Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1309: Six deadly sins

The white bellyband is embroidered with a faint silver cloud pattern. The embroidery work is double fine, and it also carries a faint virgin fragrance. But in Lin Beichen's hand, it suddenly begins to change like a moonlight, and finally turns into I wore a soft armor lined with armor.

   "Ah this..."

   Lin Beichen looked up in surprise.

   The Qin priest said indifferently: "It is the last missing part of the [Immortal King] suit."

   Lin Beichen stayed, and suddenly realized.

   No wonder I was wearing the [Immortal King suit] and was shot and worn by Bai Weiyun. Later, the big breasted Lolita bluntly said that the suit was incomplete, so she was overwhelmed by the gun.

   The last component that was missing turned out to be this white lining.

   The inner lining can be changed according to the owner's gender and body shape.

   This thing is very high-tech.

   "Sister, the complete [Immortal King Set], can it withstand the attack of Naihe Gun?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   This question is very important.


   The priest Qin gave an affirmative answer.

   Then the question is coming.

   "Why did Xiao Huang Shen still be shot and killed by Naihe?"

   He asked again.

   There was a violent fluctuation in the clear and clear beautiful eyes of the priest Qin, and he slowly said, "Because he was wearing a suit that was not a complete suit when he was attacked, and the inner lining was missing."

Oh I got it.

   Lin Beichen is completely relieved.

and many more?

   He remembered something again, and said, "Could it be that the inner lining was on your sister's body?"

   The priest Qin nodded.


   Lin Beichen covered his heart.

   Could it be that this lining is a token of love for the chief priest of Qin Xiaohuang God?

   Otherwise, who would give such precious things to other women?

  Love is a light, green makes you panic.

   Lin Beichen didn't expect that he would be given green by a guy who had been dead for countless years... Wait a minute, am I trying the Green Little Wild God now? In short, this feeling is a bit bad.

   "Put away your dirty thoughts."

A stern look flashed in the eyes of Lord Qin, saying: "The Xiaohuang God has a noble character, a good character, and a low righteousness. He took good care of his brothers and sisters back then. I was seriously injured in the process of opening up the city, so he I borrowed this lining to heal wounds. It is a healing holy thing..."

   Lin Beichen looked sad and angry.

   She is accusing me for him.

   The priest Qin sighed slightly, and said: "Now thinking about it, I was injured back then, I'm afraid it was also the arrangement of the father of the gods... I respect the Xiaohuang God as his father and brother, so don't think about it."

   Lin Beichen was relieved when he heard this.

   "Sister, don't worry, I will avenge you."

   Lin Beichen patted his chest and said loudly: "I, Lin Beichen, do what I say, this time I don’t beat the father of the gods out of shit, even if he pulls it clean..."

   Having said that, he lowered his voice again and said quietly, "But I feel that the five qi in my body have not been completely melted. I need your sister to further strengthen the guidance. Why don't we hurry up..."

   The chief priest of Qin stood in the sea of ​​clouds, with flying silver hair and elegant and graceful face, with a hint of helplessness flashing across his face, trying his best to restrain his sword, rubbing his temples with his slender hands, and said: "It's been four days, do business first."

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   Do business first, then do...

   There is a play.

   The two left Tiandigen.

   The sea of ​​clouds rolls, and the white clouds roll around.

   Lin Beichen walked out of the vast sea of ​​clouds and looked back at the roots of heaven and earth, only to see that the white clouds and black stones have all disappeared, as if they did not exist in this world at all, and the dark sky was empty...

   Hmm, wait?

  The dark sky?

   Is it night now?

   Lin Beichen raised his eyes and looked around, then immediately exclaimed: "Wow, planetary engine?"

   I will not have traveled to the world of "The Wandering Earth", am I?

   I saw that between the surrounding heaven and the earth, silver beams of light spewed up from the earth, like pillars supporting the sky, and they were very eye-catching between the dark heaven and earth.

   This scene is very similar to the scene in the movie "The Wandering Earth" where the planetary engine drives the earth to wander in the universe.

   Then, Lin Beichen felt the ubiquitous swallowing suction between heaven and earth.

