Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 988: Stop it, Azu

A shimmer flashed.

   Several broken swords were hidden in the group of swords, sneakily under the cover of other broken swords, flew back and landed in Lin Beichen's palm.

   The thing that exploded from the body of the male tyrant hanging on it disappeared.

   Including the huge sword in his hand.

   Here is a piece of popular knowledge popularization: as everyone knows, the leader-level existence of this kind of kendo force, the weapons used are definitely not ordinary.

   High-tech high-level licking bag!

   Lin Beichen felt happy.

  The old scholars of the Sword Array Research Institute are worthy of being my most respected person by Lin Beichen.

   A set of sword formation technique is definitely prepared for me. Under the control of metal abilities, the use of sword formation does not require strong profound energy and spiritual power...

   The three hundred remnant swords flying all over the sky are as cleverly as his three hundred obedient and capable sons. With Lin Beichen's eyes, they can pounce on the enemy madly, pump, insert...


   "Who is next?"

   Lin Beichen began to search for prey.

  His gaze is directed at the other big celestial powerhouses in the battlefield who are catching each other and slaying, and he wonders to himself, which of these is richer, if all of them are killed...

   At this moment, an exclamation came.

   I saw Lu Guanhai fighting hard with the lord of the Poison Butterfly Mountain, Kuangxuzi, and his right hand holding the sword was shining with dots of black phosphorescent light, which was already under his skin...

   Very toxic.

  The signs of toxicity are familiar to Lin Beichen.

   is the [Hulling Poison] from Poison Butterfly Mountain.

   One of the most famous strange poisons in the host province of Zhenshu.

not good.

   Shi Niang was poisoned.




   It’s so lively here, why doesn’t Lao Ding show up?

   It doesn't seem to be his personality to hide in fear of death.

   This doubtful thought flashed through his mind quickly, but it was obviously not the best time to dig into the roots.

   It's important to save the teacher.

   "Little sister, hold on, I'm here."

   Lin Beichen roared loudly and rushed forward.

   No matter what, after all, there is a relationship between this cold and arrogant woman and Lao Ding. Lin Beichen is Master's favorite disciple, and I can't just watch the "little sister" accident.

   After all, Lao Ding is the person I respect most.

   He controlled three hundred remnant swords "pro son", whistling and shooting at the poisonous butterfly mountain Kuangsuzi.

   "Hee hee, little brother, do you know you feel bad for your wife when you are so young?"

  Kuan Xuzi joked with a smile.

   This generation of the Poison Butterfly Mountain Lord, with stunning appearance, a pair of black wings like ink-stained incitement, constantly changing positions, charming and charming, and equally attractive, just like a flying enchantress.

   She didn't take Lin Beichen very seriously.

  Because Jian Wuji and Xiongba died so quickly and so quickly that Kuangxuzi didn't even notice.

   Therefore, facing Lin Beichen's sword formation, she made the same mistake as Jian Wuji-feeling that a younger generation controlled so many flying swords in one breath, except for the bells and whistles, there was no lethality at all.

   is actually the same.

   The sword formation technique can only be regarded as the last-rate ‘exotic skill’ on the host Zhenzhou continent. There were occasional combat skills before, but they were not as good as the real powerhouse’s magic eye.

   The main reason is that the requirements for the practitioners are too much.

   must have a strong profound energy cultivation base and profound spiritual power to reach the extreme.

   But the paradox is here.

  I already have a strong profound energy cultivation base and profound mental power, so why should I practice the sword formation technique?

  I continue to deepen my major path, isn’t it fragrant?

   Everyone has limited time and energy.

   Why do you need to minor in sword formation?

   But Lin Beichen is an odd number.

  The ability of the innate profound energy of the gold element to control metal makes it handy even if it is just beginning to touch the sword formation technique.

   And Lin Beichen, this old silver coin, also added double insurance.

   The first layer of insurance, under his insidious control, the sword formation technique will not show the real aura before the moment when the formation is actually formed, so that opponents often ignore it directly and make careless mistakes.

   The second layer of insurance, he also used more than two hundred swords to cover up the seventy-two residual swords that hide the real formation.

   So when Kuang Xuzi was besieged, she finally realized something was wrong.

   Seventy-two handles see fixed in the void, like seventy-two stars, instantly using the power of heaven and earth in the magma space to confine this space.

  Especially so many powerful men are fighting in such a small space, all kinds of mysterious energy escaping can be used by the sword formation, turned into the power of the formation, and the negative pressure is endless.

  Kuang Xuzi's heart screamed with warning signs, and his complexion changed sharply.

   She broke through several times, but the momentum of the sword formation moved her whole body with an impulse, and any force would spread to the formation of seventy-two residual swords, and there was no way to escape.

   "Hahaha, although I can only use this [Taiyi Distributed Painted Ground as a Prison Sword Formation], as long as you enter this sword formation, unless you are the pinnacle of heaven, you can't get out. Save it."

