Su man's words fell like a bomb. After a burst of loud noise, the crowd finally slowly and slowly recovered to calm. At last, they locked their eyes on Su man and waited for her next words.

Su man's bright eyes flashed quickly in the field, and then forced himself to say calmly, "I think everyone should know about President Ji, so I won't say much about this. Let's talk about 'money' now. I think this is what everyone cares most. I can assure you that although the company is in some trouble now, it doesn't mean that the company can't pay everyone's salary. Today I'll let the financial department pay the public After summarizing the debts of the division, I'll ask the cashier to settle everyone's salary tomorrow... "

"Why should we trust you?" Su man's words were not completely finished, and the crowd did not know who suddenly shouted. This sentence was quickly recognized by everyone, and then more people echoed. The scene that had just been quiet for a while was quiet again.

"Everyone be quiet!" Su man reached out and made a downward gesture to signal the people on the scene to be quiet. But the crowd was so excited that how could she calm down with a few words.

Su man couldn't stop the noise of the crowd. Ji Yingming saw that Su man's words were completely suppressed by the crowd. He suddenly shouted, "calm down!"

Maybe his roar was really powerful, and the noisy voices gradually calmed down. Su man hardened his head and raised his voice, "someone asked why you should believe me just now? Well, I'll tell you why you chose to believe me."

Su man's soft voice has an extraordinary explosive power at this time, she continued, "Because if you don't believe me, you can't trust anyone at all now. I may be conceited. But now Ji's external worries and internal troubles. There are only three results waiting for Ji. Either someone with means to control the situation, or sell Ji to others, and the last result is to declare bankruptcy. In addition to these three results The first, second and third will lead to a large number of employees losing their jobs. Everyone has worked in Ji's for so long. I don't think anyone wants to leave here easily. "

Su man paused again when she said this, and then she spoke to the humanity on the field with a higher voice.

"Now that I'm here, all you have to do is not make trouble, but go back calmly and wait for news. I explained my words in front of so many reporters today, and I will give you a reasonable answer tomorrow. If you don't receive the money tomorrow, well, you can continue to make trouble the day after tomorrow."

The cameras kept "clicking", and a reporter seized the opportunity to ask, "I heard that Miss Su has a good relationship with Mrs. Jos. Will Miss Su go to Mrs. Jos for help this time?"

Su man showed a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, "maybe people will say I hold my thigh, but at this time, I really hold my thigh. Mrs. joss is my aunt. I can only say so much. The rest depends on my actions."

Su man then bowed his head and talked with Ji Yingming for two words. They entered the company under the escort of the security personnel. As soon as they entered the hall, Su man relaxed slowly with a hanging heart. Ji Yingming walked beside her and reluctantly smiled and said to her, "you did a great job just now, but..." his voice slowed down slightly, and then said slowly, "But the real trouble is the people waiting for you in the president's office." those people are experienced in shopping malls. They are very smart and can't be easily fooled by her in a few words. So Ji Yingming said that the real trouble is still ahead.

Su man reaches out and rubs her eyebrows, and takes the lead in entering the elevator. Ji Yingming follows her up. The elevator slowly rises to the top floor. Ji Yingming wants to remind Su man a few words, but she finds that she is thinking with her eyes closed. He swallows his reminder again.

The elevator soon reached the top floor. When Su man came out of the elevator, she saw that the office building on the top floor was already in a mess. Some staff sat at their desks in a daze, some ate melon seeds directly in the office, and what's more, they simply jumped on their desks to sleep. Several sharp eyed saw Su man and Ji Yingming coming in and hurriedly lowered their heads and installed them The appearance of serious work. Others bury their heads when they see that things are bad.

At this time, the company secretary ran over and looked at Su man and Ji Yingming like asking for help. "Miss Su, Mr. Ji, those creditors are gathered in the president's office. They are all waiting for you. I really can't persuade them."

Su man nodded slightly, indicating that she already knew the situation. She looked back at Ji Yingming and motioned him to go in later. They two had to cooperate. Ji Yingming adjusted his clothes, nodded slightly, and followed Su man into the office.

Su man just opened the door of the office, and a strong smell of smoke came to her face. After entering the office, she felt that the eyes of the people in the field were going to cut her. Although she was nervous, she reluctantly comforted herself and looked at the people in the field with a smile.

"Hello, everyone. I've kept you waiting."

Su man first said hello to those people.

In addition to Ji's creditors, there are also Ji's shareholders and representatives of the bank. These people add up to twenty or thirty and fill an office. When they saw Ji's rushing to push Su man out, these people immediately shouted discontentedly.

Su man wants to write down the appearance of each creditor, so when he glances around the field, she suddenly finds Shen Anlin sitting in the crowd. Shen Anlin also saw her. He pulled the corners of his mouth at her and smiled.

Su manke politely smiled back. Under the voice of protest, he slowly walked to the big class chair and sat down. His eyes showed a bright light and looked at the people in the field.

"Mobei is gone... If you want to get the money today, I can't afford to pay back even if you cut me now. But if you can tolerate me for a while, I will promise to pay back your money."

"Don't deceive me. Ji Shi is like this now. It can't be saved by the Tathagata Buddha," said boss Jia, who is engaged in construction business at the bottom. As his words fell, others echoed him and asked Su man to liquidate Ji's assets and sell them before Ji's collapse.

Su man held her chin in her hands and looked out of the window absentmindedly.

A group of birds were flying through the air outside the huge landing window.

As soon as boss Jia's words were finished, several more came out to speak. Su man waited for the group to say almost. She cleared her throat and slowly said to the humanity below, "I don't say anything beautiful now. Now that I came out to take over the company, I will find a way to return the money to everyone."

Her promise can't satisfy those creditors at all. In the fury of the crowd, Shen Anlin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly clapped his hands and said in a loud and cold voice, "let's take it easy. Although we haven't asked for money today, there is always a hope. Now with Miss Su, Ji may really be provoked by her."

Now Ji's family is not working. In the whole a city, Shen Anlin has become the leader of countless businessmen. Many creditors here have business dealings with Shen Anlin. So Shen Anlin said that although these people were still uncomfortable, at least the scene was not as noisy as just now.

Su man glanced at Shen Anlin with gratitude, and then followed Shen Anlin's words, "Everyone is an old man who has worked with Ji. Ji's reputation was very good when Ji Mobei was there. I can't personally destroy the reputation created by Ji Mobei after Ji Mobei's absence. So I can only say sorry to you today. Let's wait a few days. If we have money here, we will give it back to you."

Shen Anlin frowned coldly and stared at the woman standing on the cusp of the storm. Worried that she was entangled by a group of unscrupulous people, he helped her speak again, "if you don't believe Su man, I'll come out and be her guarantor. Can you see this?"

With Su man's words and Shen Anlin's reputation guarantee, Su man and Shen Anlin sent them away. When they all left, Su man said to Shen Anlin, "I really want to thank you today."

Shen Anlin lifted his thin lips high and said in a low voice, "No." then he seemed to think of something, frowned and said, "today's ridge is temporary, but in the future, what are you going to do in the future?"

Speaking of this, Su man's eyes showed a trace of helplessness. She was rushing to get on the shelf. Now that things have reached this point, she can only go on step by step.

Seeing the helplessness in her eyes, Shen Anlin comforted, "don't worry, in fact, although there is competition in the mall, it's not as terrible as you think. You're so smart, you can make it."

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