Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1308: Guiyuan Chaos Qi

Host Zhenzhou.

   Lying Years Mark Le Gebao Mountain Range.

   One after another huge beams of light spurted continuously towards the sky above the sky, forming huge star-swirl-like cloud vortices in the extremely high clouds, which revolved momentarily with the beam of light, forming a spectacular scene.

   Wei Mingchen stood on the nine-story altar, showing a satisfied and expectant expression.

   is only one step away from the final goal.

   is the mountain nine ren, just wait for the last one.

   The array operation matrix will completely refine the entire host True Continent. The vitality, spiritual accumulation, and air transport belonging to this continent will be absorbed and refined by the array to produce fruit.

When the time comes, Tian Gongzi will certainly get the opportunity he wants, and he will also get the "Indestructible Blood Pill" made of hundreds of millions of creatures on the mainland, so that he can change his fate against the sky, even if it is to return to the primordial world outside the sky. , He can also become a real

   The sound of footsteps came from behind.


   A big-breasted loli in a white swordsman uniform came behind her, saluted slightly, and said, "The probation is over."

   "Oh? Can you see the trace of Lin Beichen?"

   Wei Mingchen asked.

   In the past few days, the Alliance has suddenly changed its aggressive offensive posture, and has become silent, especially the culprit Lin Beichen, who has also disappeared.

   was pierced through the body by [Naihe Gun], of course it was a serious injury.

   But with that crazy woman here, Lin Beichen should be able to stabilize the injury and not directly get seriously injured and die.

   At this time, Lin Beichen did not choose to appear in public to boost morale...

   is a little abnormal.

  Although the general situation is set now, Lin Beichen can't make any waves even if he is not seriously injured, but there is an uncertain variable in this young man, under insight, it is better to lose track.

   "According to the Pope's report, 16 pieces of heavenly jade were broken, and no trace of Lin Beichen was detected."

   Big-breasted Lori Bai Wei said.

   Since the battle with Lin Beichen, she has gained a higher degree of trust from Wei Mingchen, has more power, and has been entrusted with important tasks.

   "It looks like I'm hiding."

   Mingchen Wei thought for a while, and said, "Do you think that with his seriously injured body, where can he hide to avoid the prying eyes of Tianjiyu and Dahuang Yanguang Array?"

   Bai Yuyun said with certainty: "As long as it is on the host Zhenzhou continent, there is absolutely no way to escape our prying eyes, so there is only one possibility, he has already escaped from the host Zhenzhou continent."

   Wei Mingchen nodded thoughtfully.

   "Really? That means, I went to the God Realm? Ha ha, the bereaved dog, it's not important, the big thing is important... You don't need to pay attention to this person anymore, assign manpower to focus on the key core of the square formation matrix to avoid being destroyed."

   He waved his hand.

"Got it."

   Bai Weiyun turned and left.

   Wei Mingchen squinted his eyes and watched the undulating sea of ​​clouds, planning something silently in his heart.

at the same time.

   With the emergence of the giant beam of light, ferocious profound energy tides appeared in all parts of the host Zhenzhou continent.

   Countless ordinary creatures, in such a tide, burst and die instantly, being drawn away from all the life energy, turning into corpses and falling down...

   The earth dries up, and the vegetation withers.

   Countless green light spots visible to the naked eye, floating from large forests, grasslands, deserts, Gobi, lakes, fields, and converging towards the nearest beam of light...

   The fertile land turned into a desert.

   The water in the rivers, lakes and seas is sucked upside down and flows towards the sky.

   The devastating hurricane that can kill the heavens and humans whizzes and circulates between the heavens and the earth, like devil snakes from hell, struggling, circling and twisting, sweeping past, destroying everything along the way.

  The creatures wailing.

   The powerhouses who have mastered the power of Xuan Qi martial arts, continue to avoid, with the help of formations and cultivation bases, they can be strong for a period of time...

   Cloud Dream City.

  The Shinto Array was opened for the first time and protected thousands of miles...

   Ye Weiyang stood on the top of the Temple Mountain, the sacred body exuding the holy brilliance of a silver moon, blessing the formations inside and outside the city, against the devouring force between heaven and earth.

  Land Sea Clan Camp.

   The warlock of the mermaid tribe arranged the formation and chanted in unison.

  The wheelchair girl Yan Ying hung in the air at a height of one thousand meters, emitting a red light all over her body, like a blood sun hanging high in the sky, radiating a **** light, enveloping the strong sea clan who had contracted in the big camp...

   Chaohui Great City.

   The formation that was set up to deal with the King of God's army now happens to be used, and it is being urged at all costs to barely protect the creatures in the city.

