Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1307: The last enemy

The God of War Guo Jun said with a bitter face, "My body is ruined, and you are too dear to me..."

   said, seeing that the black-bellied little strategist's face was already showing contempt, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "However, if I hold the Lord of the Sky for a while, it is still possible...Little Gold, you come to cooperate with me."

The golden monitor lizard next to    was wearing vest shorts and a large gold chain around his neck. His body trembled when he heard that his eyes bulged.

   Incredibly it used its short forelimbs and pointed at itself: "Hiss, hiss?"

   War God Jun Guo nodded and said: "Yes, it is you, the Sword Lord has bestowed you the position of God, you should also contribute now... I am facing, you fight, and use your talents and supernatural powers."

   "His hiss."

   The golden monitor lizard shook his head repeatedly and kept backing away.

   What are you kidding?

   I'm just a little lizard that has nothing to do with the world. My biggest dream is to go to the wild world to find a few female lizards to give birth and spread my blood...

   Are you going to make me stubborn?


   It turned around and ran.

   "Let's go."

  The God of War Guo Jun directly flew a kick, kicked the Golden Lizard King’s butt, kicked it flying, and volleyed into the Lord of the Sky.

   Golden Lizard King: o(≧口≦)o!

   I have long seen that you, God of War, Guo Jun, are not humans.

   "Bah, baah."

   It has no choice but to slobber at the lord of the sky.

   This is its talent and supernatural power-[Zhizujinjinfan].

   I saw patches of golden mucus quickly atomizing in the void, turning into a mist of gold powder, floating towards the lord of the sky.

   This golden powder mist is very strange.

   With the realm and experience of the Lord of the Sky, he was wrapped in it very quickly, obscured his sight and perception, and only felt that he was forcibly drawn into another world.

  Guo Jun, the **** of war, bit his head and shot in order to fight for a sigh of relief.

   turned into a streamer, rushing into the mist of gold powder.

   bang bang bang.


   In the mist of gold powder, the sound of fighting each other continued.

  Occasionally, an arm of the Lord of the Sky, or half of the head of the God of War Guo Jun came out of it, but it was pulled back alive...

   Pieces of blood rained down from the mist of gold powder.

   After dozens of breaths, there were even limbs with broken arms, falling to the ground like dumplings.

   Others can't clearly see the battle situation inside, but just by listening to the voice and watching the scene, they feel that there are bursts of teeth and numbness, cold warfare all over, and heartbeats.

   Are the two powerhouses at this level actually fighting hand-to-hand?

   "Bah, baah..."


  The golden monitor lizard also sold his life.

   It uses its forelimbs to hold its mouth, drooping its tongue, and constantly spitting into the mist of gold powder, maintaining the special effects of [Zip Drunk Jin Fan]...

  Chu Hen looked at it, and could not help the rows of black lines hanging down on his forehead.

   curious about the way of fighting.

   For the Sword God Temple, the sudden reinforcements solved the biggest crisis at once.

   Qianlong, Lu Bingwen and others raised their heads to watch the battle, constantly reflecting on whether they had offended Fat Tiger before. After eating so many grilled tails of the Golden Lizard King before, this guy won't check the list, right?


   The ore lord screamed and was the first to lose.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, he had been beaten with a stick by the fat tiger old lady, his body was broken, and his godhead was cracked. Even if he sacrificed his god's position, it was of no avail.

   The fighting style of Fat Tiger Granny is very simple.

   She just simply waved her crutches, and she didn't even have the corresponding moves, nor did she have any gorgeous light and shadow special effects, without the slightest energy fluctuation, just like a strong old farm woman beating an unfilial rebellious son.

   But the effect is weird and incredible...

   At the end of the fight, the lord of the ore was dizzy, and even forgotten what magical moves he had originally used, so he could only hug his head, and Sayazi fled the battlefield.

   The group of people below were stunned.

   This also works?

   They deeply suspect that they watched a fake Lord God level battle.

   On the other side, the battle between Fat Tiger and the Lord of Flame is also very unusual.

   Fat Tiger's muscles bulged, his arms were like piledrivers, and he threw out his punches and punches like a lightning bolt, chasing the Lord of Fire and beating fiercely...

   While the Lord of Flame roared, he constantly displayed various magical powers of flame.

   "Starfire light prison..."

   "Tibbers' Fury."

   "The dark fire starts a prairie fire."

   "The flame of extinction."

Gorgeous and dazzling flame magical powers swept across the sky, containing the terrifying power of the sacred fire, even the space and light, seem to have begun to be distorted under such horrible sacred fire, and the void barriers are like glass to be melted into liquid…

   This kind of magical power means, let alone a frontal hit, even if it is slightly swept by the aftermath, the high-level gods will be wiped out in an instant, and there will be no hair left.

   But it didn’t work for Fat Tiger.

   Fat Tiger doesn’t seem to exist in this world, immune to all attacks from the Lord of Fire. The tongue of flames licks Fat Tiger’s body, and he can’t even move one of his hair...

