No one expected that Su man would stand up when Ji's family was defeated and propose to marry Ji Mobei, who may have died. When she told John and Kane about it, Kane immediately opposed it.

Kane even scolded her directly, "Su man, you're crazy. C now Ji Mobei is gone. The whole Ji family is a mud pit. If you jump in at this time, you'll only pit yourself. What's more, other people in their Ji family except Ji Mobei are wolf like creatures. Who knows how they will bully you. Su man, if you think I'm your friend, you'll be old Listen to me honestly and don't have anything to do with the Ji family. "

Su man didn't follow Kane's advice. She took the comb and looked in the mirror and combed some messy hair. A bitter smile floated around her mouth, "Kane, thank you. But at this time, no matter what you say, I've decided that I won't change my mind again."

She paused lightly and continued bitterly, "of course, you may say I'm the virgin. But I'm not stupid. Although I'm willing to go back to help the Ji family, I won't give my children's things to others in vain. Don't worry. Ji's work is Mobei's effort. I want to keep Ji's business well and leave it to our children."

Kane saw that Su man's attitude was so firm. He shook his head angrily and sighed. Seeing that he couldn't convince Su man, he simply didn't say anything and slammed the door and left.

John saw Kane leaving angrily. He shook his head, walked forward gently and stood behind her. Su man looked at John in the bronze mirror and said with a bitter smile, "won't you even persuade me?"

John stared at Su man's pale face in the mirror and said in a heavy tone, "we are good friends. I know I can't persuade you. In that case, I won't say anything. You'd better go back first. I've asked my friend to ask. Maybe there may be news about Ji Mobei at that time. I'll stay here for a while before I go."

Su man held the wooden comb's hand and paused slightly, then reluctantly squeezed out a pale smile and whispered, "John, thank you."

John shook his head and neither of them spoke again.

The next day, Su man packed up and returned to city A. Kane was angry that Su man had to help Ji's family at this time, so he didn't leave with her.

Under the blue sky, Su man sat by the window of the plane and looked down at the things under the white clouds. Her mood was extremely sad at this moment.

In the days without Ji Mobei, no one will give her a shoulder to rely on, and no one is willing to share her worries and doubts. She may never meet such a good man for her in her life.

A few hours later, the plane arrived at the airport of city A. as soon as Su man got off the plane, she saw sister-in-law Fang. Beside sister-in-law Fang stood a tall, dark man. Su man secretly guessed that this man might be Ji Yingming, Ji Mobei's second uncle.

Ji Yingming, reminded by sister-in-law Fang, recognized Su man. Ji Yingming went directly to Su man and introduced himself generously, "Hello, I'm Ji Yingming who talked to you on the phone, that's Ji Mobei's second uncle."

Su man takes off his sunglasses and smiles at Ji Yingming. "Hello, Su man."

Ji Yingming was a soldier and didn't like to beat around the bush. So after introducing himself to Su man, his second sentence went straight to business.

"I'm also very sad about Mobei, C but now we can't just immerse ourselves in pain. There are still a lot of things we need to do outside. I hope you can cheer up and help our Ji family and Ji family through this difficulty."

If someone else heard Ji Yingming's direct words, she might be unhappy. But Su man didn't say anything. When things were so serious, she couldn't control others' mouth, and even admitted it herself. The reason why the Ji family pushed her out now is that she still has value they can learn from her.

"Where's the old man?" Su man glanced lightly at the corners of her mouth. The old man who usually likes to take care of this and that, she wondered why he didn't come out to take care of things at this time.

"This..." Ji Yingming and sister-in-law Fang looked at each other, but sister-in-law Fang was quick to talk and said directly, "let's not talk about the old man first, let's go back first. Miss Su, you've been flying for a few hours, and now it's time to rest."

Su man knew she was changing the subject, and she didn't expose it.

The three of them got into a car. On the way, Ji Yingming's cell phone kept ringing. Ji Yingming would pick it up a few times before, and then whispered behind Su man's back. Ji Yingming simply didn't pick it up. Su man looked on coldly, and she found that Ji Yingming even turned it off.

