Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1113: Motor motor Ouchi

"Boss, do you know this little girl?"

   Qianlong is surprised and authentic.

   "There was a fate of several sides."

   Lin Beichen said: "Actually, I have a closer relationship with her sister."

   "You deserve to be the boss."

   Qianlong was shocked as a heavenly man.

   actually got the sister flower.

   Lin Beichen was silent.

   He can't say that he was almost overthrown by this little girl.

  Because this little fierce girl is Bai Xiaoxiao from the Baiyu tribe.

   When Lin Beichen participated in the assessment on behalf of the Beihai Empire, the granddaughter of the elder of the Baiyue tribe who met in the Tianwai battlefield had the title of ‘White Moon’s Flower’.

   is also the sister of the big breasted rich woman Bai Rongyun.

   Speaking of it, since Bai Weiyun has made his chest smaller, he has rarely appeared in the scene. Isn't there any causality in this?

   When we met for the last time, Bai Weiyun decided to go to Thousand Grass Province to settle the blood debt with Wei Mingchen.

   Now, I don’t know where I went.

   Lin Beichen never expected that Bai Xiaoxiao would appear in the third round of the God's Choice contest.

The White Moon Realm is nothing more than a small land floating in the void. The spiritual energy law is far inferior to the God Realm, and it is slightly stronger than the host Zhenzhou. Bai Xiao's strength is not considered to be in the White Moon Realm. On the first level, why did you break into the God Realm, and also came to the third round of the competition?

   This is a life and death battle.

   If you lose, you die.

   Lin Beichen suddenly became a little worried.

   "Boss, you don't have to worry about her."

Qianlong saw Lin Beichen's thoughts and said, "This little girl, called Bai Wudi, has her best score in the [Endless Cave] map list, ranking third. A pair of big sticks and bones are very cruel. According to the assessment of the Great Temple, this little girl is at least the battle power of the half-step warlord..."

   White invincible?

  Half-step war king?

   What and what is this?

   Did I admit the wrong person?

   "Where did this Bai Wudi come from?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Qianlong pondered slightly, and said: "It is said that it came from a remote land outside the God Realm, but because the control group of that land has completed a large transaction with the Great Desolate God Race, she got a special quota and was able to participate in this. The second meeting... seems to be called the land of the market world."

   Lin Beichen felt a little bit in his heart.

   is the youngest lover, yes.

   This is really where the gods do not meet.

   At this time, on the projection screen, the battle has already begun.

   "Liuying kills... the sky shatters the stars."

   The cloak behind the masked young man waved.

   Countless flying knives and sharp blades turned into starlight, lasing towards the girl.

   The strength is good.

   Lin Beichen made a judgment instantly.

   This masked young man is at least the cultivation base of a high-ranking general.

   Can Bai Xiaoxiao survive?

   In the next instant, Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   In the picture, Bai Xiaoxiao stomped and shouted, and a silver-white gas mask appeared around Jiao's body.


   The white outer robe on her body exploded and shattered.

   reveals the animal skin skirt, battle boots and animal skin vest underneath.

   The hot and savage girl breath suddenly burst out.

   Lin Beichen covered his forehead.

   That's right.

   is Bai Xiaoxiao, no doubt.

   He recognized the little leather skirt and the little vest.

   also touched it.

   This is the style of a little girl from the Baiyue Barbarian tribe.

   The coat exploded first in the fight, retreated from the restraints, and returned to the barbaric real self.

This fifteen-year-old girl has a firm and smooth wheat complexion, a pretty goose-egg face, peach blossom eyes, clear eyes, a well-defined high nose, rosy lips, and a tall stature. She is waving her hand to contrast her body. The still tall white big bone rod rushed towards the opponent like a little female leopard hunting.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding.

   The flying blade kept slashing on the little white air shield.

   Clusters of sparks burst.

   The white gas mask quickly dimmed.

   But Bai Xiaoxiao did not hesitate at all, brandishing a pair of big white bone sticks, still rushing forward.

   is like a berserker with a hail of bullets.


   The endless raging flying blade finally smashed the white gas shield, passed through the block of the bone stick, and stabbed Bai Xiaoxiao.

   A burst of blood mist burst out.

   But Bai Xiaoxiao's charge was even more violent.

   The air formed a tornado behind this black-skinned little beauty.

   She seems to have hit a vacuum zone in the air with her body.

   The air vortex visible to the naked eye raged wildly on the ancient bridge, rolling up the frost on the ground...


After    quickly got close, the white bone rod first smashed the masked young man's protective power, then shattered his head, and smashed the big head directly into the chest cavity.

  The battle is over.

   "Motor Maddane."

   The savage young female leopard puts away the big bones, in a very sassy posture, with her head raised forty-five degrees, slowly and authentically.


   Lin Beichen in front of the projection screen directly sprayed out.

   confirmed the mantra, this is definitely Xiao Heipi did not run away.

   This sentence was given to Bai Xiaoxiao when he was in the White Moon Realm.

   I didn't expect to be used by this little black skin in the God's Choice contest.

   is very second in the middle.

   Lin Beichen complained inwardly.

   Qinglei blinked with curiosity: "What is she talking about."


   Lin Beichen said: "It means'you are still far behind.'"

   "Japanese is..."

   "Oh, a small language that is not very important."    "That's it."

  During the dialogue, the second black skin has ended his battle and left.

   The young man who wore a mask and never showed his true colors until his death, his blood and bones melted on the ancient bridge, and even his weapons, clothes, and hair disappeared completely.

   Lin Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

   A new question posed in front of him.

   Would you like to meet Bai Xiaoxiao?

   How could this girl's strength be so strong?

   Is it also hanging up?

   Then, more than a dozen games began one after another.

   One by one, living beings fell on the ancient bridge, swallowed by blood and bones.

   The icy bridge deck seems to be the gateway to the land of death.

   And the results of these games, in the end, as predicted by the major temples, there was not much upset.

   until the thirty-fifth game.

   Finally it was Lin Beichen's turn.

   [Participating Identity Plate] Project an ultra-small portal.

   "I'll wait for you to come back safely."

   Qinglei stood up, smiling, looking at Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen stood in front of the portal, turned his head and smiled, and said: "Help me order a piece of China."

   then turned around and entered the portal.


  The ancient bridge.

   The temperature on the bridge is extremely low and the chill is pressing.

  The white frost was covered with mottled slate. The moment I stepped on it, it seemed to freeze human feet on the slate forever.

  Only when you visit it in person will you know how terrible the crying abyss is.

   A scream of sorrow and sorrow came out from the icy abyss under the bridge, as if countless ghosts and ghosts were about to break through the seal and climb up the bridge, swallowing all the creatures on the bridge.

   The cold wind howled.

   The branches and leaves of the ice crystal trees on the bridge hit, making a crisp sound of icy edges, like a frozen wind chime.

it's very windy.

  The bridge is huge.

   The person who came across was also very big.

   is a giant over six meters in size.

   There was a strong smell of sulfur from his mouth and nose, and when he opened his mouth to breathe, a bright red flame loomed in his throat.

   "I am invincible."

   The giant stepped on the bridge step by step.

Where    passed, huge footprints burning with red flames were left.

   He stared at Lin Beichen and said, "I know you, Jian Xiaoyao, who is called the son of miracles, but today, I want to break your poor miracle."

   A giant who likes mouth cannons very much.

   Lin Beichen made a judgment, and then gently hooked his finger.


The second is more.

Thanks to book friends 58938811, Qianlong Daomeng, and Shang Zhuo MY for their support. Thank you for the great rewards of the best leaders. If you are abroad, take care to protect yourself.

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