   Lin Beichen controlled the formation and laughed.

   At the same time, he threw a [Yinqiao Detoxification Tablet] to Lu Guanhai.

   The cold and arrogant little teacher frowned slightly, raised her hand to catch the pill, and a trace of doubt in her large round eyes.

   Lin Beichen didn't explain much.

   He continued to control the formation to deal with Kuangxuzi.

   This peerless enchantress is really amorous, and every hair on her body exudes a coquettish coquettish like bone marrow. It seems that it can arouse the desire of any man with a smile.

   But it is a pity that Lin Beichen is a tried-and-tested LSP after all. He is well-informed, so he restrained this kind of charm very well.

Kuang Xuzi turned his head to look at Lin Beichen, smiled, and said, "Little brother, let me out...otherwise my sister will kill your family. "

   Lin Beichen was angry on the spot.

   "Who do you think is young?"

He hates others for threatening himself the most, but at this moment, the resentment of'killing your whole family' is not as big as a small word-especially this sentence is said from such a charming woman come out.

   The power of the sword formation instantly erupted like a mountain torrent.


   A stream of cold light shot past.

   is the big silver sword.

   Obviously this is the explosive attack power of the sword formation.


  King Xiuzi was dumbfounded, looking down at the blood hole on his chest, his complexion changed drastically.

   He slowly raised his head, stared at Lin Beichen, gritted his teeth and said: "Didn't you say that you are only a kind of imprisoned sword formation? Just now it was liar!"

   "Those who offend my teacher and wife will be punishable although they are beautiful."

   Lin Beichen is righteous and authentic.

At the same time, he secretly transmitted: "Have you never heard of the most logical sayings like'the more handsome a man is, the more deceitful a man is','a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost', and'a man can depend on a sow to go up a tree' ?"


  Rao is Kuangxu's generation of Poison Butterfly Mountain Demon Fairy. The bridge he walked is longer than that of Lin Beichen, but at this moment, he is still alive with swear words.

  The next moment----


   Bleeding foam sprayed from her mouth, her body was like a weightless airplane, falling into the rolling magma below...

   Death is coming.

   At the last moment of her life, she couldn't believe that she had used beauty and lies to cross the host real continent for so many years, and in the end she died under the sword of such a young man in this way.

   For this, Lin Beichen has no mercy.

   Three hundred'pro sons' charged up with a burst of thrusts, which instantly exploded Kuangxuzi's body and turned it into pieces of blood mist.

   The big silver sword picked up a few storage utensils, and under the cover of other remnant swords, flew back sneakily.

   Licking the bag becomes more and more sophisticated.

   Lin Beichen quickly ‘collects the dirty’.

   Maybe others still worry that these things are not easy to handle in their hands, but for him who has the [Xianyu] APP, it is not a problem at all.

   And it was at this time that in the underground magma space, the other big celestial-level powerhouses who fought, finally discovered this variable.

   The situation suddenly reversed.

   The warring heavens separated from each other and quickly retreated.

   "Sect Master Jian Wuji is dead."

   "The male tyrant patriarch is also dead."

   "Something big happened."

   Someone yelled in panic.

  The battle stopped suddenly at this moment.

   Because the balance was broken.

Wei Dongcheng, Jimie, and Tan Liuhuo, three great heavenly human-level powerhouses, suddenly looked at Lin Beichen with an unbelievable expression of shit. Obviously, they had never dreamed that the situation would suddenly become unbalanced. degree.

   The person who caused all this turned out to be a little thing that they ignored from the beginning...

Only Chu Yunsun continued to fight with an unhappy expression, but he was held back by Lu Guanhai. After struggling twice, he saw that Lu Guanhai had been hit by "Hulling Poison" on his arm. He immediately forgot to fight, and hurriedly looked for everything. Antidote...

   lick a dog.

   Mysterious female official, Mr. Lin, stood silently.

   Fengda Sword Sect Sect Master Mei Huashuo, smelling the flowers of the Sword Mansion are not flowers, and the three great leaders of Zhen Rulong from the Sanguang tribe, standing side by side tacitly, standing beside Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen directly took out a tweeter from [Baidu Netdisk], put it on his mouth, and began to test the sound.

   "Come on, Azu, there are Jackie Chan outside..."

   Strange sound waves spread.

   The dozen or so celestial-level powerhouses who survived across from him covered their ears at the same time.


   The fake brand name worth 2 black stones, after the magic change of the death phone, turned out to be a bubbling of beautiful sound quality.

   Lin Beichen is very satisfied.

   "Okay, just made a joke."

   "Let’s start the formal conversation now..."

"Attention, this is not an exercise, this is not an exercise, every word I say is serious, facing all the enemies who want to survive, immediately put down the sword in your hand, self-proclaimed the cultivation base, and throw away all the storage utensils on your body. Underfoot..."

