Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1330: That silver-white beautiful long hair

The scarlet talisman appeared in the horizon, igniting the entire formation without mercy.

   The scarlet flame burned, licking. The body of this lazy and charming goddess caused the pain of burning flames.

   I heard the stern smile of the Lord Lan, and the wailing begging of the Lord God, the Lord of Ore, and the Lord of Flame, which turned into a stern curse in the end.

   But the Lord God did not react at all.


   Her heart is broken and dead.

  Everything is a sweet lie carefully compiled.

   She thought that the stalwart man who he regarded as idol worship and true love and willing to give everything for it, after all, still cruelly and ruthlessly bear her.

  杳The Lord God is not unwilling to give his life and everything for him.

   What she asked for was very simple, just don't lie to her.

   Even if she wants her to die, please tell me in person.

Rather than using a lie like'Improve the formation to help me refine the spirits of the mainland and wait for me to be promoted, I will help you go to the outer world together', to trick her and the other four major gods into actively entering the formation, but in the end it will burn. Their bodies and souls came to help him achieve his goals.

   And this formation was arranged by her herself.

   Would you please enter the urn?

   All she wants is love.

   is just a humble love.

   If you don’t love, please don’t cheat.

   Even as long as he said in person, ‘I want you to dedicate everything to burn yourself to help me get promoted’, she would walk into the formation without hesitation.

   But he didn't even give her any mercy.

   "After all, the wrong payment was made..."

  杳The Lord God's face is miserable.

   She did not make any resistance, allowing the scarlet flames to lick and burn, causing the pain of the other four main gods to mourn, and did not make her groan.

   She stood quietly in the **** flame formation, looking at the figure in the energy position that made her obsessed and broke her heart.

   If this is what you want, then I will fulfill you.

   The scorching blood flame burned.

   A drop of tears, hotter than the flame, slipped slowly.



  In the energy field.

   There is still no wave on Wei Mingchen's face.

   His heart is like an ancient well, trying his best to refine the Sanyuan Pill.

  The reason why the Great Desolate Protoss has five main gods is to complete the "Five Spirit Guidance Ceremony" today to help him thoroughly refine these three original alchemy.

   Unfortunately, two of the five main gods died later.

   Fortunately, there is a spare tire.

   These so-called master gods, under his command, have enjoyed the power of ruling the gods for so many years, it is time to pay the price.

  Instructions, all gifts of destiny have long been secretly priced.

   Wei Mingchen was frozen in the void, motionless.

   At this time, Lin Beichen finally showed a hint of joy on his face.

   is loose.

   The lightning rope that bound him finally loosened.

   Although the injuries in the body still have pains, they can't take care of them anymore.

   Lin Beichen exerted his strength at any cost.


   There was a soft sound.

   He finally broke the lightning cords on his body.

"let me help you…"

   He turned his head, but saw a group of Duan Lei's lightning cables floating in the air next to him. Jian Xue, who should have been hanging here, disappeared.


   Jianxue Wuming also broke free?

   Where did she go?

   won't go straight away, right?

   I'm not loyal.

   broke the lightning cord early, and didn't know to help me.

   Lin Beichen's gas knot.

At this moment, Lin Beichen's sidelight suddenly caught the dog goddess holding the black stick, sneaking around behind Wei Mingchen who was refining the three original alchemy, with skillful movements and graceful posture. Drew it towards the back of his head...

   hit sap.

   really is the sap patriarch.

   Lin Beichen's eyes shined.


   A loud thunderous noise.

  The terrifying energy is vast and vast, suddenly burst from the back of Wei Mingchen's head, and Jianxue Wuming directly collapsed into flight.


   The dog goddess opened her mouth and spouted a burst of blood, and fell over a dozen meters away.

   Wei Mingchen's face showed a sneer of sarcasm.

   "Idiot, will I unsuspectingly refining the three original pill in front of you?"

He sneered, glanced at Jian Xue Wuming, then at Lin Beichen, and said: "The power contained in the three original alchemy is vast and boundless. It is a power that the world cannot understand. Swallow one. I'm in a state of invincible defense, let alone swallow three?"

