Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1321: The power of blood

Casting the talisman just now consumed a lot of energy.

   Bai Yuyun entangled in the void again, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

   The qi in her body is a bit disordered.

   She looked at the sky quietly, as if waiting for something.

   At this time, Bai Weiyun suddenly spoke: "Is it worth it?"

   is another voice.

   A crisp, savage, and energetic young female voice.

   does not belong to Bai Weiyun's voice.

   Bai Laiyun still has no waves on his face, and his voice has changed to himself, saying faintly: "It's worth it."

   "Brother Beichen may not forgive you."

   The crisp and savage voice came out of her mouth uncontrollably.

   "He didn't forgive me, does it matter?"

   Bai Weiyun recovered his voice, and the will in his beautiful eyes became firmer and firmer.

"Silly boy."

   The third voice came from Bai Weiyun's mouth.

   is an old vicissitudes of life, with a voice of infinite love and regret.

   Bai Yuyun shook his head slightly, his long burgundy hair resembling a beating flame elf, and said, "Go according to the plan."

   The two voices did not appear again.

   As if they had never appeared in this world.



   "Is this the lower bound?"

   "Desolate, lifeless, what happened here?"

   "Strange, the real body has come, and there is no backlash from heaven and earth to suppress it. Is it because the sky is broken, or because of the car we were in just now..."

   "Is that stuff really a car?"

   "Why not? I have motion sickness... Take your hand, help me, I'm going to throw up."

   A group of new gods got out of the truck of [Huo Lala] and looked at the endless deserted Gobi, their eyes full of curiosity and disappointment.

  The new gods are all promoted from ordinary gods, so they have never passed the faith of this world through the gods of the gods, and failed to know the face of the host Zhenzhou from the perspective of the believers.

   This is the world where they have been under the orthodox **** belief system for the first time since they came to this countless years, and they have continuously provided the gods with faith power.

   is different from what I imagined.

   Of course, except for the few people who have met the world by Chu Hen and Gong Gong.

   Chu Hen looked around, and immediately saw Yue Hongxiang, Wang Xinyu, Mi Ruyan, Cangshanxue and other beautiful girls in the distance under the protection of the formation.

   and Dai Zichun riding [Blood Bone Devil Tiger].

   The arrival location of the'truck' is fixed, which is thousands of miles away from the great city of Qiankun. Lin Beichen had already informed Yue Hongxiang before, so they waited here in advance.

   "Wow, it's beautiful."

   "Is this the beauty of the lower realm? I love it."

   "Seeing these beautiful and refined girls, I suddenly felt that this lower realm could be rescued."

   "Go, go up to say hello, and get to know, we are gods after all, so we can't catch the girls in the world."

  The new gods automatically ignored Dai Zichun.

  Especially the five great dragons, Shi Gandang, Mulinsen, Guan Ruofei, and Lu Bingwen LSPs, all of them looked at Yue Hongxiang and others with their eyes open.

   There are beauties in the lower realm.

   At this time, a faint and cold voice sounded from the crowd: "These are all confidantes under the crown of the sword master. I am looking forward to seeing your end after you dig down the corner."

who is it?

   The gods looked around in surprise.

   No one was seen.

   seems to be a familiar but completely unimpressed guy.

   "Uh... I suddenly felt that I was so ugly, I didn't deserve to strike up a conversation with these beautiful girls?"

   "Fart. Is it just beautiful? They are noble and generous, holy and impeccable, and they are not coveted by us vulgar gods."

   Qianlong several people immediately reorganized the language.

   Shameless and flattering cheeks are exposed to the full.

   Shi Gandang is the most outrageous, he banged his chest on the spot, and said loudly: "I put my words here today, and I am like my father. Who dares to walk over to talk to my mother, he and I are incompatible and we will die."

   deserves to be you.

   The gods are speechless.

   Soon, Chu Hen and Yue Hongxiang and the others completed the docking. After learning about the current situation, they immediately began to dispatch manpower, holding the map that had been prepared for a long time, and heading to different areas of the mainland to destroy the quells, looking for the dragon pillars hidden in them.

