Su man finds John and goes to the high-end apartment where Mu Lan lives.

Therefore, when Mu Lan opened the door and saw Su man, her eyes first flashed a surprise, but soon the edge in her eyes flashed sharp. She leaned lazily against the door with her chest in her hands and sneered, "it's really a distinguished guest today? The dignified Miss Su man condescended to come to my cabin, which really scares me." she spoke in a loud and sour voice, and her eyes looked at Su man with disdain.

Su man looked into the room, ignored her sarcasm and said with a light smile, "don't mind if we go in."

The corner of Mu Lan's mouth became gloomy in an instant, and said in a sharp voice, "mind, of course I do. I'm a very clean place here. I don't want some no three no four women to pollute my room." she hated Su man from the inside out.

Su man smiled. "Well, since you don't want us to go in, we can stand here."

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to talk to you about!" Mu Lan said coldly again.

Su man looked at the look on her face and chuckled. Mu Lan only felt that her laughter was mocking her, so her face was gloomy and pulled down, "what are you laughing at?"

Su man didn't answer her. Instead, she looked back and said to John, "John, didn't the police call to let us cooperate more with the police and catch Xu wanqiu quickly? You said, after we leave here, do you want to report some clues to the police. Maybe the police can find out the behind the scenes of Xu wanqiu." What she said was meaningful, but Mu Lan felt guilty.

At that time, it was forced by master Ji. Xu wanqiu asked master Ji to send someone to take care of it in prison. But as soon as Xu wanqiu went to prison, things didn't develop as expected. The prison is a place where dragons and snakes mix. There are all kinds of forces. Xu wanqiu was bullied by other prisoners behind her. She can be sure that Shen Anlin arranged it.

John glanced at Mu Lan lightly and said expressionless, "I heard that the newly appointed mayor and Ji family are very wrong. If we directly report to the new mayor the fact that Mu Lan, the former Ji's daughter-in-law, harbors fugitives, the new mayor will certainly like it very much."

Mu Lan frowned, "what do you want to do?"

Su man smiled enchanting. "So, can we go in now?"

Mu Lan looked at her. Her eyes were not as indifferent as they were six months ago. On the contrary, she took a shocking provocation and showed a threatening momentum all over her body. It was this momentum that made Mu Lan feel uneasy. She ducked and gave way. Su man's red lips gently opened, "thank you!"

Su man and John enter the living room. Mu Lan closes the door and follows them into the living room. She looked around the room and knew that Xu wanqiu had hidden. She was a little relieved.

She adjusted her clothes and sat down in the direction of looking at Su man. She didn't mean to pour tea for Su man and them.

Su man didn't expect her to pour tea for herself. She bowed her head and took out a piece of information from her bag and put it on the table. Then she pushed the information on the table in front of Mu Lan and hooked her mouth. "It's meaningless to come to you today. She just wants you to send some information."

Mu Lan looked down and saw the criminal law on the table. She looked hard. "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything. I just want to prevent the rain from falling." Su man has an elegant smile on her face. A pair of clear eyes looked at the furnishings in the living room and said meaningfully, "Miss mu, although you divorced Ji Mobei, you were born well, your family background is good, your education is high, and your contacts are wide. Men will love you wherever you go. You can live your good life, and you don't need to be like this."

"The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful!" Mu Lan's face shrinks and turns his eyes at Su man. "I'm still like this because of you, Su man. Now you pretend to be a good man in front of me."

Su man's eyes narrowed slightly, with some dangerous breath in his eyes, but his tone of voice was still as relaxed as just now, "Miss mu, you said I hurt you, then you say look, what did I hurt you?"

Mu Lan laughed coldly and glanced at her impolitely, "Su man, you're not a fool. You should know what I'm talking about! Would Ji Mobei divorce me without you? Would I be a joke of the whole a city without you? Would I be allowed... Threatened without you? Looking at the whole situation, you hurt me. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't live too well now. What are you doing in front of me now? Yes Do you want to stimulate me? Or do you want to show off in front of me? "

The more she spoke, the more angry she became, as if Su man had really done something unjustifiable to her. When she finished speaking later, she was already trembling with anger. Her eyes stared at Su man, and the hatred in her eyes seemed to burn Su man alive at once.

Su man bent her mouth and stood up from the sofa. The corners of her mouth were cold and determined to the end, "Well, since you just questioned me like that, I'll answer you one by one. You said that Ji Mobei wouldn't divorce you without me. Hehe, why don't you say that if you didn't have me, you might not be able to marry Ji Mobei at all. Also, it's even funnier to say that I made you a joke in the whole a city. People in the world are not your mother and have no obligation Protect you. You only see that you have become the laughing stock of others. Why didn't you think that someone was hurt worse by you? Do you know why I have been in M country for half a year? "

Su man looked at her with a cold look in her eyes. Mu Lan shook his body and shouted, "you deserve it. Those sins you suffer are retribution and deserve it!"

