Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1312: I am invincible in the gods

"You little bitch, really shameless."

   Jianxue vomited fragrantly in an unnamed mouth, and said: "Wearing a hypocritical mask on weekdays will soon suppress your prostatitis...hehe, holding a broken chess piece, you think you can do it again?"

The ‘audience’ below    suddenly had a subconscious urge to wipe off the sweat on the forehead.

   This goddess... is not serious.

   Temperament does not match beauty.

  The look in the beautiful eyes of the lord **** of Lan is gloomy: "Go back to your broken thatched hut and live forever, otherwise, I will kill you in the Sword God Temple today."

   "You actually let me go back?"

   Jianxue Wuming smiled and said: "It is obvious that you are still afraid of me... Hahaha, give up, you can't beat me in terms of beauty."

  A black Tic Tac Toe appeared on the forehead of the Lord God.

   She found that she could no longer fight with Jian Xue Wuming.

  Because this female nerve will always pull herself to the level of her strange thinking at will, and then use her rich experience and unlimited discipline to hang herself.

   "In that case..."

  The Lord God of Lan vibrated the [Xuanniao Battle Banner] in his hand, saying: "Then go to the funeral for Lin Beichen."

   The flag surface is hunting.


   The sound of the mysterious bird's long chirping sounded.

   The colorful black bird on the flag surface fluttered out, with colorful streamers, like an eagle and falcon, flapping its wings and extending its claws, and grabbed it towards Jian Xue Wuming.

   Xuanniao is the totem of the Great Desolate Protoss.

In the God Realm, the colorful mysterious bird is also called the king of birds. It can tear apart the beasts. That is, the gods can’t hold the colorful mysterious bird’s claws and beaks. The father of the **** was disrespectful, and was torn his body by this colorful mysterious bird, pecking at the godhead, and ended up in a destructive fate.

   The colorful mysterious bird flapped its wings, exuding the horrible breath of a carnivore at the top of the food chain, and the gods below were all trembling like a doomsday.

   Jian Xue Wuming, who bears the brunt of the brunt, can be imagined under the pressure.

   The bird's wings shook the wind.

   The long hair that moved the female nerves like a waterfall.

   She stretched out her hand lightly.

   His arms stretched out a hundred meters in an instant, and the sky directly pinched the neck of the colorful Xuanniao.


   The sound of a duck being pinched out, the King of the Birds of the God Realm.


   The colorful mysterious bird shakes its wings and struggles desperately.

   Jianxue's nameless arm retracted, his left hand pinched its neck, and the right hand raised his hand to slap his forehand and backhand, and the bird's feather flew away...

"You little pheasant, do you dare to resist?" Jianxue swears and grinningly: "Honestly, this lady is an expert at the end bird, just pick you up... Believe it or not, I will strip you off your hair and make you a drunk chicken... "

   said, she couldn't help but licked her saliva.


   The colorful Xuanniao immediately got down and didn't dare to move. The two eyeballs protruding because they were pinched tightly around their necks showed a begging color.

   It has never encountered such a brutal and terrifying woman.

   This scene stunned everyone.



   This goddess... Sutra, what is the origin, even Xuanniao was so scared that he clamped his legs.

  Lord Lan's face changed wildly, as if someone was forcibly fed shit, and he lost his voice: "You...your power...recovered? You..."

   "Are you surprised?"

   Jianxue Wuming reluctantly retracted his gaze from the colorful mysterious bird, and laughed with one hand on his hips: "Unexpectedly, my conspiracy has been achieved, hahaha..."

   She is very proud.

   There is no mastery.

   "I am invincible in the realm of the gods, may I ask who can fight?"

  The female nerves are madly mad, and they begin to bulge out.

   "It's impossible, I don't believe it..."

The lord **** of Lan frantically urged the battle flag and wanted to take back the colorful mysterious bird. Even if the power of the battle flag was overloaded, the dark red talisman light patterns flickered crazily, but it was only pinched from that one. A bunch of feathers were plucked from the colorful black bird on the neck, and it was impossible to retrieve it completely.

   "Little maid, you don't know anything about power."

   Jianxue Wuming raised his hand.


   The battle flag vibrated.

  Lord Lan only felt severe pain in his five fingers and wrist, and the mysterious bird battle flag flew out of his hand and landed in the opposite hand of Jian Xue Wuming.

   "Give me the bird's nest."

   She held the battle flag and shook, then ‘stuffed’ the colorful mysterious bird into the banner and waved it casually.

   I saw the silver light floating on her palm, and in the next instant, a cloud of black silt-like light mist was thrown out of the pitch-black battle flag, thrown into the void.

   Accompanied by this, the flagpole and flag surface quickly turned silvery white as if they were thrown off.

   "This color is more artistic."

   A look of satisfaction appeared on the beautiful face, Jian Xue Wuming throws away his hand.


   The snow-white black bird battle flag flew out through the air and inserted into the gate of the Sword Temple.

   The flag face softly flutters in the breeze.

   "A gift for the smelly brother."

As Jian Xue’s nameless words fell, the sound of the mysterious bird’s long song sounded again, and the colorful mysterious bird emerged from the flag surface and rose with the wind, and finally turned into a giant bird with a wingspan of three kilometers and fell on the sword. On the top of the temple, spread its wings, hung down the colorful brilliance, and shielded the sword temple and the surrounding new gods under the wings.

   The violent and vicious mysterious bird turned into a bird that exudes a sacred and peaceful atmosphere.

   "Your bird is my bird."

   Jianxue Wuming raised his hand and grabbed it.

   The black evil cloud in the sky suddenly absorbed water like a long whale, and was directly received into his palm, turning into a black ball of light spinning.

   Heaven and earth returned to daylight in an instant.

   Bright masterpiece.

   At this moment, the gloomy pressure that enveloped the hearts of all the gods and people on the battlefield was swept away at this moment.

   Despair disappeared.

   The light returns.

   Even the members of the Four Lords and Gods Alliance have a sense of relief.

   Try to turn the tide, isn't it?

   Turning hands for clouds and hands for rain. Who is this goddess with incredible supernatural powers, and why hasn't it been shown in the gods before?

   There are also some gods. The lieutenant Jian Xue Wuming has vaguely connected with a delicious lazy drunkard in the suburbs, but immediately shook his head in denial. That **** is not worthy of putting up a skirt for the charming and down-to-earth and lovely goddess.

  All eyes were staring at Jian Xue Wuming blankly.

   And Jian Xue Wuming was looking at Lanzhu God triumphantly.

   "Now you know, how terrible I am getting serious... Do you have anything to say?"

   She is very happy.

   After regaining part of his strength, he can really do whatever he wants.

   It’s great to be the last one on this occasion to turn the tide and enjoy the feeling of worship.

  The Lord Lan is very witty.

   She turned around and fled without saying a word.


   Your line is not over yet.

   Shouldn’t you say something like ‘I’m not convinced’, ‘I’m not reconciled,' and so on, to express your stubborn and resentful defeated dog mentality after failure, so as to set off my brilliance and martial arts?

   You, who should cooperate with me, skipped gear?

   "Come come back to me."

   Jianxue was furious and chased directly.

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