Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1352: This is forcing me...

Finally waited, my hang.

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed and immediately chose to call the phone.

   After the hardware upgrade, the appearance of the mobile phone has also undergone some changes. It is lighter and thinner, the appearance is rose gold, the screen is larger, the hand feels better, and the weight is also upgraded...

   If you throw it again, it is estimated that Wei Mingchen’s head can be smashed.

Fortunately, for more than half a month, Lin Beichen cultivated the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] by himself, not forgetting to refine the power of the Da Dan and [Yu Hua Xian Guo] in his body. A wisp of pure energy runs in the body every day.

   The strength of the Guiyuan chaotic air flow is sufficient to support the mobile phone's ‘flow’.

   Turn on the phone.

   The screen is clearer and the visual sense is better.

   This upgrade is accompanied by a comprehensive update of internal software. As expected, software such as [Jingdong Mall], [Taobao], [keep], and [Baidu Map] have completed the latest update.

   The previous training apps can still work.

   But the effect seems to be limited.

   In addition, the voice of the intelligent voice assistant is optional for the record. Lin Beichen did not hesitate to choose the same voice of ‘a small group’.

   As expected by Lin Beichen, in the updated shopping apps such as Taobao and Jingdong Mall, the settlement unit has directly become the popular currency of ‘Honghuangyin’.

   The previous sacred stone and other things are no longer usable.

   Fortunately, when he was in Zhenzhou, the host country, Lin Beichen had already spent his old savings in preparation for the war.

  【Taobao】In the APP, there are a dazzling variety of goods and an increase in types.

   But most of the practical things, Lin Beichen can't afford it for the time being.

   There is only a hundred taels of silver on him now.

   This is still obtained from the arsenal of the father of the gods.

   "Unexpectedly, I came to the prehistoric world, the first goal is to find a way to make money."

   Lin Beichen deeply felt that money is the root of all evil, and could not help secretly expressing a great wish to bear all the evil for this ruthless world.

   All kinds of guns are the most needed.

   Lin Beichen can be sure that after the mobile phone hardware is upgraded, the power of guns must be upgraded with it, which is enough to threaten the powerhouses in the prehistoric world.

   He picked it up in the [Taobao] APP and found a [Snow Eagle] pistol, the price has reached 80 taels of silver...blood expensive.

   "It doesn't matter, it's important to improve self-protection ability."

   Lin Beichen placed an order on the spot.

   plus the expedited postage, a total of 85 taels of silver is required.

   Lin Beichen's wallet collapsed on the spot.

   The remaining 15 taels of Honghuang silver can't be squandered anymore-you should keep it for charging your mobile phone.

  Yes, what you need to charge your mobile phone now is silver instead of sacred stones and gold coins.

After some operations, Lin Beichen entered the mobile application store.

   After the hardware upgrade of the mobile phone, in addition to the automatic upgrade of all the software APPs of the machine, as expected, a new downloadable APP application is also included.

   "[Zunzhuan] APP? [Happy Farm]?"

   Lin Beichen looked at these two apps and couldn't help but fall into thinking.

   [Zuanzhuan] is an application software known as high-priced recycling of idle objects. He used it several times when he was on earth, and it was quite smooth.

   And [Happy Farm] This kind of APP, but it has been around for a few years. It was once all the rage, mainly for growing vegetables and stealing vegetables...


   What kind of surprises will these two apps have after the mobile phone magic change?

   He thought about it, and decided to download it.

   [Turn] APP needs to consume 50MB of traffic, while [Happy Farm] only needs 15MB of traffic, which is not too big. It can be supported by Lin Beichen's current strength of Chaos Return.

   choose to download on the spot.

   There was a burst of ecstasy-like feeling of being squeezed out.

   Lin Beichen lay on the chair and moaned.

   Suddenly, the golden cicada, who had been lying on the tree pretending to be dead, suddenly did not know what it was irritated, and screamed ‘know, know, know.’

   A few silver liquids fell from the tree and dripped on Lin Beichen's face.

   He raised his hand and touched it, and then he was furious: "Sister, can you talk about hygiene, do you have a sense of ethics when you urinate anywhere?"

   Jin Chan said: "You don't know if someone is here, I'm reminding you."


   Lin Beichen turned over and sat up.

   But I don’t know when, at the entrance of Mao Caoyuan, a black-robed masked man was standing, staring at him like a ghost.


