Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1311: Jian Xue Wuming

Guozhu's expression changed.

   "Nowadays, there are miraculous medicines on the market for the treatment of flower scars. Even if I get infected with flower scars, it has been cured a long time ago."

   he sneered.

The last question in the mind of the old master Wugui completely dissipated, saying: "The pollen of [Void Erosion Ink Flower] is the most corrosive to direct contact, and the secondary transmission is the flower marks. The symptoms on your body should be called flower injuries. That’s right, the potion for treating flower marks may relieve your symptoms, but it’s impossible to cure them completely. So you grab the little girls in the God Realm who are screaming at the cathode, and use their yin scaly blood. To suppress the deterioration of the disease, this is your purpose for the arrest of An An and Qin Qianxuan, right?"

   The complexion of God Lord God suddenly became very ugly.

Under the divine armor of the outer cover, the skin between his waist and abdomen was already ulcerated, and the blood was gurgling, which tortured him all the time. In the past, it was based on the blood pressure system of the yin scales. Later, there was a flower mark that could heal. The magical medicine of the yin scale is better than the blood of Yin scales, but no matter how much the medicine is increased, it will not be cured after all.

   In the past few years, he has suffered from the affliction of flower wounds, and his combat power has also been greatly attenuated.

   Otherwise, why would you be in the Sword God Temple that day and be threatened by Lin Beichen and bow your head?

   I don't want to expose too much.

   The combat power of the real old-fashioned Great Desolate Clan's main **** is by no means comparable to that of the foreign clan's main **** like Ore Lord.

   But he was cautious and never showed it to outsiders.

   was pierced by the old master without blame today.

   "Old dog, you know too much."

The killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Lord God, and said: "In order to find the spell of [Wheel of Eternity], I went to the 16th floor of the Demon Abyss and was eroded by the pollen of [Void Erosion Ink Flower], and suffered disaster, but still succeeded. I found the spell. I just need to kill you today. When my father returns, he will naturally relieve me of the pollen erosion. Hey, I can also get the "Wheel of Eternity" this treasure... After all, the luck is still standing on me. This side."

   The old master laughed.

   "You've tried so hard, but after all, it's nothing but a shining star."

   He shook his backhand in the void, holding a silver staff in his hand, and said, "The spell you just chanted is very nice, isn't it like this..."

   The staff vibrated.

   The sound of ancient and obscure spells echoed in the temple.

   The Lord's expression changed, and he sneered immediately, and said, "How can you learn this kind of spell casually...How is this possible?" At the end of the conversation, he changed his color suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

  Because with the spell pouring out of the staff, the old master's abdomen exploded directly with a bang, and a silver roulette like a full moon came out of the belly and hovered in front of the old master.

   The Lord God's eyes were fierce, and he stared at the silver roulette.

  The Wheel of Eternity.

   The supreme weapon beyond the gods.

   Staff spells can really control the [Wheel of Eternity].


   This old dog’s ultimate magic is called [Mirror Image], which can not only copy moves, but also copy spells.


   thought that he could no longer perform this ultimate skill after a hundred years of exhaustion, so he automatically ignored this option, and the result... miscalculated.

   The Lord God was shocked, he reacted instantly and chanted the mantra again now, trying to fight for the dominance of the [Wheel of Eternity].

   But the incredible thing happened again.

  The old master Wugui just gently stretched out his hand, just like taking a cake from a plate, he held the [Wheel of Eternity] directly and lightly in his hand.

   The Lord God's eyes are bulging.

"How can it be?"

   He exclaimed again.

  【Wheel of Eternity】This kind of supreme weapon can only be manipulated with a spell. Grasping with bare hands is simply a blasphemy, it is the way to take death, even the father of the gods dare not to be so big.

   "Nothing in this world is absolutely impossible."

  The old master rubs his fingers at the [Wheel of Eternity], his expression is calm and indifferent.

The injury between his waist and abdomen almost directly exploded his whole person into two parts. The blood had already stained his place into a pool of blood. Such injuries were placed on the body of ordinary gods, although he would have to die on the spot, but he was steady. Standing, the body is still straight and straight, without a slight wave of wavering.

   A stormy sea was set off in the heart of the Lord God.

   Things are moving in a direction that is beyond their control at an unexpected speed.

   He suddenly understood what the old master Wugui had said before—it turned out that it was really the last chance the old master gave him.

   What he didn't understand was why the old priest could master the [Wheel of Eternity] so easily.

   His question was explained in the next instant.

"it's time."

  The old master's finger was in the void, lightly tapping.

   A stream of golden formation flashes.

   In the next moment, Qing Lei, his most beloved disciple, was teleported to his side.


   Qinglei is obviously not surprised by this.

   "Are you settled down?"

  Only when he saw Qing Lei, a kind of kindness flashed in the eyes of the old priest.

   "Return to Master, An An and Qian Xuan, as well as the other 34 little girls imprisoned in the temple of Guo, have all been taken to the safest place."

   Qinglei respectfully and authentically.

   The Lord God of Qiu immediately knew that the little girl he had been imprisoned in captivity to provide blood for Yin scale had been rescued, and his heart became more anxious and angry.

