Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 53 - Meeting The Villain (2)

"So, you're a lawyer?"

Sunye looked at the light haired boy with cute dimples and an innocent look. She was dragged into a blind date with this guy while Sua was chattering with the other boy. They were at a table, drinking while Sunye was simply gazing at her glass.

"I'm right now an apprentice," she replied sheepishly. "Not a proper lawyer yet."

"Oh," the boy said. "You must always be busy."

"Sort of."

She did not know what to talk about. The boy was cute but he was not really her type. Then again, Sunye did not have a type. She was not interested in dating, her mind focused only on work and other commitments. Inwardly, she cursed Sua for dragging her into this awkward date but there was little she could do.

"Want a drink?" the boy offered. 


She fumbled to remember his name. The boy sighed and replied, "James. James Cheng."

"Ah yes!" Sunye exclaimed. "Thank you, James."

James nodded and headed off towards the bar. Sua had disappeared with her date onto the dance floor leaving Sunye alone with the boy. She was fiddling with her fingers, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, she felt goosebumps.

Glancing around, she felt as if she was being watched. She looked right to left, scanning the area. Her sharp instincts told her that someone was following her but it was impossible to tell who was stalking her. It was not the first time she had that feeling.

All throughout the week, she had been having that feeling. But every time she turned around, there was no one in sight. 

"Here you go!"

James had returned with a couple of beers. Sunye thanked him and took a sip. She was still eyeing the place for possible perverts who might be following her when something caught her eye.

A tall man stood next to the bar, sipping a drink while chatting with another guy. Sunye was not sure why that man caught her eyes but she could not look away. There was no doubt that he was handsome. He wore a sleeveless jacket, highlighting his ripped muscles while his shoulder length hair was tied into a loose ponytail. A tattoo peeked from the helm of his collar. It seemed to be of a blue tiger, a color which complemented his eyes.

His eyes…

Sunye had never seen such beautiful eyes. They were electric green, almost unreal yet so beautiful. The man seemed to be of her age and for a brief second, he caught her ogling at him. Sunye quickly looked away, her heart beating fast. 

Did he see me? She wondered. She took more gulps of her drink, knowing very well that she was going past her limit. 

"Are you alright?" James asked.

"I'm fine!" she assured him. "Just a little nervous."

"Wanna dance?" James asked.


Sunye was not sure what to reply but agreed on a whim. The blue eyed man was distracting her and she could not help but peek at him from afar. He was still chatting with the other man but caught her looking at him again. This time, he was eyeing her with more interest as she walked away with James.

James led her to the dance floor and they began to sway with the music. Sunye tried not to look at the blue eyed man and to her relief, he was not at the bad anymore. What is wrong with me? She wondered.

Trying to concentrate on her date, she smiled at James. The latter smiled back, holding her waist. Sunye felt a little uncomfortable with the proximity and tried to gently pull away but James' grip was tight.

"Aren't you having fun?" he smirked. 

"I-I am…"

To her shock, she felt his hand roam up and down her back until it began to slide downwards. 

"C-can you let me go?" she stammered. Sunye was not a confrontational person since she was raised in a sheltered environment She was not familiar with men and the advances. Despite reading up about the laws and theories, reality was quite different for her. 

"You're really pretty," James said, ignoring her protests. He leaned in to kiss her but she backed off, pushing him away. 

"Don't!" she protested. James looked angry and humiliated. He was about to grab her by the hand when Sunye felt someone else pulling her other wrist and before she could comprehend anything, she was hugged by a pair of strong arms.

"I'm so sorry honey!" 

Sunye looked up to see the blue eyed stranger in front of her. He winked at her.

"I'm so sorry, honey!" he said. "I'm late for our date. I know you said 8 but the bloody boss of mine kept me working till 9!"

He let out a loud sigh, letting her go. Sunye was confused by the turn of events but as soon as she saw James' confused gaze, she realized that the stranger was trying to help her in escaping unwanted advances.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, faking a girly tone. "Honey, I missed you so much! Damn that boss of yours! I can't believe he almost made you miss out on our date!"

She clutched his arm in an effort to look all lovey dovey. The stranger was amused but he did not say anything. Instead, he glanced at James, raising his eyebrows.

"Sunye, who is this?" James frowned. "Sua didn't say you had a boyfriend!"

"Who's this bozo?" the stranger asked.

"Some guy who was trying to feel me up!" Sunye instantly claimed. "He touched my butt!"

"Did he?" the stranger growled. James gulped and backtracked on his earlier actions.

"It was a mistake!" he said cautiously. "Really! I thought she was alone and-"

"So you like to molest lonely women," the stranger spat. James panicked and ran off, leaving them on the dance floor. Sunye let out a sigh of relief and turned to face the stranger.

He was even more handsome upfront. She was momentarily dazed by his looks but that was not the only thing which was attracting him to her. It felt as if he was somehow familiar. When she touched his arm, she had this inkling that they had met before but she could not place him in her memories. It was as if he was a distant memory whom she had forgotten about.

But that was impossible. She could not have forgotten someone with such beautiful eyes.

"Sweetie, the guy is gone," the stranger said. "It's my cue to leave."

He grinned at her and turned away when Sunye spoke up.

"C-can I buy you a drink?" she squeaked. She instantly regretted it. How the hell did I turn so bold? She thought in horror. Buying a stranger a drink? He could be a serial killer for all I know!

"Buying a stranger a drink?" the man asked in an amused tone. "I could be a serial killer."

Was he reading her mind? Sunye shook her head and smiled a little. 

"I guess I can take the risk," she said, blushing hard. "It's just a thank you for saving me from him."

"I guess I can take you up on that offer," the stranger grinned. "Shall we?"

He let her lead the way to the bar. They sat on the chairs and ordered a couple of drinks and a bowl of fries.

"What's your name?" Sunye asked.

"Seo Hyunmin," he said. "I'm a doctor at the National Hospital."

"Doctor?" Sunye frowned. "But…"

She looked at his getup. Did doctors dress in such clothes?

"I'm off duty, so I can wear whatever I want," Hyunmin said. "Besides, as long as I can cut up people and heal em, doesn't matter what I wear."

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Han Sunye," she replied. "I'm an apprentice lawyer with Yang Partners."

"Sunye…" he trailed off. "I once knew a Sunye."

Sunye froze in her spot. "You did?" she frowned. DId they actually know each other?

"One of my patients," Hyumin said casually. "She was an eighty year old woman with a heart condition. Had a zeal to live and was very nice. But she was also a nag. Kept on nagging and complaining whenever I was near. She was afraid of needles. Hated them with a passion. She used to scold us whenever we tried to give her a shot."

"She sounds like a handful," Sunye grimaced. "We get clients like that as well. Always complaining that we don't do enough work!"

"I know right?" Hyunmin laughed. "The old woman also had a nickname for me. I think she hated me."

"What was it?" 

"Sadistic Doctor," he revealed. He then narrowed his eyes and mimicked the patient.

"Look here comes the Sadistic Doctor!" he mimicked in a screeching tone. "He's gonna kill me!"

Sunye laughed and took a sip off her drink. She felt more lighthearted than before and somehow relaxed. It was hard to tell why she felt so comfortable around him but there was a certain assuring aura about him which was a fresh change for her.

A peppy song echoed through the speakers.

"Wanna dance?" he asked. When Sunye hesitated, he laughed and added, "I won't even touch you. I swear!"

Sunye bit her lip before sighing. "Sure," she smiled.

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