   Wang Xinyu, Mi Ruyan, Cangshanxue and others all joined the gods team as guides.

   They were surprised to find that the attitudes of these gods towards themselves can be described as respectful, even with some flattery.

   Are the gods of the God Realm so approachable?

   The team of guides and the new gods set off quickly, searching the entire continent for possible places where the dragon pillars might exist, trying to destroy the giant beams of light rising into the sky and destroy the formation matrix.

   Everyone is working hard.



   The blue space is like the underworld.

   There are ghost fires floating on the ground, the surrounding fog is gray, and there is a terrible faint faint, covering the entire space silently like running water.



   The roar came out in the fog.

   A figure like a paper kite with a broken line flew upside down from the gray fog, hit hard against the blue light film at the edge of the space, and then slipped down slowly.

   The blood stained the gray mist.

Da da da.

   There were clear footsteps in the gray fog.

   The mist is surging.

   Another vague figure slowly emerged from the depths of the gray mist, it was Tian Gongzi.

On his body, his clothes were torn and covered with peculiar small depressions, like pits on the sand surface that had been hit by a shower of rain. His indigo-blue hair was stained with blood stains, and his ugly face was full of peculiar pits. Unabashed anger.

   "Quickly remove this space, I will give you a happy one."

   There is a hint of anxiety on his face.


   Bloody Lin Beichen slowly stood up.

   His limbs are twisted, his face is bloody, but the bright light in his clear eyes is burning wildly.

Ignoring Tiangongzi’s threat, he was muttering to himself: "Sure enough, even in the desperate situation of reincarnation, he is not an opponent... What we can do now is to delay time... Damn, but why isn’t the one who was killed in his mind the other one? Little man..."

   [Wandering Soul Woodland], who has evolved from Guiyuan Chaos Qi, is frantically repairing his body.

   Various Taobao energy powders have also been poured into the mouth a long time ago.

   Yunnan Baiyao aerosol is sprayed frantically.

   "Hahahahaha, can't beat me, there is no way, I am so strong, hahaha, can't catch up with me, la la la la la la..."

   NetEase Cloud Music Player, this song "You Can't Beat Me" is blazing a lot of singles over and over again.

   BGM forbidden technique continuously increases Lin Beichen's combat power.

   Lin Beichen had to admit that the horror of this Tian Gongzi far surpassed his own imagination.

   The strongest enemy in history.

   "Don't you want to?"

The blood shining in Tian Gongzi’s mung bean-like small eyes aroused some kind of weird power. His figure inflated like a balloon and turned into a height of more than six meters. The muscles all over his body exploded and bulged, with bright red blood vessels. The tendons bulged like the roots of the black iron tree, raising his hand and pressing towards Lin Beichen.

   "Forcing me to use the power of blood here, you can start to be proud... Ha ha, I don't believe it anymore, just kill you, this ghost space will not disappear."

   The air bursts like thunder.

   Under the big hand of Blood Fiend, the gray mist exploded like a hurricane wave.

   Lin Beichen slid directly and flexibly avoided the blow, then turned around, squatted in a staggered step, and hugged with his left hand in front and right hand in the back.


   The sound of surging electricity.

   The invisible blue light Gatlin madly sprayed bullets filled with Guiyuan Chaos Qi, attacking like a gust of wind and rain, hitting Tian Gongzi's body.

   Tian Gongzi’s clothes were completely broken.

   The naked body skin turned blood red, like some kind of strange metal, and Gatling's bullets hit the body, only dented in a thousand-year-old pit.

   He braced the bombardment of bullet rain and rushed to Lin Beichen arrogantly.

   Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.


   How can this be transformed?


The plot yesterday was quite controversial.

In fact, the detailed outline has already been set. In view of everyone’s feedback, I have made fine-tuning—of course, my brothers’ opinions should be taken seriously. In fact, what I want to say is that even if you don’t fine-tune, the fate of the subsequent characters will be very confident. Everyone is satisfied. Don't worry, everyone.

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