Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

: Chapter One Thousand One Chapter Three Family-Thief

Of course Lin Beichen could not understand what Han Luoxue was talking about.

   He didn’t write an explanation either, he just said blankly: "Ababa, Bobby Bobby..."

  Han Luoxue asked the person next to her before she knew what happened.

   It turned out that the Xiangyan priest shot?

  Han Luoxue stayed slightly after she knew about it.

   Xiangyan priest is in charge of the area of ​​Temple No. 98 and is very famous.

   She is a holy and flawless goddess in many people's minds. It is rumored that she is obsessed with spreading the glory and brilliance of the gods, and has no nostalgia for worldly things...

   Why did you take the initiative to help Dumb brother this time?

   "It must be the Xiangyan priest who saw the dumb brother pitifully, so he came to help."

   Han Luoxue explained this to herself in her heart.

   But I don't know why, there is still a trace of panic in my heart.

   But fortunately, this time the request for medicine went well.

   The priest of the medicine department of the temple gave the magic medicine.

   Judging from the description of the magic medicine, it is exactly the right symptom. You only need to take it according to the time and you will be cured quickly.

   In addition, because Lin Beichen ‘accidentally’ applied for the residence permit, she was left with a large amount of ‘bribery’ expenses, so the trace of panic in Han Luoxue’s heart quickly disappeared without a trace.

   The mood of the tavern girl soon improved.

"walk home."

   She cheered like a child.

On the way back, the family also visited some markets on Fengwu Street. Han Luoxue used the money he saved to buy a dress for herself, new clothes for her parents, and a pair for Lin Beichen. New boots-the cost of buying boots is three times that of parents' clothes.


   Lin Beichen declined but he was grateful.

The coin used in the God Realm is something called "God Stone". It looks similar to the Profound Stone, but it is clear that the energy stored in it is not Profound Qi, but of those who drift between God Realm and Heaven and Earth. The energy called'divine power'.

   In one sentence, [Shen Shi] is the profound stone of the God Realm.

   But in low-level areas like the lower three districts, few people would use a complete [Shen Shi] as currency, and generally use [Shen Shi] debris and powder for trading.

   An established common industry like "Tingxue Tavern", a month’s income is barely a standard standard [Shen Shi].

  From this point of view, the purchasing power of [Shen Shi] far exceeds the status of Xuan Shi in the host Zhenzhou.

  【God Stone】is collected and excavated by ‘miners’ from underground mines in the city.

   As for why there are mines underground in the city?

   Lin Beichen is still unknown.

  He is slowly increasing his knowledge of the God Realm through observation.

   At the same time, he can now be 100% sure that Han Luoxue's family really has no malice towards themselves, but they are kind and clear like their family.

  The generous and easy-going couple of Han Li, the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of the tavern girl...

   Such a combination, such a division, made Lin Beichen feel in his heart the familiar warmth of home that he had never felt before in the host Zhenzhou for such a long time.

In the host city of Zhenzhou, although the cheap daddy Lin Jinnan was highly powerful, there were hundreds of people in the Zhantianhou Mansion at its peak, but this kind of family was actually unfamiliar to Lin Beichen, who had just passed through at the time, and it was difficult to truly Incorporated.

  Because when he was on earth, he was just an ordinary young man with a dozen ex-girlfriends.

   Both parents are ordinary people.

   is not a high-ranking official or a wealthy businessman.

   The sudden changes brought about by the crossing of the rich and wealthy home made Lin Beichen rewarded the initial stimulation, and it was more of a mess that was difficult to adapt to many small details.

   Besides, Lin Jinnan was not at home at the time.

   can't give him the most intuitive fatherly love.

   And the cheap old sister is completely afraid and afraid in the consciousness of his predecessor.

   There are many people in Zhenzhou, the host country, and Lin Beichen feels the warmth of the world.

   There is the love of classmates, friendship, love, youthful ignorance, and the care from the teacher...

   But alone, no one has ever made Lin Beichen feel the warm, ordinary, and common family feeling in the true sense as on the earth in the past life.

   This is also one of the reasons why Lin Beichen is always anxious to return to Earth for a long time.

   He did not expect that this yearning for the warm life of an ordinary family would be satisfied and comforted by a change of direction after he came to the more lofty God Realm.

  Who could have imagined that the God Realm that countless peerless Tianjiao and heroes of the host Zhenzhou have longed for is such a world full of fireworks?

   It turns out that the gods also **** and pee.

   Lin Beichen was thinking wildly, suddenly there was a lively noise next to him.

   "Ah, it's the opening of a new shop of Katori God Family's rouge gouache."

   There was a hint of joy in Han Luoxue's voice.

  No woman can resist the temptation of cosmetics.

  The tavern girl of the God Realm is no exception.

   Han Li coughed and said, "Xiaoxue, let's go and take a look."

   The old man sees his daughter's hard work these days.

  At this moment, he suddenly realized that during the time he was sick, his daughter hadn't used makeup like rouge and gouache for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

   just happened to encounter a discount event of Katori God family today, and wanted to buy a few small pieces.   "This... forget it, I don't like..."

   Han Luoxue declined sensibly.

   Wu Wei took her daughter's hand and said, "It's okay to have a look. I heard that the discount price is very cheap. You are also a girl who is about to marry."

"okay then."

   Han Luoxue hesitated slightly, turned around and said, "Father, dumb brother, my mother and I will go over and take a look. You two are here waiting for us."

  All the people entering and leaving the new store are women. It is not suitable for men to enter.

   What's more, Han Luoxue was also worried that when Lin Beichen went to such a place, it would be completely in the mouth of the sheep, but she was afraid that it would attract the coveting and molesting of many wild bees and butterflies.

   Lin Beichen and Han Li stood there waiting.

   Han Li holding a cane kept looking at Lin Beichen with his eyes.

   This boy is really handsome.

   After contacting these days, his character is obviously good.

   The only pity is that he was born deaf and mute, has no family or friends, and does not seem to practice the exercises, and looks soft and weak. If it were not for his daughter to save him, I am afraid that he will not live long in this chaotic lower three districts.

   The old man could see that his daughter was interested in this dumb boy.

   He also knows that, in fact, his daughter has always resisted marrying Ran Zhichun.



   If this young man's abilities are a little bit stronger, marrying Xiaoxue to him is also a good choice.

   But now, he dare not think like this.

   You can't eat beautiful looks.

   If you don't have the skills in the God Realm, you will die miserably sooner or later.

   Han Li was thinking so, suddenly his waist tightened.

   When he reacted, he saw a figure dressed in black, pulling away the purse from his waist, and rushing towards the distance quickly.



   "Grab him, cough cough cough..."

   Han Li was anxious, shouted a word, ran for two steps, and coughed again involuntarily.

   Lin Beichen saw this and didn't think much about it, and immediately caught up.

   "Hey? Dumb, come back soon, come back..."

   Han Li was anxious and greeted him again and again, but in a blink of an eye, the dumb boy and the thief who grabbed the money bag had disappeared in the crowd.

   This silly boy.

   What if he catches up?

   will kill people.

   Han Li coughed again and again, and quickly turned around to go to the gouache store to find his wife and daughter.


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