Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1351: The glorious world of human race

The sword of Flying Sword Sect can really fly.

Liu Wuyan summoned a saber, swelled in the wind, and turned into a giant sword that was more than 20 meters long and 5-6 meters wide, carrying Lin Beichen and others, soaring into the sky, turning into a streamer, and disappearing into the southwestern sky. in.

   Dongfang Ding, the lord of the Shenshui Palace, showed a hint of disappointment on his face.

   The little guy named Lin Beichen, with a sharp mind and wit, chose to be a guest at Fei Jianzong at the last moment and was temporarily sheltered.

if not…

   The blood of the sacred emperor, as well as the two waste bodies, have eaten the 【Eternal Fruit of Feather】, the body must contain medicinal power, as long as the method of alchemy is refined, you can grab the essence.

   And in the Shenshui Palace, there happened to be a physician with the blood of ‘dancao’ who was good at this.

   It is a pity that within a short period of time, it was impossible to capture these scraps back.

   He secretly passed the order and asked the spies in the door to watch Feijianzong's movements, mainly staring at Lin Beichen and others.

Looking at Wang Zhong next to him, Dongfang Ding's heart moved with a smile, and said: "Wang Zhong, you are a little older, but your blood is very high. You still cannot practice first in the future. Let me go back, this seat. I will prepare resources to restore your youthful appearance and teach you the secret technique of Shenshui Palace [Shenshui Jue]."

   "Thank you Palace Lord."

   Wang Zhong respectfully respects the surface and loyalty, saying: "The palace lord is wise and martial, longevity and heaven are together."



   In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

   Feijian Mountain Weed Peak is full of natural primitive features, overgrown with weeds, dense vegetation, and foliage covering the sky.

   In a thatched courtyard that has been built for only half a month, a cicada screams.

   In the courtyard, under the ancient trees, Lin Beichen is enjoying the coolness on the recliner.

  It is relatively safe here.

   Lin Beichen is also relieved to let his mobile phone undergo a hardware upgrade.

   Ten days have passed, and the hardware upgrade progress has reached 45%. It is estimated that the upgrade can be completed in another twenty days.

   Lin Beichen's mentality is very good.

   He ate and slept every day, just occasionally read a book, or visited Yu Wuque, the elder of the Flying Sword Sect, chatting casually, and getting some information.

   He was like a salted fish, lying flat, and he didn't mention cultivation to Fei Jianzong.

   The dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming carried a black stick and hunted around, not doing business all day long, she looked mysterious and didn't know what she was messing up with.

  The golden cicada lives on the ancient trees in the yard.

   It is good luck for the three waste bodies to stay in Feijian Sect.

   Xiao Binggan, a bloodliner who broke the limit, was already a Dao-level disciple of Feijian Sect within a short period of time, and his cultivation was personally guided by the Sect Master, and he did not live with Lin Beichen and others at Weed Peak for the time being.

   It has been half a month since he came to Feijian Sect, and he has gradually adapted to this world.

   This realm is called Qingyu Realm, and it is a small realm on Meteor Road in the prehistoric world.

  The so-called boundary is the term of the prehistoric world.

   is actually a small planet.

   It is rainy in this area. It rains for most of the year, hence the name. The waters on the entire planet are vast, dozens of times the area of ​​land.

   This is a planet ruled by the human race.

   A sect like the Six Martial Arts School, on this planet, can be regarded as a first-class power, quite influential, and is a holy ground for cultivation in the minds of many Qingyu Realm human races.

   In addition to the six sects, there are dozens of similar first-class martial arts forces. Among them, the sect named ‘Chaotianque’ is the first martial arts holy land in the Azure Rain Realm. It is powerful and can be regarded as the overlord of the Azure Rain Realm.

   By the way, Lin Beichen also learned about the history of the prehistoric world.

   is different from what he imagined.

   Terrans are very powerful in this world.

   In the wild world, there are hundreds of ethnic groups.

   Today's human race is already a prestigious and top-notch tribe, occupying countless star roads and planets, martial arts prosperous, and deterring the Quartet. A personal dynasty and sects are all over the galaxies, and they rule countless territories and territories.

