Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1332: Tyrannical Wei Mingchen

Qin's performance made the dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming doubt his life.

   Everything that I met today subverted her worldview.

   Like Tian Gongzi, who was walking very restlessly before, Jian Xue Wuming also felt that things were not right. Why did so many people and things that should have appeared outside the sky appear in this small deserted world?

   These white souls are very brave in combat.

   There are a few old men in their quaint dresses, just like wild bears going down the mountain. They are very brave. They wield maces in their hands. They actually resisted hundreds of silver lightning figures due to their inherent disadvantages...

  The battle became a war of attrition.

   There are people dying in the white soul body all the time, but they don't have the slightest fear. They fill up with a sea of ​​people, and firmly hold the space around Lin Beichen.

   The priest Qin was also beheading with a sword.

   With these white soul bodies dispersing the pressure and soaring strength, the chief priest of Qin quickly recovered from his injuries. With Jian Xue Wuming's help, he could steadily stop Wei Mingchen.

   "Damn it."

   Wei Mingchen let out a frantic growl.

  He is in a hurry.

   Seeing that Lin Beichen was about to completely refine the great pill, he fell into madness, mobilizing the power of the energy field at all costs, fusing the endless light into himself, and the whole person almost turned into a light man...

   "Die all to me."

   Wei Mingchen was surrounded by electric lights, and his body was almost shattered by the terrifying power, and his eyes burst like two incandescent lamps, but he forcibly accepted and urged this power, waved his hand, and lowered endless lightning.

   Thunderbolt boomed.

   The silver snake danced wildly, and the plasma flooded the world.

  Countless white soul-body warriors were wiped out in ashes.

   The old woman in the soul body used magic skills to protect the girl's soul body holding the bone gun, and was completely swallowed by lightning...

   "Mr. Ruin!"

  The soul body girl cried out sadly.


   Jianxue Wuming spurted blood.

   She lost too much blood today, her face was pale, her hands and feet were paralyzed by lightning, and the black stick in her hand was almost unable to hold and could not move.

   The sword wing on the main priest Qin was smashed, and the sword feathers shattered and scattered, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

"Get back."

   In her beautiful eyes, the will is firm, she would rather die than retreat, guarding in front of Lin Beichen.

   "Die to me."

   Wei Mingchen rushed over and slashed his palm.


   The sword of light in the hands of the priest Qin shattered again.

   Lightning and thunder slurries flooded her.

   Wei Mingchen desperately rushed towards Lin Beichen, trying to break him into pieces and **** Dadan.

   But at this moment—


   Two sword lights cut through the ocean of lightning and thunder.

  Lin Beichen, who was able to move his eyes, finally completed the final refining at this time, his eyes opened and turned into two incomparable sword lights, which directly cut down the endless thunder and lightning, and annihilated it.

"not good."

   Wei Mingchen is like the end of the day.

   At this moment, he realized that Lin Beichen had succeeded, and his last chance to capture the pill had been lost. Although his heart was dripping with blood, he still turned around and fled very decisively.

   The best chance is lost.

   I have planned a big plan for hundreds of years, but failed.

   He hates it.

   But I also know that if you stay in the green hills without worrying about firewood, you can't do entanglement anymore, you must retreat quickly, escape first, and you will have a chance after you live.

   However, such a determination is useless.

   Lin Beichen will never give him the possibility of making a comeback.


   Lin Beichen stopped drinking.

   Infinitely terrifying Qi came, and Wei Mingchen's figure suddenly settled in place.

   "It's time to end."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   Wei Mingchen was involuntarily teleported back directly and appeared in front of Lin Beichen.

   He couldn't move his hands. The power borrowed from the energy field was completely deprived and dissipated. Even his own five-qi supernatural power was firmly suppressed and could not be transferred.

   At this moment, Wan Gu Xiao Xiong Wei Mingchen became like a grass carp waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and grabbed it.

   The sky full of lightning and lightning disappeared completely.

The priest Qin’s white dress was stained with blood and her silver hair was scattered, but she was not worried about her life. Seeing that Lin Beichen finally merged with the great pill, her body exuded indescribable power and light, she breathed a long sigh of relief and took a step Staggering, but barely hold on...

   Lin Beichen raised his hand, and a green light spilled over.

   The injuries on the main priest Qin's body were instantly healed.

   Jianxue Wuming was overjoyed when he saw this, and beckoned and said: "Look here, I, I am here, milk me."

   Lin Beichen glanced at the dog goddess, and said, "I will find a way by myself."

   Jianxue Wuming: "???"

  Listen, is this human?

   "I was injured so badly just to save you. If you don't milk me, I will be paralyzed."

   The dog goddess is sad and indignant.

   Lin Beichen said indifferently: "You can rest assured, at most hemiplegia, it is so easy to be paralyzed."

   The dog goddess lay directly on the ground.

   After all, everything was wrongly paid.

   She was heartbroken and didn't want to talk.

   Lin Beichen turned around and looked at Wei Mingchen.

   In his eyes, there was a flame of anger burning.

"You are crazy and inhumane, so there is no concern. I can't torture you mentally and spiritually..." Lin Beichen slowly showed his fist and said: "But I can make you feel so painful that you hate your mother for giving birth to yourself. come out."


   The first punch hits Wei Mingchen's abdomen directly.

   His intestines broke into hundreds of pieces immediately.

   Heart-piercing pain came.

   Boom boom boom.

   Lin Beichen punched Wei Mingchen with punch after punch, blasting him inch by inch.

   "Ah da, da da da da da da."

   Lin Beichen controlled his power, constantly bombarding Wei Mingchen, bringing the most professional painful experience.

   At the same time, he is constantly healing and repairing Wei Mingchen, so that he can recover after being blown up again and again, and then continue to be beaten.

   This is really a cruel torture.

   Wei Mingchen seems to be constantly experiencing the cycle of life and death.


   Sword Qi broke through the air.

   In the next instant, Wei Mingchen was directly pierced by the sword energy, pierced into a translucent sieve.

   Then there was fire, burial, freezing, thunder...

   Lin Beichen frantically vented the hatred and anger in his heart.

   Finally, he trampled Wei Mingchen under his feet.

   "You deserve to die hundreds of millions of times to comfort those innocent mainland creatures who died under your formation and bastard."

   Lin Beichen stepped on Wei Mingchen's face.

   Wei Mingchen did not struggle.

   He lay flat on the ground, tired between his eyebrows, staring at Lin Beichen, very unwilling, but he could only admit his fate and slowly said: "I lost."

   should not be greedy.

   can actually go back long ago.

   He insisted on seeking more.

   In the end, he lost nothing.

   "Just, I don't understand, where did I lose?"

Wei Mingchen looked at the priest Qin and said: "In this energy field, I am the **** who rules everything, not to mention that I have swallowed three great pills, defense is invincible, why can you break my protective body? Force field, pierce my body, take out my boldness that has been refined into three in one, and directly take it out? I don't know the answer, I can't stand your eyes on it, can you tell me?"

   This is the biggest doubt in his mind.

   Until now, he didn't know where he lost.

   The priest Qin glanced at Lin Beichen, hesitated slightly, and said indifferently: "Don't you understand? Didn't you think about it? From the beginning of the final battle to the present, you haven't realized that one person is missing?"

   Wei Mingchen was startled.

   Immediately there was a figure in his mind.

   He seems to understand something, but he doesn't fully understand it.


Ten thousand words are updated today.

Good night, everyone. Tomorrow I will find a chance to write a plot analysis. I will give you a straightforward analysis of the plot. Of course, it will be posted on the public account [Chaos of Mad Knife]. Welcome to pay attention.

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