Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 986: A hundred swords come out

"You top it first."

   Lin Beichen said loudly without looking back.

   I haven't finished asking about things here.

   It’s rare to see a big, honest baby like Xiao Ran who needs to answer all questions. Try to squeeze him dry once.

   "Since the Son of Dark Moon has a cooperative relationship with Baiyun City, why did he use the body of the ancestor to seal the Son of Dark Moon? Did it fall out afterwards?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   Xiao Ran said: "This matter is a long story, at first..."

   "Then shortly."

   Lin Beichen interrupted.

Xiao Ran paused and said as briefly as possible: "Because the Son of Dark Moon was framed, destroyed his mind, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. In order to save him and prevent him from committing evil again, the old ancestor cut the flesh to feed the eagle and used the sword mound. His formation and his own body temporarily sealed the Son of Dark Moon here..."

   "Who framed it?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "Who else can there be?" Xiao Ran looked at Jian Wuji and others, bitterly said: "Of course it is the person behind this group of dog thieves, the biggest traitor Wei Mingchen in the history of Baiyun City."


   is Wei Mingchen again.

   This dog thing not only robbed my woman, but also almost wiped out Baiyun City.

   What a deep hatred.

and many more?

   Lin Beichen said in surprise: "You mean, the immortal Sword Sect and other great kendo forces are all under the command of Wei Mingchen? When did this grandson have such a big power?"

   "I only found out today."

   Xiao Ran said: "Today Wei Mingchen appeared, for Jian Wuji, Xiongba and Wei Dongcheng, etc., it is completely the subordinate's command tone..."

"hold on."

   Lin Beichen interrupted twice, his eyes widened, and said: "Wei Mingchen showed up today?"

   Xiao Ran said, "Of course, Nephew Lin doesn't know?"

   I said everything that happened before now.

   Lin Beichen finally knew some of the causes and consequences, and reluctantly connected all the story lines roughly.

   In short, a word——

   are all **** Lai Wei Mingchen.

   "So, Wei Mingchen and Qi Lao are still fighting outside?"

   Lin Beichen confirmed again.

   Xiao Ran's expression became even more strange, and said, "Don't you know? Didn't Qi Lao arrange you to come here?"

   The black and white yin and yang portals just now are the old tricks.

   Lin Beichen did not answer.

   This matter may really have something to do with chess.

   The old thing still owes me a favor.

   The result is still not returned.

   even opened a portal to trick me.

   must have wanted to use Jian Wuji's hand to surprise me to death.

   What a sinister old dog.

   "Hurry up."

   came the roar of Mei Lin: "Lin Beichen, you are going to make a move...I can't do it."

   The proud genius of the Fenglei Great Sword Clan, after all, still hadn't accumulated enough foundation, so he was slammed by Jian Wuji, and he was in danger. He had to give up his pride again and loudly appealed to Lin Beichen for help.

   "A man can't say he can't do it."

   Lin Beichen turned around and compared a gesture of ‘Yeah’ and ‘Go on’, then turned around and continued to ask: "So, what is your next plan?"

   Since Mei Huashuo, Hua Feihua and others have chosen to fight Jian Wuji and others here, and start an unconcealed confrontation between two secretly opposing forces, famous swords, it must be a well-planned one.

  Who knew that Xiao Ran looked blank, and then slowly said: "Plan? What plan?"

   Lin Beichen: "???"

   Brother, don’t you have any follow-up plans to fight here?

Xiao Ran seemed to understand what Lin Beichen meant, and said: "All I know is to hold this lava space, to choke the tunnel behind him, to prevent the Old City Lord from being intruded, and then kill them all here, weakening the power of the Great Desolate Temple. ..."


   It's a **** good plan.

   If it hadn't been for seeing that most of the powerhouses in the Baiyun City camp were at a disadvantage at this moment, Lin Beichen could not help but praise this simple and rude plan.

