Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

: Chapter One Thousand One Chapter Two He is different from other men


Han Luoxue's family went to a small open square. In the center is a white stone square palace building more than 20 meters high. In the slightly dim light of the lower three districts, it seems to emit white light, releasing a kind of yearning, The breath of closeness and submission.

"This is the No. 98 Temple, which is responsible for all the believers in the ten first-level street areas near Juming Street and Shifeng Street. There are priests of the family members in the temple, who are the apostles of the great Wilderness God, patrolling loyally in the name of God Believers..."

   Han Luoxue explained to Lin Beichen.


   Lin Beichen nodded happily, his eyes radiated the color of an innocent young man's yearning and worship for the Great Wild God.

"Brother dumb, you haven't got the residence permit, so you can't go in. Wait for us here first. I'll take my parents to ask for medicine... Remember to wait for me here. Don't run around, you will get lost if you are uneasy. of.."

   At the gate of the temple, Han Luoxue placed Lin Beichen in the waiting area for the family at the gate, and patiently told him, while holding the reservation number plate, Han Li and his wife began to line up.

Father Han’s condition suddenly worsened since last night. He coughed violently and did not stop all night. He coughed up blood several times in the second half of the night. When it was caused, it was difficult to walk alone. It was only the boss Wu Wei and his daughter. Han Luoxue supported her, so seeking medicine must be the first priority.

   There are obviously many people who need this.

   The huge white temple of square, there are nine doors on all sides, the door of the door of seeking medicine has eliminated the long line of more than 100 meters.

   Lin Beichen sat on the stone chair in the waiting area honestly, observing everything around the people very curiously on the surface.

   In fact, he sensed the energy changes inside and outside the temple for the first time, and was very vigilant to prepare for escape.

   This can be regarded as fearless for the ignorant.

   Fortunately, nothing was discovered.

   He saw three types of priests in different positions.

The first category is dressed in a black robe, with a light bookish air, and it feels like a scholar, and most of them are young men and women with good looks. Their mental state is much higher than most people in the lower three districts. Full, dressed in a black robe, holding a divine scripture in his hand, like a university professor walking among villagers, saluting the commoners or nodding slightly, or if not seeing them, there is a sense of superiority that stands out from the crowd...

   This is probably a civilian, commonly known as a **** stick?

The second category is the samurai wearing black armor and a sword hanging from the waist. Most of them have big waists and round waists, showing iron and blood on their bodies. Their strength is not weak. I don't know what kind of combat power can be played, but Lin Beichen always had an illusion that such a temple warrior could fight dozens of them.

   The third type of clergy has the lowest status. They wear ordinary black robes and perform chores like cleaning inside and outside the temple, attracting believers, charging fees, and moving furniture.

   is obviously a logistics staff.

   As for the other priests of higher rank, Lin Beichen did not see.

   After all, the real boss, who would come out and wander around all right?

   After an incense stick, Han Luoxue's family had already entered the gate of seeking medicine, and Lin Beichen could not see it.

   For this family, Lin Beichen is actually very grateful.

   I hope that Han Li’s serious illness can be cured in the temple.

   Lin Beichen sat on the stone chair and waited quietly.

   But there are some girls, young women and even female adventurers who come over and chat up without words.

   The spirit of the God Realm seems to be much more open than that of the host, Zhenzhou.

   Lin Beichen enjoyed it at first.

   But afterwards, these crazy women, like thirsty she-wolves, started to move their hands. This made Lin Beichen, who had always regarded chastity as life and always guarded like jade, couldn’t stand it, and began to drink and resist...

  Isn’t I from the White Horse Club?

   Besides, you didn’t even pay. Each appearance is less than one-tenth of the Lord of Sword...

   Just when Lin Beichen was not getting bored, suddenly—

   "Are you here for medicine too?"

   There was a sweet and crisp female voice.

   The voice was cool, and the irritability in Lin Beichen's heart disappeared instantly.

   When he turned his head to look, a young woman who seemed to be only in her early twenties, dressed in black with dark gold patterns, with bright eyes like stars, was looking at herself curiously.

   This is a goddess master holding a divine scripture.

   A goddess teacher with a very good appearance.

   If you score, take Ye Weiyang's appearance as a 100-point standard, this goddess teacher also has at least 85 points.

   can barely reach the standard of one in a thousand.

   Although she was very elegant and casual, and even though Lin Beichen did not understand what the goddess said, from the depths of her eyes, she caught the message of ‘greeting my body’.

   Alas, my **** male charm that has nowhere to put.

   Lin Beichen sighed in his heart, and a pure and elegant smile appeared on his face immediately, saying: "Ababa..."

   The goddess frowned.

   saw a male temple warrior next to him, and immediately replied: "Priest Xiangyan, he is a dumb."

   The goddess master frowned, and there was a little more pity and sympathy in the eyes of Lin Beichen.

She sang something in her mouth, her right hand pressed on the black gold-encrusted divine code in her left hand, and mysterious power fluctuations emerged, followed by a light golden divine light, which flew out of the divine code and enveloped Lin Beichen. Come.


   Between avoiding immediately, getting into trouble, and watching the change, Lin Beichen finally chose the latter after experiencing zero and one second entanglement.

