Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1362: An adventure at the start?

Yunmengze is a water swamp with a radius of hundreds of miles. The environment is harsh, thunderstorms and hail are always there, sometimes ice cones are falling, and the ground is a black water swamp. There is no life, no plants and no animals. The air is full of death and The stench...

   This is an area of ​​dead silence.

   "We seem to have come to a forbidden place."

   Jianxue Wuming was also shivering from the cold, wiped the muddy water on his face, and said: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

   At this time, everyone gathered on a black hard rock beach, hiding from the rain under the big rocks.

   This rain is very magical, hitting a rock, it is just a small hole.

  Especially later, a half-meter-long ice cone was actually lowered, and it was inserted into the black stone like a sharp blade, which was shocking.

   "Listen to the good news first."

  Counsel Bao Zhenlong's first sword can't wait to be authentic.

   He regrets a bit now, he shouldn't come to join in the fun, the world is too dangerous, I want to go back to my hometown and starve.

   "The good news is that there are no creatures in this forbidden area, which means that no giant mosquitoes will bite you, or something like a water monster or killing vine will suddenly pop out and kill us... We are safe for the time being."

   Jianxue Wuming said.

   Everyone was relieved.

   "What about the bad news?"

  Counseling Bao continued to ask.

   "The bad news is..."

Jian Xue Wuming glanced at the misty air around him, and said: "The so-called forbidden land is a place where creatures die. There must be some unknown danger. No one can come in. Even some powerful people in the wild will not set foot. This place, because there will be terrible unknown dangers, it is difficult for us to go out. There is a high probability that we will get lost here and eventually starve to death here."

  Council almost cried.

   "These fogs are weird and can interfere with the perception of mental power, like a ghost hitting a wall. If we walk around, we will get lost, or even lose control and go crazy..."

   Lin Beichen's face was solemn.

   He found this place really weird.

   And the biggest problem is that after coming to the prehistoric world, he felt exhausted and hungry. The Guiyuan Chaos Qi in his body could only be transferred and transmitted a silky strand, and he could not fly in the air at all.

   seems to need a process of adaptation.

   He seized the time to run the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] to restore his strength.

   "This is indeed a forbidden land, it is dangerous, everyone, don't run around..." Qin Master Ji's beautiful face also showed a solemn color, and she could feel the deadness that was permeating the sky and the earth.

   "Ah, I'm hurt, something bit me..."

  Counseling Bao Zhenlong's first sword suddenly screamed, and rushed out of the **** stone. A cone of ice dropped from the sky and plunged into his feet, blood rushing violently.

   Fortunately, Long Na by his side pulled him back.

   But he didn't care about the pain in his feet, and shook his hand frantically.

   Everyone was shocked and hurriedly surrounded him, thinking that he was really attacked by some terrible creature.

   But on closer inspection, it turned out that it was a sharp white stone pierced through his palm.

   "Bah, coward."

   Wang Zhong looked contemptuous.

   But the dog was actually trembling with fright, and his legs were weak.

   Lin Beichen took this sharp white stone and poked it in Xiao Binggan's arm, and he bleeded out with a chuckle.

"how are you feeling?"

   Lin Beichen asked him.

   Xiao Binggan nibble on the sauced pig's feet in his mouth and said, "It hurts a bit."

   "So sharp."

   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

   Xiao Binggan was successful in practicing [Invisible Sword Bone]. When he was in the host Zhenzhou, the magical soldiers were hard to get hurt, but when he arrived in the prehistoric world, he was even pierced by a stone.

   This is not because everyone's strength has become weaker.

   But the quality of objects in this world has changed.

   Is it because the world's tides are stronger and the force is more complete, so the life forms and substances that are bred are of higher quality?

   "You must adapt as soon as possible."

   Lin Beichen looked at everyone and said: "When the rain stops, we will find a way to leave... I have a hunch that terrible things will happen if I stay here forever."

   The hearts of everyone are heavy, and they all seized the time to regain their strength.

   Jianxue Wuming made a lot of ideas.

   Some qi training methods practiced in the host real continent can be used in this world, and the effect is good. Everyone starts from the beginning. Although they can't re-train their qi in a short time, they can regain their energy.

