The alarm clock "didi" rang. Gu Lei vaguely opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock, then turned over and got up from bed. After washing, he changed into a casual dress and ran around the garden of Gu's house.

When Gu renyun came down from upstairs at 7:50, Gu Lei had finished his fitness and sat at the table with a glass of milk for breakfast. Seeing Gu renyun, Gu Lei curled his mouth and whispered a greeting, even if he bowed his head and stopped talking.

Gu renyun was angry when he saw his attitude. It's just that no matter how angry you are, you can't attack. Naturally, the reason is that he has only one son, and this son has recently given him a face. He likes Gu Lei's performance very much. As for his attitude, it's all because Liu Qian didn't teach her well.

Gu renyun sneered at the thought of Liu Qian. This woman is really shameless. Did she think she would be better off if she got divorced? Don't think she has a manor now. She may cry one day. Then she has to come back and beg him.

Gu renyun sat down and asked the servant to scoop him a bowl of Hui Mi porridge, then picked up the newspaper on the table as usual and read it. Turning to the first page, he talked about the divorce of Ji Mobei and Mu Lan. Turning to the second page, he talked about the gossip of Ji Mobei and Mu Lan. Turning to the third page, he also talked about Ji Mobei and Su man... After turning page by page, Gu renyun directly patted his newspaper on the table and angrily scolded, "These reporters are really boring. They keep chasing other people's gossip news every day. They just fry a little material and are not afraid of being fried."

Gu Lei glanced at the newspaper and vaguely saw that the man on the newspaper page looked like Ji Mobei. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "who's in the newspaper?"

"Who else can there be? Ji Mobei of Ji's family. This fool competed to divorce the daughter of the Mu family and insisted on marrying a junk. For this news, newspapers and TV are fried every day, which is endless and disgusting to watch." Gu renyun said here, looked at Gu Lei with a hopeful eye and said with the voice of his elders instructing his younger generation, "Son, don't be like Ji Mobei in the future. It's safer for people like us to find a woman with the right name to get married. If you find a woman like Ji Mobei and come back, your father and I have to break your legs."

Gu Lei grabbed the newspaper on the table and glanced around quickly. The picture published in the newspaper was that Ji Mobei and Mu Lan parted ways at the gate of the court. Gu Lei turned it again. Two dazzling words in the newspaper suddenly jumped into his eyes.

"Su man"

Gu Lei pointed to the strange face on the picture and asked, "who is she?"

Gu renyun glanced at the picture, hit the corners of his mouth unhappily, and said coldly, "who else can it be, the woman named Su man?" Gu renyun despised the way, and told Gu Lei, "son, don't go to school in the future, Mo Bei, find this kind of unscrupulous woman, let's take care of our family..."

"Is she Su man?" Gu Lei stared at Su man in the newspaper strangely. He had only been away for half a year. How could things become so bad now? If he hadn't been related to Ji Mobei, he wouldn't recognize Su man.

Gu renyun also wanted to take this opportunity to give ideological education to his son, so he read the woman in the newspaper and said, "Anyway, Mo Bei is really stupid this season. A woman like this can play casually. He takes it seriously. At first glance, Su man's face is not a fuel-efficient person. She must be a woman who is greedy for power and keeps climbing. Such a woman is too scheming..."

"Will you feel bad if you don't say a few words?" Gu Lei snapped at him and looked back at Gu renyun, with a sarcastic arc at the corners of his mouth, "You'd better wipe your own ass before talking about others. I don't know who recruited Shen Fu to the house at the beginning. When Shen Fu was domineering at home, didn't you also be laughed at by the whole people in city a? And your good daughter Gu Luoluo, she's not very pure... Ji Mobei is not as bad as you said. He dares to do it, at least willing to spend money with her Mu Lan is divorced. You're not as good as him. You've been dragging my mommy. Aren't you afraid that my mommy will divide your property? Hypocrisy! Affectation! "

Gu Lei said disgustingly, then turned away from the table with the newspaper. Gu renyun scolded behind him, "is this the tone you should have? Gu Lei, don't think I'm just your son... You'll drag to heaven... If you continue to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I'll cancel your inheritance in the lawyer's office."

Gu Lei sniffed at her words. He didn't stop at his feet and left straight.

Gu renyun was angered by his attitude and scolded many ugly words behind his back, but Gu Lei had left, so he didn't hear those Gu Lei scolded.