   Outside the city, large tracts of land have been turned into desert.

   Ding Sanshi and others watched the ordinary civilians who were too late to enter the city, together with the animals and plants outside, were swallowed by the ‘barren’, instantly shriveled and split, turning into a part of the desert.

   "Someone is sacrificing the entire host Zhenzhou continent."

   Ding Sanshi, who is the Dark Moon God, knows a lot of mysteries and has already guessed what is going on. After being shocked in his heart, he has a huge anger: "It should be Wei must be him."

   This kind of maddening thing can be done.

   Countless messages flashed through Ding Sanshi's mind.

   He suddenly understood that the purpose of the giant statues of gods that he encountered before, Wei Mingchen built them not simply to kill and kill the enemy, but to build the formation matrix of the refining continent...

   "You must find a way to stop it."

   Ding Sanshi understood, sweating coldly.

   At this rate, it will take another five days at most. The entire host Zhenzhou Continent will be completely refined. When the time comes, all spirits will die, and this place will become a place of death.

   But, how to stop it?

   Qiankun Dacheng.

   Xiao Binggan, Qianqian, Qianqian and others also stood on the city wall, and the whole big city was protected by a well-repaired formation, and they tried their best to fight against the devouring force between heaven and earth...

   "It won't last long."

Qin Shou looked at the tornado between the sky and the earth in the distance like a black world-killing python, and at the dozens of huge beams of light rising from the sky, said: "This is the array matrix that refines the entire continent. The energy of the hood will also be swallowed and absorbed... If you want to stop this trend, you must smash the core of the formation matrix."

   He came to talk to Lin Beichen on behalf of the master behind him.

   It's a pity that I was a step late, and I didn't see Lin Beichen.

   "Matrix of formation? Can you eat it?"

   Xiao Binggan's eyes lit up.

   He feels deeply that he seems to be lacking energy recently, and the chicken legs are not fragrant anymore, so he wants to eat something else.


   Guangchan made a cry of excitement.

   It is riding on itself and **** son scum tiger.

This mutant tiger has refined the essence and blood of the golden monitor lizard king, and its appearance has undergone huge changes. Its fur has changed to golden yellow with some black markings. Its body size has been reduced to a normal size, and it looks more majestic and extravagant. Kind of strange power.

   And the ice wolf of Qianqian and Qianqian has shrunk into a miniature state, only the size of a cat, and its coat color has turned golden yellow. At first glance, it looks like two orange cats squatting on the shoulders of two radiant little beauties.

   "When can Lin Beichen come back?"

   Qin Shou looked at several people and said, "It can't be dragged on any longer."

   Qianqian spread out her hands and said: "'s hard to tell, see when the young master has kidney deficiency and waist pain, maybe he will come back."

   Qin Shou was startled: "What do you mean?"

   "It was Sister Qin who abducted the young master. I feel what will happen to the two of them. The young master has coveted Sister Qin's beauty for a long time. This time he will probably not show up if he is unhappy... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

   Qianqian is very sure and authentic.

   Qianqian quickly covered her mouth.

   The ugliness of the family should not be exposed.

  How can the maid tell the master's things behind her back.

   Qin Shou's face twitched, not knowing what to say.

   Forget, Lin Beichen is a lecherous dude by nature.

   "I have to find a way to find him."

He slowly said: "And before that, we'd better figure out where the core point of the formation matrix is, so that after Lin Beichen shows up, we can stop it positively... The good news is that anyone who has the position of God can do it. To resist the absorption of this swallowing power in the short term, some of you should have already obtained the position of God and merged, so we must act and can't sit here and wait for death."



   The roots of heaven and earth.

   The sea of ​​clouds is ethereal, and the black stone is burning.

Lin Beichen and Master Qin, who had taken off their clothes, sat back to back on the roots of heaven and earth, the skin on their backs pressed together tightly, their arms protruding back at the same time, their fingers were clenched, their palms pressed against each other, and the back of their heads were also tight. Land together...

   In this posture, the two formed a very stable triangle silhouette.

   The priest Qin closed his beautiful eyes and inhaled at the same time with his mouth and nose.

The airflow visible to the naked eye poured into her mouth and nose, then turned into energy, circulated in the body, and finally entered Lin Beichen's body along the arm and from the fingertips. After completing the Great Zhou Tian according to the specific circulation route, from Lin Exhale from Beichen's mouth and nose...

   Two people seem to be one.



   The two each complete a complete breath, which is a week.

   so back and forth.

  The power in Lin Beichen's body is gradually undergoing strange changes.

   The injury has already recovered.

   The missing fifth Qi is also slowly condensing.

