive corridor where the CEO of the firm, Lawyer Yang sat. He was the prosecutor Sunye looked up to and she did not apply anywhere else. It was her dream to work under him and it was finally about to come true.

She poised herself and began to walk towards the office. A secretary sat outside and upon seeing Sunye, stood up.

"Do you have an appointment?" the secretary asked in a professional tone.

"I am Han Sunye!" Sunye replied. "Junior Lawyer. I just joined today. The CEO was supposed to meet me because he wanted me to assist him with a case…"

"Ah yes!" the secretary realized. "He had mentioned about you. Please enter through the glass door."

Sunye nodded and did as she was told. Yang sat on his chair, reading a few papers. He looked up when Sunye entered the room. She bowed low in respect.

"My name is Han Sunye," she introduced herself. 

"I know who you are!" Yang laughed. "Come. Sit here!"

He ushered her at an empty chair. Sunye sat down, still a little nervous but Yang had an assuring aura which calmed her nerves a lot.

"Did you read the documents I've sent you?" he asked.

"Yes!" Sunye replied. She took out a file from the briefcase she was carrying and handed it to him.

"The accused is Seo Jinhee," she said. "A famous model and fashionista who has allegedly killed her husband. Her husband, Jung Heenim, was a renowned chef at the La Bariella Hotel and a respected restaurateur. His body was found in the garden, his wrist slashed to seem like a murder. But he was left handed so if he had killed himself, he would have used his left hand to slice the right hand. Instead, his left hand was the one slashed."

"Good," Yang complimented her. "What else do you know?"

"The CCTV cameras were broken," Sunye went on. "A servant knocked over the main switch and caused a malfunction causing the cameras to go off for an hour. Jinhee said she was at the shower when the murder took place. Neither her nor any of the servants heard the cries of Jung, who was out of earshot since the garden was quite far from the main house."

"Yes," Yang nodded. "That is all correct. However, there is one information we must not reveal to the court if we want to win."

Sunye frowned. "H-hiding information?" she stammered. "Isn't that wrong?"

"It's wrong," Yang agreed. "But when it comes to the court, the truth doesn't win. Whatever wins becomes the truth. So, there is one information we will not reveal."

"But…" Sunye trailed off. "What if she's innocent?"

"That's not our headache," Yang stated. "Remember this, Han Sunye. You're a prosecutor. In your long career, you will come across many instances when you will doubt your stance. The accused might even be innocent. Or…"

He leaned forward, giving her a strange yet pitiful look. "You might even send an innocent person to jail," he stated.

There was a long silence. Sunye had expected that she would inevitably come across many harsh realities in her career but she had pushed all those at the back of her mind. But she did not expect to be forced to face them on her first day of work.

"But our job is to present our side of the truth," Yang went on. "Truth has many versions but in court, we only have two. Guilty or not? We present one version while defense presents another one. It's up to the jury to make a decision and the judge to make a verdict. Not us."

"So don't ever think that just because you sent an innocent man to prison, it makes you wrong," Yang concluded. "It simply means your side of the truth was stronger and more convincing. That's it. Rest is up to the judge to decide."

Sunye did not reply but silently stared at her psalm which were clasped together. Yang had said some very heavy words to her but was she ready for it? Did she have it in her to send an innocent person to jail? What would happen if she refused?

Her heart was even more troubled now. After hearing all that, she was not sure what sort of lawyer she was going to become. She was not the idealistic one who thought of only prosecuting criminals and put bad guys behind the bars. Reality did not have superheroes. In fact, villains won many times and would keep winning.

But she was wondering if she really had it in her to go through with it.

"At the court, we will not be revealing that the CCTV was broken by a servant," Yang said, breaking her reverie. "The defense does not know it yet. Or I hope they don't know it. We'll find that out in court tomorrow. I'd prefer if we don't extend dates and get a quick confession tomorrow. Otherwise the trial will drag and drain our energy in the process."

"Y-yes," Sunye croaked. Her conscience was urging her not to go through with it but betraying one's stance in court was a contempt. It could cost her the license to practice law.

She took a deep breath and got up from the seat. Bowing to Yang before leaving, she walked rather quickly to get away from there. Once outside, she let out a deep sigh.

Yang's words were ringing in her ears. Truth did not win in the court but whatever won became the truth. It was a bizarre thought but deep down, she knew it was true. She leaned against the wall, contemplating if she was strong enough to assist with this case, especially when she was being asked to hide a crucial information.

Her reverie was broken by the ringing of her phone. It was Sua.

"Sunye!" Sua's excited voice came from the other end. "Are we still up for drinks tonight? You skipped out last week at the eleventh hour so I'm not taking no for an answer!"

Sunye sighed. Even though she had promised Sua that she would go for drinks after the graduation party, she ended up skipping it to read the case files Yang had sent her. Sua was still persistent and kept on pestering her about it.

Maybe I should go, she decided. She already knew the basics of the case and one drink would not hurt her much. 

"Alright," she agreed. "Let's go tonight!"

"Atta girl!" Sua squealed. "We'll meet at the Prep! You know the way?"

"It's near the intersection at south, right?"

"Yes! See ya!"

Sua hung up the phone. Sunye debated with herself for a while. She had said yes on an impulse and there was no way to back out. 

I'll be fine, she assured herself. Maybe losing some steam will help me prepare even better.


That night, Sunye met Sua at the bar named Prep. It was the most popular bar in town where young adults frequented a lot. The place was crowded that night with people. The dance floor was abuzz as the DJ played all the popular songs of the time. 'New Love' by the country's most famous band, EXOTIC was playing in the background.

"Let's grab our drinks!" Sua yelled over the music. Sunye nodded and they headed for the bar.

"One Vodka on the Rocks!" Sua ordered.

"A Ginger Ale for me," Sunye said but Sua shook her head.

"No!" she protested. "Get her a Sex on the Beach!"


"No buts!" Sua said crossly. "You need something strong tonight! We're here to have fun and flirt with the cute guys around us. No need to hold back."

Sunye bit her lip. She was not so sure about what Sua had in mind but she did not have the guts to say no. Sua was quite persistent in making Sunye loosen up a little.

"Hey guys, over here!" Sua exclaimed. She waved at two men of their age who were smiling back. 

"You set us up for dates?" Sunye hissed.

"Relax!" Sua whispered. "It's just a casual one! Nothing too serious. If you don't like them, just say no and walk away!"

Sunye wanted to argue but the men had already reached them. One of them was hugging Sua while the latter threw him flirtatious gazes. They seemed to be quite friendly with one another.

I guess I'll stay a little while and then leave, Sunye decided. Nothing wrong with that, right?

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