When she returned to the house, John found an excuse to leave, and Su man became more determined about her guess.

She lowered her head and gently touched her stomach, thinking of the scene that happened in the hospital today. A bitter smile floated from the corner of her mouth and murmured to the baby in her stomach, "baby, trust Mommy. After a long time, Mommy can forget your daddy."

Su man said here, and there was another low sigh at the corner of his mouth.

His eyes looked blankly at the ceiling, with deep sadness in his eyes.

Su man had dinner in her room. It was not John who sent her dinner, but a servant in the villa. Su man listened to the man, "is Mr. Kane still in the villa now?"

"Out," the servant answered truthfully.

"What about John? Why didn't you see him?" asked Su man suspiciously.

"Also out."

When Su man heard the servant say this, she remembered Kane's serious look when they first came home in the afternoon. Suddenly, she had a bad feeling in her heart. After eating, she went to bed. In the middle of the night, bursts of cold wind blew in from the open window. Su man was awakened by cold. When she got up and closed the window, she found that the sky was already snowing.

The white snow covered the garden, and the faint white light made the whole garden more fresh.

"Quack!" her stomach cried at this time. Su man touched her stomach and was ready to go downstairs to find something to eat. But when she opened the door, she suddenly found John sitting on the ground drinking with a glass in his hand.

Seeing John, Suman asked with concern, "Kane, is he back?"

John poured himself a mouthful of wine, suddenly looked up, and his cold eyes passed over her. He seemed to be stimulated. Suddenly, he said loudly, "no, he didn't come back! He went back to m country himself, but let me stay here to take care of you."

Su man saw his red face and knew he had drunk too much.

But John suddenly jumped up from the ground, shook the beer bottle in his hand, looked at Su man and said, "it was all your fault. If it weren't for you, Kane, he wouldn't face these now." his criticism was very severe. Su man was stunned. I don't know why he criticized himself like this.

"Kane, what's wrong with him?" she asked, swallowing her saliva.

John seemed to be stimulated and replied regardless, "he has returned to country M. many of his father's companies have been damaged by everyone. He has to help his father clean up the mess. Now it's snowing heavily in city a, but he wants to fly back to country m at this time.

"Kane has returned to country m?" Su man looked up at the sky and frowned deeper. Planes can't take off in this bad weather, but he insisted on going back at this time. It seems that things in country m are really serious.

John poured himself another mouthful of wine and then ignored it, "You're the woman who did it. I knew that. I just injected you with drugs at the beginning. In this way, Kane doesn't have to spend so much energy on you... What are you proud of... Don't you know that Kane has done many things for you? Your daddy company, Su Xinzi, who was going to kidnap you, and your ex husband who was going to suppress you... He He did so many things for you, but he didn't tell you anything. He did it silently. "

John paused and continued to complain, "it's a pity that Kane's eyes are only you. If he... Could do this to... Me, I would have... Er..." John hiccupped, stepped back a few steps, and finally squatted down against the wall and slept deeply.

Su man looked at Kane sleeping, and her thin lips pursed in a straight line.

If John hadn't said so today, she wouldn't know what Kane did for her.

But John was wrong. Kane's eyes were not so much her as Mrs. joss's inheritance.

"Hey!" she sighed and turned to look out the window. The snowflakes were still rustling out. In this case, Su man could only silently pray that Kane wouldn't have an accident.

Under Ji's building.

The despondent Su Yaodong chewed a steamed stuffed bun in his hand and squatted in a corner at the door of the building. His eyes looked shrewdly at the people walking back and forth. He didn't know what he was thinking.

I raised my arm and looked at the time. It's almost time for work at 8:30. Ji Mobei should be here soon.

Sure enough, as he expected, a black car slowly stopped at the door of the company. A driver came down from the car. The driver hurried a few steps, hurried around to the other side and opened the door.

Ji Mobei stepped down from the car in a brown windbreaker, then looked up at the gray sky, and his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

He walked to the door of the company. Su Yaodong, who was squatting, brightened his eyes when he saw Ji Mobei, then took off half of the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, wiped the stains on the corners of his mouth, and then rushed to Ji Mobei, "President Ji, President Ji..."

When Luo Hao saw someone suddenly rush up, he hurried forward. Ji Mobei glanced at the man and recognized that he was su man's uncle.

Now Su Yaodong is wearing an old suit and a pair of mud stained shoes. His originally black hair is half white. At the moment, he is very down and out.

"Mr. Ji, please give me some time... I have something to tell you..." Su Yaodong tried to break through Luo Hao's resistance. Luo Hao was afraid that something would happen to Su Yaodong, so he made more efforts to push him away.

"President Ji, what I want to tell you is... About Su man, President Ji, please give me some time. You won't regret it..." Su Yaodong pleaded again. Now for him, the only woman who can make him turn over is Su man. He can't care about anything else. As long as he can be a rich man again, he is willing to do anything.

Timothy paused at his feet, tightened his thin lips, looked up at Su Yaodong, and his tone improved slightly. "What do you want to tell me about Su man?"

Seeing that he had aroused Ji Mobei's interest, Su Yaodong rushed forward again and said to Ji Mobei at the top of his voice, "I know where Su man is now. If you are interested, Mr. Ji, why don't you... Find a place to talk about it."

Ji Mobei's eyes flashed a fine light and quickly made a decision, "that's good!"

A restaurant next to Ji's building. At the north end of Jimo, he sat and looked at Su Yaodong, who wolfed across from him, and waited patiently for him to fill his stomach. But Su Yaodong ordered several steaks as if he had been in Russia for several days. Finally, he solved those steaks by himself. At the end of the meal, he did not forget to ask the waiter for a glass of distilled water.

"Are you ready to eat? Should you be able to say when you are ready?" Ji Mobei put his hands around him, hooked his lips, and looked at Su Yaodong coldly.

Su Yaodong rubbed his hands, smiled and said shamelessly, "President Ji, you see, I'm a little tight recently. Can you..."

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