"Is something wrong?" this was su man's first instinct.

Ji Yingming's face dodged and said with an embarrassed smile, "there are some things..."

Sister Fang was very kind and said with a smile, "now the big things are not as big as Miss Su's rest. Let's go back first and deal with the later things slowly."

Sister Fang inadvertently sends a message to Su man that something big has happened, and Ji Yingming can't handle it.

Su man thought for a moment and decided to speak directly to Ji Yingming. She glanced at Ji Yingming. "I'll call you second uncle. Even if you don't say it, I know something must have happened. You came back to me to let me solve the problem for you. C but now you hide the problem. You let me solve the problem like this?"

Ji Yingming just thought about it for a few seconds and said honestly, "well, I'll tell you... There are many debt collectors from the company. Just now those calls were from the Secretary and wanted to ask me how to solve them." unfortunately, as a gun holder, he really doesn't know how to deal with this kind of business relationship, so he just became a shrinking turtle.

Su man listened to him and quickly asked the driver to turn to the company. Ji used to be one of the largest companies in city a and even in the whole country Z. She never thought that today's Ji Shi would be reduced to the point where creditors came to collect debts.

She rubbed her eyebrows and asked Ji Yingming a few questions. Then I knew that since Ji Mobei's uncle was arrested, master Ji had asked Ji Mobei to sell his shares. Ji Mobei was eager to sell his shares, which was already lower than those in the market. Later, master Ji was suppressed by Wen Qingliang, and some people who took the opportunity to make trouble for Ji. During that time, Ji also lost a lot of money.

Now the news that Ji Mobei may be buried in the earthquake has spread back to city A. This pair of Ji's is like making things worse. This is not true. Ji Shi, who used to have unlimited scenery, is now reduced to the point where banks urge creditors to make trouble. At this time of panic, there was no one in the Quan family who could shake the scene, so Ji's interior was also very chaotic.

If both ends are in disorder, the whole Ji's operating mechanism will almost be paralyzed. Ji Yingming even told her that many employees under Ji had begun to strike for pay.

Su man frowned and sneered at Ji Yingming's words. Sure enough, in master Ji's calculation, as long as you can help the Ji family, you can sacrifice anything. Ji's family is clearly a commercial Kingdom established by Ji Mobei. However, in order to help the eldest son of his embezzler, master Ji Mobei asked him to sell his shares.

The change of Ji's shares is almost equal to letting Ji Mobei hand over his company to others.

The car soon arrived at Ji's house, which just interrupted Su man's thoughts. Before Su man got off the bus, he saw many people standing at Ji's door. Some of those people were holding banners in their hands, and some were shaking their arms and shouting something. There are also many TV reporters interviewing people in the field.

Ji Yingming didn't wait for Su man to ask questions, so he answered, "these are the people who are on strike. Of course, in addition to these people, there are a group of creditors waiting for us on the roof."

Some sharp eyed man in the crowd suddenly saw Su man's car and shouted, "look, that car belongs to jimobei!" because of this man's words, the crowd immediately swarmed in the direction of the car. Su man saw countless faces crowded outside the window, and those people kept patting the window. If you get off at this time, you may be crowded by these people.

The company's security personnel quickly dispatched and began to drive away the crowd. Su man sits in the car. When the situation gets a little better, she gets out of the car regardless of Ji Yingming's dissuasion. When the driven people saw Su man get off the bus, they poured in like chicken blood. The reporters who had long been stationed here waiting for news would not miss this rare opportunity. They also came one after another to interview Su man.

"Miss Su, I heard that Mr. Ji died in the earthquake. Does your coming here today mean that you will take over the Ji family in the future?"

"Miss Su, what will Ji do to solve the current crisis?"

"Miss Su..."

Questions were thrown at Su man one by one. In addition, some people took the opportunity to throw things at Su man. Su man bit her lip and suddenly said, "be quiet, everyone. I represent president Ji today. I have a few words to say. If I'm finished and you want to make trouble, you can continue to make trouble..."

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