Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1310: A less serious voice

The voice of the sentence reverberated between heaven and earth.

   Almost the entire God Realm heard such a voice.

  Lord Lan is just a presence, and he immediately took control of the atmosphere on the court, and for a while, no one dared to look at him.

   Even Chu Hen, Li Yitian, and Han Luoxue in the distance felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. When the war has progressed to such an extent, only if the sword master goddess exits the pass, maybe there will be a ray of life, right?

   Your Majesty Sword God, Qianlong and the other gods of the Five Elements War Department, are also worried.

   "This is a verdict without trial."

   Qianlong protested.

   "Yes, I will leave the customs soon, and it will not be too late to ask..." Guan Ruofei said loudly.

   "Under Lan Mian, please don't act too hastily."

   Mu Linsen also said.

   "There must be some misunderstanding."

   Lu Bingwen's words still seemed very stable.

   At this time, although the four big boys each led their troops to guard one side and did not gather together to discuss, they were ashamed of their wits and spoke in unison, seeming to be defending, but in fact they were delaying time.

   Four sentences, urged by divine power, echoed in the sky above the Sword God Temple.

   They are indeed very witty.

   But the last 纨纨石 is more straightforward.

This Tie Hanhan saw that the other four brothers had resisted the pressure to speak. If he didn’t say anything cruel, I'm sorry for the brothers, and I'm sorry for the love of the Sword Master God. Now he is also learning to imitate Lin Beichen's tone. Loudly said: "Don't be blind BB here, do you have the ability to make gestures when I leave the customs?"

   After finishing speaking, there was silence around me.

   The four Qianlong listened to them, and they were dumbfounded, and they wanted to push the goods to the ground and ruin them on the spot.

   We are defending, not to make you excited.

Sure enough, above the sky, a trace of anger flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Lord God Lan, and he sneered: "Lin Beichen has escaped from the lower realm host Zhenzhou a long time ago. You think you are very much used, but in fact, you have long been abandoned by him, but you are still there. It is extremely stupid to resist here."

   This is a sentence of condemnation.

   will be more swaying the morale of the Sword Temple camp than the previous sentence of the six deadly sins.

   Qianlong and others were also slightly surprised.

   is just then—

   "Hehehe, silly dick."

   A not very serious voice sounded in the void. All at once broke the sacred atmosphere created by the presence of Lord Lan.

  …  …


The God Lord Guo slowly got up from the throne, looked at the God Master Wugui, and said: "You heard it, this time it is not the alliance of the four great Gods, it is the will of the father of the great gods, Wugui, Jian Xiaoyao's defeat But in a blink of an eye, the Sword God Temple is gone, do you want to persist?"

  The old master just looked at him quietly without speaking.

   There was a trace of anger between the master's eyebrows.

   How could he have been so bitter, yet he didn't want to do it directly, saying: "I have tolerated you several times, no blame, now you are just a wild dog without a master, don't obsess over and perish yourself."

   The old priest looked indifferent and said, "Please go back and sit down."

   The Lord God finally couldn't help but burst into anger.

   "Old dog, you forced me..."

   With a flick of his finger, a strange tiger roar sounded, and a black tiger hair phantom appeared like a black lightning that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and it pierced the old master's eyebrows.

   The old master is still there.

   A faint golden starlight twinkled.

   The black lightning disappeared three inches from the front of the old master's eyebrows, then appeared three inches behind his head, shot into the temple pillar behind him, and passed through.

   Array transmission.

   All attacks that are three inches in front of the old master will be teleported behind him, unable to cause substantial damage.

   The Lord God is not so surprised.

   He knows the old master, so he has naturally seen his methods.

   Only this time, since he has already taken action, God Lord Guo has clearly made up his mind and he no longer has the slightest hesitation.

  Because he didn't have the qualification to continue to sit and watch.

The guy Lan also saw through the picture, holding the [Black Bird Battle Banner] to destroy the Sword Temple, which means that the will of the father of the gods is also equivalent to pronouncing the end of the Sword Temple, and the Lord God knows that he can no longer ride the wall. , Must choose its side to stand in line.

   Otherwise, once the war is over, the father of the gods will return to ask him, and he cannot bear the consequences.

   His body flickered like a streamer, his divine power burst out, and he pressed a palm to the head of the old master.

  The palm prints turned into dark tiger claws.

   This is the half-present state of the Godhead of the God.

   The palm print contains the power of the law of the gods, breaking the golden starlight in front of the old master, and pressing it straight on the old master's head.


   The old master turned into a mist of blood and dispersed.

   But the Lord God's heart shuddered, and he retreated subconsciously.


   A dark tiger paw print unbiasedly pressed on the place where he had stood before, and suddenly shattered the ground of the temple, and the huge temple shook violently.

   The figure of the old priest, floating faintly ten meters away.

   "It turns out that the ‘mirror’ forbidden technique can already be used. It seems that [The Wheel of Eternity] is really going to be unable to restrain your old dog.

   The Lord God's expression was awe-inspiring.

He is very familiar with the old master’s blameless method. This method of'returning to the other's way' is a magical technique called'mirror', which can reverse the opponent's attack method and give back to the opponent. Back then, there were two main god-level existences, and they were ground to death by this old dog using the'mirror' magical technique.

"last chance."

   The tone of the old priest is still calm: "Mian, sit back and wait for the end of the war. I will assume that what has just happened hasn't happened."

   The Lord God heard the words, Yang Tian laughed, and said: "Old dog, do you think you have eaten me? Do you really think that I'm defenseless against you all these years?"

   The voice did not fall.

   The dark giant tiger behind him is fully manifested as the law, the power of the main **** level burst out, all the formations in the main temple are also completely excited, and the temple turns into an endless starry sky.

   A series of mouth-watering and long ancient chants flowed from the mouth of the God Lord.

   Cooperating with the power of the Lord God level bursting out with all its strength, this kind of chanting guided a treasure to start to operate and radiate power.


  The old master squirted out a mouthful of blood without blame.

   There was a rumbling sound of grinding discs turning inside him.

  The sound waves surge like a drum, causing the abdomen of the old master to expand and contract rapidly like a drumhead, and the strange vibration quickly destroys the old master's body.

   "Unexpectedly, you also mastered the activation spell of [Wheel of Eternal Scar]."

The old master raised his hand to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Pay a lot of money. The spell is carved on the "Etching of the Other Shore" on the sixteenth floor of the Demon Abyss. Around that stone slab, there is a [Void from the void] growing. Erosion Ink Flower], whether it is a **** or a mortal, if it is contaminated by its pollen, it will erode the origin of life and die, which is the symptom of the so-called [scratch]..."

   The Lord God's eyes flickered.

  The old master wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked faintly: "So, to what extent is the current'flower mark' syndrome under the crown?"


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