Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1062: Hope you are still alive then

The eyes of the Rock Wolf guard fell on the big sword burning with scarlet flames in Lin Beichen's hand, and a trace of humane contempt flashed in his eyes.

   "Despicable creatures have never known only the benefit of weapons."

   The Rock Wolf guard actually spoke.

   still uses the language of the gods.

  Intelligent creatures.


   Lin Beichen sneered, and soon he backhanded the [Enthusiasm of Fire] in his hand, thrusting his backhand on the ground, arrogantly saying: "If this is the case, then I will send you on the road with my bare hands."

   With his bare hands, his body was burning with scarlet divine power flames, and he strode towards the Rock Wolf guard.

   When other people saw this scene, they suddenly had an urge to cover their eyes.

   When is this?

   is still so big?

   So easy to get into a brutal violent general?

   Even the swordsman Xu Heng is quite speechless.

   This new contestant is indeed tyrannical in strength, but his brain is too awkward. Isn’t he a brain-dead?

  The next moment----


   Rock Wolf guard also shot.

   Its knees flexed slightly, and the arrogant physical power suddenly erupted, and the whole person instantly bounced, turning into a cannonball, and rammed towards Lin Beichen.


   The two collided fiercely again.

   Lin Beichen's fist and the claws of the Rock Wolf guard slammed together.

   The invisible strong wind broke out again.

  The red flame on Lin Beichen's body was crazy and coquettish. At this moment, the sky seemed to be ignited with brilliant sparks.

   In the next instant, the two fisted nearly a hundred times.

   Then the two figures staggered past, and time seemed to slow down.

   was in the air, and the body of the rock wolf guard began to burn.

   A trace of scarlet flames quickly boiled out along its fur.

   Its humane and emotional face even had time to show pain in the future, and in the next instant it turned into a cloud of smoke and ashes and disappeared into the air...


   Lin Beichen landed lightly.

One hit kill.

   He is very satisfied with the power of'Knowing God and Fire Realm'.

   Even if you don't use swordsmanship, just the power of sacred fire can kill the rock wolf guard in a second.

   This is the power of ‘Knowing God and Fire Realm’.

   is the scary part of [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue].

   also made Lin Beichen full of yearning for the other four realms in the [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue].

at the same time.

   The contestants who had already scolded Lin Beichen 10,000 times for "idiot", seeing this scene, first became slightly sluggish, then subconsciously rubbed their eyes together, and finally fell into ecstasy in disbelief.


   The previous bitter battle in the flying yellow sand fell into a disadvantage, but now it really kills in an instant.

   Lin Beichen's performance made their hearts feel as if they were riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs, too exciting.

   Swordsman Xu Heng didn't know what to say.

   He has discovered that this guy who suddenly appeared is strong, but it is too arrogant, and it seems that he likes to show his sage very much.

   This atmosphere was created deliberately by him.

   On the huge rock in the center, [Rock Wolf King]'s eyes finally fell on Lin Beichen.

   "Your flame is very special."

   He looked at the scarlet flames burning on Lin Beichen's body, and seemed to evoke some kind of ancient memories, and said: "I really want to retrieve some strange memories...Who are you?"

   I am your uncle.

  Lin Beichen's gaze also looked at [The King of Rock Wolf] hotly.

   According to the judgment information of [Wisdom and Knowledge], if you take this [King of Rock Wolf], you can sell it for 500 million belief points.

   Five billion.

   Five small goals.

   The money to purchase [Wood Spirit Heart] is enough.

   "Your eyes are like those hunters... It makes me feel very uncomfortable."

  【The King of Rock Wolf】Stand up slowly.

   At this station, clouds are surging throughout the abandoned ancient city.

   His random action caused an incredible chain reaction.

   It was like a giant suddenly jumped into the water of a pool full of water. Everyone in the deserted ancient city was swayed and shaken by the air waves like water, as if to control themselves.

   Competitors with slightly lower strength turned directly into ground gourds.

   The four powerhouses, including Xu Heng, are also swaying and almost unable to keep their Qi machine stable.

   Lin Beichen retreated three steps before stabilizing his figure.

   His face changed.

   The power of this guy is a bit too scary.

The rock wolves in the    field seemed to feel the power of the king, and they all looked up to the sky and screamed, then quickly backed away, drilled into the surrounding rock caves, and disappeared.

  Even the three remaining rock wolf guards gave three long howls. After saluting, they turned into three streams of light, sank into the rock cave under the huge rock, and disappeared.

   No one intercepted.

  Because everyone except Lin Beichen is anxious that the number of rock wolves will decrease, so they will be more confident in dealing with the wolf king.


  【The King of Rock Wolf】Go up with a roar.

   Sound waves, like hurricane waves.

   The terrible energy swept around like a hurricane.

   Something terrible happened.

Centering on the huge rock where [Rock Wolf King] is located, if you look down from the sky, you can see that the air waves caused by sound waves, one layer after another, are constantly facing outwards. Circle radiation...

   The rocks and pieces of wood on the ground were engulfed by the air waves, and shot out in all directions like flying arrows.

Puff puff.


"my leg……"

   The screaming screams sounded.

   Some of the contestants were caught off guard and were hit by flying rocks. The fragile body was like a watermelon hit by a hammer, bursting open in an instant...

   Blood and bone splash.

   Lin Beichen only felt that the air wave was rolling towards him, and he was forced to retreat again and again.

   Pieces of flying stones and dead wood smashed head on.

   made him feel the slightest fear.

   Lin Beichen beckoned, and the two-handed sword [Enthusiasm of Fire], like a coquettish girl, fell automatically into his palm like flying.