   Lin Beichen's heart sank.

   Is this the eternal hero who has conspired everything and has ruled the God Realm for countless years?

   is really an exhaustive strategy.

   In front of Wei Mingchen, who really showed his glory, didn't he have the slightest chance of winning?

   refused to accept.

Do not believe.

   I want to try.

   There was a fiery fighting spirit in his eyes.

   Then he made a bold decision: summoned the phone.

   Then, a standard shot put is thrown directly.

   The silver mobile phone drew a straight line in the air that only Lin Beichen could see, and rotated it towards Wei Mingchen’s head...

   This is his last resort.

   Gatling, Type 69, and AWM certainly won’t work.

The principle of    is very simple.

  Because: They

   At the last moment, Lin Beichen can only hope that this weird mobile phone can play a little role.

   hope in case.

   It’s okay even if the phone is damaged.

   Anyway, the host Zhenzhou Continent is gone, and if you can't avenge the dead relatives and friends, then you will die with Wei Mingchen.

   Anyway, Lin Beichen was willing to go.

   He will never run away.


   The phone hit Wei Mingchen's forehead.

   then bounced back.

   There is a play.

   Lin Beichen was ecstatic.

   He took the phone and wanted to try to throw again.

   But in a short while, the phone returned to his body, letting him summon it, and no longer manifested itself.


   Lin Beichen was dumbfounded.

   Wei Mingchen, who was opposite, was angry.

   He raised his hand and touched the blood bag swollen on his forehead, his eyes were full of incredible colors, something can break the protective power of the three original alchemy.

   "I originally wanted to wait for me to completely refine the original pill, and then clean up your two wastes, but I didn't expect...then I will give you some bitterness first."

   Wei Mingchen waved his hand.


   Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming were immediately fixed side by side in the air by the ‘大’ character and the ‘Xia’ character.


   A flash of electric current shoots.

   The electric spear directly pierced Jian Xue Wuming's left shoulder blade, and blood flowed out.

   "Convex (艹特艹) convex, I'm **** your mother."

   Jianxue Wuming was furious: "Why shot me first? It was the kid who slapped you in the head."

   "Wei bastard, there is a kind of you come to me."

   Lin Beichen also yelled.

   He knew that this time he was pitted into the dog goddess.

   Speaking of it, although the dog goddess has cheated herself many times before, she only cheated money and did not cheat her life. The occasional few reliable times can be regarded as a great help to her.

   I finally seized the opportunity to pit it once, and in the end, he was about to beat Goddess Guo's life.

   I am a little sorry.

   "Hehe, are you in a hurry?"

   Wei Mingchen sneered faintly, and said: "You little bastard, if it weren't for you, I would have taken the spiritual accumulation in the early morning, and I would have an extra rare bloodline..."


   There are three flashes of electric light, which turned into electric spears, and pierced through the air on Jian Xue Wuming's right shoulder blade and the palms of his left and right palms.

   The snow-white catkin was mercilessly pierced, and its crystal-clear flesh opened up, and the blood dripped slowly along the white and crystal-clear fingers.

   Jianxue Wuming: "Why me?"

   Lin Beichen struggled and yelled: "Wei bastard, let me **** ¥%#@, you have a kind of plug in me, you..."


   Several bursts of lightning broke through the air.

   Jianxue's nameless thighs, calves, and soles were all worn by lightning spears.

   She was nailed in the void.

   Lin Beichen is struggling frantically and wants to continue yelling...

"you shut up."

   Jianxue Wuming is like flying silk, madly saying: "Stop scolding, you scold me, this abnormality will stab me, you scold a few more words, my face will be stabbed by him..."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   Wei Mingchen still has the energy of the Sanyuan Pill, but he has basically refined them, leaving only the final gathering.

   "The son of luck in the mainland, hehe, don't you want to protect those ignorant mortals? Now that the entire host Zhenzhou continent has been refined by me, do you feel very angry?"

   He looked at Lin Beichen with a cruel light in his eyes.

   I have to admit that this little mess is the biggest variable in his hundred-year plan, and it almost ruined his plan.

   and also ruined his plan of hunting early morning.