   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   He lay on the chair, did not stand up, pretending to be calm, and grinned and said: "It turns out that a guest has arrived. I don't know where your sacredness is. He sneaked up to me, why?"

   is really panicked.

   Going to the door in a mask is definitely not a treat for dinner, absolutely unkind.

   The black-robed masked man walked slowly into the courtyard without saying a word. Following his footsteps, a cloud of gray mist escaped.

   In a blink of an eye, the entire thatched courtyard was enveloped in gray water mist and lost contact with the outside world.

   Elemental Secret Art.

   Lin Beichen's heart tightened.

   The human races in the Blue Rain Realm mostly follow the elemental bloodline cultivation route of the ancestor of the twentieth bloodline. This method of manipulating the water mist is precisely the elemental mystery.

   The entire thatched courtyard was closed.

   Lin Beichen believed that no one would show up even if he broke his throat.

   "You also have a [Feathered Fairy Fruit] on your body, right?"

   The black-robed masked man has a hoarse voice, he should have deliberately changed his voice, his eyes are like greedy beasts, staring at Lin Beichen, and said: "Hand it over, I can make your death easier."

   originally came for the feathered fairy fruit.

"who are you?"

   Lin Beichen saw that it was useless to pretend to be calm, and immediately changed to a panic, saying: "All the [Yuhuaxianguo] have been eaten. If you don't believe it, you can ask other people."

   "Hehe, I have already asked, some people say that you have left a feathered fairy fruit on your body."

  The black-robed man has a hoarse voice, and his tone is unpredictable.

   "Impossible, I'm all done..."

   Lin Beichen retreated slowly, saying: "You have been deceived...Don't come close. I am a distinguished guest of Flying Sword Sect. If you move me, Flying Sword Sect will not let you pass."

   "Guest? Haha, ridiculous..."

   The black-robed masked man sneered disdainfully: "It's just a pig that is kept in captivity... It seems that you won't suffer a bit. You won't be honest. Forget it, I will cut off your limbs first, and then slowly ask."

   He raised his hand.


  Four long spears condensed with fog, lined up and shot towards Lin Beichen.

   "Face the wind."

   Lin Beichen used his hand as a sword to cut out a wall of wind.

   bang bang.

  The wind wall shattered.

   "Does the sword seventeen moves really fail to stop the martial arts of the prehistoric world? Or is it because my cultivation level is too low?"

   Lin Beichen moved to dodge.

   The water mist spear swept across his shoulder and tore the thatched hut directly behind him.

   "Huh? Unexpectedly, your waste body has hidden the cultivation base and possesses the second-order realm."

   The black-robed masked man was slightly surprised.

   His words revealed some information.

   said, continue to approach.

   Within a single thought, dozens of water mist spears condensed, slowly approaching Lin Beichen from three sides, like a prison, constantly encircling them to seal off Lin Beichen's hiding space.

   Lin Beichen thought of electrical transfer.

   When he was in the host Zhenzhou, he could kill the Heavenly Lord and Wei Mingchen. These were all Tier 4 powerhouses. Why was it that in the Azure Rain Realm, it was thought that only Tier 3 was left?

"Before you do it, think about it. I'm a showdown. I'm actually a peerless master." He looked at the masked man in black robe and said, "You now kneel down and sing a song of conquest, and I will forgive you. Otherwise, when I make a real killer move, it will be too late for you to regret."

   The black-robed masked man laughed: "Boy, you drink too much and talk in sleep."

   Lin Beichen said sternly: "I'm serious, I'm not joking at all, I have practiced a swordsmanship that can kill a Tier 4 top power."

   "Then show it to me."

   The masked men in black robes were amused.

   He thinks the little guy in front of him is cute and stupid.

   "I don't want to kill."

Lin Beichen's expression of compassion said: "I have changed my evil and returned to righteousness. I have killed countless people, covered with blood, and walked through the sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood. The land I set foot on does not bloom, and the place I walked is the end of the world... "

   "You are really a wonderful flower, come on, of the emperor bloodline, as long as you can issue a third-strength attack, I can make your death easier."

   The masked man in black robe was amused.

   "Oh, you forced me to do this."

   Lin Beichen raised his hand.

   In the void above his head, a group of small black holes that only he could see appeared, and a shiny silver object fell out of it.

   finally arrived.

   Lin Beichen grabbed the silver [Snow Eagle], ran the chaos and returned to vitality to fill the bullets, and said: "As you wish."


   a low beep.

  子 popped out of the chamber.


Third, there is one more

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