Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1063: Where do I have the boss

"Don't get excited, I have no malice."

Lin Beichen carried the [Fire Passion] two-handed sword on his shoulders, and slowly walked over, his tone was stubborn, his smile was even more stubborn, and he raised his head and said: "That's it, I just saw your body and the source of the beast. It's not to take your virginity, so I hope you will actively contribute, don't let me do it, don't know how to promote, don't know what is good or bad."

   "Your mouth is so cheap, does your mother know?"

[King of Rock Wolf] Like a giant spirit, looking down at Lin Beichen, his eyes are cold and cruel, and his violent aura exudes, saying: "Arrogant little guy, I feel those self-proclaimed fools on your body. Breath, you are also one of them, a bunch of guys who don't know the, **** it."

   Lin Beichen indeed activated the Sword Immortal position.

   And this wolf king seems to hate the gods very much.

   Very strange source of emotion.

   Is it because the gods have been hunting down the abyss monsters?

   However, to Young Master Lin, Wolf King’s emotions are meaningless.

   In his eyes, it is just a bunch of belief value.

   "Stop talking nonsense, look at the sword."

   Lin Beichen held [Enthusiasm of Fire] and shot directly.


   Sword Two.

  The invisible sword aura hits [Rock Wolf King]’s eyebrows and throat.

   Ding Ding!

   Sparks ripples in the air.

  【The King of Rock Wolf】Standing still.

   Two ripples of sword light rippled in front of him.


   Good fellow, did Kenichi and Kenji directly MISS?

   Sword Seventeen Trick, can't even break this guy's protective force field?

   Lin Beichen was secretly surprised.

   This is the first time he has encountered such a powerful enemy.

   Only relying on strength and aura can block his strongest sword moves.

   My heart moved.


   A red flame burned on the two-handed sword.

  Since simple moves are not enough, let's use the power of Shenhuo.

   Lin Beichen's figure moved.

   Sword Six.

   Shadow suddenly cut.

  The biggest special effect of Sword Six is ​​to ignore the defense and get close instantly.

   So in the next moment, Lin Beichen ignored the [Rock Wolf King]'s protective force field, broke the defense directly, and invaded within one meter of his side.

  【The King of Rock Wolf】Hey slightly.

   It raises its arm, the back of its hand is one gear.

   The burning blade pierced the back of its hand.


   Metal symphony sounded.

   Scarlet flames spread crazily along the back of [Rock Wolf King]’s hands.

   is like a spark falling into the gasoline.

   At the same time, Lin Beichen only felt a huge counter-shock force coming.

   could not help but fly back.

   good fellow.

   He whispered in his heart.

   No wonder the four of Xu Heng have been gathering momentum for a long time, combined with their swordsmanship, and with one move, they were violently sprayed with blood.

   The strength of this [King of Rock Wolf] is the most powerful opponent he has encountered since crossing.

   Fortunately, there is the power of [Knowing God and Fire State]...


   At the moment when he landed, Lin Beichen opened his eyes wide.


   is different from what he imagined.

  Because he saw that the scarlet flame was only burning a silver coin-sized piece of charred black on the back of [Rock Wolf King]'s hand, it stopped spreading, with a faint blue smoke.

   The most important thing is that the flame has been extinguished.

   "I haven't felt this way for a long time..."

【Rock Wolf King】Looking at the back of his hand, carefully experiencing the burning pain, he said: "The feeling of pain...hehe, it's a pity, this can't kill me, the quality of strength is enough, but your realm , It is too low."

   said, his body moved.

   Lin Beichen only felt a flower in front of him.

   The sense of crisis of being a warrior instantly permeated the whole body.

   "Face the wind."

   A wall of flame sword wind cut out.

   At the same time, he retreated quickly.


  【The King of Rock Wolf】The ghostly figure passed through the wind wall and slammed with one claw.

   Lin Beichen, who had prepared to transport his eyesight a long time ago, barely caught the afterimage of wolf claws this time.

   He holds the sword in both hands and uses it to block.


  The huge force came.

   There was a sharp pain that broke his arms.

   He backed like a kite with a broken line.

   Boom boom boom!

   After falling back, I don’t know how many stone pillars were broken, how many stone walls were broken, and then a bottomless pit was directly smashed into the ground, and it fell deep into the ground...

How can    be a tragic word?

  Ninety percent of Lin Beichen's opponents against people rely on the force of the tyrannical body to crush his opponent. How ever was he crushed by the force of the flesh?


   After a few breaths, Lin Beichen sprayed dirt in his mouth, and crawled out of the hole with dust and dirt.

   There were waves of howling wolves from below the pothole.

   He just fell directly into the underground rock wolf lair.

At this time, Lin Beichen had a few rock wolves biting on his ass, biting tightly without letting go, and groaning in his throat, frantically tossing his head, trying to remove a few pieces of meat from him. .

   Fortunately, Lin Beichen has practiced for many years and his muscles are tight.

   It is still impossible for an ordinary rock wolf to crush his skin with his teeth.


The extinguished flame on    skyrocketed again.

   The rock wolf hanging from Young Master Lin’s **** instantly turned into fly ash under the lick of the scarlet flame.

   The dust on his body was also burned.

   Lin Beichen opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood foam.

   He looked at [King of Rock Wolf], inhaling the air-conditioning, hissed: "You are a dog...the power is really great, did you grow up eating wild food?"

   "You still have a cheap mouth?"

  [Rock Wolf King]'s eyes grew colder and harsher: "Looking for a fight."

   It moved its body and rushed towards Lin Beichen again.

   Speed, as fast as lightning.

   This time, Lin Beichen had already prepared.

   "Divine Art·The Trouble of Thorns."

