Su man searched in Jakarta for two days, but there was no news from jimobei. According to the news from the Jakarta government, after two days of rescue, relevant personnel have rescued more than 30 victims from the ruins of the commercial building. The relevant personnel carefully verified the identity information of the rescued people. Among the more than 30 people, there was no z-nationality man named jimobei.

The rescue operation arrived on the eighth day. Su man receives a call from sister-in-law Fang from city A.

Sister Fang was really helpless. The whole Ji family and Ji's family were about to collapse, but at this time, master Ji had no idea to deal with it. Master Ji seems to have changed from the competitive master Ji to an old man who does not care about the secular world and begins to chant Buddha wholeheartedly.

However, he went to chant Buddha. You can't give the whole Ji family and Ji Shi to her as a servant. In the past few days, the bank kept calling to urge the payment, and some people who asked for debt also ran home to ask for debt after hearing the news that Ji Mobei might be buried in the earthquake. These people are powerful and powerful, and she can't cope with them at all. Helpless, she first called Ji Yingming, the second son of master Ji.

Ji Yingming knew what was going on at home and quickly asked the superior authorities for leave. He returned to city a overnight. Unfortunately, Ji Yingming, who is a good soldier in war, knows nothing about commercial operation. I don't know how to deal with business transactions between shopping malls. Therefore, Ji Yingming's return does not help the Ji family much.

After thinking about it, sister-in-law Fang told Ji Yingming about Su man, and Ji Yingming also considered it. Then she told sister-in-law Fang to call Su man.

Su man, who is on the phone, looks listless and the whole person is Yanyan.

"Miss Su..." at the critical moment, sister-in-law Fang could only talk to Su man with a drooling face. "Miss Su, I shouldn't have called you. But the Ji family is really the key to life and death now. I hope you can come out and help at this time..."

Su man holds a picture of Ji Mobei in one hand. With a cell phone in one hand, her voice was cold. "Mobei is gone, I have nothing to do with Ji's family." before, she would hold a lucky heart and hope to find Ji Mobei, but time passed day by day, and on the sixth and seventh days... Her heart was slowly cold cut. At this time, anyone who mentions tymobei can only sprinkle salt on her wound.

Sister Fang listened to her and quickly handed the phone to Ji Yingming. Ji Yingming, a soldier, speaks very loudly at any time.

"Who said that once Mo Bei left, you had nothing to do with the Ji family?" Ji Yingming's loud voice made Su man frown slightly and asked coldly, "are you?"

"I'm Ji Mobei's second uncle. I want to tell you that our family is as sad as you when Mo Bei is in trouble. I heard that you and Mo Bei already have children. Now Mo Bei is gone, Ji's family is going to close down, and the whole Ji family is facing life and death. I won't say more. I just want to ask you, would you like to see Ji's family founded by Mo Bei here How ruined? Since you are the mother of his child, we are one at this time. I hope you can help our Ji family at this time. "

"Sorry, I don't have much ability." when Ji Mobei was alive, their Ji family didn't recognize her. Now that he's gone, the Ji family is in trouble. They let her go back to help. There's nothing so good in the world. She is not in the mood and doesn't want to go back to help Ji's family.

Ji Yingming is also a hot tempered man, who is so directly rejected by Su man. Although he was a little angry, he had to ask for help at this time. He could only brazenly say, "well, since you won't help. I'll go to your house now and take away the girl. You won't see her all your life." when he said this, his tone was cruel and rough.

Ji Yingming immediately lost his phone to sister-in-law Fang, and then went to the door. Sister Fang asked nervously behind him, "Yingming, where are you going?"

"Go and catch people!" Ji Yingming walked out without looking back.

Su man at the end of the phone heard the voice and quickly said to sister-in-law Fang, "tell him I promised to help Ji overcome the difficulties, but I also have a request. I want to marry Ji Mobei..."

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