He didn't say what he said later, but jimobei couldn't understand it. Ji Mo Beijun picked his eyebrow lightly. Light way, "how much do you want?"

Su Yaodong smiled again and stretched out five fingers, "President Ji, I think for Su man, this money is not a problem at all?"

Timothy twisted his eyebrows, reached out and took out a check and pen from his pocket and wrote on it. Then he pushed the check in his hand in front of Su Yaodong, looked at him and said, "it's time to say now."

Su Yaodong bowed his head and counted the numbers carefully. When he saw that there was nothing wrong, he nodded busily. After drinking a sip of water, he said slowly, "Mr. Ji, it's like this... Su man is now imprisoned by Kane..." Su Yaodong lowered his voice and slowly said Su man's current address.

Finally, Su Yaodong concluded, "Kane is really nothing. She trapped Su man in such a place. Alas, it's a pity that my niece is so troubled. Oh, Mr. Ji, if you want to save Su man, remember to bring more people. There are many bodyguards in that place, and their hands are good. If Mr. Ji goes alone, he may be blocked. So I suggest you ... "before Su Yaodong finished his next words, a figure flashed before the meeting, and then Ji Mobei rushed out of the villa.

"Ah, Mr. Ji, you haven't paid yet..." Su Yaodong shouted behind him, but Ji Mobei had left. Su Yaodong could only admit bad luck and thought that he would have to pay for it himself. Just then, the phone in his pocket rang. He picked up the phone and found it was Shen Fu. He quickly answered the phone and said to Shen Fu, "Everything is going well and I got the money. I'll give you a share of the money later."

When Ji Mobei returned to the car, he ordered Luo Hao to "mobilize the best security personnel of the company."

Luo Hao didn't know why Ji Mobei suddenly wanted to mobilize security personnel. He couldn't help asking, "President Ji, are you..." But as soon as his words were about to be exported, Ji Mobei looked at him with a fierce look. When Luo Hao faced those eyes, his eyes flashed. Then he picked up the phone, called the security director of the company, and explained Ji Mobei's decision to him.

"Now you drive to..." when Luo Hao called, Ji Mobei reported another address. Luo Hao stepped on the accelerator and drove according to the address reported by Ji Mobei. After Ji Mobei's car left, an old car parked not far away also slowly drove out of the parking space to keep up with Ji Mobei's car.

At the same time, pan Baimei, led by her secretary, entered Shen Anlin's office. Pan Baimei looked at the beautifully decorated office, and her heart was filled with envy. Once upon a time, she also lived in such a place. Now

When pan Baimei thought of this, she couldn't help hating Su Yaodong. If it weren't for his incompetence, their mother and daughter wouldn't be in this situation now. Pan Baimei sighed faintly and felt a burst of hatred.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and Shen Anlin came in in a well-tailored suit. Pan Baimei was a little nervous when she saw Shen Anlin. But she still hardened her head and came forward with a smile, "President Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Shen Anlin looked at the deliberate flattery in her eyes and said lazily, "what's the matter with Ms. pan looking for me

"Is that right?"

Pan Baimei gave Shen Anlin a timid look, then clenched her teeth and said, "President Shen, I'm here to tell you the news of Su man."

Shen Anlin raised her eyebrows and inquired about her from beginning to end. Now pan Baimei is only wearing ordinary clothes. Her well maintained face is now wrinkled.

Then she said in a contemptuous tone, "Oh?" it was obviously a strong tone of distrust. Pan Baimei quickly looked up nervously and said to him, "President Shen, I really have the news of Su man. I won't lie to you!"

Shen Anlin looked at Pan Baimei with an eyebrow. "You mean you know Su man's news?"

Pan Baimei smiled and nodded.

Shen Anlin sneered, "Pan Baimei, I'm not a fool. You said you know Su man's news. Can you tell me how you know?"

"This..." Pan Baimei whispered. Thinking of what Shen Fu said before she came here, Shen Fu found her and said Su man's current address. Then she asked her to come here to ask Shen Anlin for money.

Shen Anlin looked at her coldly again, with a thick color of doubt in his eyes. "Since you can't say why, I can only say sorry." Shen Anlin turned the big class chair, stretched out his hand and picked up the microphone, "Secretary song, come in and help me deliver the guests."

As soon as pan Baimei heard that he was going to drive herself away, she quickly stood up from her chair and said eagerly, "President Ji, you can't drive me away. Shen Fu asked me to come here. Shen Fu knows Su man's specific address. Su man is here now..." Pan Baimei directly reported Su man's current address in order to make Shen Anlin believe her words.

Shen Anlin hooked his lips and burst into a sneer. "It seems that I want to thank Ms. pan for telling me where Su man is now."

Shen Anlin put down a word and wanted to get up and leave. Seeing this, pan Baimei immediately came up to catch up with Shen Anlin and begged, "President Shen, you can't just go... I'm a little tight now... Do you think you can..." give me some money.

Shen Anlin frowned in disgust, and directly refused in a firm tone, "No."

"But I told you about Su man!" Pan Baimei hurriedly added. From a lady to a civilian, she is now very sad.

Shen Anlin sneered again, "I didn't let you say it just now. You wanted to tell me yourself." Shen Anlin hated pan Baimei, and now he heard the word Shen Fu from Pan Baimei. He became even more disgusted.

"Shen Anlin, you can't do this. I told you the news about Su man, and you can't just do this to me." Pan Baimei was a little excited, so she directly called out Shen Anlin's name.

Shen Anlin smiled contemptuously again, straightened his clothes, and was ready to leave when he started. Pan Baimei catches up and reaches out to pull Shen Anlin's clothes. Shen Anlin glances at her hand in disgust, and her face is even colder. Just then, the secretary came in. Shen Anlin hurriedly said to his secretary, "let the security guard come up and take this crazy woman away."

The Secretary hurried to call the security guard. Before long, several security guards came up to pull pan Baimei. Pan Baimei was pulled away and blasted out of the building. After getting rid of her, Shen Anlin quickly called beitanghao and borrowed a group of people to go where pan Baimei said.

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