Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1333: See the future for a moment

"You mean Bai Rongyun of the Xu Clan?"

Even if Wei Mingchen was trampled under his feet, there was still a trace of contempt in his eyes, saying: "The one who wanted to assassinate me was finally defeated in my hands. He was tortured in the blood prison and finally chose to surrender. Believe it. With my promise, the stupid woman who was finally intoxicated in the fantasy of taking the entire market to the outer world for survival? Ha ha, what qualifications does she have to destroy my plan? What ability does she have to help you do all this ?"

   Lin Beichen looked at the priest Qin.

   He also wants to ask.

   For a long time, why Bai Weiyun would change from chasing and killing Wei Mingchen to becoming a subordinate of Wei Mingchen and unswervingly implementing Wei Mingchen's plan is the biggest question in his mind.

   He also thought about many reasons, trying to understand Bai Rongyun.

   But that may not be the truth.

   A trace of sadness appeared on the face of the priest Qin.

   Want to know?

   That girl is gone now.



   Time goes back.

   half a day ago.

   Awakening from the darkness of unconsciousness, a sharp pain in his chest came, and the battle between himself and Bai Weiyun flashed back in the mind of the chief priest Qin, suddenly vigilant, and opened his eyes and looked around.

   What she saw was a void space dotted with stars.

   There is no up and down, and there is no left and right.

   is like a lonely and cold starry sky.

   is vast and far, vast and deep, where people are in it, small like a grain of sand between galaxies.

"This is where?"

   The priest Qin looked at a loss, could it be the world after death?

   "It's the underworld."

   A crisp girl voice sounded.

   Bai Xiaoxiao, with a white soul body, appeared behind the Master Qin, pretending to be a ghost, floating in the void, with a fierce face, but he couldn't hide her curious and critical eyes to examine her.

   She is obviously not a good actor.

   "You are a ghost? In the underworld, am I dead too?" Lord Qin said.

   "Of course, you're already dead, I'm the ghost of the lead, and then you will follow me to the underworld execution ground and be tortured by swords, fires, and pan flames. Hey, are you afraid?"

   "Is it really dead? It's a pity."

   The Qin priest's consciousness has just recovered, and he is a little confused.

   The sadness in her heart is not because she is afraid of death, but because she regrets that she can no longer have a chance to give the boy a positive response.

   She lost terribly in the previous battle.

   Lord Qin worries about the final result of Lin Beichen's efforts in the world of the living.

   But after all, she is a person who has gone through countless winds and rains, her mind was restrained, and suddenly she discovered a very strange thing.

   My state does not look like death.

   She can feel her heartbeat, and the sharp pain of her chest injury is very clear... Even the divine power in her body can work.

   This is not what a dead person should be.

   Realizing something, the priest Qin reacted.

   She raised her head to look at Bai Xiaoxiao, with beautiful eyes and bright eyes.

   "I'm not scared at all. Did you find out so soon? It's kind of amazing. As expected, Beichen's brother likes it, huh."

   Bai Xiaoxiao pouted proudly.

   She was deliberately frightening this woman before. Seeing her panicked, she didn't expect the other party to recover so calmly.

   is really a beautiful, intelligent and powerful woman.

   No wonder Beichen brother likes her.

"What exactly is going on?"

   The priest Qin stared at Bai Xiaoxiao, waiting for the answer.

   She knew she had been deceived, but from the soul body in front of her, she could not feel any malice, indicating that she was a friendly army.

   What's more, there is the phrase ‘Beichen Brother’, which shows that he is a friend but not an enemy.

   A fierce and silly little girl.

At this time, another kindly old voice sounded: "Miss Qin, don't worry, this is the heart space of the gods of the market. To the outside world, you are already dead. Even Wei Mingchen and Tian Gongzi can't feel it. Your slightest aura, but in fact you were transmitted to the heart of the **** of ruins by the power of the seal."

   An old woman with a cane in her hand appeared, claiming to be the mother-in-law Xu.

