Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1027: Powerful and invincible

Seeing that the chairman of the Black Thorns, the Lord of Thorns, Jela also appeared, many onlookers realized that this time something really was going to happen.

   Because Jera has another identity——

  The five strongest in the Xiasan District of the Northwest Region of the Wild City ranked third.

   is a powerful family warrior.

   Generally speaking, this powerful warrior, one of the three big gangs in the lower three districts, lives in the better environment in the second district, hard training, and there are few things that can disturb him.

   It turned out that the guy named Ran Zhichun, with such a high status in the'Black Thorns', directly alarmed the entire gang when something happened.

   Boom boom boom!

The courtyard wall of    "Ting Xue Tavern" was directly destroyed.

   The gang members in black uniforms swarmed in.


   The figures flickered around.

   There are also some elite gang members holding crossbow arrows and hard crossbows, appearing on the surrounding walls, roofs and other places, like black ghosts, clusters of arrows are aimed at Lin Beichen.

   For an instant, the sword was drawn.

  At this time, the Kuroshio crowd separated.

  'Lord of Thorns' Jella walked out slowly.

   Behind him, there are three rudder masters and nine incense masters. They are all murderous gang masters. They are full of momentum, and they give the entire small courtyard a sense of oppression.


   Seeing the appearance of Jela'Lord of Thorns', those guys who had broken their legs and kneeled in front of the coffin all cheered excitedly.

   The rescuers are here.

   We are saved.

   "Ho **** ho ho..."

   Ran Zhichun, whose face was beaten to half, although unable to speak, he made a beast-like grin, raised his face, and stared at Lin Beichen with spiteful complacency.

   Lin Beichen looked calm.

   Han Luoxue was not depressed at this time, so Lin Beichen hurried away.

Although she was trembling all over because of fear, her breathing was rapid, her heartbeat accelerated, and her face was as pale as powder, but she took a step forward firmly and said: "This...this is my Han family's business, you guys ..."

   The voice did not fall.


   A dark light flew through the air.

   is a flying knife.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand, squeezed the flying knife, and squeezed it hard.

   Iron mud flows out from the cracks of the fingers.

   Pinch the iron into mud.

   Seeing this scene,'Lord of Thorns' Jera's complexion changed, and he waved his hand back slightly.

   Gu Tuo, the ‘liuying knife’, one of the nine incense masters standing behind him, buckled the other flying knife in his hand.

   However, this sturdy man with a horse face smiled provocatively at Lin Beichen.

   "Are you the one who broke my rudder?"

   Jera looked at Lin Beichen up and down, and found it difficult to associate his image with any powerful fighter he knew.

   It stands to reason that such handsome and capable warriors of the family members should not be unknown in the Lower Third District and even the Central Second District of the Northwest Region.

   "Who are you, report your name."

   Lin Beichen's face was as calm as an ice lake, and a line of writing appeared in front of him.

   "This is our helper, the fourth-class warrior of the great family of the "Green Wild God". Boy, if you know each other, you can kneel down and beg for mercy now. Our helper is kind and might reward you with a whole body.

   Zheng Santong, one of the nine incense masters, scrambled.

   He was beaten by Lin Beichen with a swollen nose and swollen face, losing face, so he seized the opportunity to perform.

   "Your people, are you here?"

   A line of handwriting appeared in front of Lin Beichen.

   His eyes are like electricity, and he looks around.

   In total, the Black Thorns Gang had more than 600 people, all of them gang warriors in black armor.


  'Lord of Thorns' Jera was startled.

   In the next moment, another line of handwriting appeared in front of Lin Beichen again: "Since they are all here, then use your heads to pay tribute to the spirit of Dad in the sky."

   The voice fell.

   Lin Beichen has turned into a white arrow from the string and rushed out.


   pulled out the phantom, directly blasting the air.

   "Looking for death."

   The four ‘Black Thorns’ masters saw this, drew their knives out of their sheaths, and rushed up instantly.

   "Go away."

   Lin Beichen burst into thunder and smashed his fists.


  The rain of blood is flying.

   The four masters were instantly shattered and turned into a rain of blood, flying all over the sky.

   At this moment, Lin Beichen had already killed Jela before him.

   A dark cloud flashed in Jera's eyes.


   Four black snake-like vines rushed out of the bricks and soil in front of him without warning, and bound Lin Beichen's legs and arms.

   Sub-Divine Art [Thunder of Thorns].

   This is the power that "Lord of Thorns" Jera holds.

The black thorns are as tough as iron, soft as a rope, and dexterous as a snake. They can follow Jera's mind, not only can bind the enemy instantly, but the black thorns on the thorn cane can also pierce the opponent's body instantly and inject paralysis toxin!

   It can be said that once trapped by this black thorn, you will die in nine deaths.


   Jera waved.

  The members of the gang around, all their swords and swords.

   "Small bugs, give me a break."

   Lin Beichen sneered, holding the black cane with both hands, making a strong effort, with two bangs, the thorns was directly torn off, and two three-meter-long strips were held in his hand and swept out!


"Do not."

In the scream of   , the members of the ‘Black Thorns’ gang within three meters were directly broken from the limbs drawn by the cane, their blood and bones shattered like broken sacks, and the remnants of **** limbs and broken arms were flying all over the sky.

   Lin Beichen is like a tiger stepping into the flock, advancing wildly.


   Jera's complexion changed.

   An opponent who can tear off his own black thorns, not without.

   But this boy in white was the first to do it so easily.

   He is obviously a thin and handsome boy who doesn't look very strong and burly. How could he possess such a terrifying power?

   He took a step back again.


   The strips of black thorns, like black poisonous snakes from hell, broke out from under the brick ground and swept towards Lin Beichen.

   Jera's mastery of the sub-divine technique "Thorn of Thorns" is obviously stronger than the sub-divine technique "Storm Sting" of the unlucky ghost who died in the hands of Lin Beichen.

   But for Lin Beichen, it is not a problem at all.

   He had been prepared for a long time, and stomped his foot suddenly.

   The terrifying physical power exploded.

With the right foot as the center, the bricks and soil on the ground are broken, like the surface of the water, with layers of ripples, radiating outwards, wherever they pass, the black thorns and rattans are instantly shaken into powder like pieces of paper in the fire. ...


   Jella was shocked.

   This time, he was really scared.

   With a single kick, he broke his sub-divine technique.

   Could it be that this young man turned out to be a family warrior of the ‘Juli God System’ among the six major war gods?

   At this time, Lin Beichen had already rushed forward like an arrow, and once again approached.


   Dozens of flying knives came suddenly like a gust of wind and rain.

   is one of the three rudder masters who have provoked before, "Ryuying Knife" Gu Tuo shot.

   Flying knives like flying feathers all over the sky, each of them is powerful enough to shoot through ten of the most elite gang warriors at the same time.

   But Lin Beichen just raised his hand and punched at will.

   The fist winds like a dragon, whizzing out.


   All the inverted flight was shocked and flew out.


   The flying knife pierced the body of'Ryuying Knife' Gu Tuo, instantly stabbing him into a hedgehog.

   "Ho **** ho ho..."

   Gu Taku spouted blood from his mouth, dying to catch his eyes.

   He couldn't even dream that the gap between himself and this boy was so huge.

   Before he used a knife to provoke?

What is the difference between    and the ant provoking the dragon.

   The last thought in life is that the ‘Black Thorns’ is over.

   provoke such a terrifying enemy, no one in the gang can fight this white-clothed boy.

   Other people around saw this scene, and they were scared.


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