   "The man's right hand pinches his nose and his left hand is placed on his right elbow, bending over and squatting, and the woman's hands are raised above her head and her fingers are spread out..."

   "Don't force me, this kind and beautiful man, to kill him."

   Lin Beichen's arrogant and domineering voice echoed vigorously in the underground magma space.



   some world.

   Between the heaven and the earth, the'God' is full of energy.

  The first giant city in the world, the ‘Wild City’.

   After a heavy snowfall, the temperature was extremely cold.

  The Great Desert City is wrapped in silver, standing high and looking around, the scenery is charming.

   But this kind of beauty is only qualified to appreciate the high-ranking Protoss and dependents. The low-ranking believers and sinners will always have to survive the cold winter that has just begun in the dark and cramped streets and houses.

   Every winter, many people in the imperial city freeze to death.

   The northwest corner is a relatively concentrated criminal area.

   In the backyard wood room of a run-down inn, the strong smell of feces from the side animal pen floats in through the leaky wall, making it disgusting.

   "Your little brother, is it reliable at all? Why didn't you come?"

   A beggar with a small face in a torn linen and a domed hat couldn't help complaining.

   "How do I know, isn't it time yet."

   Another young little beggar dressed up as a beggar with a black stained dusty face lowered his voice, and said sneakily, "What are you worried about? Believe my plan. This time, we will definitely be able to make a big deal."

   "The key is whether this guy you are talking about is reliable or not."

The little-faced beggar was a little questioning and authentic: "I left my family and business to do something with you. I have already failed once. If I am planted again this time, I would really be killed in the Great Wilderness Prison in the Great Wilderness Clan. Three hundred and sixty tortures will never escape."

   "Of course it's reliable."

Another beggar, who was slightly thinner, slapped his chest, and suddenly a huge wave rolled, confidently saying: "Didn't you have received the [Chonglou] divine fruit before? Is this thing that ordinary gods can get? His magical powers are vast. It's just that he has some trouble and he can't do anything for the time being. You wait patiently. When he comes, we will be like a tiger with wings and join hands. We can go everywhere in the world, oh ha ha ha, just You can rest assured to **** his mother's wild clan."

   "How did you meet such a powerful character?"

Another beggar with a small face turned his dingy eyeballs in his big eyes and curiously said: "I know your details. I sold out the entire family for drinking and owed a debt. How could I know this? Powerful character?"

   "Are you embarrassed to say me?"

   The big breasted thin beggar disdainfully said: "I am good at wine, it is just a personal hobby, but you sell expired aquatic products and eat all the gods of the great desert tribe for a month. This is an unscrupulous fraud..."

The small-faced beggar was suddenly full, and said: "What expired aquatic products? That is a new breed I cultivated. Who knows that little scorpion is allergic to that stuff. It's all a misunderstanding... By the way, you still Did not answer my question just now."

   The thin beggar with **** said: "It's not easy. It's not reasonable to have a licking dog with my beautiful face, beautiful face, and heaven-defying figure?"

   The two were talking, suddenly there was a loud shout outside, and then someone screamed.

   Then there was a loud noise.

   The front yard of the broken inn suddenly jumped.

   "Oops, it's the patrol team of the Great Wilderness Clan, go quickly and leave here first."

   "Okay, change place... By the way, first turn off the Kylin eight-generation superconducting system, otherwise it will be easy to be incapable of fluctuating... Few people in the sin cave can afford this thing."

   "I see, you black-hearted aquatic producer."



   Baiyun City, Sword Tomb.


   Lin Beichen happily retracted the tweeter, and said: "You really are not obedient at all, then I have to kill you all."


   Wei Dongcheng and others looked extremely embarrassed.

   They have determined that Jian Wuji was killed while holding the [Desolate God Order]. And the two teammates of the same level, Xiongba and Kuangxuzi, have already followed in the footsteps of Jian Wuji.

   It was Lin Beichen, a junior rookie who didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning.

   This brain-dead boy can hide so deeply?

   "We join hands."

   "There is no going back."

   "Fight to the death, loyal to the master."

   The three great celestial beings looked at each other, their fighting will rekindled.

   They have encountered countless dangerous moments in their lives. It is not the first time that this situation is like this. It is inevitable that warriors will die in battle, and they have already had such awareness.

   Facing the remnant sword roaring all over the sky, the three of them shot together.

far away.

   Lu Guanhai and Chu Yunsun stimulated profound energy at the same time.

   No matter how you say it, Lin Beichen is their ally at this moment. Even if Chu Yunsun dislikes this young man, he knows that he must not sit idly by and must join hands to make a quick battle.

   But the mysterious female official, Mrs. Lin, raised her arm to stop.

"do not worry."

   Her tone was calm with a hint of weirdness, and said, "Look at it and talk about it."


Unexpectedly, it's long.

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