Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1322: Mystery man


  The terrifying power of the blood evil bombarded the ground.

   Lin Beichen rolled by, only to be affected by the aftermath, he was shaken out, spitting out blood in the air.

   After stimulating the so-called blood power, Tian Gongzi not only swelled his body, but the terrible increase in strength far exceeded Lin Beichen's estimation.

   A series of **** evil spirits hovered around Tian Gongzi like a blood python, as if to directly break through [Reincarnation Despair].

  True power beyond imagination.

   Lin Beichen kept shoveling and changing positions. With the help of the BGM of the lyric ‘Can’t catch up with me’, he avoided Tiangong’s powerful and invincible bombardment from time to time...

   "I feel like beating a mole."

   "And I am the gopher."

   "I don't know if the big wife has escaped."

   "I tried my best. I can count as few as I can escape."

   "In my two lifetimes, I haven't had this kind of virgin before... One impulse, I have to confess my life."

  Lin Beichen was very embarrassed and dodged constantly.

   can only occasionally use the Gatling Cannon to counterattack intermittently.

   But soon, Gatlin's bullet was over.

   Tian Gongzi attacked like a mad dog, and he didn't give him a chance to refill the bullets with Gui Yuan Chaos Qi.


   Lin Beichen switched to 69 type.

   The rockets dragged the tail of the flame that only he could see, and whizzed out through the air.

   At this moment, the son of heaven felt a hint of danger.

   His two mung bean eyes were blood red, and he was unable to kill Lin Beichen for a long time, and his anxious expression revealed the meaning of madness.

   Facing the oncoming horrible intangible energy, he did not avoid it, but put his arms on his chest and slammed into it.


   The power of Type 69 rockets exploded frantically between Tian Gongzi's arms and chest.

   The orange-yellow bullet cloud burst out with brilliant light.

   The surging destructive explosion emptied the gray mist within a hundred meters of a radius at this moment, also engulfed the figure of Tian Gongzi, and almost shattered the space of [Reincarnation Despair].

   Lin Beichen gasped, frantically filling his mouth with various messy healing potions and energy powder, and then racing against the clock to infuse the 69-style chaotic energy to fill the cannonballs.

   Mom, chicken.

   Either you die or I live today.

   Lin Beichen only hates the [Taobao] APP can’t sell small nuclear bombs.

   Otherwise, he will be in ecstasy, and the **** of the dog will be directly censored, and everyone will die together.

   But the next moment—


   The burly, devilish figure rushed out of the explosive energy group.

   is Tian Gongzi.

   He did not die as expected.

   And the injury was far worse than Lin Beichen expected. Although his arms and chest were dripping with blood, his limbs were intact, his eyes were fierce, and the air cannon was blasted out with a punch.

   This time, Lin Beichen had no time to slide the shovel.

   He crossed his arms in front of him, and he moved forward, his feet were ready to take advantage of the momentum to retreat.


   The **** fist hit Lin Beichen's arms.

   At this moment, Young Master Lin had only one feeling.

  Me? Do you really have arms on your body?

   lost consciousness for an instant.

   a huge force came, and there was no time to take advantage of it. The sternum was sunken and I didn’t know how many organs it pierced. The whole person fell back like a cannonball...


   fell softly to the ground.

   Lin Beichen face up to the sky, lying in the gray mist, blood gushing from his mouth and nose like a fountain, his broken body makes him completely unable to move.


   There is the sound of footsteps in the distance.

   Tian Gongzi approached slowly.

never mind.

   Tide-like pain finally became prominent, and it came from all over his body, drowning him.

   He tried it.

   It’s hard to move a finger.

   Do your best.

no solution anymore.

   seems to have to lie flat.

   Encountering this kind of monster that can resist and output, it can't even be solved by opening and hanging.

   The huge figure of Tiangong appeared in the **** sight.

   That ugly face is looking down at him.

   "I don't know how to promote, and I have to kill myself. You don't know how terrifying the power of blood is in the world outside the sky, but you want the man to be a car..."

   Tian Gongzi looked down at the young man at his feet, with murderous intent in his heart, but he also had a slight admiration for him.

   It is a miracle to achieve this level with the body of a low-level life.