   But ten thousand years ago, this was not the case.

At that time, the human race was weak and was completely oppressed because of its inherent weakness. It was a very dark time. The human race had few strong people of its own and did not practice the orthodoxy. It was treated as food and livestock, and was raised by the people and beaten at will. kill…

   If it wasn't for the exaggerated ability of the human race to reproduce, I'm afraid it would have been extinct long ago.

   Later, the great sacred emperor of the human race turned out to be born, pioneering the road of bloodline cultivation, and brought the dawn of the rise of the human martial arts.

   The sacred emperor is pioneering and enterprising. With supreme strength and wisdom, he promotes his younger generations and selects geniuses. Finally, among the thousands of people of the human race, he has cultivated 24 stunning geniuses, who are the 24 ancestors of the human blood martial arts.

The sacred emperor established the human race dynasty and led the twenty-four bloodline ancestors to conquer the predecessors. The human blood monks were invincible and invincible. The star roads and the planets were occupied. The enemies of the past were countless. The big clan was destroyed.

   This is a period of endless glory.

   It wasn't until eight thousand years ago that the power of the human race stopped expanding.

   During the battle, it is rumored that the ancestor of the human blood has fallen.

   These twenty-four bloodlines have been passed down, and they have been continuously improved and carried forward to become the main cultivation system of the human race in today's prehistoric world.

   This is the reason why the Human Clan sect places such importance on bloodline leveling.

   The martial arts civilization of the human race is built on blood.

   Most of the human races in the Azure Rain Realm follow the cultivation route of the ‘20th Blood Ancestor’—the elemental flow.

   Twenty-four ancestors of blood are ranked in no particular order in terms of strength, mainly based on the time when they were discovered by the holy emperor of the human race.

   The ancestor of the twentieth bloodline dazzled in that era with the elemental power that controlled the heaven and earth.

   "It's really a good time."

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but admire.

   leaned on the big tree with his back to enjoy the coolness. The human race is so powerful that he can choose to mix.

   When the phone upgrade is completed, you can leave Feijian Sect to find a way to regain the soul, and save the people on the host Zhenzhou continent.

   On this day, Yu Wuwei came to visit.

"Brother Lin, good news, hahaha, haven't you been yelling and wanting to see the scene? A month later, there is a large-scale new generation of human sect disciples Huiwu in Qingyu Realm. Are you interested in going together? "

   The old jade is full of interest and authentic.

   "Zongmen will martial arts?"

   Lin Beichen curiously said: "Are all the sects participating?"

"Of course, not only the six major sects, Chaotianque and other top sects, but also the elite disciples of the sects will be selected to participate. The leader has decided that Xiao Binggan will participate in the event. I estimate that your other friends will also Get the quota of their respective sects to participate in this martial arts meeting."

   Lao Yu was very loyal, patted his chest and promised that as long as Lin Beichen wanted to participate, he could help fix the quota.

   is not just a quota for the competition, but an observation quota that appears as a guest.

   "Okay, I'll go."

   Lin Beichen agreed without thinking.

  Since I came to this world, I have to work hard to adapt and participate in it. I can no longer just think about mixing like the host Jinshu.

   "By the way, I asked you about the method of soul-recovering last time, did you check it out?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   He has commissioned the elder Yu Wuqian to find the great soul-recovery technique that can save the people of the host Zhenzhou.

   "I have checked it, but I didn't find out. The soul recovery technique is not a simple exercise or secret technique, but a magical power. It may not be spread in small places like the Azure Rain World... I will help you continue to pay attention."

   There is no lack of jade.

   The entire Flying Sword Sect, now there is only Yu Wuqian, who is the most speculative with Lin Beichen, and treats him as a friend.

   After a little chat, Yu Wuque left some books and books describing history and geography, and turned to leave.

   Lin Beichen continued to lie down and read books to deepen his understanding of the world.

   After fifteen days.

   "Ding Dong, this hardware upgrade has been completed."

   A pleasant voice sounded in Lin Beichen's mind.

finally come.

   The hardware upgrade of the mobile phone is completely completed.


Second, there are 2 more

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