   About an hour, the body of the two naturally turned into a face-to-face posture, with their hands touching, palms touching, and fingertips touching, forming a square outline, and breathing again.

   This is the kind of guidance that the priest Qin said.

   Lin Beichen also closed his eyes and entered a peculiar state of perception, without distracting thoughts, feeling the flow of Qi in his body.

time flies.

   The two kept changing various positions.

   But always keep the body parts close to each other.

   The Qi energy around the roots of heaven and earth circulates continuously in the bodies of the two people.

Lin Beichen clearly felt that the cocoon of profound energy power in his body was rapidly shattering-before he cultivated into five energy divine powers, it was only separated from the cocoon of power, and it had no effect on the cocoon itself, this time it was directly. The cocoon body was broken.

   Wandering Soul Wood Realm was finally completed on the second day.

   Before Lin Beichen could experience the power of the divine power of this realm in the future, the five qi in his body was already under the guidance of the Master Qin and began the cycle of the Great Zhou again.

   The qi mechanisms around the roots of heaven and earth are continuously introduced into the body and blended into the five qi.

   This kind of Qi machine is like a kind of conciliator, gradually blending the divine powers of the five realms of Profound Soul Golden Realm, Consciousness Fire Realm, Dingzhi Water Realm, Wandering Soul Wood Realm, and Wandering Earth Realm.

   The five qi are merging with each other.

   I don't know how long it took, Lin Beichen only felt a slight shock in his body, and the connection with the main priest Qin's body had been disconnected in an instant.

   When he opened his eyes, the main priest Qin was already wearing clothes.

   "The effect is better than I thought."

The priest Qin looked at him and said: "With the help of the power of the root of heaven and earth, you not only cultivated the fifth qi, but also directly entered the highest state of the five qi dynasty... Carefully understand the power in your body, it will be you to defeat Wei Mingchen The greatest reliance."

   Lin Beichen looked back with a little regret.

   The first thing he realized was the mysterious power of the "Wandering Soul Wood Realm".

   simple description, only two words—


The spirit wood realm can infinitely expand the power of the soul. As long as the soul does not disperse, even if the body is broken, it can be immortal. If the origin is not damaged, it can continue to regenerate. The tree sprouts.

   The power of spirit, consciousness and soul has always been Lin Beichen's shortcoming.

After    cultivated into the power of [Wandering Soul Woodland], this biggest shortcoming was finally about to be filled.

[Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] Under the influence of the mobile phone APP, the five colors of red, green, yellow, gold, and blue in the body continue to operate. Under the harmony of the heaven and earth root qi machine, they will finally turn into An invisible and colorless force.

   Five Qi return to Yuan.

   Gui Yuan Chaos Qi.

After another half day, all the divine power in Lin Beichen's body was transformed into the invisible and colorless'Returning Yuan Chaos Qi', causing him to exude an unreal ethereal aura from the inside out, as if he did not belong to this world. It's the same as "painting outsiders".

   Lin Beichen stretched out his hand.

   A flame jumped and burned at the fingertips, and it turned into a green sprout, then into a floating liquid metal, then into a rock, and finally into a drop of clear water...

   The five elements are transformed.

   This is not over yet.

   With the manipulation of Lin Beichen, this group of energy at the fingertips turned into a flower, and five petals slowly bloomed, each in the five states of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, blooming quietly, looking beautiful.

   The five energies are perfectly mastered.

   and can freely transform between thoughts.

   The various failures of the previous five qi divine powers can also be perfectly presented, and they have not disappeared as the five qi transforms into ‘returning chaos qi’.

   Lin Beichen clearly felt a feeling called ‘powerful’.

   "If I had reached this state in the first battle that day, I would never be violently beaten by Bai Weiyun's golden body. Instead, I could beat her on the ground and call her father."

   Lin Beichen thought happily.

   He got up slowly.


   A white bellyband hit him on the head.

   A faint fragrance came.

   "Put the clothes on first."

   The priest Qin floats in the sea of ​​clouds, one hundred meters away, and his face is cold and authentic.


Lin Beichen grabbed his bellyband, sniffed, and said with a grin, "Sister Qin, is this a token of love for me? Don't worry, you and I already have skin-to-kin relatives, and I will be responsible for you... This bellyband will be my responsibility. Take it first...Huh?"

When    was halfway through, Lin Beichen let out an exclamation.

   Because of the bellyband in his hand, a strange change suddenly appeared.


This is a small chapter.

The seventh volume is about to end.

Some of the less important dragon sets, because they can’t follow the protagonist to the chaotic world beyond the sky, are about to start to finish. Who do you want to get the box lunch?

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