   Now, it's time to pay the price.

Wei Mingchen smiled faintly and said: "I know, you have a brain disease, so you are not afraid of pain or death. What you fear most is those people you cherish and protect, die in front of you, and you are afraid of losing... "

   Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   "Many people think that you are a real villain who is greedy for money, lustful, extravagant, timid and afraid of death, but likes to be pushy, in fact..."

   "Actually you are such a real villain."

   "But they still don't understand you."

   "Although you are a villain, but the people you cherish are generous and fraternal. You almost saved the world..."

   "It's a pity, you met me."

  The famous minister of Wei looked at Lin Beichen. The dust had settled. He had mastered everything and couldn't help but say a few more words. After all, this young man was the most interesting toy he encountered in his long life.

   Lin Beichen did not speak.

   His mind is still thinking about all kinds of hopes that might counterattack.

   But he also had to admit that Wei Mingchen, a bitch, made a lot of sense.

  'S own motto is ‘greed for money, **** and righteousness’.

   "So, the biggest torture for you is to see with your own eyes, the people you guarded die in front of you one by one..."

   Wei Mingchen said, stretched out his palm, and lightly wiped it in front of him.

   A huge picture like a movie screen appeared before his eyes.

   picture flow.

   finally settled in Yunmeng City.

   The beautiful and picturesque small city in the past, now only the core area within the city wall is left, still shining with a faint array of light, and human figures are moving in it...

   Seeing this scene, Lin Beichen was stunned, and immediately uncontrollable surprise appeared on his handsome face.

   Yunmeng City is still there.

   "This is the place where you rise, hehe, there is a fool who sacrificed himself to protect this place..."

   Wei Mingchen's cruel mockery.

   picture flow.

On the Temple Mountain, Ye Weiyang dressed in the Pope's robe, holding a scepter, and a delicate figure, standing stubbornly on the top of the mountain, exuding a sacred light, covering the Temple Mountain and the entire Yunmeng City. .

   It was her who saved Yunmeng City when embarrassment came.

   However, it also paid a price.

   Her body has been turned into a rock because of the exhaustion of energy, like a stone statue, losing most of her vitality.

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

   "This girl is also someone you value."

   Wei Mingchen said, reaching out to face Ye Weiyang in the picture.


   There were cracks in the body of Ye Weiyang's stone statue.

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

   Wei Mingchen smiled coldly and said: "The first..."

   picture flow.

   The next moment, the camera came to the Sea Clan Camp outside Chaohui City.

Yan Ying, the second girl in a wheelchair, is now the emperor of the land sea clan, who is also suspended in the sky, guiding the warlocks of the mermaid clan to guard her people at any cost. She has exploded with all her strength and is already dying. So...

   Wei Mingchen stretched his finger again.


   Yanying's body cracked like exquisite porcelain, and cracks appeared on the surface of the snow-white skin.

   Lin Beichen flickered wildly with Guiyuan Chaos Qi, roaring and struggling.

   The screen flashed again.

   At the head of Chaohui City, he saw Cui Hao, Lin Hun, Cui Minggui, Ling Chi and others...

These people have practiced the divine art of Lord Qin, and have also been bestowed by Lin Beichen's divine position, but in the previous robbery, they have consumed their last divine energy and maintained their hands to open the defensive shield before they were alive. The posture of protecting the people in the city...

   They ran out of oil, leaving only the last trace of life.

   Wei Mingchen stretched out his hand and clicked again.

   separated the bodies of these people through the picture scroll.

   "Stop, help me."

   Lin Beichen roared and roared.

   "What? Is it finally hurting? Do you feel the pain of loss?"

   Wei Mingchen had a cruel smile on his face, and said, "This is just the beginning."

   The screen rotates again.

Everywhere in the desert, where the light of the bird column is, the new gods from the gods, as well as the local guides, all stood stiff and semi-petrified under the bird column, with expressions or joy on their faces. Or horrified, or at a loss, completely frozen...

   Among these people, there are Qianqian and Qianqian, Chu Hen and Gong Gong, there are five great warriors, Wang Xinyu, Mi Ruyan, Cangshan Xue...

