Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1331: Summon blood?

As Wei Mingchen was blasted, the control in the energy field space instantly disappeared.

   Lin Beichen regained his mobility.

   "Big wife, why did you come here?"

   Lin Beichen gasped, and said, "Where have you been before? Are you not injured?"

   The priest Qin showed a majestic smile, and said: "I'm fine...hurry up and refine that great pill, the crisis has not yet gone."

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and looked at the surging blood mist and bone foam in the distance, full of vigilance, ready to fight at any time.

   It is obvious that Wei Mingchen has not died.

   Lin Beichen stayed in place.

she was…

   smiled at me.

   "Hey, did you see it? Did she smile at me just now?"

   Lin Beichen turned to ask Jian Xue Wuming on the side, only to see a few drops of blood remaining in the air, and the dog goddess's person had disappeared.


   He was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly a gloomy wind came from behind his head.

   Lin Beichen flashed by with a void sliding step, and turned his head to see that it was indeed the dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming, carrying a black stick in his hand, sneaking.

   This guy is playing sap.

"what are you doing?"

   Lin Beichen was furious.

   Jianxue failed the nameless sneak attack, smiling flatly, and said: "It's okay, it's okay, don't care, I'm just testing your reflexes, I'm afraid that you were too sad just now, and your brain was terrified..."

   Lin Beichen said angrily: "You obviously want to count me and take that great pill, right?"

   This dog goddess is really a dog.

   is really not a person.

   The boat of friendship can be done as soon as it turns over.

   "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

   Jianxue Wuming scolded his mother in his heart.

   was pierced in blood by the lightning spear just now, and he lost too much blood, which caused the shooting speed to slow down, and the response was slow and the strength decreased. Otherwise, the stick just now would definitely succeed and **** the peerless great pill.

   "You stay away from me."

   Lin Beichen's eyes were full of alertness.

   Jianxue said unsatisfactorily and unsatisfiedly: "What kind of eyes are you, do you distrust me so much? We are honest friends anyway, I didn't wear clothes at the beginning..."

   Lin Beichen's eyelids jumped wildly, glanced at the priest Qin next to him, and quickly interrupted, saying: "Shut up, stop talking nonsense, you go a little further, I will hurry up to refine the great alchemy."

   Jianxue's nameless face was envious and jealous, and finally backed away, saying: "You can rest assured to refine, this goddess will protect the law for you."

   Lin Beichen is still not at ease.

   But time is running out, he has to believe this dog goddess once.

   cross-legged in the void, Lin Beichen immediately moved [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue].

   This is the clue that I discovered when I saw Wei Mingchen refining the Great Pill. [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue] seems to have a special effect on refining the Great Pill.

   Sure enough, as soon as the exercise was running, the next instant he felt a strong and hot heat, surging in the heart.

   This feeling is like a sudden eruption of a volcano in the heart. The heat flow like hot magma instantly disperses into the limbs and the limbs. The whole person seems to be cooked, and it seems to be burst...

   The movement of the Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Jue is trying to guide this hot power, rotating according to the week, washing every part of the body over and over again, not only flesh and blood, but even infiltrating every cell...

   is like a kind of remake.

   "Bad seed, return my dadan."

  In the distance, Wei Mingchen completely recovered. Seeing Lin Beichen's refining opportunity, his eyes were red, and he roared at him.

   The sword wing behind the priest Qin opened, and the lightsaber in his hand was again offered.

   Her strength was several times stronger than before, and she intercepted Wei Mingchen head-on.

   "Give me death."

   Wei Mingchen was furious and controlled the lightning spear to kill him.

   Although the Great Dan was taken away, and the control of this energy field was weakened by more than half, he could still control the power here, and he was still invincible.

   Even if Tian Gongzi is resurrected, he is definitely not his opponent.

   Ding Ding Ding.

   The Qin priest flew with silver hair and slashed with a sword.

   A series of lightning spears were directly knocked to pieces.

   The sword of light in her hand is still intact.


   Wei Mingchen's heart sank.

   is wrong.

  How can she block the lightning spear?

   Can she also control the power of this energy field?

This is impossible.

   He made continuous moves without believing in evil.

   A spear of lightning was manifested by his will, and it was thrown into a gust of wind and rain, and it swept into the priest Qin frantically.

   The priest Qin shook his back wings, and constantly swung his sword to resist.

   She did not choose to attack.

  Because of protecting Lin Beichen behind him.

   Boom boom boom.

   The lightning spear kept bombarding, and a ray of red blood appeared on the corner of the Qin priest's mouth, which looked shocking on the brilliant white face.

  The long silver hair is flying, it seems to be crystal clear and pure snowflakes, and the beautiful face shows the firm will. The priest Qin retreats step by step, holding on tightly, and protecting Lin Beichen behind...

   She, who has already died once, has opened the valve of emotion, and absolutely does not want to experience the feeling of life and death again.

   Boom boom boom.

   Lightning spear bombarded wildly.

   The chief priest of Qin did not retreat one step, and resisted from the front, even if the slender hand was broken and bleeding, even if the arm was broken and the space was stained red...

   "Well, fuck, I deserve to get worse..."

   Seeing such a scene, Jian Xue Wuming didn't know why she cursed herself, and she came up to help with the black stick.

   The two teamed up, barely supporting it for a while.

Seeing that Lin Beichen was about to completely refine the great alchemy, Wei Mingchen became more and more violent. He planned for so long and paid so much that he even did not hesitate to attract Tiangongzi as a tool man, but in the end he wanted to make wedding clothes for Lin Beichen. How can I stand it?

   Wei Mingchen is crazy.

   He urges the energy in the power field at all costs, and he does not hesitate to suffer backlash, condensing countless human-shaped lightning ghosts, like an army of thousands of gods, rushing towards Jian Xue Wuming and Qin Master...

   "Mom, chicken, is this summoning blood?"

   Jianxue was unspeakably shocked. In the wild world, among the 24 bloodlines of the human race, summoning bloodlines is also an extremely difficult role.

   But she quickly reacted, not calling blood.

   is a use of energy field.

   However, even so, it is very dangerous. She waved a black stick and kept fighting, which was a waste of energy, not to mention that she had been pierced everywhere in the body before, bleeding and losing strength.

   The situation of the Qin priest is also very bad.

   Sword marks appeared on her body, and she was besieged and injured by a humanoid lightning phantom.


   A crisp and savage voice suddenly broke out from the body of the main priest Qin.

Then I saw countless white figures, like soul bodies from under Jiuquan, rushing out of the silver light behind Lord Qin, brandishing ancient weapons such as stone sticks, axe, great sword and long spear, and fought against the humanoid lightning phantom. Together...

   This is a tragic fight.

  The white soul bodies are rough and rough, as if they are warriors from primitive tribes. They are extremely powerful, but because they are soul bodies, they are naturally restrained by lightning, so the loss is extremely heavy, and a large number of people fall...

   "My clan's last chance, protect him."

   A gray-haired old woman, holding a staff, is also in the state of soul body, appeared from behind the priest Qin, sending out ancient chants, blessing the white soul body warriors!

   There is also a girl holding a bone gun, rushing out like a tiger, shouting loudly to lead the soul warriors to fight continuously.

   Jianxue Wuming looked at the priest Qin with a dazed expression.

   Is this woman the monk who really summons blood?


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