Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1329: Ruthless man

"Mianxia, ​​spare my life."

   Mu Xinyue really panicked.

   She began to beg.

   Wei Mingchen said: "The opportunity was given to you, but unfortunately you don't cherish it. Now it is too late to beg for mercy. Do you think I will let go of someone who betrayed me?"

   Mu Xinyue repeatedly begged for mercy, saying: "Mianxia, ​​I am just confused for a while... Forgive me, I am willing to do everything for you, so please forgive me this time."

   Wei Mingchen sneered, his eyes full of mockery.

   Looking at his absolutely cruel expression, Mu Xinyue realized that this time, she seemed to be at the end of the road.

   Wei Mingchen will definitely not be open to the net because of her beauty.

  His self-evaluation is very right. How could such an eternal heroic figure at this time be kind to a woman.

   The begging color on Mu Xinyue's face gradually disappeared.

"Hehe, even if you don’t betray you, you won’t let me go today? I’m just a tool man for you. From the very beginning, your goal was not only to obtain the spirit of the mainland, but also to obtain the heavens. The blood of the son, right?"

   She asked bitterly.

   Wei Mingchen nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It seems that you are not stupid and incurable."

   Mu Xinyue looked resentful and didn't say anything.

   She turned her head and looked at Lin Beichen.

   This time, there was no pity or pride in her eyes.

   is a slightly apologetic, responsible look.

   She watched quietly without speaking.

  Wei Mingchen’s plan was implemented.

   The silver lightning chain tied Mu Xinyue, gradually lifting her to the center of the energy field, floating in the air.

   "It's time to start."

  He said slowly and honestly.

   The next moment—

   rumbling rumbling.

   The force field space shook slowly.

   The source of this shock wave comes from outside.

   Lin Beichen turned his head to look away subconsciously.

   Vaguely seen in the square outside the energy field, centered on the collapsed nine-story altar, five dazzling beams of light suddenly roared out, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, shooting out toward the sky...

   In the beam of light, there are faintly five figures.

   The beam of light rushed to the sky, bending down as if exhausted, and connected to the huge energy field from above, injecting new energy into it.


   Mu Xinyue suddenly let out a scream.

  , however, saw the lightning ropes that bound her, as if they were electrified, flashing bright streamers, constantly surging toward her body, forcibly injecting huge indescribable energy into her body...

   This is not helping her improve her strength.

   but refining her.   will refine her alive.

And Wei Mingchen slowly floated behind Mu Xinyue, and cast his expressionlessly the power of the Wuqi Dynasty Yuan Jue, and continuously drew a mysterious talisman gleaming with dazzling patterns, and penetrated Mu Xinyue's vest. .

   Mu Xinyue’s screams increased by several decibels every time he scored one.

   In just a few dozen breaths, Mu Xinyue's hair is already loose, her face is miserable, and blood is bleeding from the corners of her mouth.

   But she screamed while still staring at Lin Beichen.

   His voice gradually became hoarse.

   Instead, she didn't scream and howl.

   "Lin Beichen..."

   She showed a sorrowful smile: "I seem to owe you an excuse."

   Lin Beichen heard the words, and a sneered arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Mu Xinyue sneered: "I know you don't bother to listen, but I still want to say... I've fallen to this end, I... don't regret it, I have no power and power, I... can only do this... I have used many men , They covet my beauty... look at my eyes, all the time... they want to swallow me even the bones of my belt, I..."

   The severe pain of being refined made her speak intermittently.

"They all...deserve to be used by me, too, didn't want to...want to sleep with me...but, are at least better than them...really...I hate dog men, and hate you...but I...still want to say sorry, you...seriously...really..."

   She said very hard.

   Jianxue Wuming has a melon-eating expression on his face, patrolling back and forth between Lin Beichen and Mu Xinyue, fanning the flames and saying: "It's really **** love, it's actually a poor man..."

"Ha ha."

   Lin Beichen smiled coldly.

The so-called people will die and their words will be good, and the birds will die and they will cry and sorrow. Mu Xinyue's words may be sincere at this moment, but he can guarantee that if she gets a glimmer of life in the next moment, it will Will swallow these words back as they were, and still step on the accelerator on the road of death and calculation without looking back, and will still count him whenever there is a chance.

   Lin Beichen never spoke.

   There was not the slightest wave in his heart.

   I even wanted to laugh a little.

   After dozens of breaths, Mu Xinyue's face gradually faded.

   is like melting ice and snow.

   also seems to be the moonlight disappearing.

   This girl who came out of Yunmeng City completely ended her life and returned to nothingness.

   Three spheres of light floated out of her disappearing body.

   A bright red, like a pill of blood.

   A pitch black, like an ink ball.

   A colorful, variable color.

   Wei Mingchen's face finally showed ecstasy, and he could no longer calm down.

   Jianxue Wuming saw these three pills, his eyes lit up, and she struggled frantically, as if she wanted to rush over and swallow it in one bite.   "The blood of the blood demon, swallow the blood, the spirit of the mainland..."

   Wei Mingchen murmured in a low voice, with infinite emotion.

This is the use of Mu Xinyue’s devouring physique, using her as a pill furnace, and matching the formation method to smelt three original pill, each containing the true pure spiritual accumulation of the host True Continent, the blood and blood of Tian Gongzi. Xinyue's own devouring blood.

All you need to do is to swallow and refine these three original pills, you can complete the final step of the plan, completely look at the upgrade of life, realize the leap of class, even if you go to the world outside the primordial world, you can become a noble of blood and become a power in control. The person of the master.

   Wei Mingchen was full of emotion, and then raised his hand without hesitation and sent the three pills into his mouth, and swallowed them directly.

   In the next instant, pain appeared on his face.

  The original pill contains the purest energy. Even after Mu Xinyue's physical body refinement, it has reached the standard suitable for swallowing by a living person, but once swallowed, it will go through a rather dangerous fusion process.

   Fortunately, he had already prepared.

  Using the finger as the pen and the void as the paper, Wei Mingchen raised his hand and described it in the air, forming five blood-colored talisman in one go. His fingers slammed into the void.


   The five blood-colored talisman turned into five streams of light, rushing out of the energy stand, and rushing into the five pillars of light around the collapsed nine-story altar, which caused a shock and assisted Wei Mingchen in refining Mu Xinyue.


   a stern roar came from the beam of light.

   "Mianxia, ​​save me."

   is the voice of the Lord God.

   It turned out that one of the five figures before him was him.

   Wei Mingchen's face was cold, without any reaction.

   "Ah... Mianxia, ​​didn't you mean to take me to the outer world..." The screams of the Ore Lord sounded, full of anger and unwillingness.

   "Spare me, don't kill me under the crown..."

   is the voice of the flame lord.

   The five **** runes that entered the small formation they were in just now, carrying a fatal threat, immediately ignited their divine power, divine position, divine status, and life origin...

   They were used.

   Wei Mingchen looked cold and ruthless, no matter how the main gods wailed, they were not soft-hearted.


   The sorrowful laughter of the Lord Lan resounded between heaven and earth: "I knew it, I knew it...hahaha, the father of the gods...the gods, it's just a joke."

   Of course, the most heartbroken and unbelievable is the Lord God.


Sixth more.

Today is really hard work, but it is a pity that Qin's final explanation has to be postponed to the next chapter, and some characters have to explain their fate.

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