Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 987: Killing a man is like killing a pig

"Thief Sun, dare to take this trick from me."

   Among the sword shadows in the sky, Lin Beichen started taunting.

   Jian Wuji sneered, his body surface was condensed with profound energy. Even if he did not have an ancient sword in his hand, he was a kendo expert of this level. With a single thought, his sword aura would be spontaneous, and a strand of profound energy could be turned into a sword of killing.


   The whistling sound rang through the air.

   Hundreds of swords shot in front of him.

   "It's nothing but appearance."

   Jian Wuji sneered, watching the three hundred remnant swords flying in the air, they formed a sequential formation, which seemed to vaguely form the shape of a giant sword...

   But what's the use?

   Even if it is combined into the appearance of a god, the battle between the top giants, not the increase in quantity can make up for the lack of quality.

   Flying swords of this level, even if I stand still, I can't do any harm to me.

   I can't even cut the innate profound energy of my bodyguard.

   Jian Wuji sneered at the corner of his mouth.

   Boom boom boom!

   Dozens of broken swords whizzed and hit three meters in front of him.

   Sure enough, it can only arouse layers of profound energy, but it can't break the gas mask at all, and it can't even shake his body, let alone cause damage to him.

   "Hehe, Baiyuncheng and Master Qi put hope on you, it is"

   The voice did not fall.

   A strange icy cold came from my heart.

   Jian Wuji looked down.

   The indescribable shock and fear, like the color halo rendered by ink and wash, seemed to be slow but instantly spread to the entire face.

I'm injured?

what happened?

   A huge question mark flashed across my mind.

   At this moment, his aura quickly collapsed, and his innate profound energy quickly collapsed...

   When Jian Wuji wanted to condense his gong body and then healed his wounds, he realized that he didn't know why, the wound could not heal at all.

   Even the regenerative ability of the body at the Great Celestial Level is useless.

   When a big question mark popped up in his heart again, his heart was broken.

   A big sword shining with silver light passed through the heart.

   Great Silver Sword.

   Lin Beichen’s favorite weapon.

  It was also at this time that Jian Wuji discovered the ‘truth.’

  The three hundred remnant swords that flew from here, more than two hundred of them were just blindfolded for cover. The 72 remnant swords hidden in it were frozen in the square void, forming a certain formation...

   And the core of this formation is the indestructible big silver sword.

  The art of sword formation?

   This Lin Beichen is actually a monster who is proficient in sword formation?

   Accompanied by such huge doubts, Jian Wuji's thinking consciousness began to slowly sink into the boundless darkness.

  Before the last ray of consciousness disappeared, he vaguely saw the countless broken swords flying around, like a flock of birds returning to the forest, cheering, pouring into his arms, piercing into the body...

   In the distance, Merlin and the others opened their eyes incredibly.

  They clearly saw that Jian Wuji, the supreme master of the top kendo sect of the host real continent, was instantly pierced by more than one hundred remnant swords, and he was directly beheaded and turned into flesh and blood...

this one?

   Is this dead?

   Although this is a great benefit to oneself, but for some reason, there is still an unbelievable surprise in the hearts of Mei Lin, Xiao Ran and others.

   Just now I was hitting Lin Beichen under the pressure, now I was second?

   Jian Wuji, did he have a kidney stone just now? Or is the prostate inflamed? Or sciatica?

   It must be that he suddenly lost his mind.

   How could it otherwise?

   And Lin Beichen did not hesitate at this moment.

He directly rushed to Jian Wuji's side like a ghost, and at the moment his body exploded, he copied all the exploded equipment into his hands, especially the [Desolate God Order], which originally seemed to resist, but was loaded into [ Baidu Netdisk] After that, it was as old as the Indestructible Ancient Sword before, and it weakened in an instant, leaving Lin Beichen.

"a ha ha ha."

   Lin Beichen stroked the scattered black hair with one hand and let out a ghostly laughter of the villain: "Silver sword in hand, I have the world."

   The silver sword is indeed an artifact for home travel and killing people.

  Tianwai Iron-made, even the gods can be hacked to death. The great heavenly person is seriously injured in an instant with a sword, and he can't recover at all. Even Bian Que has to directly chant, "No cure, goodbye, wait for death."

  Using the power of the sword formation to urge the Great Silver Sword, it turned out that even a heavenly man like Jian Wuji couldn't stop it.

The old pedagogy of the Great Martial Arts Realm before, using Crescent Moon to spur the sword formation, can exert a combat power that even the fourth and fifth level celestial beings can’t resist—this sword formation technique is really a cross-level fight and a retrograde killing. miracle.

   Especially for people like Lin Beichen, who has the ability to manipulate metal with the innate gold element profound energy, it is simply tailor-made, and can maximize the power of the sword formation technique.

   Besides, Lin Beichen used more than two hundred remnant swords as a cover just now, using 72 remnant swords to form an array, urging the big silver sword with the power of the formation...Tsk tut.

   Under such deliberation...

  Who will die?

   I really am a genius.

   Lin Beichen gave himself a thumbs-up in his heart, then looked back at [Wind and Thunder Sword] Mei Lin, with a smug look on his face.

   Facts have proved that genius is still not enough.

   oh oh oh.

   And at this time, the battle between the other big heavens in the sky has also been resolved.


   Amidst the screams, Ziyang Jianzong Wei Dongcheng's body was bloodied, and he retreated quickly.

   Obviously, he finally couldn't hold it back, and became the defeat of the mysterious female official, Lord Lin.

   On the other side, Zhen Rulong, with a burst of temper, was sprayed with blood from the mouth of the tyrant, fell into the rolling magma below, roared, and struggled several times...

   [Life and death is uncertain] Tan Liuhuo, who fought hard with the palace lord of the Scent of Sword Mansion Hua Fei Hua, became obsessed with his actions. He had already been hit by several swords. He bleeds and he is struggling to support him.


  【Wind and Thunder Swords】Mei Lin's head was still green, and she immediately rushed forward to help Zhen Rulong.

   Lin Beichen did not decline this time.

   The good thing of killing the big celestial being and exploding the equipment is rare.

   "Let go of that big **** and let me come."

   He urged the sword formation technique, as if it were a moving turret, rushed up.


   Under the impetus of the sword formation, the big silver sword is invincible.

   A ray of silver light flashed.

   "Ah... how dare the thief attack the old man?"

   Falling Sun, the patriarch of the Great Desolate Clan, Xiongba broke his arm and fell into the rolling magma below. He cried out in anger, turned his head and stared at Lin Beichen, and said: "I want to kill you..."

   But the imagined scene of innate profound energy severing and regenerating did not appear.

   The injury at the broken arm is very strange.

   can't heal.

   Huge horror came.

   Xiongba didn't have time to react again in the future, only to see the silver light flashing in front of him.

   The giant body that was more than three meters high was cut into several pieces, like a collapsed building block, falling into the magma below...

   Merlin, who was holding the cyan wind sword, was truly frightened this time.


   Killing the big heaven is like killing the pig?

   is too exaggerated.



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