  There are Yue Hongxiang, Ding Sanshi, Gao Shenghan, Ling Taixu, Ling Junxuan...

   They have all turned into stone statues, half of them submerged in the wind and sand, only the last ray of life has not been completely dissipated!

   "These people are the ones most afraid of losing in your life, right?"

   Wei Mingchen sneered, and stretched out his hand to point out through the scroll.

   Click, click, click.

   A lifelike stone statue cracked.

   "Pain? Suffering? Torment? Want to replace them by yourself?"

   Wei Mingchen looked at the angry and distorted Lin Beichen's face, and said indifferently: "These are the fate of opposing me, and they are just the beginning."

   The energy of the Sanyuandan in his body has gradually stabilized. The breath and strength of the whole person are constantly rising crazily, and the light and shadow around his body are beginning to be distorted, as if the world can no longer bear this kind of energy.

   "What do you think is the refining host, Zhenzhou? Is it to completely destroy this world?"

Wei Mingchen came closer, patted Lin Beichen's face lightly, and said with a sneer: "A big mistake, refining is not destruction. Although I have absorbed the energy of this world, it is not all. Now the entire host Zhenzhou It has become my weapon. As long as I continue to nurture it, it will become my exclusive universe. I can enter and exit at any time, and I can take it to the prehistoric world, haha..."

   Lin Beichen's eyes were blood red, staring at him firmly.

   Wei Mingchen enjoys the happiness of the winner heartily.

   "Since it has become my world, of course it has to be cleaned up, ha ha, all the old must be erased, and I will shape a new host, Zhenzhou, with my own will."

He slowly pressed his palm against Lin Beichen’s Tianling, and said lightly: "The last step is to swallow the energy and life essence of your son of luck on the continent, and occupy everything you once had... Hehe, you should thank me, In this way, you will die forever, and you will no longer have to endure the painful suffering..."

   As he said, the power in his body was running, and Wei Mingchen decided to end this merciless ridicule and insult.

   Gong Li is activated.


   The sound of flesh being broken open.

   A palm penetrated through Wei Mingchen's chest without warning.

   The palm of this hand is white and glowing, and the five fingers are shining like jade. The beautiful lines on the back of the hand seem to be a gift from the creator. At first glance, it makes people unable to self-control to produce an urge to care for him at the expense of burning oneself.

   This palm is really beautiful.

   is a female palm.

   The five fingers are tender and white like freshly peeled shallots, flowing with a string of delicate blood beads, and a peculiar heart-like pill is pinched in the palm of the palm.

   Wei Mingchen looked down slowly, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

who is it?

who is it?

  A big question mark also appeared in Lin Beichen's mind.

   At this time, there was wind.

   A piece of silver hair floated out from behind Wei Mingchen, like a beautiful fairy in the wind, jumping and flowing, beautiful and suffocating.

   The familiar breath came in the air.

   Lin Beichen was stunned, and immediately a huge hope rose in his heart.

   "Big wife."

   He cheered.

   I almost forgot, my biggest, biggest and biggest trump card is not open, nor shameless, but to eat soft rice from the inheritance?

   At the critical moment, the big wife finally appeared.


   Bright and soft palms exert force.

   Wei Mingchen's body was directly shattered into blood mist and bones exploded.

   The silver hair of the chief priest of Qin is flying, and the unparalleled appearance has not changed in the slightest.

She passed through the blood mist and bone rain like a streamer, and instantly came to Lin Beichen's body. Without waiting for Lin Beichen to speak, she backhanded the strange big pill that looked like a heart that was pulled out of Wei Mingchen's body and pressed it directly. Lin Beichen's heart position, and then exerted force, with a click, pressed the broken bones and flesh, and pressed it deeply into the chest cavity.

   "Don't say anything."

   The priest Qin Huo Ran turned around, stood in front of him, and said, "Quick refinement."


The priest Qin you want...If you don't let her come back, I dare not update this chapter today.

So it's a big chapter.

Thank you brothers for your rewards and monthly pass, and continue to ask for a monthly pass.

In addition, there must be more changes today, there are typos, please change first and then change

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