Gu Lei went out of his villa and took a red sports car to jimobei company. Now he doesn't know anything, and he can't even contact Su man. He has to go to jimobei to find out.

And Su man here, as soon as she opened the door of her home, she saw Ji Mobei. Ji Mobei held a very large doll in his hand. Seeing Su man, he raised the arc of his mouth and smiled at Su man, "when I came here in the morning, I happened to pass a toy store, so I bought it."

Su man looked down at the doll in his hand and said with a smile, "come in. Nan Nan had a rough night last night. Maybe she missed you."

Ji Mobei approached Su man for a few steps. He saw that there was no one around. He approached her and gently pressed his hands on her slender waist. Su man was scalded by the temperature in his palm. Her heart beat "bang bang" fast. She looked up at him. Ji Mo Beifeng's eyes were deep, and his breathing voice lingered in her ears, plating a layer of pink on her cheeks.

Seeing such a quiet her, Timothy's heart swung slightly.

The hand holding her slender waist also made a slight effort, bent down her head, gently kissed her cheek, Su man half leaned on him, vaguely heard Ji Mobei's accelerating heartbeat, and the corners of her mouth slightly aroused.

Originally, it was a warm picture, but it was inserted into an abrupt sound. Kane's cold voice suddenly came in, "Oh, it seems that I'm still bothering you two."

They were stunned and looked up at Kane. Kane was holding a large bunch of red roses in his hand and was coming towards Su man, "here you are." he almost pushed the flowers directly into Su man's hand, and then turned back and threw a provocative look at Ji Mobei. Ji Mobei looked back at him with disdain. Su man smiled and was very clear about the difference between the two people.

In order to avoid the quarrel between the two people at the door of her house, she had to let them sit in the house first. Kane hummed a look at Ji Mobei and walked into the door. Ji Mobei was also very simple, smiled gracefully at Su man and whispered, "I booked a very correct Western Restaurant tonight. Take my daughter to eat in the evening."

As soon as Su man wanted to answer him, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. She picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. The number displayed on the mobile phone made her eyebrows frown. She looked up and saw Ji Mobei's exploratory eyes. She pursed her thin lips and said with a light smile, "you go first, I'll answer the phone first. This is a friend I know in M country, and she happened to be back." Su man said slightly guilty.

Ji Mobei didn't think much. He still held the toy for his daughter in his hand. Su man said so, so he went into the house with the toy. Kane was holding the little girl. It was obvious that the little girl had a grudge against Kane, the handsome uncle. When he held her, her steamed stuffed bun face was tightly wrinkled, like the grievance of the boss. Her arms kept waving Kane. Although she didn't hurt much, she didn't hurt Kane was still beaten by the baby, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Ji Mo saw his daughter so awesome. He smiled in his mouth, took up his toy in front of his little girl and shook it in a very gentle tone. "What did your father buy for you?"

In sharp contrast to Kane, when the little girl saw Ji Mobei, her pink steamed stuffed bun face immediately smiled like a sunflower. Her mouth murmured, "Dad..." and her arms were raised. She was eager to try and wanted Ji Mobei to hold her.

Kaine's face smells so bad that he secretly complains that the little girl is too suck for him. The child is not cute at all.

He was childish and ready to put the child in his hand into Ji Mobei's arms, "here, give your baby daughter back to you!"

Facts have proved that xiaonannan is definitely a black baby. But when Kane wants to hold her to her father, xiaonannan pulls Baba again. The smell... Makes Kane run away again, like a hot potato, and quickly shoves the child to jimobei.

Seeing his expression, Timothy North rarely showed a narrow smile on his face. Kane saw the narrow mouth of Timothy north, and his heart became more angry. He secretly decided that when everything was all right in country m, he must bring the child over. Compared with the little girl, her brother was the most lovely.

At the door, Su man receives a phone call from Dong Fang, the most famous private detective in city A. in the phone, Dong Fang says, "Yes... We've been checking around Mu Lan's house these days. Now we can be sure that Xu wanqiu is hiding in Mu Lan's house. Moreover, we also tracked that Miss Mu has frequently contacted some underworld people these days. Although she disguised, fortunately, I have something to do with those underworld people. Those people said that Miss Mu may have made big moves recently, and her actions It's directed at you, Miss Su. "

There were two sparrows standing on the branch, chattering. Su man looked up at the sparrows parked on the branch, and his eyes were filled with a smile.

It seems that the net has been spread and the bait has been released. It's time to close the net!

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