   A light golden beam hit his throat.

   A faint warmth enveloped the limbs of the body.

   There is an effect similar to [hydrotherapy] milk opening.

   But it’s still a bit worse.

   Lin Beichen was startled for a moment, and he realized that this goddess master was performing magic arts to treat his mute symptoms.

   "How are you now?"

   Xiangyan priest asked with concern.

   This scene made the male temple samurai who rushed to answer before stunned.

In the entire Temple No. 98, who didn’t know that the Xiangyan priests were famous for being unfaithful to men. Even the talented priests of the same class were considered to be very likely to become the seedlings of the dependents and could not win her the slightest. Closeness.

   But today...

   was so concerned about a boy whom he never knew?

   Just because this boy is handsome?

   Is he really handsome and can do whatever he wants?


As Lin Beichen said, with a move in his heart, he picked up a branch next to him and wrote on the ground: "Thank you for this beautiful, charming, noble and modest goddess. I was born deaf and mute, not injured, so Unable to recover, thank you still."

   "Are you literate?"

   A hint of surprise appeared on the face of the fragrance priest.

   In the lower three districts, there are actually not enough civilians who can read.

   And more importantly, from the perspective of the Xiangyan priestess, Lin Beichen's words are full of artistic and aesthetic feelings. Obviously, it is not just literacy as simple as that, it must be a certain literary quality.

   A strong young man with a disability and a strong mind, who studies hard.

   She instantly gave Lin Beichen such a halo.

Looking at Lin Beichen with a more sympathetic gaze, the Xiangyan priest softly comforted: "You are beautiful like a work of art. This is a gift from fate. I believe that the omnipotent God of Wilderness will not be harsh on you forever, sooner or later. One day, your chronic illness will be cured..."

   Halfway through, she suddenly reflected that the beautiful young man in front of her said he was deaf and mute, and he probably couldn't hear him, so he wrote on the ground and wrote all the words just said.

The male temple warrior on the side of    seemed to have been forcibly broken open his mouth. It was so open that the corners of his mouth were almost torn apart.

   Lin Beichen suddenly showed a touch of emotion on his face, writing on the ground again, and a series of flattering slaps.

   The same thing was said in the mouths of other people, even if it was the priest Xiangyan who immediately threw the evaluation of ‘deng disciple’ and gave a gift of disciplinary magic such as ‘divine power electric shock’.

   But writing from under Lin Beichen's branch, immediately made the beautiful priestess who is known as ‘frigid’ in the temple of No. 98 warm and happy.

  Unconsciously, the two of them wrote on the ground, and they talked for a long time.

After learning that Lin Beichen and the'elder sister's family' came to the temple to apply for the residence permit, the Xiangyan priest did not ask Lin Beichen's sister in detail, and did not conduct any investigation. He directly took Lin Beichen to apply for the residence permit. .

With the help of this talented priestess, many procedures are omitted directly, and many necessary certificates are no longer needed. The residence permit that takes half an hour to apply for on weekdays, this time it is used for less than 20 breaths, it is completely Get it done.

   It is also a civilian-level permanent residence permit with a high credit rating.

   In the end, it was the bell of the temple's lectures that kept ringing to urge that the genius priestess who was surrounded by coldness reluctantly left.

  Before parting, he also presented Lin Beichen with a token of token so that he could come to the temple to find her anytime in the future.

   "Priest Xiangyan, your performance today is somewhat abnormal."

   the male temple warrior reminded euphemistically.

   In the temple of the Great Wilderness tribe, the clergy who mastered divine arts but were relatively weak in flesh would be protected by a samurai with strong melee combat ability.

   The name of this male temple warrior is Yang Shuo. He is the full-time ‘bodyguard’ of the Xiangyan priest, so he is qualified to be reminded.

   "He is different from others."

The Xiangyan priest stepped up to the Shinto class, while faintly said: "He is a gift from the gods, a spirit of pure soul, you must not look at his eyes carefully, it seems like a clear lake, and it seems bright Pure star... He is totally different from other men."

   A trace of doubt appeared on Yang Shuo's face.

Is that right?

   He really hasn't noticed yet.

   After all, staring into the eyes of a man would be considered abnormal, right?

   And in his opinion, besides being handsome, that deaf-mute boy is completely useless, so he won such a high evaluation?

   Yang Shuo felt that he should turn around and go back and take a closer look.

at the same time.

   The waiting area at the gate of medicine.

   "What? Have you applied for a residence permit?"

  Han Luoxue returned from asking for medicine, and she was shocked when she heard Lin Beichen's description: " did you do it?"

   The difficulty for a three-no-person to apply for a residence permit can be described as huge. Today, she has taken out all the small coffers she has accumulated over the years, and is preparing to bribe the relevant clergy and walk through the back door. It is uncertain whether she can succeed.

  Who knew that Lin Beichen got the residence permit so smoothly.

   It is also a permanent residence permit for high-tech costs.

   "You are lucky."

   Han Luoxue looked at the residence permit in Lin Beichen's hand, and said, "With this permit, you can even go to the Central Second District for free activities."


Good night everyone.

Actually, I don’t have to worry about it. Although I am on weekends every day, I always have holidays.

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