
   One of the arms of the black-robed masked man was directly broken.


   There was incredible color in his eyes.

   Lin Beichen's figure shook. After the upgraded mobile phone, the [Snow Eagle] recoil was much stronger than imagined.

   "Excuse me, the shot was missed."

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate, and raised his hand to make another shot.


   Half of the head of the masked man in black robe turned into blood mist.

   With this shot, Young Master Lin was mentally prepared for recoil, so he didn't miss the shot.

   The masked man in black robe went on the road without saying a word.

   In order to prevent the goods from pretending to be dead, Lin Beichen raised his hand and snapped three shots in a row. He was sure that he was really dead, and he was relieved.

   This time, it was really too dangerous.

   If you don’t just upgrade your phone, and you buy the upgraded version of [Snow Eagle], you will get the free shipping at the critical moment. I’m afraid I’ll sing a cool song.

   I have to admit that the mobile phones after the hardware upgrade, the weapons sold in the [Taobao] APP, are really too sophisticated, and they are really capable of killing cultivators in this world.

   When the black-robed masked man died, the gray water mist that blocked the thatched courtyard was dispersed.

   After this person's blood flow was almost done, Lin Beichen cautiously passed by and touched his body.

   lick the bag.

  Traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost.

   In the end, I didn't touch any good things, only 50 taels of wild silver, and two bearer silver bills with a denomination of 100 taels.

   It's like a practice secret, but there are no weapons and the like.

   There is no clue to find out.

   However, Lin Beichen did not want to spend time and energy to find out who this person is.

   What can I do if I check it out?

  A beautiful boy who is a stranger in a foreign land, has no power and no influence, and is as pure as a white flower, what bad thoughts can he have?

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and casually threw the body of the masked and black robe man outside the gate, then turned around and started to repair the thatched cottage.

But after only half of the repair, Lin Dashao turned around and felt that this kind of rough work is not something that a godly knight and beautiful man should do, and that he should not waste his precious time on such meaningless trivial matters, so he decisively opened [Taobao] 】APP, ordered an [outdoor field tent].

   At this time, the voice of the smart assistant ‘a small group’ in the mobile phone came, and the [Zuanzhuan] APP and the [Happy Farm] APP were all downloaded.

   Lin Beichen chose to install it without hesitation.

   is the first to install the 【Zuanzhuan】 APP.

   This is an application for selling and buying second-hand idle goods. Lin Beichen used it when he was on the earth. It can be said to be very awkward. After the    Magic Reform, the [Zhuan Zhuan] only had the function of selling second-hand idle. Lin Beichen studied for a while and sold all the [Snow Eagle], AWM, and Gatlin that he had bought when he was in the God Realm.

  The weapons purchased before the hardware upgrade of these mobile phones are terribly low in power in the prehistoric world. They can't even penetrate a thin wooden board, let alone hit people, and can only be eliminated.

   What caused Lin Beichen to vomit blood was that the weapons he had bought at a ‘high price’ before, and finally sold 20 taels of Honghuang silver directly on [Zhuan Zhuan].

   is simply a blood loss.

  Using the [Zuanzhuan] APP, Lin Beichen sold some of the idle things on him.

   In the end, he got a total of 45 taels of silver.

   Anyway, it was a wave of blood.

   After the upgraded mobile phone is charged at 100%, it needs 10 taels of silver. At least for the next ten days, there is no need to worry about the battery power of the mobile phone.

   Compared to the very salty fish, the [Xianyu] APP is based on luck. The [Zhuzhuan] has a fast delivery speed. When it is listed, it is sold in seconds, and the money is returned quickly. It is suitable for emergency turnover.

   Then, Lin Beichen opened the [Happy Farm] APP.

   He is very curious about this app.

  [Happy Farm] on earth is just a casual social game. Could it be used to socialize in the wild world?

   After opening the APP, Lin Beichen saw the familiar entry interface.