   Look around.

   is surrounded by an endless desert.

A series of dragon-like winds raged between the sky and the earth, rolling up large pieces of sand and flowing in the air like a liquid..., you can also vaguely see some strange giant bones ups and downs in the flying sand, that is The bones of many powerful mutant demon beasts...

   "Is the environment around Tiandigen so bad?"

   He was extremely shocked.

   The beautiful white and pretty face of Lord Qin was full of solemnity.

"Around Tiandigen, there was originally a virgin forest full of spirituality, with picturesque mountains and rivers, and all spirits living and multiplying." She was shocked and angry: "Someone is refining the entire continent with the formation must be him, he is crazy. Up."

   "Refining the continent?"

Lin Beichen felt a sudden surprise in his heart: "This dog is crazy. It's crazy. As the host Zhenzhou's first beautiful man and the peace incarnation of justice, I must not let him succeed. Sister, it seems that we have to speed up. boarding."

  He sacrificed a bronze chariot.



Spirit world.

   Sword Temple Square.

   "The Lord of Land..."

   Seeing the majestic blue skirt goddess appeared in the sky, everyone could not contain it and produced a kind of subconscious surrender.

   Known as the No. 1 beauty in the God Realm today, he is not only unparalleled in beauty, but also has the supreme majesty beyond other main gods.

   has been dominating the entire God Realm in turn for hundreds of years. In the long years, she has made decisions on any major event in the God Realm, and she has given orders to all the gods to issue the will.

   Her words and deeds, every move, in the past long years, all of them have always affected the God Realm.

   In the hearts of many gods and people, she is the real master.

   Now, she finally appeared.

   Qianlong and the hearts of the gods of the Sword God Temple sink slowly.

   The previous battle was in such a fierce state. As the **** of rotation, Lord Lan did not come forward to stop it. This was already an attitude. Obviously, she allowed this kind of war to exist.

   And now, with the defeat of the four main gods, she has appeared.

   She held the [Xuanniao Battle Flag], breaking the last trace of luck in the hearts of Qianlong, Lu Bingwen and others.

   The gods who have ruled the God Realm for hundreds of years stand on the opposite side of the Sword God Temple.

   Since the beginning of the war, the greatest crisis of the Sword God Temple has finally come completely.

   "According to the investigation, the main sword of the Sword God Temple is Xiaoyao, his real name is Lin Beichen, he is a humble mortal from the lower realm, who steals the position of the main **** with a mortal body, violates the law of God, the sin is unforgivable, and this is the same sin."

   "The pantheon is broken and the gods stored in it are stolen. It is Lin Beichen who is responsible for stealing the gods, threatening the gods, hoarding strange things, and network gangsters. This is the second crime."

   "Break the heavens and the earth, cause the death of the gods in the suburbs, cause the lower three districts and the middle two districts to be reduced to ghosts, countless sinners die, and also lead the beasts in the depths of the Demon Abyss to attack the gods and destroy the gods. This is three crimes."

   "Collaborating with the evil demon from the outside world, disrupting the order of the gods, stealing the arsenal of the father of the gods, hiding the evil heart, killing 67 gods, this is four crimes."

   "Privately practicing the magical arts of the ancestors of the Great Desolate Protoss [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue], this has five sins."

   "Surprisingly attacking the great Father God in retreat practice, this is six sins."

The voice of the Lord Lan, cold and noble, contains irresistible majesty, echoing between the heavens and the earth of the God Realm, arousing layers of divine power and rippling radiation, as if it is a lofty ruler, carrying out the final judgment on the unforgivable sinners. .

   "In the will and name of the supreme father of the gods, I pronounce judgment..."

The lord of Lan stood in the void, holding the Xuanniao battle flag, with long hair flying, and his beautiful face, filled with indifference and killing intent, condescendingly, and made the final judgment, saying: "Judgment to the devil Lin Beichen The ashes will never exceed the punishment of life, the sword temple has a party of feathers, beheaded and killed, no one will be left!"


The guarantee is 3 more today.

Thank you brothers for your tolerance during my downturn. I feel like I can do it again.

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