   An hour later, the hail and heavy rain suddenly stopped and stopped.

   A round of sun appeared in the sky.

   The sun burns mercilessly.

   Less than a cup of tea time, the temperature soared to fifty or sixty degrees, the ice cones filled with the swamp quickly melted, and the black water turned into mist and evaporated, like a pot of boiling sewage...

   Everyone soon sweated.

   "Go, get out of here."

   Lin Beichen took the lead and led the way.

   Jianxue Wuming reminded loudly: "This is a wild world, not the host Zhenzhou, brother smelly, can you do it, don't try to lead the way indiscriminately, to death..."

   "Believe me and follow me."

   Lin Beichen's back is very stalwart, giving people a sense of trust, Qin chief priest did not say a word, followed closely behind.

   The others did not hesitate, they all followed closely.

   Jianxue Wuming had to bite the bullet.

   An hour later.

   Jianxue's nameless face showed a look of surprise.

  Because he followed Lin Beichen all the way, he was actually very safe, and he avoided some killing pits and traps inconceivably without encountering any danger.

   She opened her curious eyes wide.

   How did this guy do it?

   Lin Beichen led the way while watching 【Baidu Map】.

   A reminder to upgrade the hardware system has come from the phone.

   It happened only once before the phone hardware upgrade.

   is the first time he came to the gods.

   The benefits of hardware system upgrades are obviously far beyond ordinary software system upgrades.

   But he temporarily postponed the hardware upgrade for half a day.

  Once it enters the upgrade state, the phone will be unavailable for a period of time, so you have to hurry up, use [Baidu Map] to navigate, and walk out of this forbidden area.

   "Attention, there will be hail meteorological disasters, the terrain ahead of one kilometer can be sheltered from rain, please speed up..."

   "There is a large swallowing and flowing swamp pits ahead, please avoid it..."

   "Strong thunder, rain and weather are about to appear..."


   In a blink of an eye, half a day passed.

   This swamp is sometimes scorching sun, sometimes lightning and thunder, sometimes drifting heavy rain and hail all over the sky, it is definitely a forbidden place for human beings.

   An ice ball with a diameter of seven or eight meters dropped from the sky, like a meteorite falling, which can instantly smash people into meatloaf.

   tens of meters thick lightning can instantly burn a swamp with a radius of 100 meters into dry land.

   Everyone shivered and stopped when they followed Lin Beichen.

   Fortunately, there is [Baidu Map] navigation, all the way is very safe.

   It was getting dark in a blink of an eye.

   Lin Beichen's anxiety is increasing.

   There is a vague intuition in him that after dark, something terrible will happen.

   At this time, the sky became gloomy again.

   But the temperature did not drop.

   The fog in front of him was reddish, like sunset clouds, and as if flames were burning in the distance, it looked very strange.

   "There is weirdness ahead."

   Wang Zhong cringed and authentic.

   Jin Chan also hesitated, and said: "My strength has not been restored, and I can't perceive the vision ahead. Why...Shall we take a detour?"

   Lin Beichen glanced at the virtual Baidu map.

   There is no danger warning.

   And the navigation route is heading towards the red light ahead.

   After hesitating, he made a decision and said, "It's okay, follow me."

   Switching routes may be more dangerous.

   In absolute trust in Lin Beichen, everyone continues to move forward.

   The flames in front of the glow became clearer and clearer.

   The temperature keeps rising.

   After an incense stick time, a small rocky island in the Blackwater Marsh appeared in the field of vision.

   Everyone landed on the island.

  The ground on the island is flat, extremely dry, and the rocks are hot. In the center, there is a one-meter-high small tree, shaped like an ancient pine, very small, with gray needles and brown bark that is not full of faint bright red cracks...

   Nine groups of red flames were burning on the tree.

   But if you look closely, what kind of flame is there? It is clearly nine red fruits the size of a child's fist. It is crystal clear, like a red crystal, emitting dazzling brilliance and amazing heat.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Is this the legendary adventure?

   Zhu Guo?

   The kind that has a hundred years of skill?


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