   The Lord Qin understood something vaguely, and said: "Is the heart of the market god? The lord of the market world is known as the **** of the market. Could it be that...the market has fallen voluntarily?"

   "It hasn't fallen yet, it's just reincarnated."

   Mother-in-law Xun had complicated eyes, looked at the beautiful woman with long silver hair, and said: "You have fought with her before, and she sent you here."

   Bai 嵚云? !

   Is she the reincarnation of the Lord of the Market Realm?

   is the same as the father of the gods?

   In Master Qin's mind, a flash of electricity turned around, seeming to understand something.

   However, she remembered that when she was in Yunmeng City, Bai Weiyun had the power of the Heretic God hidden in her body, but she was not at the level of the Lord of the Market Realm.

  Of course, the market world is different from the **** world, and each has its own mystery. It is also reasonable that the reincarnation of the master of the market world is different from the reincarnation of the gods.

   "She did this...for what?"

   the priest Qin asked.

   Mother-in-law Xu did not speak, and paused gently for the staff.

   A ‘star’ in the distance flickered, and suddenly pulled closer, turning into a barefoot girl in a black robe, floating in front of him.

   The girl has long hair like a waterfall, her face is delicate, she seems to be asleep, but she has no breath, obviously her soul has disappeared, there is no vitality, and only the body is left.

   Ruin's mother-in-law has a staff.

  The end of the stick flickered layer by layer, spreading like a talisman.

   Strange energy surged in the space of the God's Heart of the Ruins, just as the girl's body quickly dissipated, turned into a touch of pure and primitive energy, rushing towards the Qin priest.

   In an instant, the severe pain in Qin's heart dissipated.

   The chest wound pierced by the Naihe gun has disappeared.

"who is she?"

   The priest Qin felt the rapid recovery of his physical state, and asked with doubts in his heart.

"The creation of the God Realm Lanzhu God, an autonomous personality clone that is secretly energized... Lanzhu God is not a stupid person. If she wants to take this clone to leave a way for herself in the catastrophe, she does not fully believe in the gods. Father, there is this clone, even if the main body completely disappears, but her life can be awakened in the clone, but she did not expect that the original aura that was collected from the depths of the demon abyss at a huge cost would create too much clone Perfect, self-consciousness is too strong, after the last mission of the market world changed, he insisted on pursuing our whereabouts, and was finally captured by Yun Yun, erased his consciousness, placed in the heart of the market god, staying to repair you. Gun injuries can also help you improve your strength..."

   Having said that, Mother-in-law Xu said again: "Don't worry, she is just pure energy, she doesn't possess divine nature, and she doesn't have a godhead... won't violate your original vows."

   She knows the past that God Qin Lian went to Divine Bone and Divine Blood.

   Mother-in-law Xun said roughly what happened in the market.

   The priest Qin was extremely shocked.

  In this way, the market world has now existed in name only, and the people of the market world have completely died.

   She looked at the shining'stars' in the heart space of the market world, and realized that they were transformed by the soul bodies of the dead soldiers of the market world.

   They all came to this space.

   "Me and Xiaoxiao, as well as thousands of people from the market world, are already...dead, without the heart of the market god, we no longer exist in this world."

   The soul body of the mother-in-law, the tone is calm and authentic.

   "Hmph, you remember me, I am Bai Xiaoxiao, and Bai Weiyun is my sister... surnamed Qin, you and our sister rob a man, you are considered to be an opponent."

   Bai Xiaoxiao Tsundere and authentic.

   Although she also vaguely felt that Lord Qin was close, she didn't want to express it, so she deliberately said so.

   The priest Qin ignored the naive provocation of such a little girl, but lowered his head to think seriously.

   After a long time, she raised her head and said, "What is Bai Rongyun doing this for?"

   Mother-in-law said: "You may not know that, as a descendant of the immortal warriors in the ancient world, there is a thin light blood flowing in the **** of the ruins, and you can see the future picture for a moment."


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