   But he dared not move.

  Because of the severely injured old master, the aura that exudes, instead of decay in the slightest, is getting more and more prosperous, directly climbing to a level that the Lord God cannot understand.

   This makes the God of the Lord have a sense of horror like a mans back.

   Intuition clearly told him that as long as he had the slightest change, he would usher in a ruthless blow from the old priest.

   The old priest didn't even look at the God Lord Guo.

   "The time has come."

   He looked at Qing Lei kindly, and said: "You and I are a master and apprentice, and I will give you a great opportunity. In the future, your accomplishments will be countless times better than being a teacher..."

   said, gently pushing with the palm of his hand.


  【Wheel of Eternity】revolving and floating, floating towards Qinglei.

   The Lord God seized the opportunity, and at the moment when the [Wheel of Eternity] left the palm of the old master, he forcibly exploded his divine power, spurring the power of the dark tiger's position, turning into a flash of lightning and rushing over, trying to **** it back.

   The old master flicked his left sleeve gently.


   The dark giant tiger's divine position collapsed instantly.

   The Lord God flew out and slammed into the high throne, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he didn’t know how many bones were broken...

   He could not accept such a result.

   This old thing is just a magical technique. Why does it not perform the technique at this time, but it bursts out of crushing power?

"Leier, the reason why the teacher rushed to accept you as a disciple at that time was not only because you had an excellent talent as a magic warlock, but also because this [Wheel of Eternity] met you for the first time. , It expresses the meaning of being close... This thing is predestined with you and can be used by you."

  The old master has a kind face, and said: "I assisted a tianjiao for the teacher, but the last thought is on you..."

   "Master, I..."

   Qinglei was touched.

The old master waved his hand and said: "I forcibly broke the curse and took out the [Wheel of Eternity] from my body. Time is running out. Fortunately, the previous preparations have come in handy. For the past 100 years, I have been secretly transforming Guo. The formation of the temple, now this is the safest place in the entire God Realm, you are here, according to the method I taught you before, integrated with the [Eternal Wheel], and protect the law for you as a teacher."

   The Lord God only then understood why he was vulnerable just now.

   My own temple of Guo has long become the home ground of the old gods without blame.

   For so many years, I have never discovered the slightest.

   really stupid.

   And my own temple has become the safest place for the old master to give his apprentice a big chance... what a mockery.

   He completely broke the defense and he vomited three liters of blood on the spot.

   and Qing Lei sat down cross-legged according to the words, and operated the secret technique taught by the old priest to guide the divine power machine in the body.

   The [Wheel of Eternity] was originally nestled next to Qing Lei like a coquettish little girl. At this time, Qing Lei released a sense of intimacy, and immediately turned into a silver light, submerged between Qing Lei's eyebrows!

   Qinglei's body is a superb masterpiece in an instant.

   Seeing this scene, God Lord Guo knew that his hundred years of hard work had completely turned into a basket full of water, making clothes for others.

   The opportunity that even the fathers of the gods would covet, from then on belongs to others.

   The Lord God is envious and jealous, and he vomits blood for three liters.



   Great Desolate Protoss, the central area.

  In a relatively quiet and remote temple, a beautiful demon girl with long blue hair Yinhuang Haiwu looked at the thirty-six little girls in front of him, suddenly a little big head.

   It is the first time that she has taken care of so many children. This is even more numb to his scalp than when she lied to others to buy his seafood before.

   Fortunately, Cang Jingkong was on the side to assist.

   This talented genius seems to be quite handy in caring for girls.

   The Silver Phoenix Sea Clan breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look in the direction of the Sword God Temple.

   "Dog stuff, this time in order to help your little lover, my old lady, I have sacrificed my hue. You can have to say what you say, get that hypocritical woman, and then take me far and high."

   Yinhuang Haiwu is looking forward to it.



   "Hehe, silly dick."

   A light and fluttering sentence directly ruptured the absolute control aura created by the Lord Lan.

   Everyone heard this ridicule.

   I saw a tall and beautiful **** with a double ponytail wearing a white swordsman uniform, slowly walking out of the void, and facing away with the Lord of Lan, a hundred meters away.

The Lord Lan is known as the first goddess of the gods. Not only is he distinguished and powerful, he is also beautiful and unmatched. However, this white swordsman with two pony tails is an unfamiliar goddess, with a beautiful face and delicate brows. Like an instant, the beautiful eyes seemed to contain stars and moons, the bridge of the nose was straight and exquisite, the lips were small and full, and the height was perfect. They actually suppressed the aura and beauty of the Lord God Lan at the same time when they confronted each other.

"Oh it's you."

  The corner of the Lord Lan’s mouth drawn a faint curve, and said: "Jian Xue Wuming, you finally showed up, lazy and sloppy like you, even dressed up, do you want to bury Lin Beichen in the most beautiful posture?"


Good night everyone.

Yesterday, a very serious spoiler was published on the public WeChat account, analyzing the fate of the main characters. It is very dry. If you are interested, you can take a look.

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