   "Let’s say a last word at the end."

   He slowly lifted his feet like a giant rock, aimed at Lin Beichen's head, paused, and said coldly, "I will try my best to satisfy you."

   "Really? Let me think about..."

Lin Beichen spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling as if he had recovered a bit of strength, struggling to raise his **** and rub his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say you fell in love with me before? Let's do this, after killing me, you came to Huangquan Road by yourself. Would you like to accompany me?"

   "Do you think you are humorous?"

   The Lord of Heaven sneered, and his huge feet raised to Lin Beichen's head, suddenly stepped on it.

   Lin Beichen's eyes suddenly became clear.

   He held a high-explosive grenade in the other hand. He pressed the tab with his fingers and slowly pulled it away.

   This high-explosive grenade is a trump card prepared by Lin Beichen in advance. It is more powerful than Type 69, but it is not as easy to attack as a rocket launcher and has never had the opportunity to use it.


   Let's go on the road together.

   Make a pair of desperate mandarin ducks.

   However, at this moment, the most incredible thing happened.


   An invisible and powerful force suddenly blasted out from the gray mist on the side.

   Tian Gongzi, caught off guard, was shot into flight on the spot.


   The heavenly son's feet were like plows, and he plowed out a full 20 meters on the ground of [Reincarnation of Despair] before stopping his figure.

   He stared at the depths of the gray mist, his ugly face was full of horror.

   The power of this blow just now was a force from outside the sky.

   A terrible extraneous force.

   Lin Beichen also looked at the gray fog inexplicably.

   Damn it.

   There is a third person in my [Reincarnation Despair]?

   I don’t even know?

   He almost pulled the high explosive grenade away just now...

  The gray mist surging.

   A mysterious figure that is not too tall slowly walked out of it.

   The gray mist seemed to stick to his body, making his figure only show an outline, and his face was also covered.

   Lin Beichen tried to keep his dog's eyes wide open, but he couldn't see the true face of Lushan Mountain.

  A mobile phone scan can not scan any information at all.

   There is not even a red exclamation mark warning.

   Damn, isn’t it really a ghost?

far away.

   "I just said that this little thing, how can there be [Jade Phosphorus Powder], and so many incredible methods, it turns out that there is really someone outside the sky behind it..."

   Tian Gongzi stood up slowly, a sneer appeared on his face, and said, "What kind of person are you in? Dare to ruin my things?"

   The mysterious man did not speak, like a ghostly shadow.

   "Huh... pretending to be a ghost."

   Tian Gongzi sneered, the power of the bloodline exploded, and suddenly rushed out like a great ape, the **** evil spirit all over his body turned into a large area of ​​light and shadow, and followed his pounce on the mysterious person.

   "Secret Skill·Blood Emperor Photo."

   The heavenly son yelled, and his power erupted like Tianhe.

  I 馹!

   Lin Beichen's eyelids jumped wildly.

   This is a terrifying power that Tian Gongzi has not used before.

   If this ugly beat me with secret skills before, I might have drank the hot Meng Po soup just out of the pot...

   is useless because the secret technique cannot be easily used?

  Countless thoughts appeared in Lin Beichen's clever head.

   The mysterious man stood still.

   He let the panic blood mask on his body without seeing the slightest abnormality, and then slowly raised his hand, facing the blood light, a punch that seemed to be slow and urgent.

   "The power of the stars of the original blood..."

   The Lord of Heaven was in the air, his pupils shrank like needles, and he shouted sharply: "A person from the line of the Emperor Underworld..."

   The next moment, he was blown away directly.

   Also at this moment, the time limit of [Reincarnation Despair] ended, and the cyan domain space disintegrated.

   The blue sky came oncoming.

   Tian Gongzi looked at the mysterious person in the grey mist, his eyes flashed with fear, and finally made a decision, did not fight any more, flew back, his figure quickly retreated and disappeared.

   The mysterious man did not pursue it.

   He turned around and slowly looked at Lin Beichen.

   His eyes are strange, examining and judging.

   Lin Beichen was watched for a while, and he smiled reluctantly: "Hello, thank you for your help, who are you... The first time you met, have you eaten?"


And more

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