   Cut out with a sword.

   The flame lightsaber broke through the air.

   The void seems to be broken directly by this sword.

   Where the flame lightsaber passes, all the flying stones and dead wood instantly turn into fly ash.

   Above the boulder in the center.

   "A group of cruel ants hunting and killing everywhere, pretending to be gods, is simply stupid."

   [Rock Wolf King]'s eyes gradually turned scarlet, and murderous intent radiated like an ice storm.

   His laughter was as cold as the groan of death, and said: "This king will use your blood now to wash away the sins you committed against the monster clan."

  He moved his body.

  The terrifying coercion continued to erupt with the action.

   "Everyone retreats quickly."

   Swordsman Xu Heng drinks.

   He has been leaning on his beloved hands and finally let go.

   put his right hand on the handle of the long blue knife hanging from his waist.

   The other three powerful contestants standing on Gaoyan also simultaneously held down their weapons at this moment.

   During this period of time, all the condensed energy and intentions rose to the peak in an instant.


   Xu Heng gave a big shout.

   draw a knife.


  The light of the knife is like a snowflake, reflecting countless human faces and shooting out.

  Good knife technique.

   Lin Beichen secretly shouted in his heart.

   Although he doesn't use the knife, he feels that this knife is very strong.

   is beyond imagination.

   And the strong of the other three contestants also draw swords at the same time.

   The sword light whizzed.

   The swords of the other three are not as strong as Xu Heng.

   But the meaning of the sword is very similar.

   There is no going back.

  Four sword lights, reflecting each other.

   is like four sky-splitting skylights, sweeping towards [Rock Wolf King], instantly splitting the space around [Rock Wolf King] into quarters.

   The surrounding contestants kept backing away in a panic.   ran away frantically outside the city.

   This level of battle, they are simply cannon fodder.

   Not to mention participation, even if you stay and take a look, it will kill you.

   Lin Beichen held a sword in his hand, but did not make a move.

  Because of Xu Heng's knives' combined attack and the close cooperation, if he forced a sword, it would easily cause the sword's momentum to be blocked and its power to decrease.

   The four people attacking the sword together is indeed earth-shattering.

   Lin Beichen watched it, and couldn't help but shake his heart.

   deserves to be the blow that the four of them have accumulated for so long.

   Lin Beichen thought to himself, he couldn't take such a terrifying joint blow from the front.

   But [King of Rock Wolf] just slowly raised his foot, and then stomped it suddenly.


   His figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

   The intent of the four swordsmen did not really lock it.

   Its body shape, in the momentum of the knife-intent strike, flashes as fast as a streamer, and easily traverses the knife array, like a shadowy lonely hung, fast, surpassing Lin Beichen's naked eye capture limit.

Puff puff.


   Three sounds of broken flesh and blood sounded.

   The fourth sound is a metal croaking in the splash of sparks.

   The four figures quickly fell backward.

The first attack of Xu Heng's four great swordsmen, which had been accumulated for a long time, was easily broken by [Rock Wolf King]. Except for the critical moment, Xu Heng blocked a claw of [Rock Wolf King] with the knife in his hand. Except for no serious injuries, the other three swordsmen fell into the yellow sand, blood gurgling, and were seriously injured and unconscious.

   The gap is bigger than the sky.

   is not a level opponent at all.

   This [King of Rock Wolf] is really too strong.

   Its figure fell on the central boulder again.

   There is no trace of pride on his face.

   To do all this, for it, it is as simple as raising a hand to drink water.

far away.

   The contestants who saw this scene were instantly plunged into despair and horror.

   The power of [Rock Wolf King] is basically another level.

   is suffocating.

   "Xiongtai, take my three brothers away first."

   Xu Heng just took a claw of the wolf king. Although he avoided serious injury, his right arm was shattered by the shock, blood dripping, and the right hand holding the knife was already soaked with blood.

   But he was black hair flying, full of looks, without any fear. Instead, he looked at Lin Beichen and said loudly, "I will stop this evil beast and buy you time."

   He wants to take his own brother away in exchange for Lin Beichen to take his own brother.


   "No way."

   Lin Beichen curled his lips and refused disdainfully: "With three people, how can you escape?"

   Xu Heng was slightly surprised and frowned slightly.

   Is this... scared?

   This person dared to take action against the Rock Wolf guard before. He should be a valiant person. Why is he so timid now? Could it be that he was scared by the King of Rock Wolf?

   But at this time, Lin Beichen laughed arrogantly and frantically, and said: "You take your brother and run away, this wolf king belongs to me."

   Xu Heng's brows stretched instantly.

   It turned out that not only was he not afraid, but he was even crazier.

   "Are you sure?"

   He looked at Lin Beichen up and down again, as if to recognize him again.

   "There is so much nonsense."

   Lin Beichen is still very arrogant, and said: "Hurry up and get your people away."

   Xu Heng hesitated slightly and said, "Well, I will send the three brothers to a safe place, and then come to help you... I hope you are still alive then."

   After finishing speaking, he performed the secret technique and left with three severely injured and unconscious swordsmen.

  [The King of Rock Wolf] did not stop it.

  Because it is more interested in Lin Beichen.

   The wind is bleak.

   Yellow sand is permeated.

   In the entire abandoned ancient city, there was a mess, only [The King of Rock Wolf] and Lin Beichen were left.

   Even Qianlong and the two guards fled to a high place outside the city, looking at the city from afar.

   Qianlong vaguely realized that a battle that could shake all parties would begin in this dilapidated ancient city.


Dear readers, Happy Valentine's Day

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