Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1112: Devour blood and bone

Lin Beichen also heard the bell.

   There was also new news on his name tag for the competition.

   His battle rank is thirty-five.

   In other words, after the previous thirty-four games are over, he will go to the ancient bridge of the Howling Abyss to participate in the battle of life and death.

   Before the official war, the opponent is unknown.

   This is to be fair.

   At this time, the discussion between Qing Lei and Qianlong basically had the final result.

   Lin Beichen manipulates the [identity brand of the contest] to project a dark red light curtain.

   The picture that emerged on the light curtain was the first battle on the Ancient Bridge of the Howling Abyss.

   This is the first time Lin Beichen has seen the ancient bridge.

It seemed to be a frozen world, and the picture seemed to have been added with the BBC death filter, with a faint whiteness. The bridge deck was about fifty meters wide and one thousand meters long. The huge stone slabs were uneven and white. Frost, the railing of the bridge is about ten meters high and half collapsed. In some places on the bridge, frosty bushes grow like spots, and the branches are frozen like silver swords...

   A burly young man wearing a bright gold armor is slowly walking out from the west side of the ancient bridge.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

  He recognized that this person was Pan Duoqing, the proud son of the [Heaven God System].

   On the east side of the ancient bridge, a tall figure that Lin Beichen had never seen came out slowly.

This is a young man like a little giant, like a barbarian, his muscles bulged as if he was slicing with a knife, short black hair, black animal leather armor, feet on animal leather boots, and two in his hands. The dark red giant axe is full of strong pressure, and the visual impact is extremely strong.

"He is a rising star of the Juli Gods, called A Yan, born as a commoner, and I heard that he came to participate in the God Selection Competition to treat his younger sister. The best result before was on the [Bone Bone Ice Plain] map list. Ranked ninth in the list."

   Qianlong told the origin and identity of this boy.

"how do you know?"

   Lin Beichen turned his head and glanced.

   Qianlong smiled: "Guess?"

   Lin Beichen's left forehead, a black tic-tac-toe flashes.

   This dog stuff, everything is good, just like to sell Guanzi.

"I do not guess you guess guess."

   Lin Beichen gritted his teeth.

"I guess you..." Qianlong wanted to say a few words, seeing Lin Beichen's hand lifted up, and hurriedly said: "Boss, it's not just A Yan, in fact, every player who participated in the third round of the competition, I have studied them carefully and learned about their information. After all, each of them may be your opponent. I will try my best to help ascertain their details."

   Lin Beichen listened, put his raised hand back, and said, "Well, I'm interested."

While    spoke, on the projection screen, the battle on the ancient bridge had already begun.

   This battle lasted for a short time.

   The young man named A Yan was not Pan Duoqing's opponent. He was defeated by three moves, his limbs were broken, his giant axe collapsed, and he fell in a pool of blood.

   "A-mei, A-mei, A-mei..."

   The savage boy A Yan screamed wildly, and was directly blasted into the head by Pan Duoqing.

   He will never go back.

   will never be able to take care of the little A-mei who has been dependent on each other since childhood and is now seriously ill.

   In this scene, Qing Lei couldn't help but flushed her eyes.

  Because of the experience of living with his daughter An An over the past few years, Qing Lei can't see this kind of life and death in this world.

   Lin Beichen gently touched Qing Lei's head, and said, "If you want to do something, you can go to the young girl's sister and help her treat her illness."


   Qinglei nodded repeatedly.

   "Pan Duoqing's strength is terrible."

   Qianlong also solemnly said: "He is the recognized favorite of the champion of this competition. It is said that the Lieyang Protoss has also spoken out. This time, we must help Pan Duoqing to reach the top of the God's Choice Competition."

   "Talk to the outside world?"

   Lin Beichen said: "Is it still possible to play like this? Doesn't this cause psychological pressure on other players? Or is it that the Lieyang Protoss wants to cheat?"

   "This is unclear, anyway, boss, you have to be more careful."

   Qianlong Road.

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "Pan Duoqing should be careful. No matter what the Lieyang Protoss, he will be defeated and broken."

   "The boss is domineering, the boss is mighty."

   Qianlong immediately flattered.

   After a while, the second battle has already begun.

   "Huh? It's the fragrance priest."

   Lin Beichen saw that on the projection screen, the figure walking out from the west side of the ancient bridge was slender and graceful, with graceful curves. It was an old friend Xiangyan priest.

   And her opponent is a middle-aged thin man who is covered in dark green robe.

"That guy is called Li Hongying. He is a warlock from the family of the poison **** system. He is rumored to be proficient in 1,360 kinds of poisonous potions. He is cruel, and everyone changes his color when he hears it. The best result this time is the second round [Map of Daxue Mountain] ] In the total list thirteenth."

   Qianlong once again called out the origin of the middle-aged thin and tall man.

   Xiangyan Priest ranked 327th in the second round of the [Golden Desert] map.

   It was not that she was not strong enough, but because Lin Beichen broke the rules of the competition, so many people got high scores, so that the fragrance priest, who should have been in the top five, plummeted.

   On the ancient bridge.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie, such a beautiful priestess is about to die under my poison... Taste the pain, dark fangs."

   Li Hongying let out a standard villain ghost laugh, swinging his hands repeatedly.

The dark green bottles were thrown out by him and smashed on the ground. The dark green poisonous mist rose up, permeating, like a spiritual thing, turning into a series of "giant snakes", towards the priest of fragrance. Roll away.

   "Facing the warlock of the poison **** system, he should not be given a chance to shoot."

   Qianlong commented.

   Lin Beichen did not speak.

   He was really worried about the fragrance priest.

   This is a good girl.

   However, it turns out that Lin Beichen's worries are unnecessary.

Because the black priest robes on the Xiangyan priest glowed dark red, covering the whole person, completely isolating the erosion of all poisons, and then using the magical technique [Great Desolate Spear], summoned the Spear of the Hollow, and directed Li Hongying directly It was nailed to the bridge.

   And this time, Lin Beichen was keenly aware of a phenomenon that could easily be ignored.

   Li Hongying fell to the ground. The body slowly melted into blood and penetrated under the ice-covered ancient bridge.

   Flesh, bones, organs...

   all melted and disappeared.

   Think about it again, it seems that the boy named A Yan before has disappeared without a trace after his death.

   He said his question.

Qianlong said with an expression of'Boss, why don't you even know this', and explained: "This is normal. The ancient bridge has life, suppressing the evil spirits in the crying abyss. It can swallow the body of the dead, yes. In order to clean the bridge floor, it saves time to clean the battlefield."

   Is there life on the ancient paper bridge?

   This is a bit nonsense.

   But... well, who made this place be the realm of the gods?

  The battle continues.

   At this time, the new duel began again.

Walking on the west side of the ancient bridge is a young man with a black mask. The leather robe is covered with willow-like blades, shining coldly, like a vaudeville artist. The figure walking on the east side of the bridge is petite and exquisite. He is dressed in a strong moon-white outfit. He is not tall, his wheat-colored skin is showing wildness, and he holds a pair of white bone sticks in his hands...

   Lin Beichen was shocked and stood up.

   "Why is she?"

   Young Master Lin couldn't believe it and exclaimed.


The first is more.

Today is still 4 more.

Thank you Cai Xuku for your big rewards, and thank you for the support of several big brothers such as sugar cube jumping, colorful, azure, etc., thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets.

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