   But the problem is that if this continues, it will be understood that the Yuncheng, Fenglei Great Sword Clan and other forces are in a dangerous state, and in the end they are more likely to be killed.

   "Quickly, Lin Beichen, you fucking..."

On the side of   , Merlin swung his sword with one arm and started to talk dirty.

   Wet sweat mixed with blood, twisted and pasted his hair on the temples and cheeks, under the terrible pressure, he kept backing away.

   Meilin had a bad feeling that he had never experienced before, and Jian Wuji would be stabbed to death with one more sword.

   "Oh, I bother you guys the most."

   Lin Beichen turned around with great intentions, and joined the battlefield with the big silver sword: "We are not very familiar, can you be more reserved, why are you calling so loudly."


   Meilin was directly blown away.

He bitterly hit the stone wall, slid down and fell on the stone bridge. Under the rescue of the strong wind and thunder sword clan, he barely stood up, panting for breath, as if he was about to vomit his heart... …

   Boom boom boom.

   The continuous roar came from the previous battle.

   Lin Beichen carried the big silver sword, and instantly fought with Jian Wuji dozens of moves.

   quickly fell into a disadvantage.

When Lin Beichen is holding the big silver sword, the sharpness of the silver sword can kill up to the sixth level celestial being by surprise, but against the high-quality big celestial being like Shangjian Wuji, even the sharpness of the big silver sword cannot Exercising, being restrained by the opponent's unparalleled profound energy cultivation base, and severely slammed...

   "Quick, come and help."

   Lin Beichen yelled out of breath, and said, "Brother Mei Lin, come and help me."

   Xiao Ran, head of the Academy of Wind Discipline and other disciples of Baiyun City: "..."

   Merlin: "……"

   I said just now that they are not familiar with each other.

   Mei Lin circulated the profound energy in his body, barely suppressed the injury, and immediately lifted his sword without saying a word, without any delay or hesitation.

   Boom boom boom!

   The horrible roar sounded continuously from the interlacing of the three figures.

   "Eat my milk."

   Lin Beichen kept throwing out [Spa Techniques] to bless Mei Lin.

   Finally, he abruptly gave the Tianjiao of the Fenglei Great Sword Clan a green bark on top of his breast.

   Meilin was surprised.

   Lin Beichen's technology is really a magical skill for protracted warfare.

   He wanted to yell out with joy.

   "Unfortunately, Lin Beichen was not present when the arm was broken, otherwise, maybe..." Mei Lin noticed that Xiao Ran's broken arm was successfully connected again.

  The battle continues.

   Lin Beichen soon discovered that the situation was not good.

  Because he and Merlin joined forces, they were unable to suppress Jian Wuji.

   was beaten by a **** instead.


   Two figures flew out, one left and the other hit the stone wall at the end of the stone bridge, arousing a cloud of rock and smoke...

   Lin Beichen slid down the rock wall, vomiting blood, milking herself, and complaining: "My name is Mei, you have been white milk for so long, your DPS is not very good."

  Merlin also frowned while being milked while sliding down.

   If this continues, it will undoubtedly fail.

   But there is no refund.

   He didn't say a word, holding the wind sword, ready to rush forward again-the time for the lightning sword to be charged was not enough.

   "Let me come alone."

   Lin Beichen raised his hand to organize him, and said: "You step back, I want to zoom in."

   The next moment.

  Beside Lin Beichen, star-like light spots flickered.

  In an instant, three hundred remnant swords appeared on his front, back, left, and right, like stars arching over the moon, guarding him in it.

   "Hahaha, swordsmanship?"

   Jian Wuji saw this scene and said: "Junior, your profound energy cultivation is not enough. Forcibly controlling so many flying swords, you are already at the end of the crossbow, how to fight me? Stupid!"

"is it?"

   Lin Beichen’s mouth is curved.


   Let you see the real power of the sword formation.

   In the next instant, a hundred swords came out.



Did you all get up so early?

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