   In a clear shout, Lin Beichen held a sword in one hand and a knot in the other.

Under the guidance of    Divine Art Seal, within a radius of thousands of meters, thorns burning with scarlet flames, like poisonous dragons from the underground hell, emerged from the ground, growing and spreading wildly...

   [The King of Rock Wolf] is too fast to escape this indiscriminate spreading entanglement.

   A round of fire tongue and thorns wrapped around him.

far away.

   The three Qianlong people outside the city couldn't help cheering when they saw this scene.

   Unexpectedly, the boss also hid this hole card.


   Lin Beichen also laughed out the winner.

   Fortunately, he has the foresight, so he swept the secrets of the second magic technique [Thorns of Thorns] into the phone and practiced it.

   Dealing with this kind of speed player, this kind of magical technique, [Thorns of Thorns], is really a god.

   What's more, under the blessing of his [Knowing God and Fire Realm], the black thorns have turned into flame thorns, which are more lethal.

   Being entangled in the flames of [Knowing God and Fire Realm], you have to take off three or four layers of skin to survive.

   deserves to be the second magic...


   Wait, second magic?

   Lin Beichen thought of this, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  Second magic is not even magic.

  Can you trap a warlord-level monster?

   The moment this question was raised, the claws of [Rock Wolf King] appeared in the field of vision, and the eyes of Young Master Lin continued to enlarge.


   It sounded like a rubber band was torn off.

   Lin Beichen was flung out.

   He held [Fire's Passion]'s right hand and right arm, and was torn off directly, flying out like a torn sack.

   Blood, spilling down into the sky.


   Lin Beichen scolded an swear word.

   This time the opponent is too strong.

   is no longer a matter of stepping up.

  Outside the city.

   The three Qianlong people who were still cheering just now have already gotten down and hid behind the stone, looking sneaky, for fear of being discovered by [Rock Wolf King].

   "Wait, if the boss is killed, we will withdraw."

   Qianlong lowered his voice and said, "It's not that we don't talk about loyalty, but that the enemy is too strong."

   Wang Zhan and Xiao Bo nodded in an instant, expressing their agreement with the young master.

  In the city.

   Lin Beichen staggered to the ground.

   Directly sprayed blood in his mouth.

   Looking at his broken arm, he gritted his teeth.

   This is the first time for such a serious injury.

Oh shit.

   Xu Heng's dog thing, doesn't it mean that after sending away his three brothers, he will come to join hands with the enemy?

   Why hasn't he been seen yet?

   Didn't you just run away?

   The dog pretends to be a heroic style. It turns out that he is also afraid of death to talk big-huh? Why should I use the word "also"?


  [The King of Rock Wolf] flicked the light ash from his body in a slack time--[The Thorn of Thorns] couldn't trap him at all, but the power of the flame still singed away a few hairs from him.

   "You have indeed mastered a very high power."

  [Rock Wolf King] said with regret in his tone, "But it's a pity that you don't know the way to are too weak to be worthy of this power."


   Lin Beichen spit out blood foam.

   You **** thought you were picking up girls, don’t you deserve it?

   Lin Beichen swelled his energy and blood, spurred his divine power, and the scarlet flame burned at the broken arm.

   New arms are constantly growing in the flames.

   In a blink of an eye, a new arm, white as jade, grew out in a few breaths.

   The muscle lines are as clear and perfect as carved from a rock.


  [Fire's Passion] fell into the hands again.

   The great advantage of activating the position of God is that as long as the vital parts such as the heart and head are not killed instantly, the limbs can be regenerated like a god.

   is just consuming some supernatural power.

   [King of Rock Wolf] shook his head contemptuously, and said: "When your divine power is exhausted, it will be the time of death...This kind of method does not bring me surprises, arrogant to almost stupid little guy."

   The voice fell.


   Its figure moved again.


   Lin Beichen was bombarded again.

   blood lasing.

  Blood mist filled.

   The new arm he had just grown was torn off again.

   There was another arm that was torn off at the same time.


   Wolf claws hit his chest.

   Kala Kala.

   The sound of dense bone fracture sounded.

   Lin Beichen's breastbone was sunken directly.

  Broken bone like a knife, pierced into the internal organs.

  【The King of Rock Wolf】Close your hands and settle down.

   In the air opposite, Lin Beichen's broken body slowly fell towards the ground.


far away.

   Behind the rocks outside the city.

   The sneaky Qianlong trio, seeing this scene, almost burst out of their eyeballs.

   "Boss is cold."

   "Yes, it was broken, young master, are we going to save the boss?"

   Wang Zhan and Xiao Bo lowered their voices.

   "What are you talking about?"

   Qianlong looked at the two guards with a strange expression, and asked, "Where am I from the boss? Does the guy who was blown up in the city have anything to do with us? Are you two confused?"

   Wang Zhan, Xiao Bo: "..."

   The young master is indeed the young master.



   Lin Beichen fell to the ground.

   The moment he landed, his stump had recovered.

   [Conscientious Fire State] The flames burned fiercely.

   "I have never been beaten so badly in my two lifetimes combined."

   Lin Beichen looked fiercely: "Do you think I only have these means?"

   Divine Art·Flame surging.

   is still a one-handed seal.

   This time, what he used was the true magical skill [Flame Turbulence] that was captured from the hands of Jiang Ruolin's magician.

   This is a magical technique that can instantly stimulate the subject and explode more than four times the power.

   Somewhat similar to Lin Beichen's previous [Anti-Blood Qi Frenzy Tactics], it briefly stimulates the potential, bursts out power far beyond his own, and then there will be a period of malaise.

   A series of flame **** patterns erupted on Lin Beichen's body.

   His momentum began to climb frantically.


Good night everyone

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