Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1028: Group annihilation

Whether it is the gang members of the "Black Thorns", the adventurers from all sides watching from afar, and those watching the excitement, they are all shocked.

   Originally thought that with the appearance of the ‘Lord of Thorns’ Jera and the strong gathering of the ‘Black Thorns’ gang, the events of the ‘Listening to the Snow Tavern’ would quickly calm down.

   originally thought that this was a demonstration by the ‘Lord of Thorns’ Jera to show off the power of the gang and beat those ready to move opponents.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result.

   And the fear of'Liuying Knife' Gu Tuo before his death was turned into reality in the next instant.

  'Black Thorns' is not Lin Beichen's opponent at all.


   Lin Beichen threw a punch.

   The terrible punch, like a roaring dragon, roared out, and wherever it passed, all the members of the ‘Black Thorns’ gang dressed in black along the way would directly blow and melt...

   Including Lei Jun, the ‘Steelback Beast’, one of the three rudder masters of the ‘Black Thorns’.

   The body is dead, and there is no bones.

  The terrifying force, with surplus potential, directly penetrated the wall of the small courtyard, plowed a crack on the ground with a width of three meters and a length of about 100 meters, and it continued to spread to the streets outside...

   "Monster, this guy is a monster."

   One of the three remaining rudder masters, "Fargo" Zhang Ming, was trembling with fear. The pair of blood axes that did not know how many people had killed was actually too scared to hold.

   "Stop him."

  'Lord of Thorns' Jella yelled and said, "Who killed this little mute, reward the position of the rudder, fifty **** stones..."

   The gang members who were originally shocked by the power of Lin Beichen's punches suddenly rekind their fighting spirit.

Just as the ants didn’t understand the power of the giant dragon, they were not strong enough to understand what Lin Beichen’s strength meant. Under the temptation of the immediate temptation, they mustered up their courage and swung their swords towards Lin Beichen. go with!

   At the same time, the ‘Lord of Thorns’ Jera screamed and fully aroused the power of the secondary magic of ‘Thorns’.

   A chain of black thorns and vines, like a magic snake to resist hell, drilled frantically from the ground, walls, and rocks, spreading rapidly, and strangling towards Lin Beichen.

   At the same time, the controller of one of the three big gangs in the lower three districts quickly fled for the first time.


   There is only such a thought in his mind.

   This boy in white is terrible.

   is not a powerful warrior he can resist at all.

   Frontal strong fight, only death.

   But how could Lin Beichen give him a chance?


   He squatted abruptly, and then flew up.

   People are like cannonballs, and they arrive first, and they come behind the'lord of thorns' Jera, who strangles the back of her neck.

   spit out vigorously.


   The debris is flying.

   Jera's figure suddenly turned into a black thorn cane and exploded.

  Substitute technique?

   Lin Beichen was startled.   Transfigured itself with the thorn bar, the aura was completely the same, and even deceived his own perception.

   This is probably also a magical technique.

   is interesting.

   and at the same time——

   The real body of'Lord of Thorns' Jera appeared beside Han Luoxue, raising her hand to pinch the neck of the tavern girl.

   "Stop it, stop."

   He looked at Lin Beichen and shouted sharply: "Don't come over, or I will kill him."

   Lin Beichen fell on the ground, his eyes light as a sword.

   "I have no intention of being an enemy of you. In this matter, our'Black Thorns' was wrong. We are willing to make any compensation. As long as you promise and let us go, I will let go. I won't harm Girl Han..."

  'Lord of Thorns' Jella said loudly.

   Even if there were hostages in his hand, he did not dare to choose to be tough with Lin Beichen.

  Wei was really scared by the opponent's strength.

   A fighter of this level is absolutely unmatched for him, and hostages cannot guarantee his permanent safety.

   Therefore, he chose to turn the fighting into jade silk.

   Lin Beichen step by step, slowly approaching.


   "Can the dead be resurrected?"

   "If you can bring Father Han back to life, then I will let go of the ‘Black Thorns’, otherwise, today I will let the ‘Black Thorns’ disappear in this world."

   A line of handwriting appeared beside Lin Beichen.

   This picture is like a dynamic comic of a previous life with a dialog box, weird and terrifying.

   "Don't force me."

   ‘Lord of Thorns’ Jera had a fierce light in her eyes.

   He is the head of a gang after all.

   If you are really pressed, you will die.

   Lin Beichen did not speak.

   At this time, outside the wall.

On the cowl of the black carriage, the carriage driver sitting cross-legged gradually calmed down from shock, shook his head, and said, "What a terrible power, is this kid really a warrior of Juli God? This kind of strength is comparable to that. Are you a seventh-level warrior?"

   "At least level nine, maybe even a warlord level."

   The female voice in the carriage: "It's a pity that I lack combat experience. I was calculated by the little stuff like Jera. You can help me..."

   The voice did not fall.


   A terrible scream sounded.

  In the small courtyard, unexpected changes appeared.

   The scream came from the mouth of the "Lord of Thorns" Jera. The arm of his hand holding Han Luoxue's neck was directly shouldered by the flash of the blade...

   At the same time, his knees were also cut off.

   Jera lost support, screaming and rolling forward to the ground.

   Mysteriously, there was no blood spurting out of his wound.

   Such an event horrified everyone inexplicably.

   Han Luoxue who reacted quickly pulled her mother Wu Wei back.

   At the same time, the streamer flashed.

   Lin Beichen has returned to Han Luoxue's side.

   "What kind of magic was that just now?"

   The black coachman was surprised.

   "No... that's not magic, but... someone else is helping the little dumb man." The female voice in the carriage slowly said, "It turns out that he is relieved to chase, not reckless, but to rely on."

   In the courtyard.

   "Wait a minute, listen to me..."

   ‘Lord of Thorns’ Jera begged with pain, and wanted to explain something.

   But Lin Beichen didn't have the slightest mercy.


   flicked his finger.

   A wisp of sword wind directly shot through Jera's head.

   The lord of the "Black Thorns" gang, died.

   Blood gurgled, flowing on the brick surface, as if repenting with hindsight and wanting to wash away the sins that he brought to this land.


   The other gang members were shocked when they saw this scene.

   did not know who yelled, the crowd turned around and fled.

   As if the black tide is ebb.

   "I said, I want you all to be buried with Father Han today."

   A line of writing appeared in the void.

   Lin Beichen shot coldly.

   After a cup of tea time.

Around    "Listening to Snow Tavern", the corpses were degraded, and the blood became a stream.

   All the members of the gangsters who had been rampant were killed.

  Only the incense master Zheng Santong, who was holding the three-tailed cat in his arms, knelt tremblingly on the ground in a pool of blood, scared to death: "I was wrong, don't kill me, I..."


   A ray of sword wind shot through his head.


   The three-tailed cat broke free from his arms happily.

  Although he is a sturdy monster body, he is forced by this human every day. There is no comfort at all. He can't escape, resist but dare not resist, so he can only survive like selling cuteness...

   Finally got off today.

   It is actually grateful to Lin Beichen, the murderer.

   killed all the members of "Black Thorns", Lin Beichen turned around and came to Ran Zhichun again.

   "Now, what do you have to rely on?"

   A line of handwriting appeared in front of Ran Zhichun.

   The latter has his eyes stiff and his heart is splitting.

   He never expected that this little mute was so ferocious that he would wipe out the entire ‘Black Thorns’ group with a pair of fists.

   Knowing that the little mute was such a dragon, Ran Zhichun didn't dare to fight against it.


   Ran Zhichun shivered and his teeth trembled, no longer the vicious and bitterness before, panic and panic to the extreme.


Good night everyone

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