Seeing her attitude, Su man had no last pity for her. She immediately countered, "if it's according to your logic. If Ji Mobei divorces you, you deserve to be laughed at."

"That's different. You did all this to me today, and you deserved all the sins you suffered. Look at you, even your adoptive mother hates you. If I were you, I would never waste food. I hit the wall and died."

Su man saw that her expression was in a state of bewilderment. Her heart was cold. Instead, she raised the radian of the corners of her mouth on her face, and said in a rather rogue tone, "well, since you think so, I can't die. Not only that, I have to live happily, so I can kill you."

Mu Lan was stabbed by Su man's words and wanted to beat Su man hard immediately. But as soon as the idea came out, she found that John had also stood up from the sofa. Mu Lan glanced at John, and the idea that had just come out suddenly choked down. Obviously, she is not su man's opponent now. Su man saw her eyes dodging. She guessed some guesses in Mu Lan's heart. She glanced at the corners of her mouth. She bent down and stuffed the criminal law book in her hand directly on Mu Lan, "Well, I have other things to do, so I won't waste time with you. I hope you look good at this book, but don't do anything illegal, otherwise ten old masters Ji won't save you."

She paused lightly and continued, "Oh, please tell Ms. Xu wanqiu for me. She'd better turn herself in quickly for the sake of her and others' happy life. Maybe she can get lenient treatment. Otherwise, she'll have trouble behind her."

Su man said that, took John and left Mu Lan's house. Mu Lan couldn't help screaming when Su man was about to go out. At the moment when the door was closed, Su man's eyes were filled with a faint cold.

"Ah!" Mu Lan, like crazy, picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it on the ground. After throwing the pillow, she was still angry. She grabbed the glass vase on the table, raised the vase and threw it on the ground.

She is really unwilling to be trampled by Su man.

No way! She's going to advance her previous action.

She really didn't want Su man to see her jokes again.

Mu Lan quickly called out Xu wanqiu, who was hiding in the bedroom. Xu wanqiu sneaked out her head and didn't see Su man. She dared to come out. But when she saw the broken glass residue on the floor, she frowned and asked, "what's the matter? What did Su man say to stimulate you like this?"

From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the criminal law book at her feet, and her eyelids jumped suddenly. Now she saw the word "law", and she was shocked.

Mu Lan gave vent again. After venting, she picked up the criminal law book on the ground and said with gnashing teeth, "this is the gift your good daughter gave me. No, I can't wait. If it goes on like this, I may be squeezed by your daughter. There's nothing left. I've decided to advance the plan between us.

Xu wanqiu was secretly happy to see that Mu Lan hated Su man like this. But she hesitated when she heard that she wanted to advance the plan. "I'd better wait. It's really not the time to do it now. The people over there have just received the news, and they haven't done their preparations yet."

"There's nothing to be prepared for. Just find some men to give Su man. Don't you also say that Su man's biological mother was turned by someone. Now let's let our daughter follow her mother's path

Ah. "

This time, she's not looking for some gangs in city A. they're looking for gangs from abroad, and they're all gangs that have enemies with brother Tong. With the help of external forces, they can eradicate Su man. Then she wants to see if Ji Mobei will marry her.

Xu wanqiu still hesitated. "I'd better wait. I always think Su man has a bad feeling when she comes here today. She's different from before."

"If you don't do it, I'll call those people myself." when Mu Lan thought of the words she was humiliated by Su man just now, there was a fire burning in her heart. Xu wanqiu advised her because she hadn't been stimulated by Su man just now. If she was asked to listen to what Su man said just now, her reaction could not be more intense than her.

Mu Lan feels crazy, but she knows clearly that she is driven crazy by Su man.

She turned fiercely and strode back to her bedroom. Outside the hall, Xu wanqiu felt uneasy. She always felt that Su man's trip today was to stimulate them.

Su man and John go out of Mu Lan's house. John frowns and says to Su man, "why do you take this risk?" he and Su man are good friends and don't want to see Su man tied up at that time.

Su man breathed a sigh of relief, took off her cool face, and her clear eyes glittered. "John, it's not a way to avoid problems all the time. At least now, I take the initiative and can firmly control things in my palm. Just as I said to Mu Lan just now, the new mayor also needs to burn the fire urgently. We don't have much time."

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