Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1344: Repeated adventures

The crystal clear fruit that releases infinite heat has attracted everyone's attention.

"looks very tasty."

   Wang Zhong swallowed his saliva.

   After such a long journey, everyone is already hungry.

   Jianxue Wuming suddenly seemed to think of something, and shouted loudly: "Don't move... this fruit is poisonous."

She looked very vigilant and said: "Everyone stay behind, go back... things that grow in this black water swamp must not be eaten easily, not to mention that it is so bright in color, haven't you heard of it, Fanju Are poisons brighter than colors?"

   Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

   That's right.

   makes a lot of sense.

   then all took a few steps back.

Jian Xue Wuming slowly walked to the front, circled the strange little tree twice, and said: "No, this kind of highly poisonous thing is a scourge to stay in the world, so let me sacrifice and deal with it for you. Right..."

   She reached for a fruit and swallowed it directly into her mouth.

   Then he raised his hand to pick the second one.

   Lin Beichen moved very quickly, and one stepped over and directly squeezed her wrist, and said: "You want to swallow this divine fruit, right?"

   "Wow Na Li (=@__@=)..."

Jian Xue Wuming swallowed his mouth full of red liquid, and said vaguely: "I am trying to poison myself... to open the way for everyone, I am dedicating myself... Let go, your woman is watching by the side, don't do anything to me, otherwise I'm indecent."

   She only hates that she has just returned to the sky, and has not yet fully adapted to it. On the contrary, she is not as powerful as Lin Beichen who has been able to practice [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue], and can't get away.

   In the end, Jian Xue Wuming could only watch Lin Beichen pick off the remaining eight vermilion fruits.

   "Say, what kind of fruit is this?"

   Lin Beichen forced to ask.

   Jianxue Wuming blinked his big watery eyes and said innocently: "It's really a poisonous fruit, ah, I'm poisoned..." She collapsed to the ground, foaming from her mouth, and her limbs pulled out.

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   You are too dogged.

   "It's the [Fathering Fairy Fruit], the legendary divine fruit that can be reborn, eat one that is enough to cut the hair, wash the marrow, and change the physique... It is rare, and it is also a treasure for everyone in the wild world.

   Jin Chan, who had a lame leg and broken wings, spoke.

   Everyone took a breath, their eyes hot all of a sudden.

   Jianxue Wuming immediately got up without twitching and frothing, and said: "Don't listen to this idiot, Xiaozhi, it's really a poisonous fruit, you believe me, let me deal with them for everyone."

   Everyone raised their middle fingers at the dog goddess.

   Just in case, Lin Beichen still waited for a while.

   Seeing that Jian Xue Wuming really didn't have any other symptoms, on the contrary, his face was full of red light. A vigorous force in his body began to surge, and the dog goddess had to sit down quickly and run the exercises to refine the medicine.

   After thinking for a while, Lin Beichen ate one by himself.

The bright red fruit is hot like charcoal when held in the hand, but when swallowed in the mouth, it is a refreshing and sweet juice, which relieves heat, turns into a turbulent coolness, enters the stomach bag along the esophagus, and immediately disperses into the stomach. Hundreds of limbs. Very comfortable feeling.

no side effects.

   seems to be really a baby.

   Lin Beichen then divided one [Evening Fairy Fruit].

   "Let's eat, replenish your strength, and hurry up after eating."

   Xiao Binggan, Wang Zhong, the First Sword of the True Dragon, Guangjiang and others all swallowed them immediately.

   The golden cicada transformed directly, his head quickly enlarged, and his mouthparts sucked a little, and he swallowed [Feathered Fairy Fruit] directly, and everyone watching it broke into cold sweats.

   Very violent.

   Youkai is terrible.

   A group of people in various postures refining the vigorous medicinal power in the body on the Black Rock Island.

   Among them, Wang Zhong is the most exotic.

   This dog thing turned out to be doing his original push-ups-first lie down on a cup of tea, and then hold for three breaths, which is very rhythmic.

   After a stick of incense time.

   Lin Beichen took the lead in waking up from the power of Yungong's refining and chemical medicine.

   He has the energy of the Great Pill in his body, coupled with the [Feathered Fairy Fruit]. Recently, it has been a bit hard to replenish. Various kinds of energy accumulate and cannot be fully refined. It needs to be done slowly in the future.