   But his attack landed on the Lord of Fire, and bursts of sparks sputtered immediately, and the cracks appeared in the Godhead of the Lord of Fire, which continuously reduced the power of the Lord of Fire...

   "Are you a stranger?"

  The Lord of Flame finally understood something, and his face was extremely shocked.

   Fat Tiger did not speak.

   He has no bad thoughts.

   He just wanted to kill the Lord of Flame as soon as possible.

   After all, with his current cultivation base, [Ten Emperor Body Respect Gong] can only last for a stick of incense.

  In the end, the Lord of Fire also escaped.

   couldn't beat Fat Tiger originally, let alone know the origin of the other party's identity.

   In the Sword Temple camp below, cheers came out.

   And in the camp of the four major gods alliance, the gods of all parties, the warriors of the family gods, and the warlocks, all face as earthy, panicked and confused.

   This kind of seeing the supreme **** they believe in is defeated and fleeing, so that they have a kind of anger of the collapse of their faith and the confusion of losing their faith...

   "Don't chase."

   Fat Tiger’s mother stopped her son’s pursuit, and said, "We are running out of time. Go and help God of War Guo Jun."


   Fat Tiger turned and rushed into the mist of gold powder.

   Then the sound of fighting in the fog became more intense.

   Struggling out of the fog again and again in the sky, covered in blood, but was pulled back again...

   A huge rain of blood fell.


   The golden monitor lizard king spit wildly, his mouth almost dried up.

   Finally, he lay on the ground like a dead dog, sticking his tongue out.

   There is no more drop.

   Fortunately, at this moment, the battle finally ended.

   A broken body covered in blood fell from the mist of gold powder and slammed heavily on the ground. The blood gurgled and dyed the earth red, and there was no vitality.


   A warrior of the family of the lord of the sky screamed, and the flesh and blood on his body instantly melted and rotted into dust, and in the end even the bones were turned into ashes...

   is not just him.

  Many family **** warriors and warlock powerhouses who are directly under the lord of the sky, have instantly decayed into dust...

  The gods of the Sky Lord series also clearly felt the divine power passing...

   Everyone's faces were filled with horror.

   Because it means that the Lord of the Sky has fallen.

   Another Lord God has fallen.

   This war is so tragic.

   When everyone reacted, the mist of gold powder in the sky disappeared, and the three fat tigers and old beasts also disappeared, I don't know where they went.

   "Using the power from outside the sky, they can no longer stay in the **** realm for too long. They have to venture on the road... it's really a shame."

  The black-bellied military division's face was full of regret.

   If the Fat Tiger trio can be completely used by the Sword God Temple, then the entire God Realm will be wiped out just around the corner.

   It's a pity that they played this time just to repay the favor of the Sword Master God before, risking the use of power from outside the sky, and they must go back as soon as possible.

   "They shot before, they are already taking risks."

Chu Hen didn't feel regretful, and said: "This is already very good. The only thing I wonder is why the Lord God will help, and even openly confront the [Xuanniao Battle Banner]... Could it be that this is also your secretly arranged reinforcements. ?"

The black-bellied female soldier shook her head and said: "No, this is also my strange point, but it is unexpected and reasonable... Not all the cards under the crown tell me, I think this should also be one of the arrangements under the crown. ."

   Even Chu Hen couldn't see through Lin Beichen.

   He clearly knew Lin Beichen's true foundation. How did such a young man who started in Yunmeng City control the God Realm in such a short period of time?

   "Go back, the overall situation is settled."

   Chu Hen looked at the Sword God Temple and said: "This time, we won again."

   Li Yitian shook his head, but his expression was solemn.

The black-bellied military commander’s beautiful eyes were worried, and said, “It’s not necessarily. There is another person who has not taken action so far. She is our biggest threat. If Mianxia can’t leave the customs in time and block this person, we will do it before. Everything is useless."

   "You mean..."

   Chu Hen was stunned, and also reacted.

   But what is afraid of.

   In the next instant, the two of them changed their faces and looked up at the sky.

A figure dressed in a blue fairy skirt came from a distance in the void, step by step, walking in the air, and came to the sky above the Sword God Temple, and waved, that side was already dim and dull [Black Bird Battle Banner] Flew into her hands.

   The moment when Xianxiansu held the flagpole in her hand, she made a masterpiece.

  【Xuanniao Battle Banner】resurrected.

   The flag surface radiated black light, and the mysterious bird totem instantly became dazzling in color, as if it was about to break the flag surface and fly out. With the slender hand waving the battle flag lightly, the world rolled and shook.

  The person holding the flag is like a mysterious girl from the sky, with black hair flying, blue skirt fluttering, erupting to attend the volume, and the terrifying coercion swallowing the world, the black clouds in the sky roll, like the turbid waves destroying the world, terrifying to the extreme.

   The gods below, trembling.

   Ordinary dependents, directly unable to withstand this pressure, all knelt on the ground, even the strength and courage to raise their heads instantly lost...


   Good noon, have you eaten?

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