   "Huh? This artist has something to do."

Unlike the cartoon picture in memory, the farm on the screen of the mobile phone has an extremely lifelike environment, surrounded by fairy spirits. It is a 3D stereoscopic picture. The background is a large grassland, one of which is a reclaimable area, on the upper right of the picture. There are function buttons at the corners, such as weeding, watering, and fertilizing.

   He studied carefully for a while and found a problem—

   There is no seed.

  The farm in the mobile phone didn't even provide the seeds for planting.

   In this way, even if there is land, it is impossible to plant seeds.

   After studying for a long time, he did not find the reason.

   So he withdrew from his own farm to see if there were other people's farms around. Maybe he could steal vegetables and steal some seeds.

  [Happy Farm] The core gameplay and fun is not to grow your own crops, but to steal vegetables.

  [Happy Farm] who doesn’t steal food has no soul.

   Screen switching on the phone.

   Outside the farm is a rolling hills, surrounded by clouds and mist, it looks like a mountain range somewhere, Lin Beichen feels a bit familiar.

   On one of the mountains, there is a field in which various crops are planted. It looks lush and vigorous. It is well organized and fruit trees are full of branches.

   "Condensed farm?"

   Lin Beichen saw the name of this field.

   Condensation should be a personal name.

do not know.

   And this person is really arrogant. He didn't raise a dog outside the farmland to look after him. Isn't this waiting for someone to steal it?

   Lin Beichen didn't hesitate to enter the farm directly, tap the screen to start stealing vegetables.

   He didn't know almost every crop, but that didn't prevent him from stealing wildly.

   after a moment.

   With a full harvest, he reached the upper limit of the number of crops that can be stolen, and he quit [Condensed Farm] with a smile.

   "Ah, familiar feeling..."

   Lin Beichen was a little happy.

Although    is just a small social game, he still found the feeling of the earth, especially the operation of stealing vegetables. He relaxed his mind and delighted his body and mind. He couldn't help but laugh.

   Just when he was about to quit the [Happy Farm] APP, the voice of the smart voice assistant sounded: "May I withdraw the ‘crops’ you picked?"


   Lin Beichen was startled.

  I can still withdraw the stolen crops?

   Is this the function of the mobile phone after the magic change?

   After paying some traffic, Lin Beichen's cash withdrawal was successful.

   He looked at the dozens of different ‘fruits and vegetables’ that appeared in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

   These ‘fruits and vegetables’ look extraordinary. Although they are not as magical as [Yuhuaxianguo], they are definitely valuable treasures. They exude an intoxicating fragrance. They are very delicious at first sight and absolutely nourishing.


   Lin Beichen picked up a fruit that looked like an apple and took a bite. The sweet juice immediately filled the taste buds, leaving the fragrance of lips and teeth.

   A stream of pure energy, along with Lin Beichen's chewing and swallowing, directly dispersed into his limbs and skeletal bodies, and immediately followed the circle of [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] and turned into Yuan Yuan Chaos Qi.

   "Ah, the cultivation base has been enhanced."

   Lin Beichen was full of ecstasy.

   He looked at the dozens of "fruits and vegetables" in front of him, ate them frantically without hesitation, and ate them all in a blink of an eye.

  The pure energy surged in his body.

   Lin Beichen lay in front of the collapsed thatched hut, tapping his belly, and an idea came to mind: I seem to have found a new way to make a fortune?

at the same time.

   Flying Sword Sect Liuli Peak.

The first beauty elder of Feijianzong who was responsible for the cultivation and planting of herbs and spirit fruit of the sect condensed, suddenly lost his temper, collapsed the set, and uttered a sky-shaking roar and roar in the medicinal field: "Someday you kill the bastard. I stole the holy fruit and dragon heart melon that I worked so hard to cultivate? I'm going to kill him ah ah ah..."


The fourth is to ask for a monthly pass.

Good night everyone, the knife needs to adjust its work and rest.

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