   The good news is that with the addition of this kind of Zhu Guo baby from the wild world, the baby in Lin Beichen's body [Guiyuan Chaos Qi] has become a bit sturdier.

   If it was as thick as a single hair before, now it is as thick as 20 or 30 hairs twisted together.

   In addition, Lin Beichen found that his strength had also increased a lot, and his physique had received a mysterious and mysterious sublimation.

  The skin under the clothes has some black-red fine particles discharged from the pores, which stick to the body finely and closely, as if a layer of asphalt has been pasted.

   He is quickly adapting to this world.

   Seeing that everyone is still working hard to refine the medicine, Lin Beichen shattered the black and red particles that came out of his body, and came to the front of the feathering tree.

   "It's already dead?"

   surprised him. After removing the [Feathering Fairy Fruit], this small tree quickly withered, without its previous spirituality, and there was no trace of vitality, like a century-old dead wood.

   "It's a pity, I originally planned to break a few branches and take them out for grafting and planting..."

   Lin Beichen muttered to himself.

   Soon he had a good idea, and he directly uprooted the feathered fruit tree and put it into the cloud disk of the [Xunlei] APP.

   After some operations, other people also initially digested the power of [Yuhuaxianguo] and gained a lot.

The most obvious benefit of    is that it has increased strength and improved physique.

   Especially Golden Cicada, the broken legs and wings have grown out.

   Lin Beichen poke Xiao Binggan's arm with a stone, but he couldn't break it anymore.

   "Brother, can we count as beings of the same level in the prehistoric world?" Xiao Binggan said with excitement.

"should be."

   Lin Beichen also had such a guess.

  The life level has increased.

   "Huh? Where is that fruit tree?"

   Jianxue Wuming looked at the sunken tree pit, breathing quickly. She wanted to pull the tree away, but who knew it was gone.

   "Oh, it was frightened, it got into the soil and ran..." Lin Beichen said.

   Jianxue, the unknown general is suspicious.

   Jin Chan said: "This kind of fruit tree is a treasure. It is normal for it to have spirituality. It is possible that we picked the fruit and made it feel that this place is no longer safe, so it escaped..."

   Jianxue Wuming had to believe it.

   The group continued on the road.

   With the [Evening Fairy Fruit] medicinal power to replenish physical strength, everyone's speed is much faster, and they all feel that the faster they go, the more the body's strength is continuously replenished.

   Strenuous activity can accelerate the refining of medicine.

   Another hour has passed, and it is getting late.

   The mist in the Daze began to turn black.

   Some weird and evil sounds came out from the surging mist, like the whispers of the devil, and faintly, you can see the faint blue ghost fire burning!

   There is an unknown breath in the air.

   Everyone's expressions became tense.

   An inexplicable danger is coming silently.

   Must speed up and get out of this swamp.

  Lin Beichen looked at the virtual navigation on the mobile phone. There were about ten kilometers left before he could walk out of the forbidden area. He said loudly: "Speed ​​up, you must leave here before it gets dark..."

   Everyone accelerates.

   Wang Zhong rode on Xiao Zhahu's back.

On the    dragon tattoo, Long Na is carrying the first sword of Zhen Bao Zhenlong.

   after a moment.

   Lin Beichen's eyes narrowed.

In the navigation of   【Baidu Map】, more than a dozen small red dots appeared in the area of ​​the route ahead, which were obviously living creatures.

   However, there is no danger warning.

   He hesitated and moved on.


   They met a dozen human races wearing fashionable leather clothes.

   "Who are you?"

   "A living person walked out of the Yunmengze restricted area?"

   "Isn't it a deformed cunning monster?"

   "Stop, don't move, don't come near."

   The other party was obviously more shocked than Lin Beichen and the others, as if they had seen a whale in the desert, they were very vigilant and guarded, and blocked their way.

   Fortunately, what they said was almost the same as the language of the host Zhenzhou human race, which was basically understandable.

   "We are poor travelers who are lost..."

   Lin Beichen opened his mouth and scorned his identity, and then asked: "Who are you?"

   "Old man Feijianzong, elder Yu Wuwu."

   An old man with a clean face, gray hair and a cyan leather robe looked respectful and authentic.

   Flying Sword Sect?

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   He thought of the bamboo token on his body.

   I didn't expect that when I just came to the prehistoric world, I would meet someone from the Flying Sword Sect.


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